RTSP Breakthrough (kind of) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hey guys! This is my first post so go easy on me (I apologize in advance to any mods if this is in the wrong section )
I own an Eten X500 so I couldn't really find a thread area that best suited for this topic. Regardless, this is a technique that I discovered by sheer accident that may help to relieve some of the stress of RTSP playback in WM5/6 devices.
For a while I have been attempting to playback rtsp feeds on my x500 because I happen to know of a couple live TV RTSP feeds (ESPN, MTV, etc..) and I thought it would be pretty damn cool to watch them on my phone via WiFi or whatever. However, my attempts seemed to keep failing; both pvplaver and the "HTC Streaming Video" app seemed to fail when I attempted to playback a file via an RTSP url. The only streaming video that seemed to work is orb (god bless this program) but TV streams could only be viewed via a TV Tuner built into your PC. Thats when I had my idea:
1) Create an easily accessible folder on your hard drive (i.e. C:\streams)
2) Within the folder create a shortcut to your feed by right clicking within the explorer window and selecting new->shortcut
3) Type the location of the RTSP feed into the dialouge box that appears (you can test it with one of my feeds, MTV BRAND NEW CHANNEL "rtsp://" without the quotes.)
4)Click next
5) Label the shortcut with something you'll remember and click finish.
6) This is probably an important time to make sure you have orb installed and running. If not, you can download it HERE.
7) Once your orb server is set up, connect to it (with your Windows mobile device) via your mycast login page ("https://mycast.orb.com/orb/html/login.html").
8) Instead of browsing through your media, which for the most part is all you ever use orb for, use the "File Browser" tool found at the top of your mycast page. Navigate to your streams folder (i.e. C:\streams) and select your shortcut.
9) Voila! Windows Media Player should popup and your watching live TV on your Windows Mobile Phone via a simpe RTSP feed.
Hope someone can make use of this information or even figur out why it works, I figure this is the least I could do considering how many goodies I leech off of you guys!

why it works
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Because RTSP, by default, doesn't work in NAT / behind firewalls and the two players you've listed (in addition to RealOne player) doesn't support HTTP fallback.
Orb, on the other hand, doesn't require back connections and, therefore, works even over restricted connections.
(BTW, great article! I'll link it in from my forthcoming Streaming Bible.)


live TV on HSDPA

Upload the links below to your TyTn/Hermes Click on the following links to get live streaming videos from arround the world.
If you discover more links please add it to the list:
Gold star for you, sir! Here's my additions, the CNN Pipeline feeds (the first of which is usually CNN International on a live stream):
At this point I'd just like to point out that I just tried to load these streams up on my device via my wifi connection, and WMP won't accept the first stream (just goes round and round 'connecting' and eventually times out, and TCPMP errors back and can't play any items in the playlist) - think this is because of the way that the player is assigned an authorisation access code which is appended to the stream name in an odd way AFTER the browser initially does an http get to the stream URL. Tried stripping it back down to its plain reflector URL, but got an Access Denied in WMP, but I'll keep on trying to figure it out. The streams work fine on my PC, but of course they were designed to be played back on a PC (with more advanced WMP support).
The streams are ~360kbps, but will go lower I think. Enjoy while they're available, don't know how much longer they'll last as publicly-accessible...
More BBC goodness now.
You can watch live from 2230 UK time weekdays, and towards midnight the show is made available online for on-demand viewing.
Stream: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc2/bb/wm/video/newsnight_bb.asx
Formerly Click Online, BBC News 24's long-standing Technology programme. Updates every week.
BBC's Click pages: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/
BBC World's Click pages: http://www.bbcworld.com/content/template_clickonline.asp?pageid=666&co_pageid=1
Stream: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc1/bb/wm/video/click_bb.asx
The BBC's hard-hitting documentary series, usually has an episode faaiiiiiiirly regularly (once every month or so).
Stream: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc1/bb/wm/video/pan_od_bb.asx
Other programmes of note...
