SecurIt 1.1: Sim/IMSI checking opensource security for us all - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm been working on this for a little bit now since I found all the existing apps don't work well in WM6 or don't work well in a custom rom. This is a open source program (as all of mine are) and I welcome help/donations/and comments. Bug reports will be helpful in this first release as I certainly consider this a alpha release at the moment.
What it does:
once setup at every boot it compares your IMSI number with the one stored, if it's a match it plays a little sound and that's it. If it's not a match, it locks the device and displays your email and a request to please get it back to you. It also send you the "new sim's" imsi and phone number via a SMS.
SecurIt 1.1 (BETA) by Shadowmite
TODO: Build in SMS rule filtering thus adding remote control
Lock out activesync connections?
Protect the datafile from being deleted, or keep a backup in registry.
Version 1 (BETA) Instructions:
This security applicatioon can run loaded normally via a cab file to your device, or via being cooked into a rom. It will require your phone able to run unsigned code (most roms at this site are fine in this regard). Furthermore it does require the .NET Framework so it's really for WM6 devices, WM5 will be more tricky and is left up to the user to figure out how to make it all work.
When first run the program resides in \windows and must run from there. If you ran the cab installer it will have created a shortcut for you into the Programs folder.
The application comes up with a form showing you the current device imei, imsi, and phone number. You need to enter a password (needed to disable security programmatically or change SIM info), a email you can be reached at my a "finder" of your phone, and a SMS phone number you'd like alert messages sent to. Once done click set. Finally, click Enable security.
The application then sets itself up to autorun upon boot and if the SIM matches, it plays a little sound file to let you know everything is fine. If the sim is found to have changed, it will lock down the device until a password is entered. Meanwhile it shows your contact email and has sent the alert sms to you with the new imsi and phone number.
If you enter the proper password the program will take you to the settings screen where you can reenter the password and make changes to the settings and resave them. Simply clicking enable security without making changes will keep the settings as they are.
Clicking disable security will remove the autorun entries and remove the data file the programs keeps at \windows\SecurIt.dat.
The data file keeps 5 lines, MD5 hashes of your imei, imsi, password, and also your email and sms phone number as plain text. Thus stealing this file does not enable retrieving the password or easy changing of the imsi. Deleting this file however would remove security. Furthermore activesync will still link to a locked device. Knowledgable people about these devices could therefore defeat this security, however it's goal is to keep the casual theif / finder out of the phone.
This program is a work in progress and I welcome help with modifications to it as well as bug fixes. Source can be found at:
To cook this into a rom, you need 3 files. 2 of them need to be generated when you first install it like normal and set it up. Copy the SecurIt.dat from \windows and the SecurIt.lnk from \windows\start up to your rom as well as the SecurIt.exe file. It's that simple. Enjoy!
1.1: Fixed all kinds of bugs causing security to crash with various sims
1.0: Initial release
If you like my work and would like to help insure I continue to have time for this, please consider a donation to: foglemATshadowmiteDOTcom

Shadowmite, thnx for starting an "opensource" project for this. I havent tried it yet, will try once I reach home.. But I had a cpl of suggestions\questions:
1. Why do u keep email and sms phone no in plain text instead of encrypting them as well?
2. Instead of storing config in a file, store the config in registry which lessens the chances of someone finding out about the prog and deleting the file to disable security.

nice work as usual...

shantzg001 said:
Shadowmite, thnx for starting an "opensource" project for this. I havent tried it yet, will try once I reach home.. But I had a cpl of suggestions\questions:
1. Why do u keep email and sms phone no in plain text instead of encrypting them as well?
2. Instead of storing config in a file, store the config in registry which lessens the chances of someone finding out about the prog and deleting the file to disable security.
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number 2 is in the TODO list...

#1) we could encrypt them as long as it's not a one-way hash like the first 3 lines, however those are the bits of data we don't mind the theif/finder seeing afterall as they are the means to get the phone back to its rightful owner. I suppose we could hide them but the phone number will be on his next bill for sending it a SMS and the email is displayed on the locked screen.
And as walshy said, #2 is certainly on the todo, but locking our activesync connections is a bigger concern and I believe completely doable.

#1) we could encrypt them as long as it's not a one-way hash like the first 3 lines, however those are the bits of data we don't mind the theif/finder seeing afterall as they are the means to get the phone back to its rightful owner. I suppose we could hide them but the phone number will be on his next bill for sending it a SMS and the email is displayed on the locked screen.
And as walshy said, #2 is certainly on the todo, but locking our activesync connections is a bigger concern and I believe completely doable.
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ok, and sorry abt the #2, I missed the TODO part..
Keep up the good work..I myself was thinking abt making smthing similar but now I think I'll drop my idea to make a different one, as this seems to be a better idea (opensource is always better )..
I hope I can make some contribution to the code if possible..

shantzg001 said:
ok, and sorry abt the #2, I missed the TODO part..
Keep up the good work..I myself was thinking abt making smthing similar but now I think I'll drop my idea to make a different one, as this seems to be a better idea (opensource is always better )..
I hope I can make some contribution to the code if possible..
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What advantages does this give over "Mobile Justice"..another similar rom has Mobile Justice cooked with it which makes it hard to remove.

famewolf said:
What advantages does this give over "Mobile Justice"..another similar rom has Mobile Justice cooked with it which makes it hard to remove.
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If you like that software and have it working properly use it. Maybe you'd like to post in every rom thread asking why not use some other rom while you're at it?

Shadowmite said:
If you like that software and have it working properly use it. Maybe you'd like to post in every rom thread asking why not use some other rom while you're at it?
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I'm not using Mobile Justice which is WHY I asked what advantages YOURS had over theres for COMPARISON. If it had additional features I was going to recommend it for addition into XM6R3 (the next release of the current rom), but with an attitude like yours I won't bother with further review.

famewolf said:
I'm not using Mobile Justice which is WHY I asked what advantages YOURS had over theres for COMPARISON. If it had additional features I was going to recommend it for addition into XM6R3 (the next release of the current rom), but with an attitude like yours I won't bother with further review.
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you dont bother with a review but bother with a slagging ... take your "fame" somewhere else...

Ok, for starters mine isn't based on assuming every device has a GPS built in (while technically being a Trinity owner I should go that route). I instead base mine on nicely locking down the interface so far with a polite message to get the device back to the owner. Furthermore mine is trivial to build into a cooked rom which was my main reason to write it. I tried every security app out there over the last weekend without any of them working "properly" and figured the best way to get one is to write one. In addition mine is open source, mobilejustice is not.
Now then, you said you're not using it... But the last post said you had it cooked in? WTF? Need some help deciding what you use and don't use?
my rom has Mobile Justice cooked with it which makes it hard to remove.
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I'm not using Mobile Justice which is WHY I asked what advantages YOURS had over theres for COMPARISON.
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Shadowmite said:
Now then, you said you're not using it... But the last post said you had it cooked in? WTF? Need some help deciding what you use and don't use?
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1) The rom I currently have installed comes with Mobile Justice preinstalled.
2) I have not configured and am not currently using Mobile Justice
3) The author is currently taking suggestions for software to include in the next revision of their rom.
What part of any of those statements are you having difficulty comprehending?
Perhaps you and the gentleman from Melbourne should both grow up and quit reading an insult where one was not intended.

Well than back on track... Give it a try and see what you think. I really want feedback from folks outside the USA as I believe it will not properly catch your phone number of the "thief's sim" however if the sms works it should still get the phone number to you obviously.
The GPS coord. request feature is a nice one and will have to go on the todo list.

well, well, fights apart, what drew me to this app over the other apps was the opensource nature as mentioned by Shadowmite because I, like shadowmite, was not happy with the other apps doing things properly or just because I wanted somethings to be done differently..
1. I have a few ideas of getting "coordinates" and sending to the original owner even on non-GPS devices ..Maybe we can discuss some things later on once the basic structure of the app is ok.
2. Couldn't find the source code of the app on ur site..(May be am just one dim-witted dim-sighted git ) Please point me to it..

