Alarm clock will not stop!! - P3600 General

I set up an alarm clock on my P3600. When it woke me up I didn't get the soft key to shut it off. From that point off - it hounts me. Soft reset the device so many times in the last few hours it's driving me crazy. I will get the wakeup tone right after I soft reset EVERY TIME. and then every few hours during the day. I had MS Voice command which I removed. I tried to set a new alarm but that one just added yet another unstopable reminder. I think I also don't get notification for meetings so maybe something is wrong in the registry???
HELP... I don't want to HR the device.
WM5 by the way.
By the way - tried to remove the notifications from the queue using pocket mechanics but after soft reset - they all came back....

Had the same problem, what solved it was a hard reset.

ari79 said:
Had the same problem, what solved it was a hard reset.
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had the same problem also...
only hard reset helped...

what s/ware are you using for your alarms?

I was using the built-in clock.
Just hope that official WM6 is out soon so I have two good reasons to HR..

i have the very same problem!!! any ideas how to resolve it without HR?

fantomex said:
i have the very same problem!!! any ideas how to resolve it without HR?
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I didn't find any

sometimes ago i install some 3rd party alarm and remove it, bcoz it did not suit me. and install another one.
but first one left some message in notification queue, which always complain "Cannot find program bla-bla-bla...".
solution: install any software (like SKTools) and look inside notification queue (this queue respond for any notifications/alarms/etc..) and cleanup unwanted notifications.
hope, this helps.
added: sorry - did not read that you already try to do this. but anyway this is a problem - notification queue somehow hold this record which annoy you. you just have to find the way to clean it...

Same problem here, what I do was recover from a backup taken a day before the problem start. That solve it.
The problem start suddenly...
I try soft reset, turn the device off (remove the battery) and then turn it on again, also do the MemMaid 2.0 stuff with no positive results...
Sprite backup was my solution.
WM5 (factory rom, GPS enabled)
Default built-in clock, no alarm managers or any third party software.

Broken Alarm Clock
I have same problem on my Orange M700 (standard) and still do, even after a hard reset!? Excuse my possible lack of knowledge, but could this be just an issue with the registry? Or the original WM setup files?

Same problem on S300+. I don't want to make a hard reset.
Does anybody found a registry solution or something less violent ?

hmm.. maybe using alarm software ? that's helped me before.. instead performing HR of course..


Alarm clock still don't work well after installed the patch?

Dear all,
I was tried the following two programs but the bug is still can't fix :
FixAlarm v1.8
checknotifications with clearnotify
Doea anyone can fix this kind of bug on PPC2003 ???
p.s. My O2 XDA II's alarm (clock) sometime can alert me but sometime can't, I don't know why........ please help !
Re: Alarm clock still don't work well after installed the pa
Tom888 said:
Dear all,
I was tried the following two programs but the bug is still can't fix :
FixAlarm v1.8
checknotifications with clearnotify
Doea anyone can fix this kind of bug on PPC2003 ???
p.s. My O2 XDA II's alarm (clock) sometime can alert me but sometime can't, I don't know why........ please help !
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I think you will find that the alarm will not activate if you manually put the device in standby. The best way is to allow the XDA II to automatically set itself to standby. This is what I was doing.
This theory is being tested in a thread over at
wakes me every morning.
i havent applied any patches, have found that if you set your alarm and check the following boxes:
play sound,
repeat sound
display message
then it will work every time. It wakes me every morning!
I have found that missing some of these checks, or adding others, sometimes causes probs.
however, often the pda itself is 'locked' needing a softboot before i go to bed at night. This is annoying, since the xdaII is having more lockups than the xda1. Best to soft reboot before settling down for the night
Alarms work for me
I did several test yesterday after running the two fixes listed in the top post. I did set the alarm 5 minutes ahead and manually turned the PPC off.
The alarms worked everytime (once I enabled sounds for alarms, it was turned off) Make sure you are not using a 'silent' profile while you test.
Alarm problems
I was also having problems with my alarms, read somewhere that unwanted entries in start up could affect this & slow your machine down too, Hope that helps....
Download this freeware (both of them), install them and run them.
I installed this freeware which seems to have (a) cleared a lot of unwanted dross & (b) sorted out my alarm problem (I think!)
I also use the very useful pocket alarm from Burr Oak Software, check it out with a free trial here:- (costs about $12 for registered version)
Top banana! Thanks again!

