2 x O2 XDA Exec for sale - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

one is a couple of months old and the other is about 1 week old, both have all O2 boxed items (CD's, pens, usb leads etc) and both are in pristine condition. Will trade or sell (am after an TyTn)
Dont know if i'm allowed to post this in the forum so sorry if i have done anything bad......

how much are you looking for for either or both m8 ..... have you sim unlocked them or still on o2 ??

there is no prob to unlock, look to www.buzzdev.net or wiki here. BTW I'm interested as well. PM me price plz

I don't think that O2 exec's are locked in the first place...

Ive put my Exec on ebay about 5 times now and every time it has been subject to attepted scammers!
if anyones interested i still have a boxed used xda exec, with 1gb sd and also the hemi rom with the VGA Hack, completely unlocked.
call me 07983411102 (the names james)

captainsensible2002 said:
I don't think that O2 exec's are locked in the first place...
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This is correct... O2 Exec's aren't locked.


o2 XDA II or Orange SPV M1000

New to all this so please be gentle.
Have decided to buy an Xda II (or similar) on a contract here in the UK. Can not decide between O2 and Orange, prices are similar although there appear to be some good web deals on Orange.
What do folk recommend? I have heard that Orange's M1000 can not be unlocked or the firm wear updated. Is this true? Are there any other differences? Do you get two batteries and other goodies with Orange?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
jjb said:
New to all this so please be gentle.
Have decided to buy an Xda II (or similar) on a contract here in the UK. Can not decide between O2 and Orange, prices are similar although there appear to be some good web deals on Orange.
What do folk recommend? I have heard that Orange's M1000 can not be unlocked or the firm wear updated. Is this true? Are there any other differences? Do you get two batteries and other goodies with Orange?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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I have an SPV-M1000 and unlocked it using the software found on this site, I have also upgraded the firmware from the orange website.
go with orange
you do get 2 batterys and a screen protector and 24 hour repacement if it is lost or dammaged or stolen for only £5 a month.
i am on my 3rd unit as the rom upgrade failed twice and they have swapped it no questions asked.
orange customer services is also free so any problems dont cost you a penny in calls unlike o2
go with orange mate!
SPV M2000 released today on Orange
I've just decided I can afford an SPV (£100 with a £30 contract). I knew there would likely be the new model out soon since the price has dropped so much. How much do you think you could get the new M2000 for with a new contract?
I've ordered my M1000 but have 2 weeks to return it if I don't want it
SPV M2000 released today on Orange???????
where have you seen this can u post a link???
Orange SPV M2000
delboydell said:
SPV M2000 released today on Orange???????
where have you seen this can u post a link???
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The SPV M2000 is due out in October/November 2004. The nice new feature is Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. I don't think I would rate the Qwerty keyboard that much unless you have really small child-like fingers. I perhaps to use the stylus for text entry. Then again if I had one I would probably think different!

O2 Xda Exec -- HELP!

I have been going through a few of the previous threads - and just wanted to make sure ...
I want to buy the o2 Xda Exec, but since I spend much of my time abroad - the issue of unlocking the SIM is CRITICAL for me.
O2 sales people are not knowledgable enough with regards to the issue - they weren't too sure wheter it was locked at all at first;
later I confirmed it was, through various sources (including other forums).
I recently read here on various threads, and speaking to some other people - that the Xda Exec might arrive unlocked -- BUT -- apparently this might be the case ONLY for UK SIMS (which doen't help me).
Another thread reads that o2 might be prepared to unlock the handset for £15 -- but I have yet to confirm that with o2 Cust. Services.
:arrow: Does anyone have a definite/confirmed answer in this regard???
:?: Another question altogether is whether I should just get the i-mate JasJar instead - the question is which one has better bundeled software or future support.
I appreciate any helpful response!!!
I can confirm that all o2 Exec's are already unlocked.
As soon as I got mine from O2 Purchased out right with no contract I tried Mu Daughters T-mobile and the wifes vodafone sims and all worked fine.
However these are UK not sure if overseas Sims will work.
ukmdb is right i bough mine with a contractfrom O2 and it works with my vodafone and orangesim card
sorry dont know about foriegn sims
Unfortunately not all XDA Execs appear unlocked.
Mine arrived and will not work with a UK Orange SIM.
Unfortunately not all XDA Execs appear unlocked.
Mine arrived and will not work with a UK Orange SIM.
I just brought one from eBoy.. and according to the seller, O2 DID unlocked it at 15 pounds extra when I asked him to call O2. Oh well, will find out in about a week to see if it's true

question abt the XDA Exec for O2 UK users...