You'll need svn to get it, windows users:
svn:// is my master repository for all projects.

cool, I do have TortoiseSVN installed at home..Will check it when I go back..

Will it sustain a hard re-set ? Dont think so.

@shailesh, for sustaining hard resets, it has to be cooked into the rom, pointed out by shadow on post 1..
I don't know if something else can be done for this (writing into ext rom is one option but that is not possible for most devices now)

Sounds like a great piece of software. And open source is a great idea too.
I did tried several others like this one (Eye on the thef, Ultimately Theft Alert ...) some features were still missing :
First an autoconfig method :
As already said, whatever your storage methode is (file or registry), you 'll everytime lose the configuration when a hard-reset is done on the device. The only one possibility i can imagine is to store your "installer" program on extended rom with the ability to add an external config (encrypted) file as a parameter.
Installation will be handled by the autoconfig process, using this external file. Config will probably needs to be stored on extended rom too. It's not peace of cake to create an extended rom, but easier that cook a rom.
This feature won't be very helpfull if there is no way to generate a config file automaticaly base on settings done by user : kind of export process.
On standart start/soft-reset, your program will run as it does actually, but when a hard-reset, is proceed, programm will reinstall unattented and will still be running after boot... No way to easily remove it. Bad effect is that it will also be difficult to update programm/config.
Secondly, i'd like to have the a way to "format"(or encrypt) a memory card remotely.
Do you thinks those could be part of your TODO list ?
Will try it on few next days and i'm ready to help you translating it in french

hi shantzg001,
thanks for replying,
My mistake, did not read the whole text.


WME2003 my experience so far, good & bad.