Alarm Clock

How do I get this to work - when xda2 is off , and when xda2 is on?
I also have some problems.
Sometimes the alarm works, sometimes not.
What can I do?
I had same problem
I say had, as it was caused by an mp3 player I had installed on it, once de-installed, and soft reset, it all worked pefect.
So my advise is, check for some programms installed that could interfere with the alarm settings
(As I am a complete newbie to this I hope that I didn't misunderstand this topic)
As far as I found out there is a bug in Pocket PC 2003 that sometimes switches off the alarm. Find more information and a link for a bugfix here:
Hope that will be useful...
The mentioned bugfix...
Okay, I never experienced problems with the alarm clock. Nevertheless I installed the bugfix because I hate not beeing woken up in the morning.
Although the bugfix is installed, the alam clock did not work this morning. So I advise you to use a second alarm clock to avoid surprises in the morning...
I am still having a problem, does any one else have any ideas?
Since I've installed the 1.60 ROM together with the bugfix, the alarm clock seems to work fine. But I still don't trust it and use a second, old school alarm clock...
Alarm clock 2 solutions
I was also having problems with my alarms, read somewhere that unwanted entries in start up could affect this & slow your machine down too, Hope that helps....
Download this freeware (both of them), install them and run them.
I installed this freeware which seems to have (a) cleared a lot of unwanted dross (sometimes 400+!!!!) & (b) sorted out my alarm problem
Someone recommended this excellent and useful 'pocket Alarm' utility when I was still using my XDA I, Burr Oak have now upgraded it and it better than ever!
Try it free here :- (costs $12-ish if you like it enough to register it) 8)
maybe this would help aswell
Thanks for all the help guys, I'm not quite sure what fixed it but my XDA II is not working with the Alarm... A friend had the same problem and could not get his to work. We found out that if we used the power button to turn the device off it would not work...
As soon as I did a software power off the alarms started to work after that (May need to do it twice!).. give that a go it worked for us...
After getting it working I can now use the power off button and all working 100%...
I'm one of you guys: alarm does not work. Unfortunately I don't have much to offer.
I just wanna share a few things that I noticed:
1) I hard reset my qtek and tried the alarm, before any additional software installation.. Guess what! Nothing happened. The alarm did not work. I also used other 3rd party alarm software. It was all the same: the force-wake up doesn't work.
It is obvious to me that it's an operating system bug that makes us go to work late every morning.
What confuses me most, is the fact that I had no problem for the first 4 months of usage. This fact indicates that some piece of software is responsible for this mess. But then again, why a hard reset does not resolve it?
Like I said, I cannot do anything to help but to share these thoughts with you. :wink:
It's OK now?
Did Wakeup Tweak solved the problem for all of you?
Or there is more to it?
I haven't try it yet cchris. I'll let you now.
By the way, I was in Cusago last week. Nice place!
SPB Pocket plus 2.x
If any of you are using SPB's pocket plus 2.1, it would be worthwile to uncheck the alarm feature and use the alarm provided by the OS itself.
I started to have the alarm working again.
It seems that Wakeup Tweak did the job. Alarm works perfectly ok now. I haven't got any problem for the last few days. :lol:

HELP! BT Icon missing!

The BT icon of my magician has disapeared after I installed SPB Plus & Weather.
I've removed them, sof reseted, but the problem goes on.
Any solutions?
Turn bluetooth on from Start>Settings>Connections...
Yes, I know, but with the icon I can do it faster!
Thaks anyway.
FoxFire said:
Yes, I know, but with the icon I can do it faster!
Thaks anyway.
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After you do that, perform a soft reset with bluetooth still on. The icon may come back.
As a last resort, I'd perform a hard reset to get everything back to "as new" condition.
This may not be necessary though.
I have the same problem and I played around with the registry and solved it. No time to go to the detail now. But to point is, try to make the bticon to load much later than it suppose to be which means you need to add something to the registry to delay its startup.
I followed your sugestion. I've changed the value of InitDelay, soft-reseted but the problem is still on!
Thaks anyway!
Please do a search in this forum before asking. This is a common problem that have been talk about many many times. It due to many startup program and today plugins. A program called "No Plugins Today" solve my problem.

