Turning GPRS off after sync with Exchange server - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi There,
I just upgraded my O2 mini s to ROM and signed up for the direct push email service from 4smartphone.net. It works great but the GPRS doesn't disconnect after the sync. Could someone let me know how I can do this.

AFAIK it is not supposed to disconnect. It need to be connected permanantly for push to work. It will only disconnect if you use scheduling and during those times it is not supposed to send/receive mail it will be disconnected.

Hi dalewinterstein,
Thanks for your reply. I think my unit still stays connected even after scheduled connection (I set for every 2 hrs and noticed it was still connected after downloading mail). I am away travelling now but will test more when I get home.


Activesync schedule and standby

Hi everyone,
first of all i want to thank you all for the excellent work... this forum is really a gold mine...
Anyway, my problem is:
I set Activesync (the one in the phone) to syncronise once every hour with my company's Exchange server between 9:00 and 17:00. As my company entire building is fully covered by WiFi, I was expecting activesync would use WiFi to syncronise, and connected to GPRS when that is not available...
Insted, with my great surprise, Activesync uses always GPRS !
I think that when AS turns the devices on, it finds no connected interfaces - WiFi need at least 5 seconds to connect - so it connects to GPRS!
The only solution I found is to schedule an appointment with an alarm to the device is on (and connected) when AS syncronises, but this leave some ugly "scars" on my calendar...
Anyone knows a solution for this problem?
If I understand You correct You use the Universal for syncing. This means You use ASync 4.0 or 4.1. I recall that Microsoft changed (for security reasons) the way to synchronize with ASync. Bluetooth is still available, but WiFi is NOT available anymore.
Not a nice information, but should "solve" your problem. No sorry, that's not solve, but "answer".
Currntly WM5 prevent you to sync with your computer through WiFi, but syncing with Exchange server is working - if I start Activesync manually it syncs using WiFi. If I am too fast (and manage to click sync before the WiFi is connected), it syncs through GPRS.
OK, sorry for that.
I am the one here now receiving information, where I wanted to answer You. Thanks very much for that information, but sorry I cannot be of any help.
I tried to contact with our ExchangeServer. It works through USB whilst connected to my office-PC, but does not work through WiFi, GPRS or even while being connected through USB to my home-PC. I am quite sure it has to do with our Exchangeserver not being configured correctly so I stopped bothering (more important things to do
As I have NO sync with the exchange working through GPRS I am not even getting as far as You are, not even noticing the problem You mention.
Hope somebody else will be of more help.
If you are not able to connect from the WiFi network and from home, this means that your system administrator does not trust internet and wireless, so he let you only connect through the office wired network...
I have not tested that, but I believe that Exchange uses an SSL connection, which should be safe even if you are connected through an unencrypted channel...
Normal AS connections (USB for example) are not encrypted, and MS, in its infinite wisdom, think that the user is too stupid to setup a wireless network properly (to be honest, i am still not able to connect with the Universal to my WPA home network)
My/our system administrator is willing to let me in, but simply does not know the exchange server software well enough to understand where he is making a mistake. He offered me to try as he was sure that he prepared the system correctly, the result was a no-go.
When we both get some spare time (which hardly happenes) we will try out some more. As with the internal firewall, spending enough time looking through the microsoft information will finally solve the problem, it's just that lack of time.
Pity that nobody else jumped on this thread yet to help You,

Help - GPRS Autodisconnect?

Hi All,
Hopefully someone may help with my query.
I have the HTC Wizard running on O2 UK latest ROM, the cell is unlocked and running another providers card.
The email is configured to check for new POP3 messages every 60mins when I am away from the PC.
The problem is that when it connects the GPRS and checks for messages the GPRS stays connected.
Other cell phones I have used will connect and autodisconnect after checking.
Maybe the GPRS is connected but not sending/receiving data during the idle period?
Can anybody shed some light on this?
Cheers all.
True- This also happens after you send/receive an MMS!
Any way to auto disconnect would be good.
After more research I find it doesn't matter if the GPRS is active, as long as it is not sending or receiving data no charges will apply.
Still worrying though and will need to check bill!
thats is a big problem, the baterry life go away....
there no 3ยบ program to do this? no one knows?
disconnect script
Maybe something like this ,modify the script to check and disconnect the GPRS say 5mins after checking your email.
after the send/receive of mail or mms, if you hold the end call button the GPRS will disconnect.

XDA MINI S wi-fi connection problem

I am new to pdas and this site, so sorry for asking what is probably a recurring question.
I have a second hand xda mini s / wizard.
I can connect to my wireless router, but the connection keeps dropping on and off. It only stays connected for about 20 seconds at a time, and I have only managed to receive emails on 2 occasions. I can never send emails from it. I have received emails from my hotmail account and my pop3 account - at least I know the settings are right for those if I managed to receive them once (?).
Can anyone start me off with this?
Thanks in advance.
I would start by seeing if there is a firmware upgrade for your router. Check out the manufacturers website and go to Support/Downloads.
If that doesn't cure it, I would look at upgrading my radio rom which I'm sure if you look through the wizard section you will find out how to do it.
Thanks...I'll look
Radio rom.....? Hmmm. Ok, thanks for the first pointer....I'll have a search.
My router is a BT HomeHub. I don't know if they are any good. My laptop connects perfectly to it wirelessly and wired.

Scheduled E-mail Sync through Wifi - problem with standby?