First off XDA Dev forum rocks! I think it is so great that so many people have really helped every level of user. I believe this is truly the best-run forum on the net. XDA developer Peter Poelman, Jeff S., Lance, and I'm sure I'm leaving someone(s) out, please don't take it personally (God I feel like I'm giving an Oscars speech). No really, these guys are great! It's always nice to see a virtual community that actually works like a community. Anyways Tits Up! to ya all :lol: I hope that wasn't inappropriate I mean it is a real expression...... ...I think? :shock:
OK back to my experience so far:
(Theses experiences are based on a Previously US T-Mo PPCPE device with the ATT wireless SX56 latest Radio Stack running obviously WME2003 on US Cingular's Network. As a side note I think we should encourage people making posts for help or in general to start each post with your location, country, service provider, device variant, & ROM+Radio info. This sounds like a lot but these things really aid troubleshooting. Not to mention many of these things can be the thing that makes someone go :idea: I know the answer to that one! Anyway just a thought)
a.) I don't mind all the name changes, win CE, Handheld PC, Pocket PC + 1 and a 1/2 incarnations, and now WME. Just as long as it doesn't get changed to The Operating System Formerly Known As :roll:
b.) If you are having trouble with ring tones this is what I experienced. After using the add ringtone app in setting my ring tones wouldn't show up once I went to the phone app to change the ring tone it was not their. I then snooped around and found some differences.
1.) 2003 ring tones (ROM) are actually .wma files or have that extension
2.) Strangely these files differentiate from regular .wav files by having a space after the name (i.e. ringtonfilename .wma verses ringtonfilename.wma or ringtonfilename.wav) I am not sure this is how the OS tells the diff.
3.) Even weirder now everything works as it should space no space, use +ringtone app, or direct copy file to Rings folder in \windows DIR. So, if you're having problems try adding the space and putting it in the windows directory folder then once it shows up move it back to the rings folder and all should be well. Haven't toyed with .midi ring tones or polyphonic ringtones yet.
c.) If you want .wav files to show up in the sounds & notification / notifications tab just name the beginning of the file with Alarm i.e. Alarmwavfilename.wav and put it in the \Windows DIR folder and their you have it. I use Looney Toons TAZ talking when I get a new SMS as an example. AlarmTAZ.wav
d.) There seems to be a lot of stuff left over from the old OS if that is possible, or I'm not sure why it would be included as duplicates or not used by .Net 4.2x
Under Settings:
I have 2 power icons under settings. They both seem to work fine except one uses a newer Icon and is missing hyperlinks to other apps. I wonder if 4.2 see both but not the key that has the hyper links. Might be fixable. I'd suggest delete one of the keys but not before figuring out adding a new value for the hyper links. I still don't quite understand the registry. I have no computer training just self-taught and now have hard resetting down to blind folded, underwater and in my sleep :lol:
(If anyone understands the registry please PM me I have some interesting ideas I’d like to try that could benefit everyone )
Auto Config icon links no where.
Device Information doesn't get all the information right.
Other stuff that seems to do nothing but is present
\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
[I think these files were added by the developer of this beta to aid the team/soft dev/beta testers familiar with the old layout. I don't think this is the raw WME2003 OS (could be wrong). I would love to get my hands on that, incase service providers tweak & load junk on their that make the device work the way "they" want it to and not what it "is" capable of doing.]
These all now live in (with the exception of the last) in a new location that gets used (with new sub folders called content.IE5 & history.IE5) \Windows\Profiles\guest\
You'll need to know this if you wish to move the location of your temp internet files to be stored on your SD or MMC card. (p.s. don't delete your index file when manually deleting files in these folder it does not remake itself on warm boot. This may not be the case any more)
Also, you may want to download & install VBruntime for pocket pc 2003 from MS. I looked all over and for the life of me I can not find the file to post the link, but don't worry once you do anything that requires it I was prompted to download it by the OS :shock: 8)
e.) Also under \Application Data\Volatile\ DIR & \profiles\default\ DIR these don't seem to serve any function either.
That's about it for the oddities, of course there's the snooze hangs your device alarm bug. Not sure if that's going to be so easily fixed might be vibrate option related? Haven't toyed yet.
Also, radio signal display isn't all that accurate. Signal still the same, just not displayed as accurately.
OK now on to the cool stuff! (I'll just focus on the functionality issues as not to repeat too much that we already have in the forum:
f.) True Class B GPRS (Strange seems to be OS side not GSM Radio Side, as I didn't upgrade the Radio Stack :?: )
Always on + True GPRS Suspend feature! (I can't believe I waited over a year! for this common basic function :evil: and MANY people out their are still! waiting. I'm surprised this device even did as well as it did given this was already a feature in Bluetooth phone+PDA combos. I almost took it back to the store the day I bought it (Like all the handheld computers in my PDA graveyard from Casio Boss-Sharp-1st CE-Psion-RIMBlackberry-HPC both form factors-PPC, I must be the first to have it! I'm ill that way :roll: early adopter is a light term :shock: )
g.) Today Plug-in big improvement Calendar gives you a heads up the next appointment down the road (you'll either love this or hate it & it's not an option so hope for the first)
Inbox plug-in shows all your accounts SMS+All email accounts. Taping on the specific account launches that account 8)
h.) Pac-Man anyone just go to \Windows\Pac-Man.exe and copy via file explorer into your \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games and Tap & Hold select paste shortcut. Then Tap & Hold rename and get rid of "shortcut"
i.) Inbox rocks now almost Blackberry like functionality (sort of) When you set up a new account their is an option to check called connect & check for messages every "" minutes. Max value is only 60min not so good if you’re trying to watch kb charges or battery life. But the really cool part is it really works. Even if you ready for this kids 8) DO NOT have a current data connection it will at the appointed interval launch a data connection and run! :shock: way 8) This will take place even if the devise is turned off, but requires inbox to be open and I think on the top (not running in the background a stupid MS bug. Not the case when the device is on will run in the background)
Now for the things I do hate :x :
Once again Microsoft just blows me away in their omission of a function that is so obvious, basic and expected and just cripples the device at the point of it's "Main" cool sell factor (i.e. data connection killed on power off, data connection terminated on call dial/receive) that I just can't believe it :shock: The moment the little thought ran through my head "Oh, #%[email protected]! I might have to wait a year for this tiny #%[email protected] pivotal bug to get worked out I almost threw my device out the window I was so pissed :x :evil: So hear it is and your not going to believe it:
The inbox as stated above works awesome, very automated, great, etc, but if you have more that one email account it will ONLY auto connect and check the one that is on top! Even worse, if your SMS account is on top wont check any of your email accounts :shock: I just cant believe it all that functionality and just like before...Up the dirt path! :shock: What were they thinking? I don't think this is going to be fixed by any of the operators. I'd be curious if the non Phone Edition WME2003 has this same roadblock? Two little things; work in the background on or off, and check all accounts. Makes sense the app has to be open.
One last OMG can't believe it MSN Messenger is very flakey with GPRS Suspend sessions. Meaning sometimes it does not reconnect and other times it does. The problem is you will have no idea unless you go look to see, at this point...What's the point? Defeats the whole purpose. Again, these are most likely on the MS side not likely to be fixed by the service providers
I recommend copying the tmail.lnk file located in \Windows\ to \Windows\StartUp\
One cool thing you might really want to do :
This is a must have for the following:
It seems many people like to program their voicemail password in with the voicemail number so it gets entered automatically. I, like many others, initially tried adding the p's to the number in Start, Settings, Phone, Voicemail but after a soft reset the p's change to 0's.
The following seems to work on an SX56 with AT&T Wireless and T-Mobile. This involves editing the registry, if you're not careful you can break things requiring a hard reset. You might want to do a backup through ActiveSync before trying this. I'm not responsible if you break it.
If you don't already have it, download and install a registry editor. The one from PHM ( seems to work great.
Open the registry editor.
Navigate to \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Vmail
Edit the PhoneNumber key to include your voicemail access number, pauses (use "p"), and your password.
Edit the RegOverridesSIM to 1, instead of 0.
Close the registry editor.
Soft reset the device.
Go to SpeedDial and verify your voicemail number includes the pauses and password.
