[Q] How to check if battery bad - Droid 2 General

Just recently got D2G from verizon. Bc this was a replacement phone, I had to use the same battery I previously had in the orig Droid. Battery, as of today, is 15 months old.
When first got D2G, battery life terrible. Upon review of various threads here, determined probably crapware, etc. causing the problem. Using the instructions in this forum, rooted the phone, ran scripts to temporarily remove crapware, installed setCPU, disabled CDMA cell network, set widgets on phone to make sure Wifi, GPS, etc. turned off until needed, and voila, awesome battery life. If not too active, I could get 30 hours on a charge.
Just starting a few days ago, I'm back to 6-8 hours per charge. Phone constantly running out of battery. For example, I was in garage last night, had phone on charger and streaming pandora to my stereo. Come back into house, get ready for bed, quit pandora, phone at 90% charge. Go to bed at 11 pm, up this morning, at 7, phone's dead.
Also, after phone dies, it seems like it takes a long time to get to the 5% charge to actually boot. It will be on USB charger for 30 min plus or so bfore it even boots.
How do you check to see if battery bad?

Download an app called Spare Parts from the market (free). Under battery information it will show you battery health. I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is, but it's worth looking at.
Also look at battery history. Change other usage to partial wake, and see whats keeping your phone awake (which can cause battery drain) and also look at network usage, to see if something is constantly connecting to the internet. Hope this helps.

Thx for the response, will give it a look and report back.

Looked through spare parts (I had it already), the android operating system was the largest user of CPU and overall. Second by a least half as much was a program called "mediaserver" remainder of programs were all fractional amounts.
Says battery is "good"
I already had "activity/process management" set to aggressive killing.

Just went through phone again to see if I missed anything or something mysteriously reset itself. Only thing i noticed was cell mode set back to global (a result of dead battery reboot??) Changed it back to CDMA only (verizon network). This is supposed to help battery bc GSM network not active.
Also checked through eletric sheep, nothing came up with "mediaserver" Does anyone know to what this refers?
Unless anyone has any other ideas, we'll see what GSM change does.

Mediaserver has to do with playing media; pics, videos, etc. In otherwords, in your case, Pandora.

jak167 said:
Just went through phone again to see if I missed anything or something mysteriously reset itself. Only thing i noticed was cell mode set back to global (a result of dead battery reboot??) Changed it back to CDMA only (verizon network). This is supposed to help battery bc GSM network not active.
Also checked through eletric sheep, nothing came up with "mediaserver" Does anyone know to what this refers?
Unless anyone has any other ideas, we'll see what GSM change does.
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Is there an option for cdma auto prl? Is so select that
Sent from my ultra fast Liberated Droid 2


T-Mobile Wing Battery HUGE Drain When Radios OFF?

