XDA MINI S wi-fi connection problem - Networking

I am new to pdas and this site, so sorry for asking what is probably a recurring question.
I have a second hand xda mini s / wizard.
I can connect to my wireless router, but the connection keeps dropping on and off. It only stays connected for about 20 seconds at a time, and I have only managed to receive emails on 2 occasions. I can never send emails from it. I have received emails from my hotmail account and my pop3 account - at least I know the settings are right for those if I managed to receive them once (?).
Can anyone start me off with this?
Thanks in advance.

I would start by seeing if there is a firmware upgrade for your router. Check out the manufacturers website and go to Support/Downloads.
If that doesn't cure it, I would look at upgrading my radio rom which I'm sure if you look through the wizard section you will find out how to do it.

Thanks...I'll look
Radio rom.....? Hmmm. Ok, thanks for the first pointer....I'll have a search.
My router is a BT HomeHub. I don't know if they are any good. My laptop connects perfectly to it wirelessly and wired.


Activesync schedule and standby

Hi everyone,
first of all i want to thank you all for the excellent work... this forum is really a gold mine...
Anyway, my problem is:
I set Activesync (the one in the phone) to syncronise once every hour with my company's Exchange server between 9:00 and 17:00. As my company entire building is fully covered by WiFi, I was expecting activesync would use WiFi to syncronise, and connected to GPRS when that is not available...
Insted, with my great surprise, Activesync uses always GPRS !
I think that when AS turns the devices on, it finds no connected interfaces - WiFi need at least 5 seconds to connect - so it connects to GPRS!
The only solution I found is to schedule an appointment with an alarm to the device is on (and connected) when AS syncronises, but this leave some ugly "scars" on my calendar...
Anyone knows a solution for this problem?
If I understand You correct You use the Universal for syncing. This means You use ASync 4.0 or 4.1. I recall that Microsoft changed (for security reasons) the way to synchronize with ASync. Bluetooth is still available, but WiFi is NOT available anymore.
Not a nice information, but should "solve" your problem. No sorry, that's not solve, but "answer".
Currntly WM5 prevent you to sync with your computer through WiFi, but syncing with Exchange server is working - if I start Activesync manually it syncs using WiFi. If I am too fast (and manage to click sync before the WiFi is connected), it syncs through GPRS.
OK, sorry for that.
I am the one here now receiving information, where I wanted to answer You. Thanks very much for that information, but sorry I cannot be of any help.
I tried to contact with our ExchangeServer. It works through USB whilst connected to my office-PC, but does not work through WiFi, GPRS or even while being connected through USB to my home-PC. I am quite sure it has to do with our Exchangeserver not being configured correctly so I stopped bothering (more important things to do
As I have NO sync with the exchange working through GPRS I am not even getting as far as You are, not even noticing the problem You mention.
Hope somebody else will be of more help.
If you are not able to connect from the WiFi network and from home, this means that your system administrator does not trust internet and wireless, so he let you only connect through the office wired network...
I have not tested that, but I believe that Exchange uses an SSL connection, which should be safe even if you are connected through an unencrypted channel...
Normal AS connections (USB for example) are not encrypted, and MS, in its infinite wisdom, think that the user is too stupid to setup a wireless network properly (to be honest, i am still not able to connect with the Universal to my WPA home network)
My/our system administrator is willing to let me in, but simply does not know the exchange server software well enough to understand where he is making a mistake. He offered me to try as he was sure that he prepared the system correctly, the result was a no-go.
When we both get some spare time (which hardly happenes) we will try out some more. As with the internal firewall, spending enough time looking through the microsoft information will finally solve the problem, it's just that lack of time.
Pity that nobody else jumped on this thread yet to help You,

easy question

if i can get my XDA2i to sync with my wirless router at home, will it cost me anything? or will it all go on what i have alread payed for broadband,
i guess what i'm asking is, is this phone basically another device i can surf on in my home via my router like my mac or pc, or is it a seperate device that cost money to use?
Thanks, any help much appreciated
Short answer - it will be treated as any other wireless device that you connect to your wireless network.
Longer answer - You are not connecting to GPRS, so you are not going to be chgarged for that, and as you are going through a router, your ISP will have no idea what you are connecting behind the router, and they would not charge you anything extra anyway.
fantastic, thank you very much, just one more question if anyone can answer it,
could there an obvious reason msn isn't working on my XDA2i, i have got the WLAN connection working fine, but when i try to connect to msn it say something like, network busy please retry or try again later"
my details, name password etc, are correct so i do not understand why this function is not working, unless their has been a ppc msn update in the past 5 months?
Thanks again guys, you have been very helpfull so far
There is an MSN update on PPC2003
thanks again mate
np m8

Turning GPRS off after sync with Exchange server

Hi There,
I just upgraded my O2 mini s to ROM and signed up for the direct push email service from 4smartphone.net. It works great but the GPRS doesn't disconnect after the sync. Could someone let me know how I can do this.
AFAIK it is not supposed to disconnect. It need to be connected permanantly for push to work. It will only disconnect if you use scheduling and during those times it is not supposed to send/receive mail it will be disconnected.
Hi dalewinterstein,
Thanks for your reply. I think my unit still stays connected even after scheduled connection (I set for every 2 hrs and noticed it was still connected after downloading mail). I am away travelling now but will test more when I get home.