The Politics Show: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc1/bb/wm/video/pol_show_od_bb.asx
Question Time (broadcast on BBC One on Thursdays at 2235 BST and can be viewed from the Question Time website at any time): http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc1/bb/wm/video/question_od_bb.asx
The Daily Politics (broadcast on BBC Two and live on this website every weekday 1200-1230 (Wednesdays 1130-1300, as it includes Prime Minister's Questions over lunchtime)): http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc2/bb/wm/video/daily_pol_bb.asx
This Week (broadcast on BBC One and live on this website every Thursday 2335-0020): http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc1/bb/wm/video/thisweek_bb.asx
This World (returning late September 2006): http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/tvseq/od/bbc2/bb/wm/video/tw_bb.asx
BBC News Live streams:
One of these is usually used to stream the news live as it's broadcast every day, and if there's a special event / important news event they sometimes use two or more of the streams to broadcast footage or reports.
Sometimes they link to these streams on the BBC News site, sometimes they don't, but here are the links anyway:
Stream 1:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/wm/video/now1_bb.asx (WMP format)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/rm/video/now1_bb.ram (RM format)
Stream 2:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/wm/video/now2_bb.asx (WMP format)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/rm/video/now2_bb.ram (RM format)
Stream 3:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/wm/video/now3_bb.asx (WMP format)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/rm/video/now3_bb.ram (RM format)
Stream 4:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/wm/video/now4_bb.asx (WMP format)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/live/bb/rm/video/now4_bb.ram (RM format)
The live news is usually broadcast on now4 if memory serves (it's what I watched it on tonight, anyway).
More soon if I find any decent ones...
According to this DTG article, BBC News 24 will be streaming 'within months' (that article is from April of this year, but it's still quite possible provided they sort out the rights issues, given that News 24 currently only has UK rights).
Streaming TV, Movies and Radio
all seem good liking the cnn ones
So the CNN Pipeline ones work for you? Interesting, I couldn't get them to work on my Vario 2... How do you have your device set up software-wise?
only have a vario 1 , and was via wifi, just clicked the link and it opens in wmp 10
CNN pipeline worked on my Vario II, then a day later it did not work and it gave me an error message.
Dont know why, although I know CNN Pipeline is a subscription-based service - they may have problems with it, which is why I managed one day to get free access to it, while access was declined the following day.
Have a look at this wikipedia entry for details of each feed:
I know that when you access the initial URL it authenticates your IP for access to the stream, then forwards you to the mms reflector URL to actually load the content... I couldn't get WMP10 to properly access the first stream to get authenticated, and TCPMP wouldn't do it either.
It plays on my PC fine, so I know it's an authentication issue. Quite annoying cause I like the pipeline feeds
what's the difference betgween http:// and mms: ?
Is it best to use a mms link directly, or instead to go through the http:// first?
MMS = multimedia streaming protocol, it's true realtime streaming. HTTP is hypertext transfer protocol, the way that computers talk to web servers, the agreed standard if you will (http contains a big list of common codes which describe the status of a connection or request, such as HTTP 200 OK for a valid request, HTTP 404 Not Found for an attempt to access a nonexistent resource, HTTP 403 Forbidden... that's obvious, HTTP 500 Internal Server Error (usually seen if a PHP, SQL or CGI script is incorrectly configured on the server). it's been added to since it was first invented, and various programs can now pseudo-'stream' files are they're downloaded - but you can't stream in realtime over HTTP properly, it's always a fudge as there has to be a static file hosted somewhere for the transfer to begin. Therefore, most streaming servers (like the CNN ones) host the .asx (playlist) files on an http server, and if you download .asx file and drag it into Notepad, you'll see the links to the mms server, along with a reflector port and other information necessary to authenticate the client for access (used most for authenticated services or limited access streams). HTTP will be used as a fallback, but in most cases MMS (or TCP RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)) will be used, as it's the best solution for streaming media in realtime.
Using ORB from www.orb.com you can watch and listen to all stuff you have on your home PC.
Now THERE's a thought - I had it installed about a year ago but didn't have free Internet then! Oh MAN... I could watch all my films on the go... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Personally I'm waiting for the Slingbox Pro to come over to the UK, I know my housemate's getting one but I may well end up getting one myself too, hah.