After this, do not go into the Voicemail settings, ie. where it says "Reading settings from network...". Doing so will reset the RegOverridesSIM key and you'll have to do it again.
Hope this helps someone out.
Source: PocketPCPassion user boostaddict
Mike Collins
thank you mike for this tip now it gets a little trick on 2003 here's why. In the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Vmail there is no RegOverridesSIM key beleive it or not I a non-programmer am going to teach you anyone how to write a registry key :shock: (only for this instance! It's probably not really this easy. I had no idea what I was doing. Just guessed right the first time, shew!) OK kids here we go (doing this wrong may well destroy the very fabric of our 4 dimensional universe or.....It'll just #%[email protected] up your machine :roll: ):
Then from edit on the command bar select "New DWORD Value"
Value Name: RegOverridesSIM
Value data: 1
Base: Decimal
Hit OK
Now go to Phone Number 1 Edit your phone number to include your pauses and password or what not under
Value Data
and hit OK
Exit the program (Close It not minimize)
Soft Reset your device and that's it!
OK enough my conclusion (To WME2003 or SER1.2 or not):
If you read this post and said "#%[email protected]! me, do I really need to know all that?! :evil: I just want my device to work. (You want a stable reliable device, and never look under the hood of your own car. Oil what's that? you get the idea :mrgreen
Also if you are counting kb (GPRS data) and only connect for information, for fun, or not more than 5+ times a day
Then Go with SER1.1 or 1.2 both excellent very well done and way stable. Nice job guys 8)
If you are not counting kb, you really "need" connectivity 24hrs a day (other than the novelty factor i.e. I do wireless & software consulting for corporations in the US wanting to go wireless or paperless, and I provide Technical support via IM clients. Now imagine how free "I" become being able to be truly mobile :shock: This is what wireless is really all about baby! I'm also an Actor here in Los really it just sounds like a joke :lol: )
don't mind getting your hands dirty, tinkering under the hood, or every time someone give you back your phone after looking at it you caress and utter under your breath "My Preeeeeciouse...."
Then go with WME2003
Hope this helps.
P.s. If there are any programmers for CE4.2 out there I have some ideas specific to these devices and I have the resources to get these ideas to companies and the entertainment industry. The demand is getting stronger, the future is being realized in business, and right now my hands are tied to what already is. Not, what should be. Big difference, even bigger market.
Funny thing, the PHM registry editor was already in my windows directory so I am guessing it is part of the ROM image to begin with. Since this is a developer ROM image I can see the need for this. Can anyone else confirm this so I can stop wondering whether or not I installed PHM in my sleep and didn't know about it.
I did the double wammy, I installed the ATT SX56 update and then immediately MW2003 on my T-Mobile PPC. Bad move, sort of. My GPRS signal was MIA for a good 80-90% of the time after that after the 2003 install. Maybe it was the network but I thought it was funny that all of a sudden after several months of almost no downtime I start having connection problems after updating the radio stack. After a couple days of this I decided to revert back to the ATT SX56 rom. So far my signal is back to what it should be.
I have to conclude it is the 2003 ROM and the type of SIM or coverage in my area. Voicestream showed up as the carrier under 2003, but under 2002 it shows as T-Mobile. Is this the case for all T-Mobile users I wonder? I wish I could figure out why my GPRS wasn't working under 2003 but until then I will stick with what I have at this point. At least I can rule out the radio stack upgrade as the problem.
Uninterupted GPRS with Thunderhawk will have to suffice for now.
If you are sticking with 2003 I envy you. Even with this pre-release version of the OS I can see definite speed increases with games, so I am guessing it across the board too.
Thanks for XDA Developers and Jeff for their contributions and more importantly time to this community.
@ ottoman3
Yes that is the case with my unit, in the LA basin, too.
But I really don't mind if it says Voicestream or T-Mobile, my service here reports Cingular :shock: since they share network and towers in the area. And yes PHM Registry edit is on the ROM, with some other Registry thing, Wallaby (xda) stress test tool and PacMan
I'm sticking with it, because I like the experience, see
I have no need for Blackberry-style email, in fact I *like* the fact that I can control email flow (manually yes but it's ok 4 me).
The +'s outweigh the -'s in my case, ymmv :wink:
PHM Registry is indeed in the 2003 ROM. But it is v0.2 instead of the latest v0.7
PHM reg edit in ROM I decided to encourage people to use the latest version, but old one works just fine too.
The other reg edit tool is manual (I think kind of like a command line registry edit)
If you'd like please post what device hardware you are running (who you bought it from) and upgrade revisions i.e. Here's what I did. Started with latest t-mo ROM & Radio from US T-Mo website, then successfully (no bumps) updated to AT&T latest ROM & Radio, then updated (with a few hangs, simply solved by pulling the device from the cradle closing the desktop session putting the device back in the cradle and running set up again. Never soft or hard reset my device. The upgrade program sees where you left off and picks up from there) SERv1.1, Then successfully upgraded just the ROM image to WME2003.
My radio rom combo works fine - being quite temperamental from time to time. Radio seems to be fine, just rom temperamental.
Couple of things:
I assume your phone was SIM Unlocked, if so it will show the actual network provider for the tower you are using. If your device is SIM locked to a certain network provider AT&T or T-Mo it usually only shows that provider unless you are roaming. Voicestream is the old name T-Mo is the new name so maybe some locations still ID as VS. Where are you located? Like vagelis said CA, New York, and I think one other allow these two providers to sell service in areas they were not in.
Once you upgraded successfully to ATT ROM did you soft reset allow the radio to register on the network, connect to GPRS and then did the 2003 update? Just curious. Shouldn't make a difference but when handshaking with networks it might want to log the IMEI number or something first. Just guessing:?
Usually if you are able to connect to GPRS some of the time and not other it is not necessarily on the device side. That usually denotes an operator problem.
And vagelis what's a matter with you :wink: not wanting instant or timely email notification! No really, I understand there are two opinions to everything one is mine the other is wrong :roll:
I just wish they would have not stopped short, seems like a simple yet obvious ooophs .
One last thing, if you want email notification without incurring data costs, try the following:
Open a hotmail account, go to alerts tab, and set up alerts via SMS to your cellular phone number you.
Then at your POP3 account home simply set up “forward copy of mail” received (not all POP3 services allow this and HTML services do not allow forward to another account) to your new hotmail inbox. Now you will know via an SMS message that you need to “Manually” check your Inbox on your device. It also includes the subject line in the SMS but not the body of text incase you decide it’s not important enough to check right now. If you already use a HTML mail account most of the major ones have SMS alerts for email. So, you will know when you have to log-on and sign in to your mailbox.
I followed the upgrade path pretty much the same as you erickbryce minus the Dev 1.1 upgrade. I went from the latest T-Mobile rom to the latest ATT SX56 rom. Reset the device, signed onto my service, played with GPRS just to see what uninterupted GPRS was really like. It said T-Mobile with the ATT rom so I know it had something to do with MW2003. I then upgraded to MW2003. Then it went downhill from there.
I bought my PPC phone last August from CompUSA so I am guessing it is the unlocked version. I just read a very interesting thread over at PPCPassion about someone getting their SIM replaced with a new one from T-Mobile and their Voicestream idenitification changed back to T-Mobile and their GPRS improved greatly. It sounds just like my situation. And since my phone was purchased right around the time Voicestream changed over to T-Mobile maybe something was left behind on the SIM. I never really followed up on GSM and SIM technology to know what exactly is stored on these cards outside of Account information. I will see if I can get my SIM replaced with a new one and try MW2003. I really miss the speed boost.
Thanks for your input and suggestions.
Can you give a little more detail on the "Then it went downhill from there" part? :lol:
The GPRS connection went downhill from there. Sorry for not being too clear with that statement. It started out okay, then for the next several days I pretty much was never able to establish a connection. It must have been connected with MW2003 because my connection was dead prior to returning to the ATT rom. 10 minutes later after the upgrade my GPRS came back. It has been solid ever since.
Hmm very interesting
Just wondering did you try the new SIM card solution yet? I am just very interested now to see if swapping the SIM makes GPRS work now. The curious thing is, it worked then didn't :evil: . If your provider disable some provisioning on their end changing the SIM will only load the same provisions on your account as before on the new SIM. Please let me know and ask your service provider why this would work if it does. Always learning, so would like to know. :idea:

