T-Mobile Wing Battery HUGE Drain When Radios OFF? - Wing, P4350 General

you guys are such geniuses here, maybe you can help me with this:
has anyone notice that on the TMOBILE WING, if you TURN OFF ALL RADIOS (phone, bluetooth, wifi) at night when you goto sleep (flight mode), battery at 100%, the next morning when you wake up the battery will be around 50-60%? ironically, if i leave my cellular radio on, the next morning the battery will be at 98% or 99% even 100%... does anyone know what is wrong? I've heard a few other users complain about this issue... this is a serious bug
call me paranoid but i rather have my phone off completely off at night, we get enough radiation from wifi, cellular, bluetooth daily already lol

can someone please reply and let me know if their wing loses a big percentage of the battery overnight when cellular radio,wifi,bluetooth are all off?? if this is only my phone then i need to get tmobile to send me a replacement asap...
cnet review had the same issue when they reviewed this phone a few months ago and they said it was a bug that should have been fixed already by wing's release date.

fakereal said:
can someone please reply and let me know if their wing loses a big percentage of the battery overnight when cellular radio,wifi,bluetooth are all off?? if this is only my phone then i need to get tmobile to send me a replacement asap...
cnet review had the same issue when they reviewed this phone a few months ago and they said it was a bug that should have been fixed already by wing's release date.
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Most be something with just the wing. My Herald does not do this.

do you use spb mobile shell?????
i heard that with spb mobile shell the battarie goes empty within some hours.... also over night! maybe thats the problem

pilotbrille said:
do you use spb mobile shell?????
i heard that with spb mobile shell the battarie goes empty within some hours.... also over night! maybe thats the problem
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Mobile Shell doesn't seem to effect my Herald too much either.

pilotbrille said:
do you use spb mobile shell?????
i heard that with spb mobile shell the battarie goes empty within some hours.... also over night! maybe thats the problem
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no i dont use that, t-mobile is sending me a new unit, i will see if it still does that....

got my new unit from tmobile today, funny thing, the wing and battery now both says MADE IN TAIWAN. the original one i got from tmobile 2 weeks ago is made in china, so was the battery. hopefully this is the cause will have to leave it overnight with the cellular radio, bluetooth and wifi all off to see if the battery still disappears

...if you use any push mail service (exchange, windows live), but disable the radio, your device is trying to connect to the mail service on and on and on. so if you use any of that services, make sure you disable them too in your comm manager settings as soon as you switch the radio stack off...
cheers, lutz

lutzh said:
...if you use any push mail service (exchange, windows live), but disable the radio, your device is trying to connect to the mail service on and on and on. so if you use any of that services, make sure you disable them too in your comm manager settings as soon as you switch the radio stack off...
cheers, lutz
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you make an excellent point! but i don't use any of those, the email i do have, is pop3 and i've set it to check email manually, meaning only when i click send/receive. i'll know if it's a software or hardware issue once i try this new replacement overnight with all the same apps installed as the previous one.

Having the same issue with my Wing
I ran a test last night, turned all radios off (flight mode showed on home)
Battery was at 99%. In the morning it was down to 56%. My wing battery is made in Taiwan, and the phone is made in China.
Are you still having the same problem with your replacement Wing?

smalouf said:
I ran a test last night, turned all radios off (flight mode showed on home)
Battery was at 99%. In the morning it was down to 56%. My wing battery is made in Taiwan, and the phone is made in China.
Are you still having the same problem with your replacement Wing?
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Finally someone who has the same issue, now i know i'm not crazy! I just ran the test on my replacement wing, it still does the same thing!!! I woke up with only 54% battery remaining from 100%
1 thing i can eliminate is, this is definitely NOT caused by batterystatus plugin, it had this problem before i even installed that program.
my other none t-mobile included programs are:
tcpmp player
thunderhawk browser
(none of those 4 programs are running in the background) and i went to sleep with a brand new soft-reset and made sure no programs were running in the background. i do however always have an alarm set to go off at 11am every day, but if this is what's draining the battery, then this phone is in some serious need for patching...
i'm seriously thinking this is a hardware issue or a system software bug, i think a lot of ppl don't notice cause they don't go into flight mode overnight since most of them don't care about cellular radiation lol i think 8-10hrs a night without cellphone radiation can only be a good thing, even if all the billion dollar profiting corporations that sells these things wants you to think it's safe

same thing happens to me, battery went from 100% to 50%ish overnight... this doesn't happen if you turn off all radios on your phone for only, say, 2 hours... weird thing... we need some experts of this forums to take a look at this issue, it's bugging me too