you guys are such geniuses here, maybe you can help me with this:
has anyone notice that on the TMOBILE WING, if you TURN OFF ALL RADIOS (phone, bluetooth, wifi) at night when you goto sleep (flight mode), battery at 100%, the next morning when you wake up the battery will be around 50-60%? ironically, if i leave my cellular radio on, the next morning the battery will be at 98% or 99% even 100%... does anyone know what is wrong? I've heard a few other users complain about this issue... this is a serious bug
call me paranoid but i rather have my phone off completely off at night, we get enough radiation from wifi, cellular, bluetooth daily already lol
can someone please reply and let me know if their wing loses a big percentage of the battery overnight when cellular radio,wifi,bluetooth are all off?? if this is only my phone then i need to get tmobile to send me a replacement asap...
cnet review had the same issue when they reviewed this phone a few months ago and they said it was a bug that should have been fixed already by wing's release date.
fakereal said:
can someone please reply and let me know if their wing loses a big percentage of the battery overnight when cellular radio,wifi,bluetooth are all off?? if this is only my phone then i need to get tmobile to send me a replacement asap...
cnet review had the same issue when they reviewed this phone a few months ago and they said it was a bug that should have been fixed already by wing's release date.
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Most be something with just the wing. My Herald does not do this.
do you use spb mobile shell?????
i heard that with spb mobile shell the battarie goes empty within some hours.... also over night! maybe thats the problem
pilotbrille said:
do you use spb mobile shell?????
i heard that with spb mobile shell the battarie goes empty within some hours.... also over night! maybe thats the problem
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Mobile Shell doesn't seem to effect my Herald too much either.
pilotbrille said:
do you use spb mobile shell?????
i heard that with spb mobile shell the battarie goes empty within some hours.... also over night! maybe thats the problem
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no i dont use that, t-mobile is sending me a new unit, i will see if it still does that....
got my new unit from tmobile today, funny thing, the wing and battery now both says MADE IN TAIWAN. the original one i got from tmobile 2 weeks ago is made in china, so was the battery. hopefully this is the cause will have to leave it overnight with the cellular radio, bluetooth and wifi all off to see if the battery still disappears
...if you use any push mail service (exchange, windows live), but disable the radio, your device is trying to connect to the mail service on and on and on. so if you use any of that services, make sure you disable them too in your comm manager settings as soon as you switch the radio stack off...
cheers, lutz
lutzh said:
...if you use any push mail service (exchange, windows live), but disable the radio, your device is trying to connect to the mail service on and on and on. so if you use any of that services, make sure you disable them too in your comm manager settings as soon as you switch the radio stack off...
cheers, lutz
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you make an excellent point! but i don't use any of those, the email i do have, is pop3 and i've set it to check email manually, meaning only when i click send/receive. i'll know if it's a software or hardware issue once i try this new replacement overnight with all the same apps installed as the previous one.
Having the same issue with my Wing
I ran a test last night, turned all radios off (flight mode showed on home)
Battery was at 99%. In the morning it was down to 56%. My wing battery is made in Taiwan, and the phone is made in China.
Are you still having the same problem with your replacement Wing?
smalouf said:
I ran a test last night, turned all radios off (flight mode showed on home)
Battery was at 99%. In the morning it was down to 56%. My wing battery is made in Taiwan, and the phone is made in China.
Are you still having the same problem with your replacement Wing?
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Finally someone who has the same issue, now i know i'm not crazy! I just ran the test on my replacement wing, it still does the same thing!!! I woke up with only 54% battery remaining from 100%
1 thing i can eliminate is, this is definitely NOT caused by batterystatus plugin, it had this problem before i even installed that program.
my other none t-mobile included programs are:
tcpmp player
thunderhawk browser
(none of those 4 programs are running in the background) and i went to sleep with a brand new soft-reset and made sure no programs were running in the background. i do however always have an alarm set to go off at 11am every day, but if this is what's draining the battery, then this phone is in some serious need for patching...
i'm seriously thinking this is a hardware issue or a system software bug, i think a lot of ppl don't notice cause they don't go into flight mode overnight since most of them don't care about cellular radiation lol i think 8-10hrs a night without cellphone radiation can only be a good thing, even if all the billion dollar profiting corporations that sells these things wants you to think it's safe
same thing happens to me, battery went from 100% to 50%ish overnight... this doesn't happen if you turn off all radios on your phone for only, say, 2 hours... weird thing... we need some experts of this forums to take a look at this issue, it's bugging me too
Huge battery drain on win phone of mode solved
