easy question - Networking

if i can get my XDA2i to sync with my wirless router at home, will it cost me anything? or will it all go on what i have alread payed for broadband,
i guess what i'm asking is, is this phone basically another device i can surf on in my home via my router like my mac or pc, or is it a seperate device that cost money to use?
Thanks, any help much appreciated

Short answer - it will be treated as any other wireless device that you connect to your wireless network.
Longer answer - You are not connecting to GPRS, so you are not going to be chgarged for that, and as you are going through a router, your ISP will have no idea what you are connecting behind the router, and they would not charge you anything extra anyway.

fantastic, thank you very much, just one more question if anyone can answer it,
could there an obvious reason msn isn't working on my XDA2i, i have got the WLAN connection working fine, but when i try to connect to msn it say something like, network busy please retry or try again later"
my details, name password etc, are correct so i do not understand why this function is not working, unless their has been a ppc msn update in the past 5 months?
Thanks again guys, you have been very helpfull so far

There is an MSN update on PPC2003

thanks again mate

np m8


Pls help save my sanity

I recently bought the JJ and love it EXCEPT for one issue. I am totally unable to surf the net with any method other than GPRS. I have a Netgear router connected to my desktop and my broadband connection, and run a wireless network with my tablet PC. Before I upgraded, my IIi had no trouble syncing (I know AS 4 doesn't support this) or using IE to surf the net wirelessly. I never had to change any settings on my wifi network.
With the JJ, it connects, gives me a decent looking IP address, but immediately following connection, it kills the Wifi network. Neither the desktop or tablet PC can connect to the internet via the cable modem attached to the router anymore, and what's worse, AS crashes and will no longer synchronise the JJ (which is hooked up to the Tablet via USB). Spb Weather subsequently no longer syncs, either. The only solution I found is that I can reboot the router (the technical term for pulling the plug out of the socket and then putting it back in) AFTER I disconnect the JJ. I can go online again then with everything excep the JJ of course. Unfortunately, I have found no way to reconnect my JJ to AS without doing a hard reset (which I've already had to do twice!).
I know that I can get on the internet using my AS connection because I can update Spb weather, check email, etc. via the USB connection, but yet I cannot get IE to connect. What am I doing wrong?
Please help me complete the one thing that would make the JJ the best PDA I have ever had.
routers and activesync
Microsoft are working on this and other activesync issues. a new AS version will be available in November, so they promise...
Be aware though that in my experience, the worst configuration problems come from routers, and defining network segments... are u using windows xp, maybe network bridging the connection to JJ with the tablet pc could help, u might need to fiddle a bit with the created bridge, like disable enable bridge/connections, etc... this is how i could have tried to do it anyways...
good luck dude, it took me once five days to sort out a wireless connection via routing, and another time I just returned the kit I just bought from netgear to replace it with a one from belkin, but i still had to sweat to get things smooth..., this is the price to pay when hardware is produced by so many different companies, with different drivers, etc... we wish things were more standardised; and to the credit of MS, it forced computer manufacturers to standardise a lot of what they produce, but not enough to my satisfaction...
Peace out
to he honest, I think I just got lucky networking my desktop and tablet and IIi together. I wish the same luck came to me again as this is very frustrating!
Hmm, tricky. You shouldn't have so much trouble. Try a few things that pop to mind:
- Check if your PC has a proxy set. I THINK I once found that when I synced my PPC got passed the proxy settings, and it confused me for ages. WOuld explain why IE behaves differently to spb. I think the proxy is under advanced settings on network connections of PPC
- Check you PPC networks adaptor settings, all should be set to "obtain server-assigned IP"
- Try trning off wifi when using AS. They may conflict
- Search this board for "firewall". Other users have found this to be an issue with AS
Not too helpful, I know...
I haven't experianced any problems. I synced with my BT Voyager w\l router first time and always makes the connection when I'm in the area.
It even makes PIE half usable!
I wish mine would work too
My wifi network is now unstable
still can't connect to internet for IE