It's going out the window!

OK people, I know this site is supposed to be really great, but I have some simple problems, and I can't find the answers by browsing and searching this site. Hell, I can't even identify which phone I'm using....
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called? A kangaroo or something I guess. anyway - I'm about to see if it'll survive being launched high into the air, that's for sure.
I have a home network, a windows small business server running exchange 2003, an ADSL router/firewall and some PC's.
ALL (!?) I want this damn thing to do is surf the network, and the internet whilst at home using a wireless connection. Then whilst it's out and about - to VPN back to home so I can do the same.
However, the set up of this thing is a right nightmare to understand, "My ISP", "My network", "Work", I can't seem to make logical sense of how this thing operates in a networking environment, and I do understand networks pretty well, so this is VERY vexing, hence why this is flying out the window soon.
Anybody feel they can spare some explanations as to how this thing is structured? If I click on anymore settings I might just go mad gibber dribble.
Paulsco - welcome to the board!
Not to sound like a father, but seriously, go and have a game of Call of Duty or something. That's what I do when I'm stressed. It's not worth throwing the thing out of the window. And if you are in a mood to get rid of it, throw it in my direction. I need a Mini S for development!
Ok, what have you done so far?
Have you got it browsing the net through ActiveSync yet?
Ensure that you can sync, then go to ActiveSync, File Menu, Options, and choose "This computer is connected to " The internet.
Then, ensure that your PDA is set to reflect this as well, the internet.
Then hopefully the two should permit you to browse the net through your ActiveSync connection. Try Internet Explorer on the PDA.
If and when you're doing that, then you can progress to wifi and VPN etc.
For wifi, I've always found this useful:
Paulsco said:
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's easy - it's the HTC Wizard.
HTC is the comapny that actually makes it and Wizard is HTC's name for it.
Thanks for the response!
That's for the advice - I think I have worn out all the games...
OK - so here is the sit. Make some tea and take a deep breath!
I've got my "wizard" to to most things, it'll sync with Exchange over wifi OR it will sync with a PC via bluetooth, but it won't do both. that's not a real issue though.
Also I can surf the internet via wifi, and I can do this via GPRS, but here is what I need to sort out:
I have two connections listed under settings>connections>connections
The first is the O2 GRPS My ISP connection, and the second is the "My work network" connection. I have defined a VPN to connect back to my firewall in this last connection, but I had to delete the O2 Active default connection in this connection because it kept dialing grps instead of using wifi.
In connections>advanced>network management I have both boxes set to "My work network". this prevents any GPRS calls, until I change the setting. Great, I'd rather not have to have done this, but it does seem to work...
Only thing is, when I am out I tried to connect back to the exchange box and I got from activesync "Your exchange account does not allow syncing, blah blah" which it obviously does because it works from the local network. I have opened all the activesync ports on the firewall.
I hoped to be able to connect the VPN, but this seemed to be impossible with my current config.
I need to be able to configure this so that I can browse my wifi network both locally and remotely. I have managed to get the VPN to connect, but I have no idea why this works sometimes and not others - when you click on connect, you get a beep...and nothing else, no error messages or anything.
So I want to get exchange mail whilst wifi'd: OK that worked this AM because I told everything to use "My work network" that has no GPRS connection defined, but when I wnet out I hthen changed the setting so that it dialed the O2 GPRS connection for Internet, then I got internet, but no VPN connection. then when I returned to the office, I had to soft boot because no matter what I dod, activesync gave me "cannot connect with current settings" - A soft boot cured that, but it's not a real great solution every time you return to the office.
Any help you can give me would be gratefully received! I'll happily bung cash to people for a solution!!!
thanks and regards,

Need help with internet connection issue on Artemis

For the past couple of weeks, I've been having issues keeping an internet connection. To describe, I have push email set up so I'm always connected. I seem to get emails fine and I always have an "e" above my signal strength to show that I'm connected. But When I actually want to go to a website, it will connect but after I click on a few links, the next link will just hang. I'm using Opera mini, and after a few pages I get the network test page. Sometimes it will come back and say "you have a working network", and other times it just won't start again.
I was thinking it was just my service (T-Mobile USA) because I use a proxy configuration that's not really ment for full internet access. But I noticed that I was having the same issue when connected to wifi networks. Then I tried PIE and I had similar issues connecting with it as well.
I did just replace my housing. That's the only major change I can think of. I hope this isn't a hardware issue. Anyway, emails still come through but surfing forums has been pretty much shut down. Anyone have any idea of what it could be?
BTW, I've been using the same ROM for over 7 months (O2 Premium Plus) and never had this issue before. No new programs installed since problem either.