Huge battery drain on win phone of mode solved
OK, so not really solved, but figured out what the problem probably is, and a workaround. It's definitely a bug in the way the application is written.
I think the logic the way it is now is something like this:
If phone app is turned off
"Signal object" reports no signal available
Problem is, the "search for and find signal" object is not told to stop looking! And so, it tries to find a signal all the time the phone is off, draining the battery.
To test this, I switched the phone from Automatic network to Manual. This is under "Comm, Settings, Phone, Network". In Manual mode, the battery does not drain.
Of course, being in Manual mode has its disadvantages if you are traveling through roam areas where T-mo is not the carrier.

I uninstalled the t-mobile hotspot login utility and with all radios off, went to sleep (battery at 92%) for about 8 hours, now the battery shows 91%... don't know if that program is the culprit of all this, will test again tonight.
if this don't work, then i wouldnt mind switching my network to manual when going to sleep then switching it back to auto when i wake up

smalouf said:
OK, so not really solved, but figured out what the problem probably is, and a workaround. It's definitely a bug in the way the application is written.
I think the logic the way it is now is something like this:
If phone app is turned off
"Signal object" reports no signal available
Problem is, the "search for and find signal" object is not told to stop looking! And so, it tries to find a signal all the time the phone is off, draining the battery.
To test this, I switched the phone from Automatic network to Manual. This is under "Comm, Settings, Phone, Network". In Manual mode, the battery does not drain.
Of course, being in Manual mode has its disadvantages if you are traveling through roam areas where T-mo is not the carrier.
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have you actually TESTED this or are you just guessing? test your theory overnight and we'll see if this is the case, i don't think it is since this is a HTC phone and no other HTC phones have this issue, unless they somehow managed to mess up on this model :\

fakereal said:
Finally someone who has the same issue, now i know i'm not crazy!
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I can only agree with half of your statements. You are NOT the only one with this issue... but being crazy? You'll have to answer that one yourself.
Now then, the method of switching the network from Automatic to Manual sounds promising because if it's actively looking for networks, even though it has already located one, would continue to drain the battery. I will be the guinea pig for this one and report back in about 12 hours (with this problem, my battery won't even last that long lol). I'm also going to set my SMS/MMS settings back to manual as well.
If I uninstall the T-Mobile Hotspot login utility, how would I go about REINSTALLING it?

bah, i thought i had it, but i didnt, i uninstalled the tmobile hotspot utility and this morning i was greeted yet again with 50% battery remaining... i don't know what happen the other night when it didnt drain to 50% but i suspect that it was because i had turn it on once in the middle of the night when i went to the bathroom.
so someone help us please!!!

Switched all network modes to manual, left the house at 8:30pm with a 66% charge, got home at 11:30pm with a 32% charge... and I didn't even use the phone!
The odd thing? When I was charging my phone, it said 50%... but once I unplugged it from the charger, it shot up to 66%. Perhaps there's absolutely nothing wrong with the battery and it's just having problems measuring an accurate amount of juice in the battery?
Either way, 10% juice in 1 hour is absurd... this thing is supposed to have a 200 hour idle life and we're not even getting 1/10th of that!
*EDIT* Hmmmm! I just checked my network mode and it went BACK to automatic for some reason! Perhaps it goes back to automatic after a soft reset? Eh...