I have used orb on pocket pc since i got my wizard - now with the hermes it has the extra 3G option. which is a whole new expierence.
Bump as this thread is useful. Posting this via my Vario 2
I'd be interested to see what T-Mobile have to say about this... since according to their Web 'n' Walk fair usage policy.....
Fair use policy applies. To ensure a high quality of service for all our customers, the web 'n' walk service is not to be used for other activities such as (but not limited to): modem access for computers, internet based video/audio streaming services, peer to peer file sharing, internet based video downloads and internet based telephony. If such use is detected, notice may be given, after which network protection controls may be applied which will result in a reduced speed of transmission.
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Whoa. This is awesome -- how do u rep or thank the poster for these links?
Who needs MEdia net VOD.
Did anyone get the pocketpcmedia link working?
Thanks again to OP! you rock!
I rate this a 5!
There is a new HTC utility called HTC streaming player. I found it in the new Treo750. I tried it with Hermes but it is not working yet. I will uploaded soon to this forum. It streams rtsp//
eeter said:
There is a new HTC utility called HTC streaming player. I found it in the new Treo750. I tried it with Hermes but it is not working yet. I will uploaded soon to this forum. It streams rtsp//
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That would be great. thanks
Orb and Digital TV Streaming
To those of you who use Orb, what TV tuner card have you got to get live digital tv streming over Orb?
i've been using Orb and it's a great piece of software, but I suppose the real benefit of Orb is to stream live digiotal TV that does not normally stream over the web (as you can stream live tv over the web on the Vario II with 3G/HSDPA without Orb).
I understand only a handful of TV tuner hardware are compatible with Orb. Which one do you use? How well do they work? How much have you spent?
armedmetallica said:
Whoa. This is awesome -- how do u rep or thank the poster for these links?
Who needs MEdia net VOD.
Did anyone get the pocketpcmedia link working?
Thanks again to OP! you rock!
I rate this a 5!
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What is MEdia net VOD

Anyone interested in a home made VOD service?

As some of you asked me for the translation, I did it. I just put it here, so that you can all give a try if you want.
A week ago I spent some time to build a home made Video On Demand system, and I was wondering if it could interest some of you. If you are interested I can translate it into english and write a little how-to.
My system is very simple; the computer with the data (films, divx, dvd, ...) will become a web server listing all available media and offering live streaming and transcoding to smartphones/pdas and/or other computers.
I am far too lazy to convert my film/dvd to ppc format and to send it to the SD card; that's why I decided to stream the film I want to see directly over the wifi. I also use this when I am on the go with a computer/ppc and nothing to do, I can easily watch my films through the internet.
Requirement for the server:
-Win 2k/XP Pro/2k3 with IIS setuped
Requirement for the client (PDA):
-TCPMP installed
-A tytn (didn't tried with other device in fact, but it should work on most PDA/smartphone)
Requirement for the client PC:
-Divx codec or filter setuped
-If you plan to stream over the internet, keep in mind that the size of your upload will condition the quality of the video.
-Only one client can stream at the same time (in fact more clients can connect to the server, but they will all see the same film)
-No possibility to go forward/backward, you have to watch the entire film straith forward (you can pause as long as your device is able to hold the running film in the buffer)
-On XP Pro, Win 2k, Win 2k3 go to control panel > add/remove software > integrated components
-Select and install IIS (www service is enough)
-Extract my app in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\vod
-Edit default.asp and replace "c:\film_path" by the path of your films (you can add many folders by copy-pasting this line)
-Edit the play.asp and replace "server_name" by the name or the IP of the computer
-Edit film.asx and replace "external_dns" by your external ip or DNS if you have one. You can also setup here the local name/ip of the computer (the same as in play.asp) but in this case you will not be able to stream your films from outside your home network
-If you are using the external IP/DNS, do not forget to configure your router/firewall to allow and to route the traffic from the socket 8080 to the computer hosting the app
-If you don't have a static IP, you can freely get a DNS that link to your dynamique IP; visit www.dyndns.org for more informations
-go at http://computer_name/vod and try to watch a film (There may be an issue with firefox; I may work on it a bit later)
-Setup TCPMP 0.71RC1 or 0.72RC1; most of the versions available should be fine
-Go to setup menu and remove all the tick in directdraw page if you are experiencing strange behaviour with the picture
-Go to file association and tic at least Windows meta files (ASX, ...)