Anti theft apps available?

I'm looking for an anti-theft app. I don't know if it exists yet.
Is there an equivalent to the symbian phone apps "Anti-thief" or "EzProtect"? It has some nice features to let your pda "phone home" when someone is tinkering with it, or you can remotely disable your pda by sending a password though sms.
I've been searching over the net and found "Kill-pda" but that can only erase the device completely by sms. Thats a bit overkill :lol:
I hope someone knows, because i learned the hard way that you really need an app like this. My phone got stolen once and I got a Huge A$$$ bill for calling to egypt en italy
edit: I found this description for EzProtect:
The application sends an SMS to your specified number as soon as the SIM card has been changed. By this way, you receive SMS on your friend's (or whoever's number u defined) cell with the thief's cellnumber and SIM number (IMSI) so it becomes very easy to track the thief.
I definately want an app that can do this. And I can imagine a lot of people wanting it too.
There was a discussion about this on HoFo in Oct ober when people first started receiving their Wizards. I think BTT (BeyondtheTech) mentioned something about it. I'll see if I can track it down this evening.
It certainly would be cool.
Check this out!
Hope this works. I have not tried this myself.
Thanks a lot for your help, but that was the program i mentioned in the threadstart "PDAKill".
The only thing it can do is erase the device completely when you send a sms to your pda containing a predifined password.
But when the thief takes out the simcard and puts in his own, then this program would be useless.
Guys, if I've seemed distracted for the last few days, this is why:
I've been working on a program called VJAccioPhone.
It is used to detect if your phone has been stolen and to permit remote use of the stolen phone. Your phone doesn't have to be stolen, eg if for some reason your wife is likely to discover your "niece's" affectionate messages to you, you can send a password protected remote keyword to format your phone and hardreset it. I'm sure you can think of better examples!
It's an expansion of some code I wrote for my unreleased plugin, VJEphemeris, which you can read about here. The release version allows you to do pretty much anything you can do with the phone when it's in your hand, all remotely. Destructive and constructive control.
This is a pre-announcement. I don't like preannouncing, but unfortunately this week I've been on a very limited programming quota due to the ministrations of my better half. So although the code is finally finished, it's being beta tested while I'm away on holiday. If all is well when I get back next week, hopefully I'll try to get it released!
Don't tell anyone else, but you can read about VJAccioPhone and see screenshots here. Please note, and don't ask, there is no download available at the moment.
Aside from that a program like this would be very handy, and I'm quite curious and will keep an eye on it myself, I advise everyone to activate the pin code on their simcard, and always call their mobile operator as soon as the phone is stolen so they can block your number to avoid getting high bills as the topicstarter said... You should also be able to get your number back easily by requesting a new sim card and having your mobile number set to that simcard again.
This may seem obvious to some people, but I just wanted to post it anyway since a lot of people are still not aware of these simple ways to protect yourself.
Absolutely true; in England, the police aren't interested in persuing phone theft, but for you own benefit, you must always have your IMEI blocked and the phone reported stolen immediately to prevent you being charged for calls.
VJAccioPhone will be able to report back to you even if the IMEI has been changed or it's being used abroad etc. It's more for protecting your data on the stolen phone then getting the phone back. Frankly, any thief would do better to throw the phone away then persue cracking strong protections. Stolen phones are easy enough to come by! However, at least a nice passer by might be able to get in touch with you!
Sounds great! Would it be possible to enable the phone ID (Where you can enter your name and contact details) thought this might be good if it was ever found (or part of the hard reset).
Wauw, this is great stuff Vijay!
If you need a beta-tester on the wizard platform, i would highly recommend myself
This would be excactly what everyone needs 8)
Would it be possible to save the configuration settings? Because my idea would be to include the cab file in my extended_rom, and thus make it install itself even after a hard reset. This would mean that the configurations settings also have to be loaded after the hard reset.
Keep up the great work Vijay
frigit: if you mean enable password screen, yes, should be no problem. however i'm thinking of writing a better custom password screen using some strong encryption, with optional destruction on failure.
leploep: of course, it's designed for extended rom etc. right now protection works as a ta k, for the demo, but i'll be writing protection into an invisible app. Remote control is already complete and works transparently when triggered, so the thief won't even realise what you're doing ie there's no sign of the control smss being received to the thief.
eg you can background call the police from the stolen phone
more when i'm back from holiday next week!
This is starting to sound like a killer app - pun intended 8)
I'm in for sure when you get this finished, Vijay!
Already finished for the demo version!
kept me quite busy, developing three intersecting programs, like playing chess! but they all seem to work ok. a friend is testing it hopefully this week then i'll see what i can do for wider release when i get back...
Well vijay555 , you can put me on the list of very interested persons on buying this soft.
Cheers mate.
vijay will this work on all the wm5.0 devices??
i.e. I have the pda2k with wm5.0 and have been looking for a prog like this since i got my device, also is it possible to keep this program after hard reset ?? as you know if a hard reset is done the data is gone, but the user now has an expensive device to start playing with
it's not been tested on wm5 at this time, actually because the guy testing has a wm2003 motorola - gulp! but everything i write is normally wm5 & wm2003 now. there is no reason why it's not wm5 compatible but i'll ensure it is before release. i can certainly say, to my pain, the hardReset keyword is very wm5, i activated it by accident in testing.
retaining it after hard reset is only possible, as far as i am aware, by using a custom ext rom or rom.i've not tried it on my magician or universal, but hopefully your device in particular ext rom customisation is possible. at this time it uses registry & normal exe/dll files to run, so no reason it can't be ext rom'med. hopefully this will be confirmed in testing shortly.
if anyone can think of any particularly useful remote keywords to incorporate drop me a line. as it is, the full version will permit remote .exe launching so it can do pretty much anything
a lot of us have paid an arm and leg for our devices so having that extra peace of mind,knowing that if your device is nicked your going to make it as hard as poss for the theif to try and profit from your loss.
vijay all the best mate so far your app looks very promising iv got the exec running WM05 so if you need a beta tester let me know LOL
and guys if you report your phone as lost make sure your service provider is also going to blacklist the device!
I work for Vodafones in a call centre in the birmingham, UK,but the amount of customer services that is outsoursed to other non vodafone call centres based here in the UK its unbelievable! the amount of complaints I deal with and customers accounts that I come across where the outsourced twats
will admin bar your sim card but not blacklist the handset!
anyway I'll keep my eyes open for any more theftbashing apps and will post on here.
N2h said:
I work for Vodafones i
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But have an O2 phone.....
Whow V.
Looks very very promising.. !
Great Job man :!:
i'd be happy to check it on my devices :wink:
lol mcwarre
even with our staff accounts we can't get the pdas as they are only available for busniess customers to be honest with you don't know why vodafone is stupid enough not to sell to normal consumers its the biggest network in the uk,
the staff phones we do get we gets 12 months line rental free lol
annnnd from all the universals I think the exec with its black shell looks the most stunning-the white shell devices just look a tad bulkier! lol

