Trinity doesn't vibrate anymore - P3600 General

My phone doesn't vibrate anymore.
I've had it for 4 months now, and it never really experienced any real severe injurie but for yesterday I droped it in my car. Though I am not really sure it wasn't broken before. Anyway, now I can get it to vibrate sometimes, once to 4 times max, but then nothing.
Has any of you ever experienced such a breakdown ?

Yes i have,
there are 2 tiny screws above the vibrator. Last month one screw came loose and felt into the vibrator of my phone. mabey thats your problem. Do u heare someting inside when you shake with your phone?

nope, not really.
and I am too scared to open the phone. better wait 'til next week when I come back home and go straight to reseller to use the warranty.
thanks for the answer though, I feel less alone.
actually I am experiencing many problems at the same time...
I never could connect through GPRS or any 3G stuff, but I assume my provider is in fault. And I just installed WM6 by Faman, and can't even connect to GSM now ! I am going to reflash to normal WM5.
Hope they just change me the phone without arguing (and why not give me a P3600i instead ? yes I know, I'm day dreaming...)


MDA Vario - Worst phone ever or just needs flashing??

Hi all,
After spending 2 days with my vario my dreams of a half-decent smartphone are shattered.
I've got a C500 which hasnt really caused me any problems in over a year, now 2 days after having a vario i'm almost pulling my hair out.. can this phone possibly have been released in such a bad state or is it just mine?
For starters it crashes, not now and then, but like it's a hobby of the vario's, i dont think i can leave it for an hour, come back and find it hasn't hung in some form.
Sometimes i have to do a soft reset, sometimes, i can press the power button, get the screen to light up but can't do anything. Sometimes I get icons but when I click them i'm told the shortcut doesnt exist.
Ooh another thing it seems to like doing is randomly going into flight mode, and one really good crash was when i called it and the source phone could hear the ringing but the vario was just sitting there doing nothing.
So is it just mine or is this the most unstable phone the UK has ever seen? Is it worth me asking for a replacement, or just flashing the k-jam/qtek rom over the t-mobile one? Is there a way to backup my t-mobile rom and flash it back should i find the qtek/kjam rom does the same?
I've tried hard-resetting then cancelling all the t-mobile gubbins that loads from extended rom, but that didnt make any diference.
Any advice gratefully appreciated
Personally, I'd say get T-Mobile to replace it! Unless you've installed a buggy piece of 3rd party software (but if you did, you wouldn't on here complaining about the phone you'd be complaining about the software, right?).
I also have an MDA Vario. I haven't touched the Extended_ROM (was going to, had a look and decided it was running fine so don't mess with it).
It's solid as a rock. As per a thread on howardforums asking how many times per day have I soft-resetted the phone and my answer was an average of zero.
I hard reset it on the day I bought it (after installing GPRS Monitor which knackers the backlight turning back on after sleep) and took the battery out after T-Mobile decided to disconnect me from their network (at their support line's request).
Anyway, it's on 24/7, never needs a reset of any kind, gets mobile emails via ActiveSync and is generally a wonderful piece of kit!
List what apps you've installed (even if they're T-Mobile supplied ones from CD) since buying the phone as there may be something buggy there. If not, definitely get T-mobile to replace it as it's certainly not a crap model (mine is absolutely fantastic).
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
Yeah, then you've definitely got a knackered phone. They should replace it (how long have you had it) without problems.
Hope you enjoy the replacement, they really are a great bit of kit
Well just had my first ever dealings with tmobile supoprt and it's as bad as the phone
They say because my contract/phone is only 3 days old i need to go back to the people i bought the phone off to get a replacement, problem is they'l want me to send the whole boxed thing uip and all the box etc is at home since i work away during the week
That's got to be faulty, like others have said.
WHen I bought mine, (T-Mobile shop in Leeds), I was told that if it was faulty within the first 28 days, there'd be a straight replacement issued immediately.
Don't accept anything less.
For what it's worth, I always try to be exceptionally pleasant when returning things rather than going in "all guns blazing"; it gets results a lot more often than the "I know my rights" approach. Of course, when it all comes down to it, the "i know my rights" approach might be necessary, but hopefully it shouldn't be.
The phone is superb, so stick with it even tho it is a bit of hassle for you.
good luck!
hi there no problems with my vario either. seems to work fine. no soft/ hard resets needed so far. have had it for 10 days. only thing is after the xteended rom instals there is a file called canned text in words which opens up in a crazy language. does not go on hard resets. but does not cause a problem either. any ideas on what this file is. have othar vario users noticed this file. please help.
_Belial said:
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
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may not be relevant to your problem, but if skype is installed on yours from the hard reset install, it may be worth removing, on the k-jam as soon as i removed skype, reseting stopped happening