freakingwilly said:
Switched all network modes to manual, left the house at 8:30pm with a 66% charge, got home at 11:30pm with a 32% charge... and I didn't even use the phone!
The odd thing? When I was charging my phone, it said 50%... but once I unplugged it from the charger, it shot up to 66%. Perhaps there's absolutely nothing wrong with the battery and it's just having problems measuring an accurate amount of juice in the battery?
Either way, 10% juice in 1 hour is absurd... this thing is supposed to have a 200 hour idle life and we're not even getting 1/10th of that!
*EDIT* Hmmmm! I just checked my network mode and it went BACK to automatic for some reason! Perhaps it goes back to automatic after a soft reset? Eh...
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lol i find it weird that everyone leaves their phones on at night when they goto sleep with the cellular radio blasting out unneccssary radiation, this has gotta be the case since not many ppl noticed this MAJOR flaw with the tmobile wing...! if you were expecting important calls at night then i understand why the phone must be on, but besides this reason, i wonder why the others leaves the cell radio on

Personally, I always charge my phone overnight, because during a days usage I often run it down to 50% to 30%. Thats about 12 hours a day in my pocket, just a few inches away from one of my most important body parts. If you're worried about nighttime radiation, consider this: if you go overnight and only drain 2-3% of your battery, it shows that the unit is transmitting very little, with not a whole lot of that radiation you are worried about. If you are still worried, turn it completely off, it only takes a minute to turn on when you wake up. If you use it as a morning wake up alarm, or have other needs to have it on overnight, try pulling the sim card, see if that helps.


My wizard battery only lasts half a day now?!

Hi, my batter has been working great since Christmas, but now for some reason won't last more than a fwe hours without saying battery low. I have my gprs check email every 5 minutes, but it has always been that way and I have been gettnig a good 2 days out of my phone before.
Now i take it off of the charger in the morning and then around lunch the batter is low already...
Is my batter just toast?
Should I get another?
Just a question, but have you been overclocking your TI OMAP processor? Maybe there's a correlation?
contaygious said:
Hi, my batter has been working great since Christmas, but now for some reason won't last more than a fwe hours without saying battery low. I have my gprs check email every 5 minutes, but it has always been that way and I have been gettnig a good 2 days out of my phone before.
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Mine is brand new (tmobile MDA) and when I enabled 802.11g I noticed a dramatic drop in battery life. I think for the sake of the battery I will only enable that as needed.
I wonder also if you are in the same proximity to the mobile towers, if you are on a border between coverage you will see a drop in battery life becuase it is transmitting more frequently to register with the mobile network.
To try to see if its your battery or something you are using, and while this may be incredibly difficult with a mobile, especially a mobile/pda that you use frequently, you may want to see about turning off features to see if that helps. Turn off wifi and see if that helps, turn off bluetooth and see about that, etc. Once you rule them out as the major culprit ...
While I highly doubt this may be the case, it is a possiblity, and worth looking into, especially if you noticed a sudden drop in battery life as opposed to a gradual diminishment. You may have some rogue software that is sending out more data via a wireless device than you desire. A worm, trojan, whatever. There are anti-virus packages available, I dont know how good any of them are, http://www.freecabs.de has some, some of the big commercial guys make some. Again I dont think its that becuase of the rules of probability, however it is possible and some have been known to exist in the wild for a few years now.