OK, so not really solved, but figured out what the problem probably is, and a workaround. It's definitely a bug in the way the application is written.
I think the logic the way it is now is something like this:
If phone app is turned off
"Signal object" reports no signal available
Problem is, the "search for and find signal" object is not told to stop looking! And so, it tries to find a signal all the time the phone is off, draining the battery.
To test this, I switched the phone from Automatic network to Manual. This is under "Comm, Settings, Phone, Network". In Manual mode, the battery does not drain.
Of course, being in Manual mode has its disadvantages if you are traveling through roam areas where T-mo is not the carrier.
I uninstalled the t-mobile hotspot login utility and with all radios off, went to sleep (battery at 92%) for about 8 hours, now the battery shows 91%... don't know if that program is the culprit of all this, will test again tonight.
if this don't work, then i wouldnt mind switching my network to manual when going to sleep then switching it back to auto when i wake up
smalouf said:
OK, so not really solved, but figured out what the problem probably is, and a workaround. It's definitely a bug in the way the application is written.
I think the logic the way it is now is something like this:
If phone app is turned off
"Signal object" reports no signal available
Problem is, the "search for and find signal" object is not told to stop looking! And so, it tries to find a signal all the time the phone is off, draining the battery.
To test this, I switched the phone from Automatic network to Manual. This is under "Comm, Settings, Phone, Network". In Manual mode, the battery does not drain.
Of course, being in Manual mode has its disadvantages if you are traveling through roam areas where T-mo is not the carrier.
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have you actually TESTED this or are you just guessing? test your theory overnight and we'll see if this is the case, i don't think it is since this is a HTC phone and no other HTC phones have this issue, unless they somehow managed to mess up on this model :\
fakereal said:
Finally someone who has the same issue, now i know i'm not crazy!
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I can only agree with half of your statements. You are NOT the only one with this issue... but being crazy? You'll have to answer that one yourself.
Now then, the method of switching the network from Automatic to Manual sounds promising because if it's actively looking for networks, even though it has already located one, would continue to drain the battery. I will be the guinea pig for this one and report back in about 12 hours (with this problem, my battery won't even last that long lol). I'm also going to set my SMS/MMS settings back to manual as well.
If I uninstall the T-Mobile Hotspot login utility, how would I go about REINSTALLING it?
bah, i thought i had it, but i didnt, i uninstalled the tmobile hotspot utility and this morning i was greeted yet again with 50% battery remaining... i don't know what happen the other night when it didnt drain to 50% but i suspect that it was because i had turn it on once in the middle of the night when i went to the bathroom.
so someone help us please!!!
Switched all network modes to manual, left the house at 8:30pm with a 66% charge, got home at 11:30pm with a 32% charge... and I didn't even use the phone!
The odd thing? When I was charging my phone, it said 50%... but once I unplugged it from the charger, it shot up to 66%. Perhaps there's absolutely nothing wrong with the battery and it's just having problems measuring an accurate amount of juice in the battery?
Either way, 10% juice in 1 hour is absurd... this thing is supposed to have a 200 hour idle life and we're not even getting 1/10th of that!
*EDIT* Hmmmm! I just checked my network mode and it went BACK to automatic for some reason! Perhaps it goes back to automatic after a soft reset? Eh...
freakingwilly said:
Switched all network modes to manual, left the house at 8:30pm with a 66% charge, got home at 11:30pm with a 32% charge... and I didn't even use the phone!
The odd thing? When I was charging my phone, it said 50%... but once I unplugged it from the charger, it shot up to 66%. Perhaps there's absolutely nothing wrong with the battery and it's just having problems measuring an accurate amount of juice in the battery?
Either way, 10% juice in 1 hour is absurd... this thing is supposed to have a 200 hour idle life and we're not even getting 1/10th of that!
*EDIT* Hmmmm! I just checked my network mode and it went BACK to automatic for some reason! Perhaps it goes back to automatic after a soft reset? Eh...
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lol i find it weird that everyone leaves their phones on at night when they goto sleep with the cellular radio blasting out unneccssary radiation, this has gotta be the case since not many ppl noticed this MAJOR flaw with the tmobile wing...! if you were expecting important calls at night then i understand why the phone must be on, but besides this reason, i wonder why the others leaves the cell radio on
Personally, I always charge my phone overnight, because during a days usage I often run it down to 50% to 30%. Thats about 12 hours a day in my pocket, just a few inches away from one of my most important body parts. If you're worried about nighttime radiation, consider this: if you go overnight and only drain 2-3% of your battery, it shows that the unit is transmitting very little, with not a whole lot of that radiation you are worried about. If you are still worried, turn it completely off, it only takes a minute to turn on when you wake up. If you use it as a morning wake up alarm, or have other needs to have it on overnight, try pulling the sim card, see if that helps.