Reception problems with TyTN

Hi there,
I got a Tytn since about 2 months now. I never used the image that it came with but since i tried about 3 or 4 different images and at least 5 different radio versions, I am seeing the device acting really strange. The symptoms I see are:
- device locks up while in sleep mode and sms / calls are not being anounced / logged
- devices loses reception really often, switches to gprs when it had 3g reception 1 sec ago, doesnt want to do calls on the first try(sometimes I need 4 tries)
Sometimes I can solve the problem by setting the device to flight mode and then back to nonflight mode.
Im not sure if it is a hardware problem with my device. When I got it I was barely able to get the stylo in the device or out. Since a few weeks, after some thin foil coming out of the stylus sloy, the stylus goes in fairly easy. Im not sure if that messed up something with my hardware, for example some antenna connection or sth like that.
Do you got any ideas what I could try to fix the problem? Or would sending in the TyTN be the best way to solve that problem?
Thanks for your help,
derpassi said:
Hi there,
I got a Tytn since about 2 months now. I never used the image that it came with but since i tried about 3 or 4 different images and at least 5 different radio versions, I am seeing the device acting really strange. The symptoms I see are:
- device locks up while in sleep mode and sms / calls are not being anounced / logged
- devices loses reception really often, switches to gprs when it had 3g reception 1 sec ago, doesnt want to do calls on the first try(sometimes I need 4 tries)
Sometimes I can solve the problem by setting the device to flight mode and then back to nonflight mode.
Im not sure if it is a hardware problem with my device. When I got it I was barely able to get the stylo in the device or out. Since a few weeks, after some thin foil coming out of the stylus sloy, the stylus goes in fairly easy. Im not sure if that messed up something with my hardware, for example some antenna connection or sth like that.
Do you got any ideas what I could try to fix the problem? Or would sending in the TyTN be the best way to solve that problem?
Thanks for your help,
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The problems you outline have all been dealt with in various places in this forum. Use the google sticky post to search.
Some of the more practical issues - stylus, hanging/freezing are dealt with here but also at my mini hermes site:
However I might be tempted to go for an exchange given the range of issues you have and what may be damage to the radio. (I am not convinced there is damage - the dropping calls issue has a work around - that allows you to choose a set band.)
Depending on where you got the phone may determine whether you need to return it to OEM ROM before returning (if that's what you choose to do)
I guess I will just go for a return of the phone. I still got a Nokia e61 lying around here. Does anyone of you have any experience with the htc support? I boght the phone at an o2 shop in germany. I guess they will go for a sendin to the manufacturer.
I just returned my tytn to the shop today. Too many problems with this device. Could anyone of you tell me if that is usual problems or if the tytn runs fine if it is not being touched?
If it does I will get a tytn again, if not I guess i will go for a blackberry or a palm treo, or just stick to my old phone (nokia e61)
Any ideas?
mine works fine... havent experienced the sleep of death or anything of the sort.. some people seem to have it more with certain roms than other people.. but mine over all is working good...
update your ROM
To resolve your problem , you need update the ROM to version Black Diamon, 01-04-2007, radio version

TyTN problems - WM6 to blame?

Hello everyone,
Lately I'm having a lot of issues with my HTC TyTN while in the past I didn't have any. I believe they all started when I upgraded to WM6, but the thing is I don't want to downgrade. However, what makes me think twice about it is the fact that I dropped it down few weeks back and there's a major scratch down at the bottom of the screen where touch screen there doesn't work and when you press there it goes a bit to the left or right accordingly...! The screen needs calibration like all the time because it's not accurate.
Moreover, sometimes the hardware keyboard doesn't work and I need to make my phone sleep and then wake it up again and it would work. Last night I also got a key locked.. and it wouldn't work until I made my phone sleep and then work again.
Additionally, if my phone is locked, and I receive a phone call, and while talking to the phone I receive a message, when the phone call ends the phone is like crashed and I need to make it sleep and wake up so that it works well again.
Anyone who can give me any kind of suggestions or advices on how to solve or decrease the problems please?
Thank you.
None of those problems are WM6 problems.
You said you dropped your phone so i think its a hardware fault? Coz for me WM6 save's my HTC 8525 from bricked and now works fine.
You think? I think the screen alignment problems might be due to dropping the device on the ground once but I doubt the rest are. I believe they are driver bugs from WM6.
Do you think I should take it to get fixed? Would my warranty cover that?
Anymore have an opinion on the matter, please reply. Thanks.
Moreover, sometimes the hardware keyboard doesn't work and I need to make my phone sleep and then wake it up again and it would work.
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I had the same, when I used WM 5.0 (it happens on three diffrent devices - all of them comes from T-Mobile UK) - after upgrade WM 6.0 (Schaps) it's still happens, but very rarely.
Drivers might be part of the problem, but I think dropping it has played a big part.
If it was me I'd downgrade to the original setup (follow MrVanx's guide) and try that. If the problems persist they are hardware related, but you are in a position to try for warranty because of original set-up. If the problems go away, upgrade again and try to isolate which bit of software caused the problems.
But the reality is that if you've dropped your phone hard enough to scratch the screen that's probably the root of the problem which is probably not covered under warranty anyway...
Well it wasn't that hard hit on the ground, it's the fact that there was a tiny rock on the ground and that's where the screen hit...!
I have the same problem. Dropped it for about six months ago. The problems started just a couple of weeks ago. Strange. I'm gonna try the waranty. Even if I have a few scratches. Also my speaker doesn't work anymore.
Any more suggestions/ideas?
My first response is the definitive response.
If you are still concerned that WM6 is the problem, then go back to WM5.