I had the same thing with my c500, now I know they are two entirely different phones but after I flashed the device it was as good as new in terms of battery life.
It may be worth a try before you go and buy a new battery.
I have the same problem.
Not overclocking, no anti-virus, just regular phone use and my battery does not last a day!!
I keep it on charger most of the day to avoid shut-down.
me too
I've the same problem and I've an other big problem, when I turn off my Vario, it's dont't start on power botton (i must extract and insert a battery turn on the telephone).
We can make a test if anyone have a HTC diagnostic software (see service manual.pdf)
Check your today screen.
I too had the same issue. Mainly, PhoneDashboard was causing the battery drop. Along with any today elements that poll your hardware to display the amount of battery, memory and storage. Those all drain your battery.
To check whether it's really a today screen issue or not. Charge your battery to it's full 100%, remove ALL today screen elements, then use your mobile normally and keep checking the battery level drain rate.
Hope this was useful.
Mine dies, 100% when leave work, some usage and then dead in the morning.
I only have Pocketbreeze and a few plug ins installed.
There is NO wireless /bluetooth in that time.
KINetics said:
Just a question, but have you been overclocking your TI OMAP processor? Maybe there's a correlation?
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I have not been using wifi at all lately either
I have spb today stuff but have had them since I first got my wizard. really, I have not changed anything....
some programs "eat up" battery life. Investigate by doing a HARD reset, then do not install ANY software for two days. I bet you will see your normal battery life ;-)
I took all today programs off
100% at 5.30
32% at 7.30
This is O2 Mini Rom without all the 02 crap.
I will investigate further. Hard reset here we come!!
Last night my battery was 100% at 5.30 after a hard reset, no o2 software installed and very light usage.
This morning at 7.35 it was 50% which is good I guess???
Suggestions as to whether it is the battery?
byronsp said:
Last night my battery was 100% at 5.30 after a hard reset, no o2 software installed and very light usage.
This morning at 7.35 it was 50% which is good I guess???
Suggestions as to whether it is the battery?
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Still not good enough, should hold for 3 days if you do not use it. Get a battery replacement.
Typically I charge every other day, little phone talks however.
PhoneDashboard was causing the battery drop
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Ah, I run this. Is it bad? I've turned off all the scrolling updates etc - did you find that helped?
Got a battery replacement but still after no real use dropped to 50% in only 13 hours.
Any other ideas?
mine works for about 5 days normal usage with this options:
- phone on
- bt off
- wifi off
- automatically receive IrDa incoming... (Connections ->beam...)
so the wifi on my batt only last for a few hours, but when you disable wifi and the irda incoming you should have more batt. life
Thanks I will give this a try and have taken out irDA.
However my figures were with Bluetooth and Wireless off as well
I have noticed that with wifi on (and particularly if I'm using it) the battery drops at a frightening rate. Whereas with wifi disabled (which it's been for most of today - first day since I've had the XDA that I've been busy working and so haven't been 'fiddling' with it at all ) the battery still seems to be sitting happily at 80% after around 8 hours.
Funny, I thought that if the phone was suspended, the wifi would be inactive, so the battery wouldn't drop. Appears that's not the case...
Do u have Spb Pocket Plus installed? this program sucked my battery flat in 1 day. I removed it and now its up 2 or 4 days depending on how long i have wifi on. Checking email every 5 min also reduces battery life allot.
No pocket plus... My today screen just has phmtray, resco today, taskplus, and the pocketmusic plugin...