Help? A few uncommon problems

Ok so I received my Vibrant on Monday and so far I am in love with it. Their are three things that bug me, however.
1. Battery Life is TERRIBLE. I know, I know-This has been discussed before but I did everything the other threads said and still no difference. On my phone, I will leave it on standby and it will drop 8 percent in like an hour and a half. Somethings wrong. Also, If I play the Sims for two hours (like I did today) my battery goes from 98% down to 45%. Is this normal?
Just to point out what I have going on with my phone:
- Brightness is turned down COMPLETELY. Automatic brightness is turned OFF.
- 3G is always on. Could this be the culprit?
- I have a completely black background.
- Last I checked, it said my display was taking up 60-70% of my battery usage.
- As stated above, Sims DRAINS my battery. Either somethings up with my phone or Samsung should have made sure the Sims doesnt kill the device.
2. The second I take my phone off the charger, the battery goes from 100% to 98%. Can I fix this? Its kind of annoying...
3. Problem with the Sims. Im not sure if any of you have this issue, but whenever I tell my Sim to watch TV, the app shuts down and takes me back to my home screen. Any idea why its happening?
alecjake said:
Ok so I received my Vibrant on Monday and so far I am in love with it. Their are three things that bug me, however.
1. Battery Life is TERRIBLE. I know, I know-This has been discussed before but I did everything the other threads said and still no difference. On my phone, I will leave it on standby and it will drop 8 percent in like an hour and a half. Somethings wrong. Also, If I play the Sims for two hours (like I did today) my battery goes from 98% down to 45%. Is this normal?
Just to point out what I have going on with my phone:
- Brightness is turned down COMPLETELY. Automatic brightness is turned OFF.
- 3G is always on. Could this be the culprit?
- I have a completely black background.
- Last I checked, it said my display was taking up 60-70% of my battery usage.
- As stated above, Sims DRAINS my battery. Either somethings up with my phone or Samsung should have made sure the Sims doesnt kill the device.
2. The second I take my phone off the charger, the battery goes from 100% to 98%. Can I fix this? Its kind of annoying...
3. Problem with the Sims. Im not sure if any of you have this issue, but whenever I tell my Sim to watch TV, the app shuts down and takes me back to my home screen. Any idea why its happening?
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1. Leaving a phone in 3G all the time is not a good idea, if you have WiFi near you you can connect to I'd use WiFi instead, it has less battery drain then the antenna that is constantly searching for 3G signal - unless you are in the area with bulletproof 3G coverage of course.
2. It seems like this bug is common 100% jumps to 98% once you unplug the charger, are there really any accurate battery meters on the market?
3. Can't help you there, not playing the game on my phone.
lqaddict said:
1. Leaving a phone in 3G all the time is not a good idea, if you have WiFi near you you can connect to I'd use WiFi instead, it has less battery drain then the antenna that is constantly searching for 3G signal - unless you are in the area with bulletproof 3G coverage of course.
2. It seems like this bug is common 100% jumps to 98% once you unplug the charger, are there really any accurate battery meters on the market?
3. Can't help you there, not playing the game on my phone.
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alright thanks. im in phoenix here so i am almost always in a 3G area. I guess i'll leave it on since i rarely dont have 3G
I also read on multiple forums including HoFo that 3G generally consumes more energy then WiFi.
sims 3 fix
so my girlfriend was complaining about sims crashing when she watched tv or relaxed on the couch. i fixed this by moving both the sims launcher app and the sims game app to data/app.
I normally use Edge simply because I don't need Wifi or 3G on unless I'm doing some heavy data transferring.
Currently I'm at 61% battery, which means my phone has been off the charger for 16hours. Its not a fluke either because its just normal use for me. I normally take my phone off the charger at 6am and I plug it back in around 11pm.
Prolonged GPS, Wifi and 3G will eat your battery. I'm not saying don't use the services, but you give up one for the other. I personally like to have awesome battery usage until I'm out and about and really need to use my phone.
I'd recommend you call T-Mobile customer service and have them diagnose the problems you are having and issue a replacement if necessary.
Based on my experience, battery life is excellent, probably the best I've seen in any smartphone in this category. Battery usually last easily through the day with heavy use, including:
- having 3G on all the time (and frequently switching to edge and back)
- 2 email accounts using push (gmail and exchange)
- gps on all the time
- google latitude running all the time
- facebook and twitter sync'ing every hour
- fancy widget sync'ing every two hours
- Newsroom harvesting 12 news sites in the background
- occasional picture (3 or 4) a day
- web browsing and searching
- xda app for reading and replying to this forum.
- bluetooth is always on
- wifi is on from 8 pm on.
I charge the phone through the night, unplug it at 8 am, return home at 8 pm and put it to charge around 11 pm, with still 50%. Brightness is set to auto. Phone is not rooted or modified in any way.
You bought a high end phone that should perform as such. You are supposed to get the most out of your phone, not turn off its features. I wouldn't listen to those who claim you should turn off everything and dim the screen. What's next, not using the phone to preserve batteries?
That's just my two cents.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Insane Battery Drain...Please help