Would this X1a be covered under warranty?

Hi All,
I've had a bad "tech" day today Walked into work, put my laptop down and dropped my X1a . I'm 6'4" so its a pretty long way to drop even if its on to carpet. Sure enough, turned my phone on and the LCD wont turn on anymore although I hear the expected sounds etc
It is under warranty since it was bought at a Sony Style store out here in Massachusettes but the issue is that I had a custom ROM on it and without the screen turning on, I wont be able to replace it with the stock SPL, Radio, FW etc etc..
So my question is, do I even bother sending this thing in or do I spend the coming weekend disassembling this thing in the vague hope that I can fix it.
Anyone got some wisdom to offer on this?
Thanks much!
well u dont need the screen to be on to flash it , and hardspl i dont think they will check it for a physical damage fix
dl a stock rom and flash it with sd methood
Thanks... I guess I'll have to call in and see what the repair process is like.. Any idea on the average round trip time from me sending it in to getting it back repaired?
It took me 3 weeks to get mine back
I can relate to that, I'm 6/4 myself and havnt had one phone I havnt yet dropped, except my Xperia, but my girlfriend fixed that one when taking it off me while I was getting my new born nephew out of the car, so I hadnt o choice but to let the phone hit the floor when she dropped it. Couple of nasty scratches on the front casing and a really annoying one on the screen but I will have to live with it, I can neither take it out on her or the fact i had the littlun in my arms.
Anyway, to flash the SPL is probably the most difficult, but still simple, it just needs to be in USB mode (VOL-+POWER) from off and do the rest from PC. As for radio/ROM, use the SD method, requires only 1 button press which is the power button I think to confirm and then you're good to go.
It may end up stuck at connection setup or something, but they wont care, and if they do you just say you had sensitive data on there and had to hard reset before service.
As for timing I don't know, I'm yet to take mine in over the keyboard problem because I can't do without the phone a the moment.
I had same problem with screen, and they didnt take it under warranty because dropped me and flat cable gone. Took it to SE service, 40$ and two days work...
Does the service center check the SPL? I sent it twice w/0 changing to stock spl with no problems.
send it... dont tell them you dropped it unless you can tell that it was dropped. you got nothing to lose except a bill telling you what it would cost to fix it.
Mate, there is an other help to your case.
There is program for PC called "Jeyo Mobile Companion 2.1".
Download a trial (works for 30 days I think) and you will be able
to see what would be on the phone screen on your computer.
I used that to backup all my mails when my screen was broken.
You just have to have that program, connect your phone via USB
and you will be able to see the screen on your computer.
If you don't really get me, or you have further questions -just ask!
probably u could fake them by telling them it didnt work since this morning... blah blah blah
junkai21 said:
probably u could fake them by telling them it didnt work since this morning... blah blah blah
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It rarely pays to lie to the person taking your phone apart; they can almost always tell you're lying. Not telling, however; that's not the same as lying ;D