No more notifications or reminders

I have an O2 xda Neo (PM300) running Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC.
All of a sudden I noticed I no longer receive notifications or reminders of appointments or tasks on my "today" page nor any audible sounds. Even though I have:
1. Enabled sounds for reminders in "sounds & Notifications"
2.checked the "display message on screen" and "play sound" boxes in the "notifications" submenu
3.Checked the "set reminders for new items" box in the "appointments" sub menu in "options" in "calendar" (and done the same for "tasks"
My clock is correct. I have soft reset the unit a few times, I have set sample appt's and tasks and attempted to set a reminder for 5 minutes prior just to test and still nothing...
It was working fine upto maybe a couple weeks ago and just stopped working one day. I am at a loss, as the sheduling/task/appoitntment aspect is the main reason for me going the pocket pc route.
Now, I have no advance warning of tasks or appt's other than the calendar displaying the next few or so the day of or day before.
Very frustrating!
Look for Check Notifications ScaryBear Software. This program might be you solution
I had the same problem this week.
In my case it was either the (failed) installation of pocket clock or pocket max phone alarm that did it.
I loaded a previous week's sprite back-up (program part only) and that fixed the problem. I have not tried to reinstall pocket max phone alarm.
Will not reinstall pocket clock because that did not work anyways.
I sync'd my data, did a hard memory reset, deleted that ActiveSync partnership,created a new partnership, sync'd all my data back onto my handheld and it seems to be working again!
Thanks for your suggestions!
davetribe said:
I sync'd my data, did a hard memory reset, deleted that ActiveSync partnership,created a new partnership, sync'd all my data back onto my handheld and it seems to be working again!
Thanks for your suggestions!
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I have exactly the same problem - but unfortunately cannot remember when it showed up the first time. I do not want to try a hard reset, also checking pocketmax seems that they only advise to do a lot of reinstallations. And I worry the problem will show up again later as I want to continue using phone alarm. I rather would like to change registry entries.
- Anybody has some idea what to change?
- I found an empty string value WAVEFILE in HKKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\calendar\reminder - can anybody tell me their value here
- same empty value is in HKKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tasks\reminder
Thanks Hase01
I had the exact same problem 2 weeks ago on my JAMin - suddenly noticed that I had not been receiving reminders/notifications.
I had not installed any new software, etc., to cause this, I had simply been using the PDA in the same manner as for the preceeding weeks/months.
Hase01, unfortunately the way I fixed it was with a hard reset. Why do you not want to try this? I found that once the reset had been done, it took all of 5-10 minutes to reload all the files and to reinstall the software I had previously been running. It's not that big a deal......
Way2go said:
I had the exact same problem 2 weeks ago on my JAMin - suddenly noticed that I had not been receiving reminders/notifications.
I had not installed any new software, etc., to cause this, I had simply been using the PDA in the same manner as for the preceeding weeks/months.
Hase01, unfortunately the way I fixed it was with a hard reset. Why do you not want to try this? I found that once the reset had been done, it took all of 5-10 minutes to reload all the files and to reinstall the software I had previously been running. It's not that big a deal......
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I am not a friend of hard resets, that's why I am hesitating. And I am not sure how far I have to go back, as I was in vacation for some time and only afterwards started missing the reminders.
Could you do me a favor and let me know your registry settings for
- HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Reminders
- HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Sounds
- HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Defaults
Do you use phone alarm?
Thanks in advance
hase01 said:
I am not a friend of hard resets, that's why I am hesitating. And I am not sure how far I have to go back, as I was in vacation for some time and only afterwards started missing the reminders.
Could you do me a favor and let me know your registry settings for
- HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Reminders
- HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Sounds
- HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Defaults
Do you use phone alarm?
Thanks in advance
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Has anyone figured this out? I am having the same problem and removing Phone Alarm does not help. I do not want to do a hard reset and start over for this. Anyone?
perlmane said:
Has anyone figured this out? I am having the same problem and removing Phone Alarm does not help. I do not want to do a hard reset and start over for this. Anyone?
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Just download my Free Task Manager found here:
1) Launch it on your pocket pc
2) Select Notifications tab
3) First try to remove duplicates
4) Try to remove SCRIPT:0x000...
If it still doesn't work, select all of them and disable them.
Do a soft reset and create a new notification, if it works, I suggest you to enable only the necessary notifications, so those like:
and delete all [none] notifications
perlmane said:
Has anyone figured this out? I am having the same problem and removing Phone Alarm does not help. I do not want to do a hard reset and start over for this. Anyone?
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I have solved it using alarmtoday, see my post:
No more problems since 3 months (knock on wood)
Regards Hase
hase01 said:
I have solved it using alarmtoday, see my post:
No more problems since 3 months (knock on wood)
Regards Hase
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Glad to hear that... Anyway, this is another solution that works.
One of my colleagues had the same problem, about 570 notifications. We tried first to remove duplicates and SCRIP:0x000 events, but the problem remained.
