8130 to router WiFi connection - Networking

I have a Tornado 8310 with WM6(Andot V6 ROM). I want to connect it to my Wireless Zyxel 661HW router. I need internet connection on my mobile phone to finish a project I work on for the university.
I am to connect to the router and I'm getting the correct IP from the DHCP but I get no Internet.
When I request a Page in IE I get "The Page cannot be found." message.
I was able to connect to the internet through the built in WiFi card of the Asus P5B mobo but I still cannot connect through the router.
Please help gyus..I need it badly.


Hoc Connections

Hi dear developers;
i don't have wirelless modem but i have laptop which has wirelless property i want to share my local internet with my pocket pc. i read some resource but i couldn't achieve it. I do this things... let me know what is wrong?
Create a private network(pcToPc) from wireless networks
i shared it and then i connect it from laptop and i got ip which start with 169... fake ip. so i give manuel ip. i set the default gateway to modem ip. then i can connect to net on laptop but i am not sure the wirelless of the laptop which i shared has internet but i can surf anyway
the pocket pc seems the my laptop's private network i am trying to connect it but it gave me the same fake ip so i give to pocket pc SDIO wirelles adapter manuel ip that's default gateway is same with my laptop (the adsl modem's ip)... so i can get connected but i couldn't use internet. when i am trying to test the intert for example www.google.com after writes locating on status bar then an error "The page cannot be found. Check the name and try again." even thoug i set myISP in network Management -- The Internet.
does anybody understand this connection type? If you share with us we will be very glad. Thank you so much ...

AT&T 8525 Internet Sharing to Wireless Router?

I am getting ready to head on vacation and I want to use my 8525 as my "Gateway" as there will be 5 of us with laptops and I want to share my 3G connection so here is what I did. I connect my 8525 to my Laptop via usb, I start internet sharing on the 8525 and in my laptop (vista) under network connections I see Local Area Connection 6, remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. I right click this connection and select Sharing, and enable internet connection sharing on it. Then what I did was took my router (linksys) and disabled dhcp, but enabled wireless and didnt set any wep or wpa. I connect from my laptop to a port on the router (not the internet port) and then goto another laptop to see if I have internet. I dont, I can see the ssid, I can connect but I do not have internet access. Should I use a crossover cable? What do I have to do so that all of us can have internet thru my phone? Oh, my laptop does have internet (from the usb connection on the phone). I tried to setup the router so that dhcp was enabled, but then I kept getting an ip conflict error, so we cant do that. Also I am not getting an ip on the wireless, it has an ip of like
Any ideas?
There a software which you can install on 8525 and turn it into a wifi internet sharing but I don't know if it capable of handing up to 5 laptops. You might be able to use this software and get a router with some custom firmware which allow bridging then set it up to have router access the internet from 8525 wifi and share it among the 5 laptops but I am not sure if you could bridging and do wifi AP on the same router if not then you'll probably need to have 2 router one to bridge from 8525 wifi and then connect cable to another router that will be an AP for the laptops.
That would be my best guess of doing this unless one of the laptop can do AP via wifi when 8525 is plugged into usb slot.

please hermes and wirless internet via adhoc

please help : i ve turned my laptop into hotspot via adhoc
the problem is icant browsing over my hermes although it can see my lap top
please help
First you need to confirm that your laptop has an internet connection available.
Second you need to share the connection , in the connection sharing dialog, you can select your wifi connection as the target of the sharing. After the sharing, your wifi network card will have ip address of , and when your hermes try to connect, hermes will get a ip like , so that it can connect to your laptop and get online.

PPPoE or gateway or anything that would get me to internet

Hi ppl!
I have problem with connecting to the internet with my i900. I'm pretty new to WM so I'm pretty confused about lacking of standard options that I'm used on XP...
But let me explain whats the problem:
I have adsl router and need to dial pppoe connection to get out to the net. My ISP has locked routers default capabilities, which had setting up pppoe connection in the router so every thing that connets to the router could have easy exit to the internet (yeah, stupid ISP...).
So I've searched for the pppoe on the WM and found on this forum (i cant post the link?) app that can make pppoe connection on wm. Problem is that it doesn't work on my phone and feedback on it is pretty low.
So I've came up with another solution which needs a gateway function on my WM: I can dial a pppoe connection on my PC, share it, and then use my PC as a gateway to the internet by setting my PC's IP as a gateway on my WM phone. My PC is connected to the router by wire and hasn't got wireless adapter on it. Only thing wireless is a router... and a phone
I have found gateway option: (settings->wifi->network adapters->SyChip Jaguar->Use specific IP adress
BUT it doesn't work. I cant connect to the internet!
because I'm new to all this, is there something I'm missing?
I can ping my phones IP from my PC and my PC's IP with vxUtil and I've disabled firewall on my PC. In opera I've tryed all of connection tipes but I get "network problem". Also, I've configured my wireless conenctios as "my work network" and checked box under "This network connects to the internet"
cracking a IPS's router isn't the option