This is my first android phone and I'm wondering if I am doing anything wrong. Yesterday I charged my phone and it was at 83%. I unplugged the phone and went to sleep, when I woke up this morning the battery was completely drained.
This happens a lot. Even if I am not doing anything it still drains like crazy. I just text, make some phone calls and it barely makes it through the day. I don't play any games, no gps, no Bluetooth or anything. With my plan, I don't have a data connection so I can't connect to 3g/4g so that shouldn't drain anything.
What could I be doing wrong? When I'm done using the phone I tap the power button on top, the screen goes black - to sleep I presume and I put it away. I had an iphone before this and I did exactly the same thing and the battery lasted for 3-4 days on one charge.
Whenever I see what's using up the battery, the display tops the list. The display is using up 75-80% of the battery. If the phone is asleep for most of the time why is the display using up that much battery? Am I not putting the phone to sleep correctly?
Faizt20 said:
This is my first android phone and I'm wondering if I am doing anything wrong. Yesterday I charged my phone and it was at 83%. I unplugged the phone and went to sleep, when I woke up this morning the battery was completely drained.
This happens a lot. Even if I am not doing anything it still drains like crazy. I just text, make some phone calls and it barely makes it through the day. I don't play any games, no gps, no Bluetooth or anything. With my plan, I don't have a data connection so I can't connect to 3g/4g so that shouldn't drain anything.
What could I be doing wrong? When I'm done using the phone I tap the power button on top, the screen goes black - to sleep I presume and I put it away. I had an iphone before this and I did exactly the same thing and the battery lasted for 3-4 days on one charge.
Whenever I see what's using up the battery, the display tops the list. The display is using up 75-80% of the battery. If the phone is asleep for most of the time why is the display using up that much battery? Am I not putting the phone to sleep correctly?
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If you cant connect to 3g/4g, you should turn it off in settings. Otherwise, Your phone will constantly look for a signal, draining your battery.
Battery life is all relative. Every single person will experience different battery life. The apps you have installed, the amount of time you spend on it and the time you spend on/in each app, distance from cell towers, distance from Wi-Fi sources, settings you have for every app and things like sync and what not.
The first thing to check is if your phone is being affected by the init or suspend bugs. The good news is the former has an easy fix, and the latter can be temporarily fixed by a reboot.
First, download & install Watchdog Lite from the market. Then open its preferences and check "include phone processes," "monitor phone processes," and "display all phone processes." Then just use your phone as normal. It may take a while before you get an alert from Watchdog (and maybe you never will and it ends up you have a different problem). But if you do, note the process that is the culprit.
If it is the init process, go to settings>applications>development> check "usb debugging."
If it is the suspend process, reboot the phone. It should keep it from happening again for a while.
I know the second answer isn't really an answer, but so far it's all we've got for that problem. There is more information on the 2 problems in these threads:
Good luck...I had both of the problems and my phone didn't last to dinner time. Now I get better battery life than the iphone 3GS I had before this...about a day and a half of moderate use.
EDIT: also you'll probably want to go to settings>wireless & networks>uncheck "mobile network" since you don't have a data plan. No reason to have that on since you don't have a data plan.
werk said:
First, download & install Watchdog Lite from the market. Then open its preferences and check "include phone processes," "monitor phone processes," and "display all phone processes." Then just use your phone as normal. It may take a while before you get an alert from Watchdog (and maybe you never will and it ends up you have a different problem). But if you do, note the process that is the culprit.
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I installed this using the Moderate setting, and then selected those options as recommended in preferences.
Does Watchdog use a lot of system resources when running in this manner? Will it cause the battery to drain noticeably faster?
netter123 said:
I installed this using the Moderate setting, and then selected those options as recommended in preferences.
Does Watchdog use a lot of system resources when running in this manner? Will it cause the battery to drain noticeably faster?
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Completely unnoticeable, IMO.
I installed watchdog lite and I have had couple of alerts. I got suspended couple of times and I also got Android system once.
Android system - 50.1%
Suspend - 54.4%
Linux Process
I turned off the data usage from the settings and it did help save battery. The display is not using so much battery life anymore. It went from using 70% to 35%.
Edit: Battsatt reported that the battery was at 93%. When I saw the two alerts above I rebooted the phone and Battsatt now starts reporting the phone is fully charged.
Make sure the GPS is turned Off, too...
All these answers and the easy ones were not mentioned..
Make sure you shut your AUTO SYNC off...
Make sure you lower your brightneess....
Make sure you turn off GPS(was stated above me)
Turn off your wifi if you are not using it.. make sure you are not transmitting your hot spot stuff...
Faizt20 said:
Suspend - 54.4%
Linux Process
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You just summed it up right there. You are experiencing the 'suspend' issue, period. There is no app you can install to fix it. There is no app you can uninstall to fix it. There is no setting you can adjust to fix it. There is no fix for the 'suspend' issue, literally.
I started the following thread in an attempt to consolidate posts and hopefully work toward flushing out what the real issue is...
This is a real, legitimate issue with Android 2.2.x Froyo. As I linked in my post, this is Issue # 11126 on Google Code...
If there was an app or setting that fixed the 'suspend' issue, we wouldn't even be discussing this right now. There are fixes/workarounds for a lot of things, but right now, the 'suspend' process issue truly is a mystery. No one, not a single person has yet to post, "this is the cause of the issue," let alone a fix for it.
I wish you had a fix man, I really do. My fiancee experiences this and there's only one way she's found to sort of workaround it, sort of - she reboots her phone every morning. This seems to keep it at bay, at least more so than when she doesn't reboot each morning, once she takes it off the charger. She still gets it though and she's just used to looking for Watchdog and checking her processes now.
This thread could go on and on forever but it comes down to this:
- The MT4G does not have insane battery drain and will give you about 12 hours of life, under normal>medium usage. If your battery is draining insanely quickly AND if you're seeing the suspend process jacked up so high, then there.is.no.fix.yet.
There might be a ton of other replies after this about uninstall this, install that, change this, don't use widgets, use widgets, etc. Those attempts will be futile.