After the remove he still had more than 400 notifications. So I selected them all and disabled them via TM. After soft reset we created a test notification and it worked. So as I mentioned in my previous post, we enabled back the needed notifications and we removed the rest. Now everything is fine.
I have noticed that most of the time, this problem appears when you synchronize your calendar with multiple pc's.
dotfred said:
Glad to hear that... Anyway, this is another solution that works.
One of my colleagues had the same problem, about 570 notifications. We tried first to remove duplicates and SCRIP:0x000 events, but the problem remained.
After the remove he still had more than 400 notifications. So I selected them all and disabled them via TM. After soft reset we created a test notification and it worked. So as I mentioned in my previous post, we enabled back the needed notifications and we removed the rest. Now everything is fine.
I have noticed that most of the time, this problem appears when you synchronize your calendar with multiple pc's.
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The smart thing with the alarmtoday solution was that I did not need to take care about notifications, deletions etc. I just installed AT and all notifications came back. And btw, I usually sync only with one PC, seem to be a WM5 problem.
hase01 said:
The smart thing with the alarmtoday solution was that I did not need to take care about notifications, deletions etc. I just installed AT and all notifications came back. And btw, I usually sync only with one PC, seem to be a WM5 problem.
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Dotfred, could you help me.
I was not lucky - while replying to this post the problem came back again after 3 months. My Alarm today fix did not work again. Before I tried your task manager I checked my notification queue with sk-Tools: I don't have too many notifications. So - any Idea what I can do instead.
Thanks Hase
hase01 said:
Dotfred, could you help me.
I was not lucky - while replying to this post the problem came back again after 3 months. My Alarm today fix did not work again. Before I tried your task manager I checked my notification queue with sk-Tools: I don't have too many notifications. So - any Idea what I can do instead.
Thanks Hase
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I was almost in my bed!
1) Try to disable all notifications (don't worry, they are stored in the registry, so you won't lose any of them, except if you do a hard reset, or delete the reg entries).
2) Soft reset and make a test
3) if it works, just enable the notifications as mentioned in my first post until the problem is back (or not).
ps.: I'm going to sleep now... it's 1:24 AM here!
dotfred said:
I was almost in my bed!
1) Try to disable all notifications (don't worry, they are stored in the registry, so you won't lose any of them, except if you do a hard reset, or delete the reg entries).
2) Soft reset and make a test
3) if it works, just enable the notifications as mentioned in my first post until the problem is back (or not).
ps.: I'm going to sleep now... it's 1:24 AM here!
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Thanks for late night reply - I am living in the same time zone btw
May be I have to install your task manager, sk-tools is not able to disable notifications, only delete is possible. Do you think this might help, I won't be able to install you tm before the weekend? I don't have duplicate entries and no SCRIPT:0x000.. entries.
hase01 said:
Thanks for late night reply - I am living in the same time zone btw
May be I have to install your task manager, sk-tools is not able to disable notifications, only delete is possible. Do you think this might help, I won't be able to install you tm before the weekend? I don't have duplicate entries and no SCRIPT:0x000.. entries.
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By disabling all entries, it's like cleaning the notifications database. So it will surely solve your problem (temporary anyway).
dotfred said:
By disabling all entries, it's like cleaning the notifications database. So it will surely solve your problem (temporary anyway).
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I tried to use you TM on my WM2003 SE ppc as I always do before I run a new program on my Qtek S200 (it's nearly impossible to deinstall a program only manual deletion of all files works). Unfortunately it does not run on my IPAQ. It starts but dies after 0.5 secs. Did you ever had this problem?
hase01 said:
I tried to use you TM on my WM2003 SE ppc as I always do before I run a new program on my Qtek S200 (it's nearly impossible to deinstall a program only manual deletion of all files works). Unfortunately it does not run on my IPAQ. It starts but dies after 0.5 secs. Did you ever had this problem?
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You're not the first one telling me this. I don't know why it doesn't work on IPAQ with WM2003SE.
But, you can launch it on your Qtek s200 without any doubt. I already tested it myself on Qtek 2020, 9090, 9100, Mitac Scoter A701 and HTC P3600 without any problem found.
dotfred said:
You're not the first one telling me this. I don't know why it doesn't work on IPAQ with WM2003SE.
But, you can launch it on your Qtek s200 without any doubt. I already tested it myself on Qtek 2020, 9090, 9100, Mitac Scoter A701 and HTC P3600 without any problem found.
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I got the notifications back. I think it was basically repaired by installing alarmtoday again from backup. I think the problem could have been caused by the new sktools version. Strange.
B.t.w. do you need a beta tester for oyur TM on IPAQ. Then just sent me a pm
Ok. I have the same problem recently.. unsure what is the problem, but it seems that softreset *cause* (not solve) the problem, some what.. during my testing.
Anyway, I tried a few solutions listed, and the easy one is to use the TaskManager (freeware) to find the notification with 'Status' is in 'signalled'. These are passed notifications and it seems that these are causing the problem. As soon as I've removed them, the problem seems to have solved.
Then, I tested it again, by removing the 'Init_tray' from the startup and do a softreset. I tried it again, and it doesn't work. I check again on Task Manager, those 'signalled' stuff are back.