-Start pocket IE and go to http://server_name/vod; you should be able to watch your films by now
-The app is able to handle DVD files, as long as it can detect the VIDEO_TS folders
-The app is limited to one user at the same time; I did this because my upload do not allow me to stream more
-There is still a slight syncro problem on PPC with the picture and the sound; sadly, I think that it is a TCPMP issue
I'd be VERY interested in trialling this service, as I installed Orb and, like many other people with the latest version (see the Orb support forums), it just doesn't work AT ALL.
So, I'm looking for a good replacement (which works!) - I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty and tweaking, bug testing, so yeah - send me the details ... Just a quick questing regarding the requirement for IIS; what technology does this use, .net/ASP? If so, I might have to install an ASP filter for Apache (as I don't use IIS), or I might have to set up that fileserver machine I've been preparing to build for a while
Yes, it uses a ASP. Most of the time I code in php, but as my file server was under win2k3 I decided to "learn" ASP. But my code is very simple; I am pretty sure that it can be translated in php in about 15 minutes, I don't believe in php on windows and asp on linux
Well mate, you know who to PM with the details & info
EDIT: DELETED by CyberTron
Main topic edited => UP !
Regarding ORB, I have it installed and it works flawlessly with my Tytn. I can select my home webcam to see how my puppy is doing while away from home. I can stream all my recorded TV shows and movies as well as watch live TV from anywhwere that has a decent Internet connection. I can also schedule TV shows to record, plus I have access to all my music and picture libraries. I love it - its simply the most amazing free software. I love that there is nothing required to install on my Tytn it just uses the web browser and WM10.
Too bad ORB does not support DVB-S cards.
BTW, I'm converting mpegs from my webcam into 3gp H.263 using ffmpeg, it
shrinks files about 1/100 (w/ 176x144 resolution 5fps only, which is ok for this
Downloaded just now, but I'm going to bed (have you seen the time! 6am UK time ) so I'll give it a try either tomorrow or beginning of next week.
I know orb, and it is a service that work great. But in my case I dont like the use of external server that I cannot control; that's why I prefere doing it my way. My app is not here to replace orb, it is just a small alternative that do the thing a bit different.

Shift No Longer Needed!

i was thinking of a getting a shift as i am desperate to be able to play p2p streams via my hsdpa connection , so i can watch LIVE football on my AMEO from sopcast and other p2p streaming tv progs.
This morning I finally CRACKED it! and am now watching
Full screen SOPCAST TV on my AMEO
This means I can watch literally EVERY FOOTBALL match ANYWHERE on my AMEO for FREE!
this may be old news but im amazed.
if you want to know how i will post details
watching football for a bit to get it work is cooooooool...
tell me more!!!!!
dont beat around the bush c'mon hit us with the details!
okay heres how its done
First u must have an unlimited HSDPA account or you are gonna spend loads of dosh
progs needed for full control fom anywhere
Logmein - free version (pc remote control app)
VLC player (pc app)
Sopcast 1.1.2 (pc App)
TCPMP 0.81 (its the only version that plays video great for me, u may prefer other versions)
obviously you need BB connection on your home pc
1. install logmein and create an account you can then log into your pc remotely (change resolution to 640X480)
and you can see the whole of your screen on your athena/ameo.htc7500 etc
install all of the above apps
2.In your Ameo make sure that TCPMP is your choice for all video types i.e. wmv playback etc so it auto runs any video
3. open media player , select open URL and under network options select wifi/Lan (1.0mbps or faster) and tick detect connection speed and then close
4. start sopcast on your pc and get a channel going in the standalone player not the web based player
5.start VLC
6. once the channel has started right click on the player screen and select properties
7. highlight and copy the location http://xxxxxxxxxx etc
8. click File- open network stream on vlc player
9.select HTTP/HHTPS/FTP/MMS and paste the location into the URL box
10. the stream should now start to play in vlc (prob quicker than sopcast!)