Battery dies in less than 24 hours.

Hi guys.
My wizard battery lasts less than a day. I hardly use it. Wifi and other radio are off most of the time.
I tried changing ROMs, radio roms etc. I even got a new battery but to no effect.
Any help ?
I had that problem until I found out that activesync was staying active even after I unplugged the cable. I never found a way to keep it from doing that though so now I just make sure activesync is shut off wheneve I disconnect it. Kind of a pain, but it beats the battery dying on me.
Well ill make sure Activesync is off.
But do you think the problem would persist even after I changed roms!
It did on mine. It's something to do with activesync itself apparently. It doesn't stay on as often as it did when I was using T-mobiles ROM, but it still does it occasionally.
make sure your extrom is ok, because a corrupt extrom is also a cause of battery drainage, better yet there was a rom floating that only erases your extrom (blankextrom), i forgot who made it but its from the wizard forums
found it, go to post number 7, look at the sig below there is a link for the blank ext rom, enjoy
guys, please take a look at here, i think we have the same issues, but i have the t-mobile wing (htc herald):
Maybe your battery is bad. Buy a new one on Ebay for small cost. I bought mine for like 7 euro`s including shipping (battery itself was € 3,5). Also disable mail fetching every few minutes.
GaMeR64 said:
Maybe your battery is bad. Buy a new one on Ebay for small cost. I bought mine for like 7 euro`s including shipping (battery itself was € 3,5). Also disable mail fetching every few minutes.
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i tried two different NEW batteries straight from tmobile and the problem persists. and mail checking is on manual, which means only when I click send/receive
I'm pretty sure mine was caused by activesync running even though it wasn't connected because ever since I started making sure it wasn't running after disconnecting it from the cable my phone hasn't had that problem at all.
xeno1 said:
I'm pretty sure mine was caused by activesync running even though it wasn't connected because ever since I started making sure it wasn't running after disconnecting it from the cable my phone hasn't had that problem at all.
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i end-tasked (closed) activesync from running in my phone when i went to sleep, and when i woke up i lost 50% battery again, (with all radios off)
Some programs can drain the battery. As an example, I really like PhoneAlarm, but it drains the battery tremendously, I think it's because it polls different system parameters. This polling causes the battery drainage.
Also, the way to stop activesync from turning on by itself it to create an exchange server account. I use mail2web, it’s free. After you set up the account on the phone, when you go to the activesync menu, hit schedule, then set it up for manual.
After I set this up, I never have a problem with activesync. You can do a Google search to get the step-by-step directions on how to set it up.
Also, charge the battery with the wall power cord, try not to use the USB power. Each one uses different circuits in the wizard. I also let the battery drop below 10% before I charge it. My battery lasts about 4 days.
nvgear said:
i end-tasked (closed) activesync from running in my phone when i went to sleep, and when i woke up i lost 50% battery again, (with all radios off)
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Like calouro said, there are other programs that can drain a battery pretty quick, mine happened to be activesync. Since you shut it off and you still get battery drain then yours must be a different one, possibly a today plugin if you didn't have any other apps running in the background.
Just had a thought, you don't have any today plugins such as weather panel that are set up to update over gprs on a regular basis do you? If you're turning your radio off and it can't update it may be trying over and over to update and draining your battery.
no i don't have any today-addon or plugins, i have batterystatus installed but this problem persists even without batterystatus and it does this even after a fresh HARD reset, which tells me this is a manufacturer's program or hardware causing this flaw, i'm not the only one with this problem, there are others, look at our discussions here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=319897
Yah, I read that post. Did you try not turning off the radio over night and see if that sloved the issue?
I've changed batteries. Using a brand new one now.
No active today plugins or anything else. Dont even have activesync running. Made sure I exited that. Still no help!
how did you flash?
i think it may be extrom prob, as someone said earlier. if you are flashing with shelltool, extrom(corrupted or not) is not replaced, when its broken, shelltool rom change will not help.
second thing is "fake connection" for activesync to stop it from turning on and on in searching of sync.
third thing is using soft, that is waking up/keeps machine awaken somehow...
xeno1 said it all before...
i think it may be something installed from good extrom too(extrom holds programs which are installed after first boot)....
one more thing:
after >60 flashes i noticed, that level of battery while flashing may be reason of fast nrg loss.
If it was 50%, machine(even charged to the max after flash) drops fast to 50% then drop slows down - wise thing is to let it discharge to ~5-9%, then charge to the max. After 1-2 such operations battery is ok.
It is useful, even if battery was full(machine "learns" about battery as it is new - sth like that).
there are no miracles.
sorry for funny english..
HEre's something funny that happened.
Before flashin a blank extended rom I had 73% battery. Once the flash was over I had 100% battery.
Now I'm tryin to drain the battery with backlight and phone and wifi continously on. Once that is done, I hope things will get better. I'll keep posted with what happens.
Even after a full recharge, the battery now doesnt last even 12 hours. And this is me not using the phone at all. It's just been switched on and kept that way.
And no thebacklight doesnt stay on, or the phone doesnt stay on (it goes into the standby mode as it should)
xeno1 said:
Yah, I read that post. Did you try not turning off the radio over night and see if that sloved the issue?
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yea if i don't turn off the cellular radio then the battery only loses about 1-2% overnight (9 hour sleep).