hi guys i was thinking of getting a set under a 12month tariff, which right now online is 150quid. could someone confirm for me if the SIM is locked or unlocked under that plan (the online50, i think)? dont want to go back to singapore and find it cant work with my local SIM card...
thanks for the help
My XDA Exec works with the O2 and Vodafone 3G SIMs. PS look at my thread on how you could get the Exec for less than £300
I have a business O2 XDA Exec monthly contract and it is unlocked.
As far as I know the o2 Xda Exec's come unlocked.
My own Exec arrived unlocked and I have tried a foreign SIM with it.
Having said all that - there is no guarantee, and o2 staff don't know much about that.
In the worst case - just return the device to o2 within the first couple of weeks.
Hope this helps...
thanks a lot guys! now to go get one!!!


Some people here have been ripping people off, charging 40£ just for unlocking the spv 5000 when you can get the software your self for only 0.99£
Here, go ebay, and get the software and unlock HTC universal phones:
or jus search for "unlock exec" on ebay.co.uk
FAIR PRICING! BUSINESS WITH MORALS!! dont give in to rip offs!
The advert title mentions the M5000 but it's not actually in the list of compatible devices :?:
I beleive it works for all versions of Exec. But im not sure, that ebay auction is not mine. Message the seller to see if SPV M5000 is supported? In the list O2 XDA EXEC is there, so thats supported.
Umm yeah it works on the Exec because the Exec is ALREADY UNLOCKED.
If something is too good to be true, it most probably is not.
and if you read the full advert it says the following at the end:
"it is easy just connect your xda 2 2s 2i .. with ur pc run the file on it then follow the instructions and it will be opened."
No mention of universals..... :shock:
ks2k said:
I beleive it works for all versions of Exec. But im not sure, that ebay auction is not mine. Message the seller to see if SPV M5000 is supported? In the list O2 XDA EXEC is there, so thats supported.
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Jeez, you still banging on about this....
It doesnt work with SPV M5000 or any locked universal device...
Its the same program that you can download here to unlock the himalaya etc which doesnt work on universal...
It worked on JasJar and XDA Exec as they are ALREADY unlocked...
ks2k said:
FAIR PRICING! BUSINESS WITH MORALS!! dont give in to rip offs!
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Yeah, 'cos selling something that's on the 'net ( ON THIS SITE) for free is very moral....
the people selling the codes for the m5000 are at least doing some work.

Using hermes/tytn etc in uk with o2

I'm a newbie, have checked but can't see anyone has asked this specific question before:
I'd like an xda trion but I've been told by O2 it won't be coming to the uk.
So my question is, if I got hold of an unlocked HTC Hermes or one of it's equivalents and put in my o2 3g sim - could I use all of it's features?
i.e. would this be like using a Trion but without all the O2 software etc..
Also is there a recommended model to buy? - i.e. HTC or imate etc
Do you really need to stay with O2 ? Because the T-Mobile and other operator deals can give you a 12/18 month contract + Hermes for the same price as a device without contract.
kennyboy said:
I'm a newbie, have checked but can't see anyone has asked this specific question before:
I'd like an xda trion but I've been told by O2 it won't be coming to the uk.
So my question is, if I got hold of an unlocked HTC Hermes or one of it's equivalents and put in my o2 3g sim - could I use all of it's features?
i.e. would this be like using a Trion but without all the O2 software etc..
Also is there a recommended model to buy? - i.e. HTC or imate etc
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I bought an unlocked TyTN from mobilefun.co.uk aswell as a 1GB microSD (the UltraII one). Works a charm, no rpobelsm(LOL leaving that for irony) whatsoever (apart from ones ive made hehe). Its the HTC branded TyTN but ive flashed it with the imate JASJAM ROM and used the HTC ext rom to get the standard green content etc.... (having tried the updated unnofficial HTC rom, aswell as the dopod rom). 3G works a treat and im still on my O2 online contract (sim only.....1 month rolling contract...£25 line rental...1000 txts and 1000 off-peak minutes)
O2 is pretty good for me and im ok with not having the full speed internet and settling for (around) 1mbps on 3G.
kevino - I wish I could, my current contract doesn't finish until April though.... there's no way out is there?
mrvanx - thanks for the info that's great. Think I'll look for second hand though, it's expensive isn't it.
Also I'll have to look in to all this rom update stuff to get it all sorted.
Thanks guys - very helpful.
April is a long way off. I just moved to T-Mobile because of W'n'W. Depending on your usage it may be worth your while to just get a new contract anyway. You can, I believe, buy out your contract if you want to keep your number. Anyway I'm sure you'll know what's best for yourself.