Exhausted every effort trying to fix this problem.. ATRIX 4G: new battery time?

I'll post everything I've tried and everything that's gone wrong here.
So initially I purchased this phone off of a friend nearly brand new, the screen had broken and had been replaced. Otherwise the phone is in perfect factory condition.
I unlocked the phone, and am using it on Rogers. APN settings working perfectly.
I installed GOLauncherEX on the phone as Motoblur wasn't doing it for me.
Battery life was crap (lasting hardly 3 hours and dying while I sleep). I found that Motoblur HOME had been running alongside GOLauncherEX. At first I simply uninstalled the third-party launcher, but then opted to grab LauncherPro+ and HomeSwitcher. This dramatically improved battery life.
Lately, I've been having issues once in awhile again. Mostly if I leave the phone unplugged while I'm sleeping (fully charged when unplugged) and we'll use the timeline 3am - 11am. It would either die completely or drop to around 15%.
As long as I could have enough charge to last me through work, I was fine with this as it was way better than what had been happening before.
This morning something extreme and unexplainable happened.. and it's the first time I took a look at the battery usage meter to see what had happened. Picture is below.
If someone could offer some tips or help that would benefit me even the slightest, it would be very much appreciated.
My bad for sneaking a link in, but it was the only way to show the issue.
(Remove the space between 1297964 and 124 at the end)
Oh and also, phone is rooted, bloatware is frozen via Titanium Backup Pro.
Have you recalibrated?
WiredPirate said:
Have you recalibrated?
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Do you have any suggestions as to what to use to calibrate?
I'm not keen on flashing any new roms if that makes a difference.
SL1VR said:
Do you have any suggestions as to what to use to calibrate?
I'm not keen on flashing any new roms if that makes a difference.
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Calibrating is something you may need to do after flashing a ROM, you can search and find a guide or you can use this app.
I have not flashed any new roms and I don't intend on doing so, but I'll check out the app you posted.
Thanks for your help,
any new ideas are still welcome.
The benefits of battery calibration are not limited to only if you flash a new ROM. Battery calibration should be the first thing you try if you are experiencing battery troubles imo, and there is allot more in depth information in the guides you could search for.
There is one more thing I can think of you can try, download Watchdog and see if there are any malicious or poorly written apps burning up your cpu/battery.
WiredPirate said:
The benefits of battery calibration are not limited to only if you flash a new ROM. Battery calibration should be the first thing you try if you are experiencing battery troubles imo, and there is allot more in depth information in the guides you could search for.
There is one more thing I can think of you can try, download Watchdog and see if there are any malicious or poorly written apps burning up your cpu/battery.
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Thanks for your help, grabbing Watchdog now.
Maybe unlock the bootloader and flash a custom rom?
Go into account and sync and shut off background data. I was getting. 10-12 hours battery life and now over 30 by just doing that. Worked for a buddy at work too.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Radio is key. After I flashed radio 1.77.30p, my phone can easily using 3 days without freeze anything.
Do not use 1.97 radio and don't use task killers. 2.3.4 gingerbread does a much better job of killing tasks than Froyo did and it's unnecessary. Also, turning off background data is not necessary.
Phalanx7621 said:
Do not use 1.97 radio and don't use task killers. 2.3.4 gingerbread does a much better job of killing tasks than Froyo did and it's unnecessary. Also, turning off background data is not necessary.
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I would say it is. Apps including google will try and update and locate your phone via 3g and gps when its sitting there idle. Its not necessary if you only install apps that dont use background data, or disable them individually but some dont allow it.
I still was able to get 15 hours with data enabled and over 30 with it disabled. There is a huge difference there. I just have to open my yahoo now to update it which I dont mind.
While I appreciate everyone's replies and help, has anyone actually looked at the picture I posted?
As much as I am most definitely interested in prolonging my battery life, that picture is showing a sudden drop from 70% to completely dead, idling, screen off, while I'm asleep.
SL1VR said:
While I appreciate everyone's replies and help, has anyone actually looked at the picture I posted?
As much as I am most definitely interested in prolonging my battery life, that picture is showing a sudden drop from 70% to completely dead, idling, screen off, while I'm asleep.
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I would purchase a new battery from Motorola, It looks like your battery has one or more bad cells in it. Only thing that really explains it. Even with everything turned ON as far as data - the battery should not drop that far that fast.