battery woes :(

ok guys as advised by someone i fully drain my vodafone magic till it dies and then charge it to a 100%.
last night i did the same just before goin to sleep,when i woke up in the morning the battery was at 76% after about 8 hours.I just had 1 missed call,1 sms,1 tweet and 1 email.
How can the battery drain so fast for no work at all???
pls help......
Do you have alot of widgets running? What do you have switched on, Bluetooth,GPS,WiFi? How often do you have the "Data Synch" set for? All of these drain the battery, if they are all working at the same time it goes pretty quick.
Woa! For the battery to drain overnight to 76% is crazy. never had this problem with my magic. It actually last very long.
But 76% overnight most likely means your battery is faulty and or you are leaving gps,wifi,and have quite a few things running on the phone like ClintonH stated.
however if you have everything off, as well as the brightness set low. Then contact Vodafone and let them know your issue. they should replace your battery at a free cost.
I suggest people use their battery for a week or 2 to see better results with their battery life. I started having poor battery life with my magic but now I can last about 2 day before I recharge it again.
As other user mentioned, it also depend what you have on or running in the background when your phone is on standby. I suggest you use task manager applications to kill unnecessary applications that might be running.
thanks guys
nope i have gps bluetooth and wifi turned off
i turned the background data off from settings
will try gettin task manager and see if it makes a diff!
thanks once again
also sometimes my trackball keeps flashing white for some reason.....there is no notification....is there any reason for this???
celester340 said:
also sometimes my trackball keeps flashing white for some reason.....there is no notification....is there any reason for this???
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Yes, are you by any chance downloading apps? Sometimes they hang and the download stops / continues lots of times. And when they complete your trackball flashes white.
ok thank mate i'll keep note of that!
I read a quite interesting post in the vodafone forum.
A user complained about the battery life of his HTC Magic. Check the answer from Wayne_Vodafone:
The HTC Magic employs a battery that requires overcharging and topup charging. You must charge it as much and as often as possible. The more you charge the better the battery life becomes. So after a few charges you should see the benefit of this. Letting the charge drain out undoes this so try and charge as often as possible
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It actually seems to work. At least for me, try it for yourself.
I have to charge my HT-03A every night if I do not want it to die the next day. I am assuming that is why HTC gives you two batteries, because the battery goes so fast. As long as you are able to carry that second battery around with you, and be able to charge it every night, I don't really see a problem. But for it to go from 100% to 76% overnight means you are running programs that you do not need to. I will add that I have Wi-Fi continuously on, and my Contacts and Calendar are continuously synchronized. With barely any use I am usually at around 50% by the end of the day.
Isilmalith said:
I read a quite interesting post in the vodafone forum.
A user complained about the battery life of his HTC Magic. Check the answer from Wayne_Vodafone:
It actually seems to work. At least for me, try it for yourself.
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Pretty interesting, and that was an official vodafone response? Why wouldn't HTC say that in the first place? Will give it a go anyway...
Yeah, was a official Vodafone Response.
For me: I've loaded mine over night this morning, now its 19:26 and it's still over 85%. I used it for some SMS, receive a MMS and some WLAN.
ok guys thank u so much for the responses,im gonna give it a go too!
im using taskiller and defi my battery life has improved cause i keep killin the apps im not using
about the flashing trackball.......it still happens...no notifications.....
You never want to drain a Lithium-Ion battery. NiCd batteries have memory, in which it's better to drain them. But not Li-Ion. They will die quicker if you do
ok thanks xantonin.....
i charged my phone to 100%,then made a call for 41 min,battery went to 91%.
went to sleep immediately after that,woke up in morning with 1 missed call and 1 sms,after 8 hours......battery at 70%......thats not right is it?
celester340 said:
ok thanks xantonin.....
i charged my phone to 100%,then made a call for 41 min,battery went to 91%.
went to sleep immediately after that,woke up in morning with 1 missed call and 1 sms,after 8 hours......battery at 70%......thats not right is it?
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That could be right.
Depends on what's running.
Where are you checking for 100%?
If you are charging until the green light comes on - that's 90%. The phone takes longer to charge passed 90% than it does to charge up to 90%.
I charged to 99%, and drove around with the GPS on for a few hours (about 2) and came back at about 75%.
However some days, when I charge my phone over night (true 100%), I can listen to music on my way to work (40 mins) on my phone, play with it a bit at work, and 3 hours later it will say 94%.
So, the battery is very touchy it seems...
Try turning off 3G (It's still pretty fast on 2G, try it for a day)
And also make sure GPS is off. Keep your brightness no more than 30%, and make sure WiFi is off. Make sure you don't have any widgets that connect online either.
You should get good standby time
Use apndroid to save battery life
Download apndroid from the Market. Use it to turn off the cellular internet before you go to bed and whenever else you want to save battery life.
There's also an app called Spare Parts in the Market that could help you. As well as giving information about your battery status and battery health, you can also see stastics of your application usage and battery history. A very useful app!
Plus it also enables other features like enabling fancy animations for the keyboard and screen rotation.
texasaggie1 said:
Download apndroid from the Market. Use it to turn off the cellular internet before you go to bed and whenever else you want to save battery life.
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If you longpress the red phone button you can also enable "airplane mode" disabling any radio. Which helps your battery life too.
dekeijzer said:
If you longpress the red phone button you can also enable "airplane mode" disabling any radio. Which helps your battery life too.
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Thats cool too. But APNdroid allows you to keep using your phone and sms's