BlackBerry Connect IT Policy?

I use BlackBerry Connect on my HTC Kaiser running WM6.1. It works fine, however I would prefer Exchange ActiveSync. The IT policy that has been defined by our IT dept enforces a complex password policy. This means the default WM6 'Lock' is replaced by the BlackBerry Security one and must be a combination of letters and numbers and cannot be disabled. By default it is set to 10-minutes of inactivity, however this isn't enforced and you can reset this to up to 60-minutes however it cannot be disabled as the 'Password Enabled' checkbox is checked and greyed our. This is a real pain, plus when the policy refreshes itself it resets to 10-minutes. If you are driving with it in a cradle there is no way the password can be entered. With the previous WM6 lock a simpler 4-digit PIN could be used.
I have read the various posts on stopping the 'BlackBerrySecurity(BBD0)' Service to disable this however it doesn't work with this version of BBC (and probably the latest version as well?). Yes it stops the service, but after a period of time (probably the inactivity time?) it puts the device into a state that cannot be 'woken up' - power button doesn't work, incoming phonecalls or SMS do not wake it. All you can do is soft reset it, which makes this supposed workaround unusable.
I have searched high and low and cannot find a way around this annoying 'corporate lock'. I am grasping at straws here but was hoping someone has worked out how to disable or reset this policy? I have read posts on how to remove the IT policy from 'real' BlackBerry devices but none for the WM version of BlackBerry Connect.
Any help is appreciated. And before anyone asks why, asking the IT dept to disable this isn't an option.
Andy, you have my complete sympathy - I have the same issue. I use Memmaid which can disable this. However, on every soft reset you need to go into Memmaid every time. I have this programme coming up on start-up but I would prefer to be able to do a soft reset on my phone without having to go into Memmaid always....
Does anyone else know how to do this?
mitsi said:
Andy, you have my complete sympathy - I have the same issue. I use Memmaid which can disable this. However, on every soft reset you need to go into Memmaid every time. I have this programme coming up on start-up but I would prefer to be able to do a soft reset on my phone without having to go into Memmaid always....
Does anyone else know how to do this?
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Hi Paul,
Do you not also get the 'sleep-of-death' behaviour after you stop the BlackBerry Security service? I could live with disabling the service after a soft-reset as I don't reset it very often. However I also get the 'sleep-of-death' where there is no way of waking the device up after a period of inactivity - only option is a soft-reset.
I am just hoping our IT dept see sense and enable Exchange ActiveSync in the near future....
I have not tried this myself, but here you go.
good luck
I use BlackBerry Connect on my HTC Kaiser running WM6.1. It works fine however I would prefer Exchange ActiveSync. The IT policy that has been
ADB100 said:
Hi Paul,
Do you not also get the 'sleep-of-death' behaviour after you stop the BlackBerry Security service? I could live with disabling the service after a soft-reset as I don't reset it very often. However I also get the 'sleep-of-death' where there is no way of waking the device up after a period of inactivity - only option is a soft-reset.
I am just hoping our IT dept see sense and enable Exchange ActiveSync in the near future....
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Hi Andy,
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I have been trying wwwes' mortscript and have not had any luck yet.
With regard to your question, there is no "sleep-of-death" behaviour after stopping the Blackberry Security Service. There are no after effects at all. If you don't mind having to input your password and then disabling the Blackberry Security Service in MemMaid after soft resetting, then this will definitely work fine for you. You can set your phone up to automatically start MemMaid following a soft reset. You do this by putting a shortcut to MemMaid in your startup folder in the Windows directory. You can even make sure MemMaid starts on the same screen as last visitted by going into advanced tools within the MemMaid programme, so you will only need to tap on the green button next to "Blackberry Security" and then exit MemMaid.... Quite easy, but as soft resetting is such a good thing to clear ram and make programs run quicker/smoother, I want this to be without having to wait 1 minute & then having to do all this faffing about.... I'll post back if wwwes gets back to me with my query on the Mortscript method.
mitsi said:
Hi Andy,
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I have been trying wwwes' mortscript and have not had any luck yet.