i'm not entirely sure whats going on with the charge level dropping so sharply. Either something is draining your battery big time or the readout when it says 100% is incorrect.
I had issues with the battery up time as well. In my case, the battery wouldnt last more than 8-9 hours. I had to charge it two times a day. Once overnight so its 100% when i go to work and again as soon as i get home. If i charged to 100%, unplugged and went to bed, it would be at 15-20% when i woke up.
The last time i went abroad, i left the radio turned off completely. I noticed that the battery held its charge for about a day and a half.
Now i did root, unlock the BL and install CM7 on my phone. It seemed better but not that much. After i setup the phone to NOT use my 3G data connection while my wifi was on, i noticed that i was getting great battery life when i was at home but still rubbish at work.
I'm doing a test right now to see if this makes a difference or not. I have turned off data on my phone all together this morning. I charged it to 100%. Normally after 6 hours at work, my phone is at about 30-35%
Right now its sitting at 75%
the 3g is whats killing the battery, on my phone anyway. I will see how long the battery lasts without turning on my data at all. Then i will compare that with how its like with background data turned off.
I would suggest you try re-calibrating your phone's battery, i use battery calibration from the market. Then either turn data off altogether like i have or just turn background data off as the others have suggested and see what kind of a difference it makes.
While i realize you dont want to, it may help further to have a ROM like CM7 installed as it wont have all the bloatware that can further reduce the performance of your phone. You should definitely give turning the data off a go to see its the culprit before you go spend money on a new battery which may or may not fix the problem.
Best to isolate the root cause before you spend money on fixing it. If turning off the data doesnt do it, then you very well may have a battery problem.
Routaran said:
i'm not entirely sure whats going on with the charge level dropping so sharply. Either something is draining your battery big time or the readout when it says 100% is incorrect.
I had issues with the battery up time as well. In my case, the battery wouldnt last more than 8-9 hours. I had to charge it two times a day. Once overnight so its 100% when i go to work and again as soon as i get home. If i charged to 100%, unplugged and went to bed, it would be at 15-20% when i woke up.
The last time i went abroad, i left the radio turned off completely. I noticed that the battery held its charge for about a day and a half.
Now i did root, unlock the BL and install CM7 on my phone. It seemed better but not that much. After i setup the phone to NOT use my 3G data connection while my wifi was on, i noticed that i was getting great battery life when i was at home but still rubbish at work.
I'm doing a test right now to see if this makes a difference or not. I have turned off data on my phone all together this morning. I charged it to 100%. Normally after 6 hours at work, my phone is at about 30-35%
Right now its sitting at 75%
the 3g is whats killing the battery, on my phone anyway. I will see how long the battery lasts without turning on my data at all. Then i will compare that with how its like with background data turned off.
I would suggest you try re-calibrating your phone's battery, i use battery calibration from the market. Then either turn data off altogether like i have or just turn background data off as the others have suggested and see what kind of a difference it makes.
While i realize you dont want to, it may help further to have a ROM like CM7 installed as it wont have all the bloatware that can further reduce the performance of your phone. You should definitely give turning the data off a go to see its the culprit before you go spend money on a new battery which may or may not fix the problem.
Best to isolate the root cause before you spend money on fixing it. If turning off the data doesnt do it, then you very well may have a battery problem.
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I'll definitely try everything you've mentioned, I did calibrate my battery since I first started this topic. I'm not sure if there's a difference, if there is, it isn't noticeable. My phone died last night, and I charged it overnight again so I haven't had a chance to see if what happened the other night will happen again. Soon enough, I'll post details if I notice anything peculiar.
Since you said you bought the phone off a friend I would like to make sure you have the right battery.
The battery "must" be of the following to show the right charge level, otherwise it might appear the battery discharging very quickly.
The part/model no.: SNN5893A
Manufacturing Date: ??/April/2011 or onwards
In regards to the poster above who mentioned shutting off background data, my phone lasts 17-19 hours running CM7 with nothing frozen, background data on, and I record quite a bit of video + pictures every day. I don't use task killers either. So I'm thinking that maybe the background data thing is either actually covering up a radio problem, a carrier issue, previous ROM information leaking through, or a faulty battery as stated above that could possibly need replaced.