11.click file again on VLC and select WIZARD
12. make sure stream to network is slected and click next
13.select Existing play item and highlight the location name in the box and click next
14.Select HTTP and leave the box below blank press next
15.Leave on ASF and click next
16. type 1 or 2 or leave blank it may or may not matter
17.now click finish
VLC player should shrink and in the bottom box it should have a timer that doesnt move and say transcoding
click view and check messages if its BLANK your in business.
Now open up internet explorer in your ameo
and type
mms://your pc's ip address:8080 press go
TCPMP player should automatically start and start playing the stream.
If you are in portrait mode when you hear some sound press the button to change to landscape and TCPMP should be playing back whatever you Channel you selected.
Logmein like all remote software allows you to set this all up from your PC remotely
have fun FOOTY HERE I COME!!
Can anyone confirm that this works?
Also, is it better/worse than a Slinbox type config, aside from the advantage of not requiring a separate cable/tv box?
simoncells.com said:
Can anyone confirm that this works?
Also, is it better/worse than a Slinbox type config, aside from the advantage of not requiring a separate cable/tv box?
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If it didnt work i wouldnt post it
An easier way to do this is (taken from the Orb website not my work and it works great is)
I managed to get SopCast and pplive streaming on my cell through Orb. It's probably similar with the other p2p streaming softwares.
'Here's how to do it:
1. Open SopCast on a channel.
2. Add the Custom Channel in Orb. For that, go the the TV application, select the Internet TV/favorite channels menu, and click the Add Custom action next to the play button. Enter SopCast for the name and for the URL (this URL may be different for you if you changed the default ports options in SopCast)
3. You can now stream this channel via Orb from the Internet TV menu.
With pplive, the URL to add depends on the channel you select, to find it, click on the "open in external Windows Media Player icon" once the channel play, and look at the URL of the playing item, it will look like '
it does pause now and then but you can get a good long watch much of the time depending on the channel
this is down to the way TCPMP player handles streams more than the ORB software
i can stream this while on evdo, but not on wifi, can i configure the wifi tho stream this?
i2idiniow said:
i can stream this while on evdo, but not on wifi, can i configure the wifi tho stream this?
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should be the same, i have hsdpa and havent tried wifi so i cant say for sure , but why not?
might be to do with IP addresses, if u are at using wifi maybe your ip address is different
Question for spacecat, or anyone else who can help:
I have an ameo too, and have tried the two ways that you have mentioned of viewing sopcast i.e. through VLC and ORB. Have found the following:
1) via ORB: Managed to get the stream to the ameo displayed via TCPMP but the video was very choppy and frankly unwatchable (any particular settings I should be aware of?)
2) via VLC: Keep getting the error mms: protocol not supported (do I need a particular plugin for TCPMP?)
Which option gives better quality of steam?
Thanks in advance
billu said:
Question for spacecat, or anyone else who can help:
I have an ameo too, and have tried the two ways that you have mentioned of viewing sopcast i.e. through VLC and ORB. Have found the following:
1) via ORB: Managed to get the stream to the ameo displayed via TCPMP but the video was very choppy and frankly unwatchable (any particular settings I should be aware of?)
2) via VLC: Keep getting the error mms: protocol not supported (do I need a particular plugin for TCPMP?)
Which option gives better quality of steam?
Thanks in advance
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you need the WM5 WMV9 codecs the WM6 codecs you currently have do not work properly !
basically unzip the attached files and bung em in your windows folder !
oh and if your stationary you can get away with your ORB server uploading at 320K or 400k max but 400 might have issues, if you are on the move (train for example) 160K is about your limit but experiment, and be mindful of your home broadbands max up speed, im on virgin 20Mb (down) so my max upload speed is 768K


How do I use this thing? I Googled it but couldn't find much info. How do I add a server? Is it all done over WiFi?