Battery running out over night

My battery is emty every morning, and phone turned off. That is if the battery is under approx. 70-80% in the evening. Is it just a bad battery?
Anybody seen this problem before.
Do you turn on the "Microsoft Direct Push" ?
When this feature is turned on, I also appeared that you have encountered a similar situation, but only consumes 40-50%
where can i check that, cant find it!! I have spb 3
Look at your "Comm Manager"-"Microsoft Direct Push"
Found it. No its set to off, so thats not it. Maybe ill try a hardreset!
But thanks for the help
i have the same problem for 2 or 3 months now and i did not find a solution.
i bought a new battery but it did not help.
did you found a solution?
There is always a solution
Your device must have enabled the "turn off device" timeout (aka suspend timeout)
Don't let your device check your emails too often (once an hour is more than enough).
Use Advanced Config to enable GPRS disconnection timeout.
Don't let TF3D check for webpages updates too often.
Don't let RSS reader check for updates too often.
If your device has Wifi turned on all night, check if it turns off while your device is in suspend mode.
And of course, carefully choose applications that run in background - some of them may prevent your device from going to suspend mode.
(suspend mode is the most power-saving mode)
no, havent found the solution yet
Hex3 said:
no, havent found the solution yet
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Simply put your phone on charge and leave it like that for as long as you possibly can for as much of the time as you can.
Do not run a discharge cycle. Do not try to 'condition' the battery and as soon as you can recharge from an available power outlet.
I get 1.5 days from this and I would suggest that you should get the same.
78michel said:
What happen if you switch off your smartphone ( be carefull ....not suspend mode!)? Is the battery still draining?
Have you check the current delivered by your battery during your ''night stand by''?
The objective is to check if there is any extra leakage current in the main circuit board.
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It should not be draining when it's off, it's should actually go up (happend to me).
Hi, i have had my TD2 for nearly 2 weeks and last night i had a similar issue, however my phone was not turned off it was in sleep mode.
Charged battery to full at around 5 p.m went and stayed at my girlfriends and when i woke up this morning the battery was dead, came home plugged in the charger and got no charging light.....oh dear i thought.
So i removed the battery and the sim blew on the contacts etc to remove any possible dust put it back together and now i get a charging light and all seems to be charging ok.
The only thing i did different yesterday was that i went on google maps for the first time and selected the use gps option so it was seeking satellites, when i exited google maps i made sure it was not running in the background.
Im just wondering wether it was still using power to search for sattelites as in my information screen in power it says i have had 8 hours standby and 10 hours 52 mins device usage and i know that is not the case.
To the OP >> Maybe check in your google maps to see if you have use gps selected?
I had same problem after I flashed my phone with new radio, after that I used some other raido rom and the problem was gone.
I had the same thing happen, but only once, it was after I was using a gps app in the evening, I had problems with it, it locked up and I terminated it instead of closing it, I assume the gps stayed on and drained the battery in short order.
Hi, no i have not turned the GPS in google maps on, so thats not it. Still trying some different things to narrow it down. Its not every night now, so maybe i have been lucky.....
Same story here...
In my case even worst. I got my TD2 last friday morning. The same afternoon I inserted a new microsd card with zorro-gps installed. The day after, while I was driving with the gps turned on, the phone died. I've thought it was running out of battery, but when i plugged the charger in, I could not see the red led turn on. So I had to remove and reinsert the battery in order to see the led work properly...
Unfortunately from that point the phone is not working properly anymore. While in use it dies and I cannot restart unless I remove and reinsert the battery. The problem is that this happens every 10 minutes...
I'm trying to contact the HTC support, but they are very elusive. They asked for my phone number and they said will call me back...
Did you guys try to change the batteries and see what happen?
No, didnt change the battery. Because its not every night i dont think the battery is the problem. And further more, it began about a month ago ( td2 is approx. 3 month)
FedeR1 maybe you should try hard reset!
Hex3 said:
where can i check that, cant find it!! I have spb 3
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If you are talking about Spb mobile shell 3.0.1 then this is a reason of the power drain.
See http://www.spbclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24616
Thank you Stephen, spb mobile shell is out, now we have to wait and see.
Hex3 said:
No, didnt change the battery. Because its not every night i dont think the battery is the problem. And further more, it began about a month ago ( td2 is approx. 3 month)
FedeR1 maybe you should try hard reset!
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I've already tried with hard reset... nothing
btw when I restart the phon I got the message "a problem occurred with cprog.exe" any idea?
Manila 2.5 is possible. please test it with manila 2.1.
PDA x-trem's V2.2 is best