HTC Sense in HD2

I have recently purchased my HD2 and its been a couple of months now since I'm utilizing it. Barely exploring my phone features, it hangs 20 times in view of the following encountered predicaments :-
1) Receiving 2 simultaneous SMS
2) Receiving an MMS
3) Pressing on any of the keys on the phone whenever receiving an SMS
Well, the list goes on and on. So, in resolving this issue, SIS (Malaysia) had agreed to change a new phone for me. And so they did. Tested it on the spot and everything was working fine, but just after a few days later, the problem reoccur itself again. This time, the entire phone hangs up. No keys can be activated, neither the phone can be turned on.
Firstly, its a brand new phone, so this kinda problem should not arise. Secondly, its no doubt troublesome to flip the back cover and press the tiny red button to perform a soft reset. Why in the darn first place the soft reset button isn't placed outside ? (just liky my old TYTN II)
So I have read a couple of forums with regards to this matter and came upon two conclusions in the end. One, the Manila.exe is the main culprit towards the hanging of the device and two, the HTC Sense application program has a flaw in between. Well, there's a temporary workaround though (that is if you do not want to flip the back cover over and over again), which is to leave the phone idle for 48 hours, let the battery drain itself off and then recharge back the phone again.
48 hours is a long time to wait though, and as a professional worker in my line of work, I really do not have that much of an ample time to linger around waiting for it to run out of juice. I'm totally very much dissapointed with the purchasement of the HTC HD2 as not only the technicians at the SIS (Malaysia) could not get to reproduce my predicaments, they cant even get to solve the hanging issue which I'd reckon, that's what I've been spending most of my time on my new phone (rather than to explore what is has to offer)
Is there a work around to the HTC Sense / Manila.exe problem ? Other suggestions would be to turn off the HTC Sense, but you know what ? Turning off the HTC Sense will be something like buying an Aston and driving it at 40kpmh all the way till the south of France !!! The phone's interface will be dull, and not to mentioned, it will be more a less pictured like my old TYTN II
I do not really have such problems for the HTC TYTN II though, not even one hang moment. Please XDA developers / experts, I'm indeed begging for a solution in resolving this reoccuring problem that somehow not only it will tarnish the brand HTC, it will also loose faith of the end consumers in the market.
why don't you ask SIS to change the phone again?
Just want to say one thing ... "Stock ROM's Suck" , hate to be that blunt but the stock ROMs they put on this beautiful hardware just seem to be time bombs, waiting to explode when you get them home ...
Should flash that sucker!!
To dan138zig
Well, that was my last resort to them, in order to solve it once and for all. I've been travelling to SIS to and fro for 4 times and yet the problem is still left unresolved. They've even tested it in their environment and it works fine (for the 1st two visits). But somehow, they manage to simulate the issue and they replaced the chipboard.
Now, replacing the chipboard was to the previous original phone, though even after the replacement, it still didnt solve the problem. So ding dong here and there, and after several "consultations" with their higher level managment, they agreed to change a new phone for me, off the hook (not undergoing formal procedures, whereby I'll have to wait for another two weeks)
So, getting a brand new phone I'd reckon my miseries will be resolved, but then the hanging problem reoccur itself today again. It seems that the HTC Sense is the main culprit though, after reading a few forums off the Net. And for a "premanent" solution (that is if HTC does not come out with any ROM / fixes / enchancements), I've gotta turn off the HTC Sense feature.
Well, buying a phone that cost 2K plus had already put a large damage in my wallet, now having to face this consequences after the purchasement is a real icing on the cake. What do you think ? If you're in my shoes, what would you do ?
To watcher64
I totally couldnt agree with you more. In my view, they should just have throw the Win OS away and put in the Andriod version of it. Its always windows version mobile phones that are giving the most headache to me when it comes to utilizing it.
Have you tried getting a new SIM? Sounds like the problem only happens when its talking to the network, and as you've had 2 handsets, i'd give a SIM change a go.
On the plus side........... at least you get 48hrs battery life.......
Not much use though if your phone doesnt work I suppose.....
rp-x1 said:
Have you tried getting a new SIM? Sounds like the problem only happens when its talking to the network, and as you've had 2 handsets, i'd give a SIM change a go.
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Well, my SIM's working perfectly fine though, it does not give me any form of problem with my old TYTN II neither with other HTC devices I've checked with a few friends of mine. I do really suspect its the Sense that's the real culprit in the hanging of the device. Just really hope that they clear up this predicament with a new release of the ROM
conantroutman said:
On the plus side........... at least you get 48hrs battery life.......
Not much use though if your phone doesnt work I suppose.....
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haha, forty eight hours of baterry life ? well, I wouldn't bet on it. Have tried using it extensively and even before it reaches sunset, the battery is out. And guess what ? It's a brand new battery.
The phone's terrific, but sadly, the battery isnt. Its just like you are viewing a beautiful girl from bottom up till the next and the next thing you know it, viewing her face just makes you wanna vomit over and over again
So that's how I could sum up the HD2 as a whole. Most comparison commentators out there did place the HD2 side by side with the IPhone 3Gs. Both eventually also will end up running out of juice in 48 hours when you're performing your day to day call basis
webjunky said:
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The HTC Support and Releases still does not solve the problem, mate. Its something that HTC R&D as well as the QA team needs to sit down and extensively test the entire device from bottoms up till all forms of problem is resolved thereafter.
steven.hum said:
To watcher64
I totally couldnt agree with you more. In my view, they should just have throw the Win OS away and put in the Andriod version of it. Its always windows version mobile phones that are giving the most headache to me when it comes to utilizing it.
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hmm, well you did not get what I meant, but that is ok .. I meant the version of the roms suck .. I like WinMo, personally I think Android with is BigBrother Back door is just as bad as the Iphone ...