Sudden drop in battery life

Ever since I had gotten my Nexus One back in July 2011, I had been really pleased by the battery life. With my usage patterns, I could easily get two days on a charge, sometimes getting three comfortably. All of the sudden, about half a week ago, I noticed that the battery would discharge itself really quickly. It would go from 100% to around 30% in a day. I hadn't changed my usage patterns, nor had I installed any new apps. I went into the settings for any apps that may be loading data in the background (Twitter, Facebook, News/Weather, etc) and made sure background data was enabled, and I always turn off mobile networks (EDGE/3G) and WiFi when I'm not using them. I even went as far as wiping the phone and resetting everything, but no change in battery life. Calibrating the battery by letting it fully discharge and then charging it fully while the phone is powered off also did nothing. I'm at a total loss here. This seems inexplicable as to why the battery life is now so bad.
i change my battery every 6-8 months batteries are stupid like that i had this problem also like 5 months ago i just bought a new battery then BINGO 3-4 days on 1 full charge with every know battery tweaks if you look for battery look in the Nexus Q&A thread someone asked whats the best battery life ... hope i helped
here's the post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1569069
Thanks. I think I'll order a new battery, probably a standard 1400mAh battery instead of one of the larger-capacity extended batteries. I don't really want to add any more weight or thickness to my phone. If that doesn't seem to do the trick, I'll probably just eventually buy a new phone. I've been looking for something different for a while now and this will give me a good excuse to do so. Heh.
I don't want to jinx myself here, but I may have found a temporary solution. Use only 2G networks. Curiously, about two or three weeks ago, I noticed that the mobile network type has changed from HSPA to HSDPA. AT&T appears to have done some upgrades to bring "4G" to the area. I wonder if the changeover has done something to my Nexus One and now was drawing more power from the device searching for a signal? Ever since I've disabled 3G, I've been on EDGE and I've only lost ~5% battery compared to the near 25% that I had lost on HSDPA. I'll check back if I find out anymore information.
One option is to try to recalibrate the battery. There is a root app out there that allows / guides you how to do this. Just search battery calibration. Additionally, instead of using an app, what you can do is boot into a custom recovery image (preferably 4EXT touch) and wipe the 'battery stats'. Then turn the device off, charge til the LED is green and then leave on the charge for an hour after it turns green (maybe overnight?). Then run the battery full out the next day to properly calibrate it.
Yes, 2G mode only does save a lot of battery. Apps that sync in the background (IE Gmail, FB, Twitter) use battery a lot. From your post it sounded like you have them set to auto update. Disable that or force it to refresh less often. What is sounds like is that your device maybe trying to connect to cell towers but is having a harder time; this may be due to ATT's 'upgrade'. I'm not too sure about that stuff though, haha.
Just as I had expected, I believe that it is an AT&T-related issue. A friend of mine who has an Aria has been experiencing the exact same battery drain issue that I had been having.
recalibrate your battery
1.drain your battery until you get the message "powering off"
2.quickly connect your charger
3.charge it 8 hours straight..
Battery calliberated...well it worked for me...:thumbup:
Sent from my HTC Nexus One using XDA
I had the exact same problem. I had a refurbished nexus one, everything was working fine for a month then suddenly one day battery life goes from 14-16 hours to 4-6. I call customer service and search online, do all the battery pull out replace and whatever but no result. Took it to a shop, they couldn't figure out how to fix it but mentioned perhaps I should change the power strip (the black plastic card wich has the power button, camera and flash attached to it). Look at ifixit nexus one teardown for the actual part. So I bought a new power strip, replaced it and my nexus one is back to its original 12-14 hours. Not sure if this will help you, but that's what I did to fix mine.