Hi all,
I want to be able to sync my e-mails with an Exchange server and I want to do this through Wifi where possible to avoid using GPRS.
I had hoped to use push e-mail through Wifi but it seems that's not possible.
The next best thing therefore is to set up a schedule to get Activesync to do a sync every 15 mins.
I'm finding that even this isn't working as it should. I do get e-mails but it's definitely not syncing every 15 minutes and instead it only seems to sync when the phone is active for a decent length of time. I think the problem is that Wifi isn't active when the phone is in standby and hence activesync is only able to sync when I actually use the phone. Activesync does come up with error 85020006 which seems to be related to not finding a connection.
Is there a way to get Activesync to enable Wifi when it is due to do a sync? Or does anyone have any other ideas of how to get round this?
I did find a reg hack that is supposed to keep Wifi active in standby. The hack didn't seem to work and I don't think it's a good fix to this problem anyway since it will use up so much battery life. Really I just need Wifi to be active when Activesync needs it.
Any ideas?
Surely I can't be the only one that wants to do scheduled e-mail syncs through wifi?
i have same problem. did you find a solution ?
Any luck here?
I somehow managed to get this working on my d2 original 6.1 rom.
cant replicate it on dutty hgr 6.5 or stock 6.5
it automatically enabled wifi when syncing with eas server and then turned it off again.
i tested several options to enable wifi in standby, one of then fixend this on demand only wifi when in standby. i have not been able to replicate it again, i would like to have it again though. i disabled gprs and had a constant ping on the phone so i know it woke ut just in time to sync.
please let me know if you find out.

Exchange emails in standby

I have a new AT&T Pure with an exchange email address set up to receive emails as they arrive. If the phone is not in standby mode the emails come in without a problem at the same time I receive them in Outlook. Once the phone is in standby mode (screen turns off) emails come in sporadically or not at all until I wake the phone up. If I just set it to dim and not turn screen off I am fine. Is anyone else having this issue?
I've found ActiveSync on my Touch Diamond2 very unreliable. It will work for a while but repllog.exe crashes at some point, usually overnight. Only fix is to restart the phone or manually kill the task - it's often doesn't respond to shutdown (indicating it's crashed) and has to be manually ended. Doing a sync immediately always works.
I'm hoping that they've fix this bug in WM 6.5...
Cheers, Rob.
This is a brand new phone with WM 6.5. Everything works finew when phone is not in standby. Once in standby emails don't come in when they should.
dwg44 said:
This is a brand new phone with WM 6.5. Everything works finew when phone is not in standby. Once in standby emails don't come in when they should.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You mean by standby, not cable/activesync attached?
I'm still wondering about gmail push, I set everything up as said, but when I'm cabled to my work computer, I don't get gmail.
I have to disconnect and then get gmail push. **sigh**
Ahh, isn't that a setting on ActiveSync? Something about allowing internet connection when docked. I think when a WM is connected via ActiveSync, the internet connection goes through your PC which sometimes is blocked.
munrobasher said:
Ahh, isn't that a setting on ActiveSync? Something about allowing internet connection when docked. I think when a WM is connected via ActiveSync, the internet connection goes through your PC which sometimes is blocked.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, I unchecked that, same result, even after powering off/on. I think that option is misleading
some thoughts and my experience...
Do you expect emails to arrive over wifi, or gprs, The behavior is different by design.
As they arrive, in schedule settings for example only works as most people expected over gprs.( this is also called microsoft direct push) and can be toggled on/off in settings tab on most htc phones.
this also requires a constant open data connection over gprs. the phone will try to open it for you if you enable direct push option.
its also important that the carrier supports long http requests over grps for direct push to work correctly.(this is why gprs need to be open all the time)
if you deactivate the gprs-data connection, direct push will fail until it succeds a long http to the eas server again.(exchange active sync)
when i use direct push option over gprs, emails always arrive instantly (within a few sec.) to my phone regardless of standby or awake. 98% of the time anyway...
Now i have set mine to sync over wifi. however not pushed to my phone as it only works over gprs.i usually set schedule to 5 min.
if set direct push/as arrive over wifi the schedule seems to change depending on how often emails arrive. the polls seemes to be longer and longer apart if mailbox is idle. schedule a bit unclear...
i figured this out by setting a constant ping from pc to the phone and watched the response in standby mode.( wifi not set to always on even in standby) so i got response time out most of the time.
i noticed that after a certain time the phone began to respond to ping for a few seconds( active sync activated wifi in standby to check email according to my setting in schedule and then deactivated it).
if i had unread emails in my exchange mailbox they arrived in the phone as well.
i also read a paper where the direct push schedule where explained by microsoft. it is constructed that way to save as much bandwidh as possible,
i have based this on my observations only.
it would be nice if someone could find a technical paper explaining this further.
tests was done on htc p3600 and stock topaz. wm 6.1
i will do tests again on the 6.5 rom as they come online.
Phone is not docked nor am I connected with wifi. Just a GPRS connection. What I mean by standby is that I have the setting enabled to turn off screen after 1 minute.
I have no problem with push email from my exchange server. Remember Push email only works with cell data connection as pointed out. And if you establish ActiveSync connection with a desktop PC, it will be auto-disable and changed to polling instead regardless if you keep the data connection open or not.
I have never connected this phone to a PC.
exchange active sync and wifi
i previously had a TYTNii (Kaiser) which would exchange sync through my home and office wifi (over GPRS) when wifi was available and connected.... However on my Topaz i am unable to exchange sync through wifi when connected for some reason. it will only work through phone connection with wifi off. It appears there are additional connection settings with this WM6.1 device... (priority settings for one connection type over another) but im not sure how to set this up... Help on getting exchange sync working via wifi would be appreciated thanks..