[Q] How to check if battery bad

Just recently got D2G from verizon. Bc this was a replacement phone, I had to use the same battery I previously had in the orig Droid. Battery, as of today, is 15 months old.
When first got D2G, battery life terrible. Upon review of various threads here, determined probably crapware, etc. causing the problem. Using the instructions in this forum, rooted the phone, ran scripts to temporarily remove crapware, installed setCPU, disabled CDMA cell network, set widgets on phone to make sure Wifi, GPS, etc. turned off until needed, and voila, awesome battery life. If not too active, I could get 30 hours on a charge.
Just starting a few days ago, I'm back to 6-8 hours per charge. Phone constantly running out of battery. For example, I was in garage last night, had phone on charger and streaming pandora to my stereo. Come back into house, get ready for bed, quit pandora, phone at 90% charge. Go to bed at 11 pm, up this morning, at 7, phone's dead.
Also, after phone dies, it seems like it takes a long time to get to the 5% charge to actually boot. It will be on USB charger for 30 min plus or so bfore it even boots.
How do you check to see if battery bad?
Download an app called Spare Parts from the market (free). Under battery information it will show you battery health. I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is, but it's worth looking at.
Also look at battery history. Change other usage to partial wake, and see whats keeping your phone awake (which can cause battery drain) and also look at network usage, to see if something is constantly connecting to the internet. Hope this helps.
Thx for the response, will give it a look and report back.
Looked through spare parts (I had it already), the android operating system was the largest user of CPU and overall. Second by a least half as much was a program called "mediaserver" remainder of programs were all fractional amounts.
Says battery is "good"
I already had "activity/process management" set to aggressive killing.
Just went through phone again to see if I missed anything or something mysteriously reset itself. Only thing i noticed was cell mode set back to global (a result of dead battery reboot??) Changed it back to CDMA only (verizon network). This is supposed to help battery bc GSM network not active.
Also checked through eletric sheep, nothing came up with "mediaserver" Does anyone know to what this refers?
Unless anyone has any other ideas, we'll see what GSM change does.
Mediaserver has to do with playing media; pics, videos, etc. In otherwords, in your case, Pandora.
jak167 said:
Just went through phone again to see if I missed anything or something mysteriously reset itself. Only thing i noticed was cell mode set back to global (a result of dead battery reboot??) Changed it back to CDMA only (verizon network). This is supposed to help battery bc GSM network not active.
Also checked through eletric sheep, nothing came up with "mediaserver" Does anyone know to what this refers?
Unless anyone has any other ideas, we'll see what GSM change does.
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Is there an option for cdma auto prl? Is so select that
Sent from my ultra fast Liberated Droid 2