SMS Notifier released – a great application for PPCPE users!

Finnish Aali Alikoski, Academic Developer Evangelist of Microsoft Finland, has just released a highly useful application, SMS Notifier, along with its source code.
The application offers some really nice and, up to now, to my knowledge, on the Pocket PC Phone Edition platform, unprecedenced functionality: it waits for unanswered incoming calls and, depending on the configuration settings, it either sends an SMS message to the caller (with configurable contents), possibly containing also the end time of current appointment (this is also configurable) or adds an item to the system-level Windows Mobile calendar (containing the caller info).
The latter functionality is nothing new – you can check the caller's identity and the call date/time in any low-end mobile phone. The former – that is, the SMS feedback –, however, is really long-awaited!
Downloading and Installation
You can download the application here. Transfer the CAB file to your PDA and execute it there.
If, after installing and upon starting SMS Notifier, you're presented this error message, make sure you download and install .NET CF 2.0 from Microsoft. Make sure you install it in the main memory. Also note that, as the application heavily relies on the new, connectivity/database-related libraries of .NET CF2, it's not very easy to port it to run under the earlier Compact Framework library. (For CAB lovers, you will only need c:\Program Files\ Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\ v2.0\WindowsCE\wce500\armv4i\ ; you can also download it from here (to avoid having to download the 24 Mbyte-long MSI installer).
On the main set-up screen, there're some checkboxes in AND relationship. The first one, Send SMS to unanswered callers, instructs the application to send an SMS to everybody that tries to call you but his or her calls remain unanswered. Using (not disabling) the second two checkboxes, however, you may make the application not send a SMS to anyone that calls you, just to the ones that call you during an active/busy appointment.
The checkbox/text input area at the bottom makes it possible to report the end of the current appointment so that he or she can know when you are reachable again.
The Calendar tab contains only one checbox, which instructs the application to enter all the incoming calls into Calendar.
Note that the configuration settings are not correctly saved/restored, as the author also points out.
To use the application, just start and configure it to your liking. Do not click the Quit button – then, it won't send your callers any SMS. Just let it run. You can, of course, suspend the PDA while you do so and also minimize the application. This also means you can safely start it from \Windows\Startup (just like the other highly recommended application, PMRecorder – please see this article on it if interested) – if it's running in the background, it'll safely catch all unanswered calls.
Other stuff
I also recommend the author's blog here. Don't be taken aback of some of the material's being in Finnish: there's nothing really interesting in them for non-Finns (the Finnish blog posts are only about local, Finnish meetings, conferences). Unfortunately, some of the other Finnish .NET bloggers (see the links in the lower left of the page) post exclusively in Finnish, even highly technical stuff that would be interesting for non-Finnish speakers too. (Feel free to ask me in my blog for a public translation for some of them if really interested.)
thanx man .. jus tried it . this application actually works .rockinnn
I can't seem to be able to install the .net Framework 2.o on my new T-Mobile MDA - USA (Wizard)
I get the same error from .cab install or activesynch install:
"Installation error. Stop all applications and processes, maximize all available storage space, and run installation again. Support info:4"
Any suggestions?
PhoneGuy said:
I can't seem to be able to install the .net Framework 2.o on my new T-Mobile MDA - USA (Wizard)
I get the same error from .cab install or activesynch install:
"Installation error. Stop all applications and processes, maximize all available storage space, and run installation again. Support info:4"
Any suggestions?
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Did you try to install it in the main storage or the storage card? Only install it in the main storage.
Yeah, the options were "Device" or "Storage Card".
I tried Devicce but no luck...
PhoneGuy said:
Yeah, the options were "Device" or "Storage Card".
I tried Devicce but no luck...
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I've encountered the same when I first tried to install it on a storage card. Then, subsequent installs to the main memory didn't succeed either. A hard reset helped.
I have installed it and it seems to work well. My only concern is that it seems to use the notification application of the phone rather than the call list of the phone. The reason I say this is because it puts a calendar entry in when I miss a call then adds another entry when I check the notification of missed calls.
is this what is supposed to happen? would it send 2 text messages in this case (when the call comes in and when I check the notification that the call did come in)?
also, it seems if I am on the phone when I miss a call it uses the name of the person I was on the phone with and not the person I missed.
Ruttensoft also has a similar program call minder - works well but not as many features as above program but you don't need NET thing - hate those addons
ethorn said:
is this what is supposed to happen? would it send 2 text messages in this case (when the call comes in and when I check the notification that the call did come in)?
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That's what happens for me... I stopped using it because of the duplicated sms's...
meschle said:
Ruttensoft also has a similar program call minder - works well but not as many features as above program but you don't need NET thing - hate those addons
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Tried it. Keep getting "Cound not find resource assembly" error.
Strange works sweet for me.
this is the link I used
meschle said:
Ruttensoft also has a similar program call minder - works well but not as many features as above program but you don't need NET thing - hate those addons
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after using the Ruttensoft on my Qtek, i can no longer creat SMS, when I click on new, only a while screen appear, cannot input both phone number and Text.... did anyone meet the same ???
meschle said:
Strange works sweet for me.
this is the link I used
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No it didn't... you didn't use this program. we are trying to give feedback to the author of this program which has so much more potential than the limited software you used.
No sms works for me even when activated. my qtek rom is maybe that's the diff. Sorry ethorn could start a new thread if you like but may help some people if the other prog don't work for them.
I have a XDA 2i & a XDA Mini S and use a program called Do Not Disturb by Jguisoft, a very small footprint and easily configurable
no I am all for putting ideas of other products, but the way you worded it sounded like this program that Menneisyys worked on worked on your phone and that the version of his program you used was at another link.... my problem is that neither are true. Software Guru did things right and just introduced another alternative.
thanks guys
Software Guru said:
I have a XDA 2i & a XDA Mini S and use a program called Do Not Disturb by Jguisoft, a very small footprint and easily configurable
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Can you provide a link? Did a google and no results found.
Cannot download the SMSNotifierSetup cab
Can someone please post this as i cannot seem to download it.