With regard to your question, there is no "sleep-of-death" behaviour after stopping the Blackberry Security Service. There are no after effects at all. If you don't mind having to input your password and then disabling the Blackberry Security Service in MemMaid after soft resetting, then this will definitely work fine for you. You can set your phone up to automatically start MemMaid following a soft reset. You do this by putting a shortcut to MemMaid in your startup folder in the Windows directory. You can even make sure MemMaid starts on the same screen as last visitted by going into advanced tools within the MemMaid programme, so you will only need to tap on the green button next to "Blackberry Security" and then exit MemMaid.... Quite easy, but as soft resetting is such a good thing to clear ram and make programs run quicker/smoother, I want this to be without having to wait 1 minute & then having to do all this faffing about.... I'll post back if wwwes gets back to me with my query on the Mortscript method.
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This isn't how my Kaiser behaves, it may have something to do with the version or even the security policy. If I stop the BlackBerry Security Service I always get this 'sleep-of-death' behaviour. I have tested it many times and it is always the same. It is really annoying......
Ah well, apparently our IT dept has realised ActiveSync exists and are testing it at the moment so I might get my wish at some point in the near future...
ADB100 said:
This isn't how my Kaiser behaves, it may have something to do with the version or even the security policy. If I stop the BlackBerry Security Service I always get this 'sleep-of-death' behaviour. I have tested it many times and it is always the same. It is really annoying......
Ah well, apparently our IT dept has realised ActiveSync exists and are testing it at the moment so I might get my wish at some point in the near future...
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Hi Andy,
I wonder - are you stopping the Blackberry Security or deleting it? If you delete it then it will crash on you. Have you tried MemMaid and just stopped the application? I am still trying to get this Mortscript to work, but still no success. I think this would be the answer to our problem because it doesn't interfere with the IT policy.
mitsi said:
Hi Andy,
I wonder - are you stopping the Blackberry Security or deleting it? If you delete it then it will crash on you. Have you tried MemMaid and just stopped the application? I am still trying to get this Mortscript to work, but still no success. I think this would be the answer to our problem because it doesn't interfere with the IT policy.
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Look, believe me I know what I am doing......
I am using DotFred's Task Manager. I open the 'Services' tab, select the 'BlackBerrySecurity(BBDO: )' service and select 'Stop'. This then stops the annoying lock/password screen every 10-minutes. However if the phone goes to sleep for more than 10-minutes you can't wake it back up, all you can do is soft reset it. It doesn't ring, none of the buttons respond - it's in a 'sleep of death' as I described it initially. The only indication it is still alive is the GSM LED flashes.
I am just living with it at the moment and waiting for Exchange ActiveSync to be enabled for my account.
ADB100 said:
Look, believe me I know what I am doing......
I am using DotFred's Task Manager. I open the 'Services' tab, select the 'BlackBerrySecurity(BBDO: )' service and select 'Stop'. This then stops the annoying lock/password screen every 10-minutes. However if the phone goes to sleep for more than 10-minutes you can't wake it back up, all you can do is soft reset it. It doesn't ring, none of the buttons respond - it's in a 'sleep of death' as I described it initially. The only indication it is still alive is the GSM LED flashes.
I am just living with it at the moment and waiting for Exchange ActiveSync to be enabled for my account.
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Bad luck. Sounds like a complete pain in the butt. I couldn't live with having to unlock it every 10 minutes. Chase your IT department up!
I have managed to (partly) get the mortscript thing to work. I have got it working so that I do not need to disable the Blackberry security after a soft reset. In fact it is running all the time. The mortscript works nearly in an instant, so won't interrupt you in any way. In any event, it only operates when you are not using it by default!
See this link for details:
I hope you can get this working fully on yours..... I can't seem to get it to remove the need for inputting the first password immediately following a soft reset. However, it does work at other times. I am still trying, but am a complete newbie to Mortscript.
Good luck.