How to use All Share
All Share allows you to stream pictures, video and music to and from your device over your local wifi network. It should work with DLNA certified devices. It works using uPnP. Basically, you can use it some TVs, home media servers and gaming consoles such as PS3. That said, I don't own anything like that. There is free software the will allow you to access and play files to and from your computer with ease.
I suggest XBMC.
Once XBMC is installed go to:
Configure Sysytem -> Settings -> Network
Check the following boxes:
1) Share video and music libraries through UPnP
2) Allow control of XBMC via UPnP
Now fire up All Share on your device select play file from your phone to device. In addition to your local computer you should see XBMC, select it and enjoy the stream. I've been very impressed with the video quality. I'm sure there are other application that will allow you to stream to your PC but so far this was the simplest solution I've found.
Oh and prepare to be disappointed, Avatar was not an option, aside from the trailer. If your looking to convert your own movies for mobile use I'd suggest you start with Handbrake. It's very easy to use.
BritCrit said:
All Share allows you to stream pictures, video and music to and from your device over your local wifi network. It should work with DLNA certified devices. It works using uPnP. Basically, you can use it some TVs, home media servers and gaming consoles such as PS3. That said, I don't own anything like that. There is free software the will allow you to access and play files to and from your computer with ease.
I suggest XBMC.
Once XBMC is installed go to:
Configure Sysytem -> Settings -> Network
Check the following boxes:
1) Share video and music libraries through UPnP
2) Allow control of XBMC via UPnP
Now fire up All Share on your device select play file from your phone to device. In addition to your local computer you should see XBMC, select it and enjoy the stream. I've been very impressed with the video quality. I'm sure there are other application that will allow you to stream to your PC but so far this was the simplest solution I've found.
Oh and prepare to be disappointed, Avatar was not an option, aside from the trailer. If your looking to convert your own movies for mobile use I'd suggest you start with Handbrake. It's very easy to use.
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This is badass. Worked like a charm... Thanks! And can this be done over the internet? Like how would I stream it to an IP/Port?
Has anyone tried WDTV Live? All share does not see WDTV Live as media rendered?
I want to push video from phone to WDTV or vise versa?
hah2110 said:
This is badass. Worked like a charm... Thanks! And can this be done over the internet? Like how would I stream it to an IP/Port?
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It's intended to work over wifi only, however, this might be possible through ORB. It does recognize the device in All Share but frankly haven't tooled around with it much. I'll let you know what I find out.
mveksler said:
Has anyone tried WDTV Live? All share does not see WDTV Live as media rendered?
I want to push video from phone to WDTV or vise versa?
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I have been able to stream to my wdtv live with no issues. I don't have custom firmware, just the latest stock firmware.
However, my phone will not see wdtv as a server or nas? Which sucks cause that's where all the media is.
Playon, tversity, ps3media server and Xbmc all streamed media from a hard drive or my pc perfectly.
Playon was not able to stream, online media I.e. Hulu, adult swim.
I've been able to stream videos to my phone using AllShare from two of my Windows 7 machines, no additional software needed. I have a Homegroup setup and just have the the folders containing the videos shared with the Homegroup.
jrparker99 said:
I've been able to stream videos to my phone using AllShare from two of my Windows 7 machines, no additional software needed. I have a Homegroup setup and just have the the folders containing the videos shared with the Homegroup.
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Can you describe this more in depth?
hah2110 said:
Can you describe this more in depth?
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Windows 7 supports DLNA, which is what AllShare uses for media streaming. I'm able to share videos, music, and pictures over Wifi on my home network. I like to stream videos from my PCs to my phone for viewing either on my phone, or on my TV through the video out capability of the Vibrant's 3.5mm headphone jack.
Take a look at this link to enable your media sharing on Windows 7:
I did have to reboot my PC after changing my Windows settings to see the shared folders show up in AllShare. I'm not sure if this step is required, just my experience.
If you have any other specific questions, please let me know.
If you don't have Windows 7, you can install the Samsung server software (PC Share Manager) on Windows XP or Vista, available here :
(Click the Software link under then Downloads tab)
This was mentioned in another thread by user siberslug
Thanks for the tips, certainly a better solution than a third party players.
jrparker99 said:
Windows 7 supports DLNA, which is what AllShare uses for media streaming. I'm able to share videos, music, and pictures over Wifi on my home network. I like to stream videos from my PCs to my phone for viewing either on my phone, or on my TV through the video out capability of the Vibrant's 3.5mm headphone jack.