Dial PPC from Outlook

I have been searching the web for years trying to find the solution to what I would consider is a very simple requirement:
From Outlook on the PC, right click on a contact and dial to a connected Pocket PC via Activesync.
Now, either I am alone in this world, or my search capabilities are flawed. This is a function/capability I used to have with my old Sony-Ericsson & I am missing it badly - yes, I know there is a Powertool that provides you with a "window" to your PPC, but I have found that this is somewhat flakey, doesnt like Landscape mode and frequenly freezes the PPC.
Further, I have enhanced my Access application to perform the dialup via the CPROG.exe, what I am after is the same or similar functionality direct from Outlook... please help!
Is there anyone out there that can help me?
looking for the same
it seems we both live in the same world
Come on guys, are you really telling me there isn't anything out there at all?
err so remind me why one would want to do this other than to write some annoying dialer program?
OK, rather simple, really:
Working from Desktop PC, with PPC connected via ActiveSync and sitting in a cradle - by definition, this makes it a pain to access the PPC.
Current Scenario:
1. PC has Outlook open, search for a contact that you wish to converse with
2. Open Contact
3. Look at number
4. Lean over desk, usually spilling coffee, or unintentionally moving to another website
5. Try to use Stylus to dial number (or use Intellidialer to access the same contact you have in Outlook)
6. Make call
7. Hope you have put in the right number
8. Call goes to voicemail, throw phone against wall
All in all, a rather cumbersome scenario.
Preferred Scenario:
1. PC has Outlook open, search for a contact that you wish to converse with
2. Open Contact, or right click on Contact
3. Select number to dial
4. "Magical programme" sends dial request to PPC
5. Make call
6. Call answered, sale made, kids go to expensive Private School and Wife loves you forever
Makes sense now?
yep so get one of those programs to control your phone from the desktop?
sure its not what you really want to do but it will do the job
st3v3 said:
yep so get one of those programs to control your phone from the desktop?
sure its not what you really want to do but it will do the job
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Did you ever read his first post?
yeah for about 4 or 5 seconds, gave pity and responded for the simple fact no one else did and thought i would show some interest.
at least some of us make an attempt eh helterskelter
Thanks for your pity, but I would prefer to know what, if anything, is out there. Obviously, I was mistaken in believing this was the font of all wisdom and exciting development in the PPC world. I truly cant believe that nobody has thought to put this together. Funnily enough, there is one that does this via Bluetooth, but as the XDA Mini wont allow multiple Bluetooth connections, I have been "forced" to find out if there is anyone clever enough to make this happen :sigh:
I miss this funtion in windows mobile. This is the only reason why I consider to go back to my old Ericsson.
A little bit strange that it works with other software but not with Microsofts own?
Using .net you might be able to write an app (server) that listens on an open port on the PPC for coms from the active sync pc. When a certial string is sent down this port DIAL(123456789) the app calls the dial command in .net framework.
Maby its time to bite the bullet and code it.
Im having to with another app
No need for a PPC app, as you can already do this from the desktop - using:
rapistart.exe "cprog.exe -n -url tel:numbertocall"
from within any ap. I have done this from my Access program, I was looking to see if anyone had done this for Outlook as a plugin for the Desktop, or indeed some form of TSR on the PC that will take a hotkey and use the above for a highlighted number (yes, I know that I am now officially in fairyland).
mlk said:
No need for a PPC app, as you can already do this from the desktop - using:
rapistart.exe "cprog.exe -n -url tel:numbertocall"
from within any ap. I have done this from my Access program, I was looking to see if anyone had done this for Outlook as a plugin for the Desktop, or indeed some form of TSR on the PC that will take a hotkey and use the above for a highlighted number (yes, I know that I am now officially in fairyland).
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Nope this can then be done using windows scripting host cause its the outlook that you need to automate not he PPC.
See the 3rd item on this page.
It should be able to help you out just make a custom toolbar button in outlook to call this piece of code and your away laughing.
Where did you fiind the info on cprog. Is there any way it could help with this
Unfortunately, I cant remember where I found the information on Cprog - only thing I have is the "How to call a number".. tried for some time to find various parameters to no avail... not too sure if this will help with your problem.
OK Guys, I finally bit the bullet - thanks Shaun for the "hint" - and coded a Macro to perform this.
It may be a bit clunky and as a "non-developer" I don't have the requisite nous nor software to distribute this as a plugin. For this reason, I have provided this as completely open (as far as I can tell), so if anyone wants to take this further, I hope I have started you on the track and that you wont forget the initial starter!
For those of you that wish to install - you will need to access your \Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook folder and extract the zipped file. My recommendation is that you save the existing one first, just in case you have written a bunch of Macros - wouldn't want to get any nasty surprises here - remember, Outlook only has one Macro bucket and this file is it!
Once you have installed and either provided your own Digital Certificate, or have an appropriate level Security within Outlook to allow this to run, simply add the Macro "Dial2PPC.Dialit" to a toolbar both in Outlook (that comes up in Contacts preferably) and in the Contact Form itself (use "Customise" as you would in any other Office application to facilitate this).
From here, it is as simple as selecting the Contact from your contact list and clicking on the Macro button you have setup - then follow the instructions, make sure your PPC is connected & Dial away!
Please note that you will need to have installed RapiStart from the Windows Mobile Power Toys and that I make no assertions that this is bug free, so use wisely - although, I am pretty sure I have most of the bugs out.
Again, this is provided open & free, so if you make an enhancement, please share it with the rest of us!
Hope this solves the "issue" for you guys as it has done for me!
mlk – thanks very much for your macro. I’ve taken the liberty of rewriting quite a bit of it (everything other than the part which communicates with the device, really), and have made it available under the GPL v2.0, in order to preserve its “Free” status.
In terms of changes, as I say, I’ve rewritten most of the back-end functionality. In particular:
1.) Adding items to the listbox – this now only shows fields which have a valid phone number, so there are no empty spaces
2.) Dynamic resizing of the form
3.) Form and “Dial” button captions show the name of the contact
4.) Where a contact has no valid phone number, a dialogue to this effect is shown
5.) You need to select number from the listbox before the “Dial” button is available
6.) You can double-click on a number in the listbox to dial it
7.) General tidy-up of some of the variable names, and removed a couple of unused variables
Installing my version:
I’ve exported the relevant files from the Project, so there is no need to overwrite the existing Project file – just open Visual Basic Editor (Tools / Macro in Outlook) and select “Import” and the browse to the relevant folder.
I'm a lurker rather than a poster on here, but, any questions, please do let me know.
[email protected]
Champion stuff mate - I have always said it is best to wait for Version 2! Just one question: The ".frx" file, what is that for?
It's the binary file for the VB .frm - it's not something you manually import, but it's necessary for the display of the form.
BTW- I've changed the contents of the .zip file for download- realised that I'd left in a line (an extra ResetState call) which stopped the whole thing from working - new version uploaded (same name) should be fine.
[email protected]
Thanks for this, maybe should change my mantra to: Wait for V2.1?
P.S. Thanks for coming out of the lurk!
Nah- v2 was fine... if I hadn't been meddling with it...
Managed to put the reset call before the RAPI argument, which, of course, wiped out the phone number it was trying to dial... Stupid, stupid, stupid -embarrassing, but at least easy to fix.
I guess that the next step is to try and implement SMS via ActiveSync - not sure if cprog.exe handles this, though, so it could be rather more complicated...