Activesync schedule and standby

Hi everyone,
first of all i want to thank you all for the excellent work... this forum is really a gold mine...
Anyway, my problem is:
I set Activesync (the one in the phone) to syncronise once every hour with my company's Exchange server between 9:00 and 17:00. As my company entire building is fully covered by WiFi, I was expecting activesync would use WiFi to syncronise, and connected to GPRS when that is not available...
Insted, with my great surprise, Activesync uses always GPRS !
I think that when AS turns the devices on, it finds no connected interfaces - WiFi need at least 5 seconds to connect - so it connects to GPRS!
The only solution I found is to schedule an appointment with an alarm to the device is on (and connected) when AS syncronises, but this leave some ugly "scars" on my calendar...
Anyone knows a solution for this problem?
If I understand You correct You use the Universal for syncing. This means You use ASync 4.0 or 4.1. I recall that Microsoft changed (for security reasons) the way to synchronize with ASync. Bluetooth is still available, but WiFi is NOT available anymore.
Not a nice information, but should "solve" your problem. No sorry, that's not solve, but "answer".
Currntly WM5 prevent you to sync with your computer through WiFi, but syncing with Exchange server is working - if I start Activesync manually it syncs using WiFi. If I am too fast (and manage to click sync before the WiFi is connected), it syncs through GPRS.
OK, sorry for that.
I am the one here now receiving information, where I wanted to answer You. Thanks very much for that information, but sorry I cannot be of any help.
I tried to contact with our ExchangeServer. It works through USB whilst connected to my office-PC, but does not work through WiFi, GPRS or even while being connected through USB to my home-PC. I am quite sure it has to do with our Exchangeserver not being configured correctly so I stopped bothering (more important things to do
As I have NO sync with the exchange working through GPRS I am not even getting as far as You are, not even noticing the problem You mention.
Hope somebody else will be of more help.
If you are not able to connect from the WiFi network and from home, this means that your system administrator does not trust internet and wireless, so he let you only connect through the office wired network...
I have not tested that, but I believe that Exchange uses an SSL connection, which should be safe even if you are connected through an unencrypted channel...
Normal AS connections (USB for example) are not encrypted, and MS, in its infinite wisdom, think that the user is too stupid to setup a wireless network properly (to be honest, i am still not able to connect with the Universal to my WPA home network)
My/our system administrator is willing to let me in, but simply does not know the exchange server software well enough to understand where he is making a mistake. He offered me to try as he was sure that he prepared the system correctly, the result was a no-go.
When we both get some spare time (which hardly happenes) we will try out some more. As with the internal firewall, spending enough time looking through the microsoft information will finally solve the problem, it's just that lack of time.
Pity that nobody else jumped on this thread yet to help You,

Internet via bluetooth

Hey Guys,
I'm new to the PPC,where i just bought a K-Jam and installed activesync 4.1 on my laptop (winxp sp2).
i have also a bluetooth dongle (MSI) and it seems to be working fine with me, i can connect my kjam to the laptop to syncronize my data.
now when it comes to using the internet via my laptop, i'm lost
i've been reading all threats which confused me when setting up the connection and i'm still not able to work it.
please if anyone can help me step by step , i'll be thankfull
thanx in advance.
I have noted by Bluetooth experiences with connecting my Xda Exec to my Home PC internet connection. It took me over a weeks worth of shouting & frustration to get this working as I ended up falling down every pitfall you could fall down! :evil:
Anyway, take a look here:
all you need to do is discover your device and connect to the dial-up networking connection.....
once that's done it's just a matter of getting the correct phone number, username and password (if applicable).
In the US for T-Mobile the phone number is *99# and there is no user name or password.
dear underwurld
thinks for your fast response and for trying to help, not sure if the link is working at the moment , i've tried to open it several times.
i donot think it can be that easy, i came across alot of threats were all about the activesync and ports and network connections , what made it more complicated.
any help..?
Oops sorry about that....
Missed a bloody 't' out try again:
@lvlolvlo... DUN connection via TMobile.... erm I didn't go anywhere near that
i donot think it can be that easy, i came across alot of threads were all about the ActiveSync and ports and network connections , what made it more complicated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
EXACTLY: Nail. Head. Hammer!
This is EXACTLY what my thread explains - I have combined & condensed so much **** you wouldn't believe.
Dear Underwurl,
i would like to thank u for these amazing information and references , however ( to tell u the truth) it is still confusing to me..
i thouhgt there might be any guidelines where i could go through steps
and so on...
i think i have no problem connecting my device to the laptop ( not through the dialup thing but through the activesync 4.1 and it says connected in both)
also all reference were talking about incoming ports and outgoings ones which doesnot exist in activesync4.2 ( i know it might exist on 3.8 ver)
1- if it is somehow connected to the activesync, are there anything to be configured for the proxy server , and how ( i'm using my office lan)??
2- when it says connected i try to open IE but all i get is page is under construction...what does that mean???
3- is it something related to the bluetooth (msi) driver or ghosted ports??
u c....i'm going randomly considering all these thoughts, which is confusing me alot...
will appreciate any help...
So, just to be clear:
Have you installed those nice WICOMM Bluetooth services installed on your PC?
Do you have WiFi in your office???? Bin Bluetooth if you have!!!!!!!
yes, I installed the BT software that came with my BT dongle
it shows widcomm in my driver data
and no idonot have wifi in my office
what do u think?
while connected with my laptop via activesync, i checked the tcp/ip setting with pocket mechanic, it is showing a different ip address than the one in my laptop connection (LAN connection),
but showing a correct host name
and it says " Local area networks cannot directly communicate across wide area networks because they are defind by a private class of ip's"
any idea?????
when i open internet explorer on my kjam it says "page not found"
is it that difficult for you guys,
no one have gone through this before??

ActiveSync blocked by ADSL connection???