Take a look at this link to enable your media sharing on Windows 7:
I did have to reboot my PC after changing my Windows settings to see the shared folders show up in AllShare. I'm not sure if this step is required, just my experience.
If you have any other specific questions, please let me know.
If you don't have Windows 7, you can install the Samsung server software (PC Share Manager) on Windows XP or Vista, available here :
(Click the Software link under then Downloads tab)
This was mentioned in another thread by user siberslug
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I have windows 7, I created a homegroup and shared my libraries ...I cannot see the files or folders with allshare. It tell me no media. I restarted my computer and phone. I don't know what the problem is but I've been messing with it for a while now and thought I'd try and get some help
sorry had to remove the links on the quote above because i'm still new. I guess.
lemarg said:
I have been able to stream to my wdtv live with no issues. I don't have custom firmware, just the latest stock firmware.
However, my phone will not see wdtv as a server or nas? Which sucks cause that's where all the media is.
Playon, tversity, ps3media server and Xbmc all streamed media from a hard drive or my pc perfectly.
Playon was not able to stream, online media I.e. Hulu, adult swim.
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If you remember, what file format were you able to steam through playon to your phone? I couldn't get any files or online streams to work. Also did you use the "My Media" or the "Local Files" plug-in?
tacomaguy20 said:
I have windows 7, I created a homegroup and shared my libraries ...I cannot see the files or folders with allshare. It tell me no media. I restarted my computer and phone. I don't know what the problem is but I've been messing with it for a while now and thought I'd try and get some help QUOTE]
Figured out I was being blocked by my firewall. I got it working now
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how to use allshare between vibrant and ps3?
hi guys... i've been reading all the threads on allshare but could not find an answer for the ps3 sharing. my ps3 recognized the vibrant right away but there was no content in video,audio or pictures. (yes i did choose files on the phone and added to playlist)..
any suggestions please? thanks...
** sorry for posting too soon... problem solved...
Holy shiznit....This is bad ass...I can now stream all of my TV shows from my PC to my phone while I am laying in bed. Now I can watch episodes of Burn Notice while my wife hogs up the TV.
I just tried it and it works like a charm.
Those of you who aren't sure how to do it I will explain:
-Using Windows 7, download the latest Windows Media Player
-Add your videos to a playlist
-Open up Allshare and select the second option
-Find your playlist and start watching
Can your iPhone do this?
So i can use XBMC and be able to control video on my PC from my phone, but when i try to play media on my PC to my phone the video and music library says no content. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...maybe I need my media in a specific folder? I tried my shared libraries in Win7, but nothing in those folders show up.
aztimmay said:
So i can use XBMC and be able to control video on my PC from my phone, but when i try to play media on my PC to my phone the video and music library says no content. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...maybe I need my media in a specific folder? I tried my shared libraries in Win7, but nothing in those folders show up.
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I had the same issue with Win7. Do you have the latest version of windows media player? If not upgrade, then make certain to select "allow remote control of my player" and "Automatically allow devices to play media" from the Stream tab in windows media player. This should to access the files instead of just seeing empty folders.
It works with an Xbox 360 using media center too.
Pretty useful for showing video clips on my phone via a bigger screen.
BritCrit said:
I had the same issue with Win7. Do you have the latest version of windows media player? If not upgrade, then make certain to select "allow remote control of my player" and "Automatically allow devices to play media" from the Stream tab in windows media player. This should to access the files instead of just seeing empty folders.
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Still not working...I have the latest and enabled the two options listed, but when I select from my phone "play file from server on my phone" now my PC doesn't show up as an option.
The only time I see my PC as an option on my phone is if i'm running XBMC, but even then I don't see any videos to select.
Found this video that helped explain how to setup the video library in XBMC which was easy to do, but now when add any of my movies to the playlist it says it cannot play the video even though most of them are AVI...unless it can't play AVI on the phone player...if that's the case, that good sir is LAME.