[PRJ][AND][LNX] OPANDROID (The Wing-Linux Opal branch)

Please, don't reply with a quote of this post.
Wing Linux​
This thread is a continuation to what happened in the LINUX BOOTS at OPAL! Thanks to linwizard project! thread. I thought it's about time a proper thread is made to get this project the attention it needs.
What is Wing Linux all about
Wing Linux aims to bring Linux and Google's Android operating systems to OMAP850-based devices.
Wait, did you say Linux AND Android?
Yep, you did read that right. If you're running Wing Linux, you are simultaneously running Ångström and Android on top of that. That means you get all of the cool Linux functionality with the intuitive interface and usability of Android.
For more information about Wing Linux please visit the official site. It'll save you from having to read through this whole thread
If I installed Wing Linux, will I lose WM? / Will this brick my device?
No. There's no flashing involved here. Still, it's best practice to have thing backed up before doing anything. I've heard of a few cases were people lost some files from there SD cards.
Great! How can I try this?
I'm glad you asked!
Installation is very easy and smooth, all you have to do is following these simple steps:
Navigate to the Wing Linux site.
On the navigation menu to the right of the main page, you'll find a "Download" link. Obviously, you're supposed to click it
Once the download completes, you'll end up with a zip file that contains a few cab files and 4 text files. Please do open these files using notepad for a quick look. They contain plenty of useful information.
After extracting that zip, and hopefully taking a look at the text files, you'll need to move two of the cab files to your device: rootfs and opal.
From your device, install the two cabs (navigate to them using your favourite file explorer then click them) and make sure to install both files to storage card.
Before proceeding any further, make sure that you still have at least 250MB of free space on your storage card. If you don't then you'll need to do some clean up before you can continue.
Also, make sure to close any open application, otherwise you'll lose any unsaved progress in any of them.
Open the brand new wing-linux short-cut in your start menu.
Hit run.
While Linux is booting up. You'll be asked to input a size for the image file used as storage for Wing Linux (consider it like virtual hard disk). Don't touch anything and just wait, default value (250MB) will be used after a couple of seconds.
Grab yourself a cup of coffee/tea/beer/... then sit back and relax. Installation will take a while.
When everything is over, you'll get a calibration screen. Try your best to get a good calibration on the first time as fixing it later takes some work.
Enjoy Android
Key-map for Android
As the Opal doesn't have that many keys, some changes had to be made:
D-Pad + Centre: works normally.
Green: Dialer.
Red: Default behaviour under Android is like this:
Short press: puts device in standby. This can be changed in the settings (which I recommend).
Long press: Display menu to turn off device, put device in airplane mode...
Volume Up: menu key (it's the key that unlocks the screen as well).
Volume Down: back/cancel.
Power button: It's working, but it doesn't do anything because it's functionality doesn't work in Android yet.
Okay, I'm done playing around and I want to go back to WM.
That's easy:
Click and hold the red button and you'll get a menu.
Select "Shutdown" and the phone will reboot.
Once the phone boots again, you'll be in WM.
I want to completely get rid of Wing Linux
Eh, it's your loss.
Un-install both cabs as you would do for any application.
Check if there's still a folder called "linux" in the root of your storage card.
If there's one, delete it.
What works and what does not work:
For details look at this page here. In short:
For the time being, these stuff work:
Making/receiving calls, although you won't be able to hear the other side during phone calls. But there's a small workaround for that:
When in windows mobile, start Wing Linux during a phone call, that way you'll have sound in Android during calls.
Sending/receiving SMS.
GPRS also works. If your carrier/service providers details are included already, it'll work out of the box. Otherwise you'll need to set up a new APN under settings.
For the time being, these stuff do not work:
Battery (will always report it's 100% full).
Sound (other than what you'll get with the workaround)
LED notifications
Standby/Suspend mode.
Unlocking SIM (Android will accept the PIN code but it won't connect to network, you'll need to disable PIN from WM).
Q: When I let the phone sit for a while it goes to a text screen that just rolls android_power_suspend messages?
Right now these message are normal, just hit any key or the screen to go back. The suspend portion of Android is being actively worked on so just hang tight!
Q: I installed and booted Wing Linux and when I attach it via USB to my Windows computer it asks me for a driver for an "Ethernet Gadget". Where can I get this?
Linux has this driver natively. For Windows, there's no driver right now, if you know where we can find one (that is free to distribute legally) please do share it with us.
Q: When I boot for the first time the installer hangs at partitioning 0%, is it not working?
Walk away from your phone, this part will take some time. It will only have to do this on initial install so have faith.
Q: Can I install this to my phone's internal memory?
Not presently. Although the cab file will install, you won't be able to boot from internal memory. Ensure you install to your storage card.
Q: Does this run emulated under Windows Mobile?
Not at all! Although it's started from inside Windows Mobile, HaRET completely replaces Windows with Linux in memory, so you actually are booting native Linux -- No emulation at all.
Q: I successfully entered my PIN and unlocked my SIM card through Android, but I can't get on the network. Why?
This is a known issue -- unlocking a SIM card works, but Android does not follow through with connecting to the network. The best solution to this for now is to remove the PIN from your SIM card.
Q: I opened an application but how to I get back to the main page or quit the program? Where is my back button?
Check the keymap posted above.
Q: When will X work on Opal?
In due time. The project is made of volunteer effort working in their spare time. If you'd like the development to speed up, feel free to give a hand!
Not every single one of the people working on this is a developer. Some, like me, are learning as they go. And none is able to dedicate all his time for this project.
Q: I messed up with the calibration. How can I re-calibrate the screen?
Go to storage card, then go to the folder called 'linux'. You'll find a file called default.txt
In that file, look for the line that says "set CMDLINE", add "reset_ts" to it (between the two quotations). Then boot normally.
Remember to remove that once you're satisfied with the calibration.
(If Microsoft Word asks you to save it in their format, always say no)
Q: I waited a lot but the device won't finish booting after installation. What should I do?
First of all, try resetting the phone and booting Wing Linux again. In most of the cases, this'll work. If that doesn't work, try deleting the "rootfs" file from "/Storage Card/linux". If you don't see that file, delete rootfs.img instead. Then boot back in and it should start installing from scratch.
If you're still having issues, remove everything (refer to the "I want to completely get rid of Wing Linux" section) and reinstall the two cabs.
Q: What version of Android is Wing Linux running?
Right now, it's running Cupcake (1.5). An upgrade is planned.
Q: What version of Ångström is Wing Linux running?
Latest as of time of posting.
Q: I'm trying to use the virtual terminal but the enter button on the virtual keyboard won't do anything. Is that normal?
It happens occasionally. Try pressing the d-pad in various directions then hit then enter button again.
Q: Can I SSH to the phone?
Yes you can
sudo ifconfig usb0 up
ssh [email protected]
The password is "wing".
Q: Is installing to a dedicated partition supported?
Yes it is, for more information check the 'INSTALL' file included in the zip, and that can also be found under /storage card/linux
Q: How can I set up a development environment to help with coding?
Take a look here.
Q: How can I get in contact with developers?
Through this thread, the project's forums and on the IRC channel at #wing-linux on Please, do not use E-Mails, PMs, IMs...
Personal thanks from me to the following people for making this a reality:
darkstar62 for being the main man behind the whole project. And for going easy on me despite my noobness
The people at Linwizard for creating the base kernel and helping throughout development.
kshaurya for helping me to get the Opal branch started
raditzgds, life02 and zenned for helping to get the touchscreen working on Opal.
HTC for this nice device.
Google for Android.
The people behind Ångström for the base system.
I hope I didn't forget anyone...
Please, don't reply with a quote of this post.
Release Informations
Released Versions:
0.1 released on 2009-02-16
0.2 released on 2009-05-26
0.3pre3 released on 2009-06-14
0.3 released on 2009-06-16
0.4pre1 released on 2009-07-04
0.4pre2 released on 2009-07-25
0.4pre3 released on 2009-08-12
0.4pre4 released on 2009-08-12
0.4 released on 2009-11-09
0.4.1 released on 2009-11-19
0.4.2 released on 2009-11-21
Planned Releases:
Nothing is currently set in stone. Next release can be either 0.4.3 or 0.5.
Things to look forward for in the next release.
Hopefully: Sound and there might be some changes concerning Android.
Latest Change Log:
Will be updated on next release.
Please, don't reply with a quote of this post.
How to help with testing and development on Opal:
The people behind Linwizard and Wing-Linux are in need of the results of running this test:
ali1234 said:
Thanks to everyone who came to our sprint and tested things. We got a
basic kernel booting on several platforms.
After looking at the results I started to look at the LCD detection
code. I would like to ask everyone to run this test and send me the
I need testers with any omap7xx phone. You only need to run a haret
script and mail me the output, no kernel boot in necessary. The test
scripts are here:
You need a modified version of haret which is included. Unpack the zip
to the phone's internal memory and run haret. Press the "boot" button
like normal. It won't boot linux, it will run the tests instead. Your
screen will flicker during the test, it is normal. It will generate
lcdlog.txt. Mail that file to me or the list, along with any
information you have about your phone. Especially if you have an
after-market LCD, or you know what model of LCD you have for another
The test works by rapidly switching between LCD mode and GPIO mode on
the LCD controller pins, to check which pins are tied high, low, or
are floating. It does this 30 or so times. Any pin that changes value
is deemed floating. The others are tied high or low (1 or 0). Ignoring
floating pins (zero them) and you get a code which identifies the
panel type of the phone.
More about the LCD detection, including device database and log
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While the quote tells you to email the results to ali1234, it would be best if you PM them to me and I'll handle passing them forwards.
Very nice thread with all the info needed
musikmonk that rom is ready contact me today eve or tom i will send u... then u can do testing works.
good discription brother........
i have tried it out already....but sound wifi etc not working.....hopefully the developers will solve the problems in next build....
indresh88 said:
good discription brother........
i have tried it out already....but sound wifi etc not working.....hopefully the developers will solve the problems in next build....
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I guess you dont know that musikmonk himself is one of the developer of android for omap 850 devices
i downloaded it from the web to my mobile...took me a couple of hours but was worth it.
installation was a breeze.
wifi is not a necessary for i am okay with it...
there are some probs the battery is stuck at 100%. even after fiddling with it, it remained the same.
i rebooted to wm to find that battery was about 45%. this issue is critical...i feel. what about you guys?? sincere thanks to all who toiled so hard...without getting port this amazing os.
hats off to you guys...and do keep up the good work.
i'm testing android from some week
i test version 0.4.2 and the 0.4.3 pre4
bluetooth don't work... when I turn on the bt the scrren increase brightnees...
for the audio problems if you start winglinux during a call audio works
now i want try your kernel
jagan2 said:
I guess you dont know that musikmonk himself is one of the developer of android for omap 850 devices
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Thanks But I'm still faaaaaar from being a developer. I'm just learning.
freelancer81 said:
there are some probs the battery is stuck at 100%. even after fiddling with it, it remained the same.
i rebooted to wm to find that battery was about 45%. this issue is critical...i feel.
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Ah, I forgot to mention that . I added it to the not working section now.
Right now, wing-linux is using a fake battery driver that always reports battery as 100% full. There's still no working driver and I'm afraid that it might be a long time till there is one.
gp.triple said:
i'm testing android from some week
i test version 0.4.2 and the 0.4.3 pre4
bluetooth don't work... when I turn on the bt the scrren increase brightnees...
for the audio problems if you start winglinux during a call audio works
now i want try your kernel
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Please do try that kernel and tell me how it goes for you.
nice work MusikMonk, i m so happy to see development for android on our phones
Bluetooth works on mine, but not all the time(once in 10 it doesn't)
Thank you so much for sharing your work
Edit: Sometimes,network problems occur after changing kernel
i try your new kernel
now when i start bluethoot its start
but don't discovery my sonyericsson w950i
and the s.e. don't find the opal
but the opal find other device...
soon as possible i try to connect other device and give you some feedback
i hope that you can understand my bad english
one question...
it is possible tu build the kernel 2.6.30 or successive?
its contains more driver
mrushabh said:
nice work MusikMonk, i m so happy to see development for android on our phones
Bluetooth works on mine, but not all the time(once in 10 it doesn't)
Thank you so much for sharing your work
Edit: Sometimes,network problems occur after changing kernel
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Can you please tell me what you tried for bluetooth? I could use some details.
And about network problems, that's normal. It randomly happens with wing-linux, it isn't something specific to that kernel.
Most of the times switching to aeroplane mode and back works. Sometimes you'll have to reboot.
gp.triple said:
i try your new kernel
now when i start bluethoot its start
but don't discovery my sonyericsson w950i
and the s.e. don't find the opal
but the opal find other device...
soon as possible i try to connect other device and give you some feedback
i hope that you can understand my bad english
one question...
it is possible tu build the kernel 2.6.30 or successive?
its contains more driver
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Does it always find that other device or does it only find it sometimes?
About using a new kernel, there are some problems with that. darkstar62 is working on moving upstream to latest kernel and he submitted some patches to the linux-omap tree to get his device (Herald/Wing) supported some were accepted, others are pending.
I tried these patches on Opal but memory card and usb didn't work. I'm waiting till the patches are complete to try again because, right now, I don't know how to fix them myself. I had a couple of ideas that I tried, but none worked.
Oh, and your English is okay. I can understand you fine.
MusikMonk said:
Does it always find that other device or does it only find it sometimes?
i had few time to try this morning
one time bt start and find some device
one time bt don't start
and one time bt start but don't find any device
as soon as possible i'll do other test
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im glad the network problem is not related to the kernel..
as for the bluetooth, it can find my other phone but somehow cant connect with it, also when set to discoverable also no other device finds it
Thank you all I really appreciate your help with testing.
If you guys have the time, can you also give this kernel a test:
Oh, and can you please give me details such as:
What was the bluetooth state in WM (off/on/hidden/discoverable)?
If you're using WM6.5.x, does bluetooth work normally on the rom you're using? (There seems to be many customized roms with bluetooth problems)
When you searched from Android, if some devices are found, do the name appears or only the address?
Stuff like that...
nice work thank u .
i have test the OS but there are some problem , that i cant make a call and
i cant but it on sleep mode and some time Bluetooth does'nt work .
but until now it's great to see the android work on our mobiles .
MusikMonk said:
Thank you all I really appreciate your help with testing.
If you guys have the time, can you also give this kernel a test:
Oh, and can you please give me details such as:
What was the bluetooth state in WM (off/on/hidden/discoverable)?
If you're using WM6.5.x, does bluetooth work normally on the rom you're using? (There seems to be many customized roms with bluetooth problems)
When you searched from Android, if some devices are found, do the name appears or only the address?
Stuff like that...
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i did other test
at first i use the original wm6.1
condition of test
wm bt on/discoverable ---> android don't start bt
wm bt of ---> bt start in android, only one time find other device but appears only the adress, the other device don't find the opaldroid
if i can this evening try the new kernel
Results with the new kernel
Rom used:Official HTC WWE Rom
Bluetooth state in windows mobile:Off
Bluetooth activates and can be set to discoverable but no device can find phone and phone cant find any device
Bluetooth state in windows mobile:On
Same as the one before but no rare luck here..(Bluetooth activates and can be set to discoverable but no device can find phone and phone cant find any device)
Please take a screen shot from your device and put them there!
i did some test whit the new kernel
win 6.1 standard rom
bt off in wm---> sometimes find other device showing the adress but other device cant find opal
bt on in wm--->didn't find other device and other device cant find opal