Hello everybody!
I dis some light searching and all the trouble shooting MS had available (which isn't much) so please don't shoot me if this was asked and answered already:
I have the following problem:
Yesterday I upgraded to AS 4.1 (removed 3.7 first) so I can sync my new jamin (Prophet). If I sync it while my computer is not connected to the internet everything is fine, and I can establish an internet connection later, but if my ADSL connection is already active, AS will not connect to my device.
I switched off the Norton firewall I had running, but that did not help. At work I was able to sync while my computer was connected through the company network, so I am 99.9% certain the device is not to blame.
I am running Win XP SP 2 on my PC with a USB ADSL modem.
Has anyone encountered this issue and knows how to resolve it
I will be grateful for any help, thanks in advance!
Check your firewall. I've been caught out so many times thinking I've disabled my firewall only to find that some part of it is still enabled. There's no way your modem could be causing AS to stop working, because AS uses a local connection and doesn't need to tunnel out to the internet.
Boy, am I a moron!!!!
First, thanks Echilon for your reply!
Second, if I get lucky a moderator will see this thread and delete it, as there aren't enough emoticons here to express my embarrassment.
I stumbled on the solution while browsing an unrelated post in another forum. Turns out I had to go in to Connection settings and switch 'This computer connects to' form automatic to internet.
Now everything works fine, and there's no annoying network acquisition before syncing.
I have learned my lesson and will try looking harder next time before crying for help.
Well, if nothing else perhaps someone else could learn from my mistake...
works in wired adsl hotel too
I've been in my hotel for a week and your post (changing to from "auto" to "internet" ) just fixed my problem! Big up on the info b/c know I can use my VoIP client back to Germany.

It's going out the window!

OK people, I know this site is supposed to be really great, but I have some simple problems, and I can't find the answers by browsing and searching this site. Hell, I can't even identify which phone I'm using....
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called? A kangaroo or something I guess. anyway - I'm about to see if it'll survive being launched high into the air, that's for sure.
I have a home network, a windows small business server running exchange 2003, an ADSL router/firewall and some PC's.
ALL (!?) I want this damn thing to do is surf the network, and the internet whilst at home using a wireless connection. Then whilst it's out and about - to VPN back to home so I can do the same.
However, the set up of this thing is a right nightmare to understand, "My ISP", "My network", "Work", I can't seem to make logical sense of how this thing operates in a networking environment, and I do understand networks pretty well, so this is VERY vexing, hence why this is flying out the window soon.
Anybody feel they can spare some explanations as to how this thing is structured? If I click on anymore settings I might just go mad gibber dribble.
Paulsco - welcome to the board!
Not to sound like a father, but seriously, go and have a game of Call of Duty or something. That's what I do when I'm stressed. It's not worth throwing the thing out of the window. And if you are in a mood to get rid of it, throw it in my direction. I need a Mini S for development!
Ok, what have you done so far?
Have you got it browsing the net through ActiveSync yet?
Ensure that you can sync, then go to ActiveSync, File Menu, Options, and choose "This computer is connected to " The internet.
Then, ensure that your PDA is set to reflect this as well, the internet.
Then hopefully the two should permit you to browse the net through your ActiveSync connection. Try Internet Explorer on the PDA.
If and when you're doing that, then you can progress to wifi and VPN etc.
For wifi, I've always found this useful:
Paulsco said:
I bought an XDA Mini S, so what's that called?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's easy - it's the HTC Wizard.
HTC is the comapny that actually makes it and Wizard is HTC's name for it.
Thanks for the response!
That's for the advice - I think I have worn out all the games...
OK - so here is the sit. Make some tea and take a deep breath!
I've got my "wizard" to to most things, it'll sync with Exchange over wifi OR it will sync with a PC via bluetooth, but it won't do both. that's not a real issue though.
Also I can surf the internet via wifi, and I can do this via GPRS, but here is what I need to sort out:
I have two connections listed under settings>connections>connections
The first is the O2 GRPS My ISP connection, and the second is the "My work network" connection. I have defined a VPN to connect back to my firewall in this last connection, but I had to delete the O2 Active default connection in this connection because it kept dialing grps instead of using wifi.
In connections>advanced>network management I have both boxes set to "My work network". this prevents any GPRS calls, until I change the setting. Great, I'd rather not have to have done this, but it does seem to work...
Only thing is, when I am out I tried to connect back to the exchange box and I got from activesync "Your exchange account does not allow syncing, blah blah" which it obviously does because it works from the local network. I have opened all the activesync ports on the firewall.
I hoped to be able to connect the VPN, but this seemed to be impossible with my current config.
I need to be able to configure this so that I can browse my wifi network both locally and remotely. I have managed to get the VPN to connect, but I have no idea why this works sometimes and not others - when you click on connect, you get a beep...and nothing else, no error messages or anything.
So I want to get exchange mail whilst wifi'd: OK that worked this AM because I told everything to use "My work network" that has no GPRS connection defined, but when I wnet out I hthen changed the setting so that it dialed the O2 GPRS connection for Internet, then I got internet, but no VPN connection. then when I returned to the office, I had to soft boot because no matter what I dod, activesync gave me "cannot connect with current settings" - A soft boot cured that, but it's not a real great solution every time you return to the office.
Any help you can give me would be gratefully received! I'll happily bung cash to people for a solution!!!
thanks and regards,