Almost forgot the link to the helpful video
youtube dot com slash watch?v=bCx0XtWB37w
(can't post links yet with all my noobness)
edit: Found a WMV file on my PC...put that file in the library and added it to the playlist...it keeps looking like it's loading or something, but nevers ends up playing it was never meant to be I guess

Some tips, apps and suggestions.

Most of you will already know most of this, but I thought I would post a collection of things I have tried and have found useful on my Transformer, hopefully you will see something you haven't tried or though of.
I will add more as I think of them or find new solutions to problems.
1. Try MultiPicture if you are having problems getting Wallpapers to work on the tablet, it scales the image to fit the screen, so you won’t get your image cropped or distorted. Use a 1280x800, 72dpi image for perfect results. In MultiPicture settings, you can disable the homescreen scrolling so that the image stays still when you flip through your homescreens. You can also use different pictures on each homescreen if you like.
2. Use a static picture as wallpaper, live wallpapers are fun but seem to slow down the home screen transitions slightly in Honeycomb still.
3. Rockplayer, Vplayer and Moboplayer are all great apps that support almost every movie format and codec out there, they allow you to play movie files on the tablet that aren’t supported out of the box. You may have to select the Software decoding option in Rockplayer to get some formats working.
4. If you don’t already have it, install Windows Media Player 11 or higher on your PC and add any folders that you would like to be able to access from the Transformer to the library in WMP. (don’t forget to share them in windows as well by right clicking them and going to the sharing option etc.)
5. Install the app UPnPlay, it will make viewing your shared media much easier. It also allows you to choose the app you want to view media with, so you can choose Rockplayer or Vplayer etc to stream your movies.
6. Plex is another good app for accessing shared media, you have to install a server application on your PC and add any folders you want to be shared to the server application, then run the tablet app. It’s very simple and it adds cover art etc to your movies by searching the files meta data.
7. Install File Manager HD, it’s a great tablet optimised file manager and it can see your network shared files once you add a new W-lan connection. Use (or your PC’s IP address), your Windows log on name and your Windows password.
8. If you are looking for a good news reader for your tablet, try News 360, it has a great interface and works really well. It has the option to show local news as well as national/international.
9. A great Magazine app recently released for Honeycomb is Zinio, try the version from the market, its slightly different to the one on the transformer, I prefer the UI. Zinio has a large and growing selection of magazines, its interface is great and the magazines look amazing on the transformers screen.
10. ACV is a brilliant comic viewer that reads most comic formats, it works well on the tablet.
11. Extended Controls is a brilliant app/widget that lets you add controls for virtually every setting on your tablet to your homescreen, for example WiFi or Bluetooth and even a toggle to force a media scan (useful if you have just transferred files to your tablet and they aren’t showing in the gallery etc.)
12. Plume is the Twitter app I am using, it has a great tablet optimised interface and a brilliant widget.
13. It’s still a bit choppy and laggy sometimes, but try out the website www.m.tvcatchup.com for free to air UK television channels, a huge selection of free channels that play about 5 seconds behind live TV. Wifi recommended but I have had it working on 3G. Some channels work better than others. Try changing your browser agent from android to desktop or even iPhone to get a better result.
14. TV Guide UK is just that, a great TV guide for your tablet, it’s not Honeycomb optimised and runs in portrait mode, but it works well and has a great interface. You can filter the channels in the settings to just show the channels you have or want to see.
CarsnGadgets said:
7. Install File Manager HD, it’s a great tablet optimised file manager and it can see your network shared files once you add a new W-lan connection. Use (or your PC’s IP address), your Windows log on name and your Windows password.
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Thanks so much for this lol. i never knew that function existed and i've been using it from day one.
EXCELLENT post, thank you! On the News360, I LOVE it, but it doesn't show my local newspapers (Mendocino County in Northwestern California), the nearest it shows are in the San Francisco Bay Area, over 100 miles south of me, maybe I need to shoot off an email to them.
your welcome
Always interested to read TF users tips and some very useful ones here, many thanks
Thanks for this! as a newbie, I needed this

