Help XDA Mini S *Unlocker Needed Please....... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi, i am new to this forum, i have buyed a XDA MINI S, i sould be recieving tomorrow, and its locked on O2. i use orange mainly.
Can anyone direct me to a software to unlock to all network.
YIM email me


thats a shame. o2s data tariffs are much better then orange's now!

Orange offer an 'equivalency' offer. So if you ring their Customer Service and tell 'em O2 are better, they'll match the O2 100 for example.

bgulum said:
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hi thanks for your help.
which version do i use?

If its an O2 mini s it is already network unlocked.....

mcwarre said:
If its an O2 mini s it is already network unlocked.....
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unlock it to Orange or t-mobile

Use v0.2a :?

Listen Peeps:
If it is a UK sourced O2 XDA Mini S there is NO NEED to unlock it; it is already network unlocked. Stop giving the guy false info!!!!!


UK release

Hi, Does anyone know when the Jam will be released on any of the UK networks?
Gul said:
Hi, Does anyone know when the Jam will be released on any of the UK networks?
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Which network do you want?
Vodafone and 02
Another site does T-Mobile uk are also selling O2 XDA 1 handsets sim free for £0.00!!
hey, if anyone actualy DOES put there credit card details in for that phone, let me know if you get ripped off or get the phone
Hehe i just posted my little find in the general section too as its a bit hidden here but yeah me and my mate have just placed an order, ill keep you posted!
Thanks for the links guys. Is the i-mate version better than the "branded" version from one of the networks? also does the jam have any major problems with things like bluetooth, or using sd wifi cards as I am planning on doing?
Gul said:
Hi, Does anyone know when the Jam will be released on any of the UK networks?
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I bought my JAM from Phones2uDirect on O2. They were great. Here's a link:

How To Unlock the O2 XDA Exec ?

Anyone knows how to unlock the O2 xda Exec? I had bought it from UK but I can't use my local sim card now. Many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just got it today, and i also want to know, is there any method to unlock it? ( actully i don't mind to pay for it, as long as it is not too expensive..)
i think below 30 pounds is acceptable..
Received mine in the post yesterday and it's not locked :?
I intend to use it with my Vodafone company SIM so it was a welcome relief.
which one is it?i mean o2, 3g or which?
Got mine from O2 shop online. Also have a colleague who got his there and it's not locked either.
Pretty good deal now....£140 and a £20pm 12 month contract.
running my o2 exec with an orange sim no problem
no unlocking required
just needed to change the internet id to orangeinternet
If your XDA is locked, I understand O2 charge an unlocking fee of £15. T Mobile (UK) charge the same amount to unlock and MDA Pro.
clarification -
As far as i gathered from this forum and other sources the o2 Xda Exec is unlocked to other :!: :!: UK :!: :!: mobiles.
This is not the case with non-UK SIMs.
Can someone using the device with a non-UK SIM add his comments on the matter :?:
just called o2 customer services to inquire about possibility of unlocking the xda Exec (at least to foreigh SIMs if not other UK SIMs which seem to be working fine) and was told that it wouldn't be possible for at least a YEAR :!: :!: :!:
one representative of o2 doesn't know of policies stated by another...
techDot said:
just called o2 customer services to inquire about possibility of unlocking the xda Exec (at least to foreigh SIMs if not other UK SIMs which seem to be working fine) and was told that it wouldn't be possible for at least a YEAR :!: :!: :!:
one representative of o2 doesn't know of policies stated by another...
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sounds bollocks to me.... it's more work to lock non-uk networks than uk networks.
Exec is not sim-locked, period.
Can anyone install a non-UK sim (if they have one handy) to see if the fact mentioned above is in fact true or not? I am thinking of importing an Exec to the US (well currently in the Middle East) and am just concerned about the Sim Lock. Thanks.
I am interested in the answer to this as I live in Switzerland and can only get the M5000 with German or French os I only understand English! It is currently worth my while to get an O2 Exec, plus yearly subscription, as it saves me a little money and I get it in English. I have a Swiss Orange subscripton sim and in addition a prepaid Swisscom sim. If I can help please let me know. I am happy to post out the prepaid to someone to try it. I will also be in London (Docklands) on the 4th November for a few days visiting my sons.
using on 3 network
i understand that this phone is tri-band and on umts network aswell. will it work on the 3 network? or has anyone tried it? thanks in advance
3 network
cancel above message, just read the next threads from my searches!!!
techDot said:
clarification -
As far as i gathered from this forum and other sources the o2 Xda Exec is unlocked to other :!: :!: UK :!: :!: mobiles.
This is not the case with non-UK SIMs.
Can someone using the device with a non-UK SIM add his comments on the matter :?:
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Just received mine from the UK, and it was unlocked. Works perfectly well on Dutch Vodafone, T-Mobile and KPN simcards and networks.
So basically you're telling us that the xda exec is clean of any kind of locks?
no simlock at all?
So basically you're telling us that the xda exec is clean of any kind of locks?
no simlock at all?
o2 xda execs arent locked
o2 xda execs arent locked
Dont bet on it.
Im not sure,
but if i noticed correctly - whoever bought it from O2 online shop recieved an unlocked version, and other recieved locked versions.
besides - it might have been just part of the phones who werent locked.
Wiz - please state where exactly did you buy your phone,
10x !
I can confirm this with 5 sim cards (yes I am a busy person)
Cyprus Sim (CYTAGSM)
UK Sims (Orange, T-mobile, O2, Voda)
So No worries
As far as i hear, the M5000 is locked and the are trying to figure out how to unlock it. Dont know about MDA Vario or other rebranded ones

question abt the XDA Exec for O2 UK users...

hi guys i was thinking of getting a set under a 12month tariff, which right now online is 150quid. could someone confirm for me if the SIM is locked or unlocked under that plan (the online50, i think)? dont want to go back to singapore and find it cant work with my local SIM card...
thanks for the help
My XDA Exec works with the O2 and Vodafone 3G SIMs. PS look at my thread on how you could get the Exec for less than £300
I have a business O2 XDA Exec monthly contract and it is unlocked.
As far as I know the o2 Xda Exec's come unlocked.
My own Exec arrived unlocked and I have tried a foreign SIM with it.
Having said all that - there is no guarantee, and o2 staff don't know much about that.
In the worst case - just return the device to o2 within the first couple of weeks.
Hope this helps...
thanks a lot guys! now to go get one!!!

how to unlock the O2 Exec?

I'm trying to get my friend from the UK to help me purchase the O2 Exec.
When he called them up to check, they told him that the device was locked.
Is there any way for me to unlock the device? He says the shop cant unlock it. Are there any unlockers here that I can use?
Or are all the Execs not locked and my friend got the wrong information?
Would appreciate all your help. Thanks in advance.
my o2 exec is not simlocked out of the box
steverae said:
my o2 exec is not simlocked out of the box
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when did you get yours? my friend's gettin it for me tomorrow and he's located in scotland. would that be a factor you reckon?
I got mine from O2 online yesterday and I'm currently using my Proximus (Belgium) SIM in it with no problems. Despite what O2 told you, I'm fairly sure that the O2 XDA Execs are not simlocked.
My xda exec from o2 uk is unlocked just tryed a t-mobile sim in it
thanks for all your input guys. hope what my friend got was false information.

Are O2 XDA Mini S' unlocked?

I am about to sell my O2 XDA Mini S and I was just wondering if they are unlocked out of the box (I know a lot of o2 phones are...)
If not, what is the procedure, and how much does it cost?
just search the site for the unlock program
here you go :
Awesome, thanks guys.