[Q] VPN over wifi Internet doesn't work for some reason

I am able to connect to my home router's PPTP VPN server from my Android phone's PPTP client. I can even see my remote LAN devices; and, my remote LAN devices can see my mobile phone on the LAN.
The problem is when I connect my phone to wifi Internet.... BEFORE connecting to my PPTP VPN server... I can't see the remote LAN; and, the remote LAN can't see my phone. The only thing I can do successfully is get a new public IP (my home Internet public IP).
What can I do so that I am able to use my local wifi Internet connection to connect to my VPN at home?
It might be a route problem.
When you connect to WiFi, some static routes are pushed to your phone.
Those routes might not be refreshed or conserved after a VPN connection.
If it is not a route problem it's a default gateway problem.
Yes, that's what I suspected. I already tried adding routes; specifying the gateway via command-line; however, I didn't have any luck; probably because I didn't know exactly what I was doing.
One thing I noticed; when I use my wifi internet hotspot, I noticed that it gets a private WAN IP.. 10.x.x.x; which then NATs to a temporary real public IP; which no connections instigated from the outside world can make it So, even if I do port-fowarding on my wifi hotspot router, it doesnt help any since the incoming connections are stopped dead in their tracks.
I'm using PPTP VPN; which depends on a TCP port 1723. If that TCP connection is instigated from my remote VPN server into my mobile Internet wifi hotspot based LAN devices, it wouldn't work for the same reason explained above. I didn't see a PPTP VPN passthrough option for my wifi hotspot; only for IPSEC; which I dont have a server for. I'm guessing that if I had a real-world public WAN IP for my mobile Internet hotspot, maybe I wouldn't have this problem for PPTP.??
maaaaz said:
It might be a route problem.
When you connect to WiFi, some static routes are pushed to your phone.
Those routes might not be refreshed or conserved after a VPN connection.
If it is not a route problem it's a default gateway problem.
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First, are you talking about a free internet hotspot or from private internet hotspot (@work for example) ?
you'll never gonna get a public IP from your internet hotspot. 1-public-IP-for-1-client on a hotspot is just inconceivable, due to IPv4 exhaustion.
I think you only have to try to do port forwarding on your hotspot.
Your assumption "it doesnt help any since the incoming connections are stopped dead in their tracks" is wrong I guess. If your hotspot has a built-in firewall, it might be stateful. As you are initiating a connection to your server, the returned traffic flow shall be allowed.
If it doesn't work after port forwarding, try to look at firewall rules on your hotspot router.
Problem resolved.
My Verizon wireless hotspot (890L) doesn't support PPTP passthough. More specifically, PPTP's routing protocol: GRE (value 47). Verizon does offer another wireless hotspot that does offer support for PPTP; at least via a firmware update.
This issue actually pushed me to install and configure OpenVPN server on my router; instead of using the existing PPTP server which I already had. OpenVPN is fantastic is working through firewalls.
Great !
Yes, OpenVPN is a delight.
me too
I have the same problem,
but I usually change another ROM until there's no bugs
mkanet said:
I am able to connect to my home router's PPTP VPN server from my Android phone's PPTP client. I can even see my remote LAN devices; and, my remote LAN devices can see my mobile phone on the LAN.
The problem is when I connect my phone to wifi Internet.... BEFORE connecting to my PPTP VPN server... I can't see the remote LAN; and, the remote LAN can't see my phone. The only thing I can do successfully is get a new public IP (my home Internet public IP).
What can I do so that I am able to use my local wifi Internet connection to connect to my VPN at home?
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have you tried to configure the wi-fi gateway to match your vpn router?
settings / wireless & networks / wi-fi / long press your vpn connection / modify network / scroll to show advanced options / select static ip /scroll down to gateway and put the gate address in / save
I run a vpn through a 2 router setup, and even though my phone connects to the vpn router, its gateway by default is always the non-vpn router. changing the gateway to the vpn router allows the vpn to connect to the phone. you can verify the vpn connection by going to ip-score.
That why i can't see my phone using wifi in VPN network..
cant connect if theres no mobile data or load
Hi please help ..when i have load i see its connected..but if i have no load its not connecting please ..anyone can explain this?
mkanet said:
I am able to connect to my home router's PPTP VPN server from my Android phone's PPTP client. I can even see my remote LAN devices; and, my remote LAN devices can see my mobile phone on the LAN.
The problem is when I connect my phone to wifi Internet.... BEFORE connecting to my PPTP VPN server... I can't see the remote LAN; and, the remote LAN can't see my phone. The only thing I can do successfully gets a new public IP (my home Internet public IP).
What can I do so that I am able to use my local wifi Internet connection to connect to my VPN at home?
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before I was able to connect the VPN from work and home but now I can able to connect from work only,,, the same VPN not working at home.. on my same MOB device
Please help me to fix this issue

