Messenger Live forces sync! - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

wth, there was an option to disable sync in the Windows Live. But when I run messenger it forces a sync. How can I prevent this?
If i allow it to sync then remove all the msn contacts, its reflected in my profile and i'll lose all my msn contacts!

Try this thread:

Ya I've already searched. That thread doesn't seem to lead to any answers.

Well, reading through all of it and through a number of other threads on this site, it seems that you can use windows live without syncing contacts as long as you never use messenger. The minute you use messenger, then it will sync all your contacts. On one of the threads there are instructions for how to best 'combine' the information so that you don't have duplicates (even though you ticked the combine option) and so that you don't lose all your contacts.
I think it involved going on messenger on the pc, deleting all the messenger contacts, going on the device and inputting a second email address and IM info and then doing the sync, but I'm not sure, it's pretty well described on one of the threads.
I used it for a while, but it made my device really slow down, insisted on using GPRS all the time, instead of wifi if that was available, made my device less stable, and then it often took around 20 minutes or so for the 'push' email to arrive. So I've gone back to using Pocket msn.

Still looking for a way to use msn live without fudging up my contacts with 100+ users.
Where can I get pocket msn?


Syncing poutlook to an online calendar/contact manager?

Is anyone here managing their contact or calendar via an online solution such as Kiko or Gmail?
I've tried many different solution and none seem really convenient. Gmail contacts won't sync with the universal unless you go through outlook as an intermediary, losing some of the data in the process (gmail groups are not recognized by outlook).
I'm just looking for something that's convenient and works. I intend to use my universal as the only 'offline' source of info + an online repository, but no desktop solution (as I'm always on the go and don't use a desktop).
I'm going to partially update my own post:
This tool:
seem to sync plaxo contacts to a pocket pc. That's a start. Does anyone knows anything similar?
I use Airset for my online calendar, but I sync it to my desktop outlook. They do have a java thingy for mobiles though, and the tmobile MDA Vario and SDA.
I've not tried that, but I'd imagine it keeps everything in the applet, rather than hooking up with wm5 calendar. Could be worth a look though.
I think I might have found a solution to my problem.
Apparently Yahoo Mail supports intellisync, which syncs straight to the PDA from the online repository (notes, calendar and contacts apparently)
That's exciting stuff, especially with the new Yahoo mail beta that's going on (much better interface, 1gig of space).
As an extra bonus Yahoo mail also supports plaxo sync (gmail doesn't)
I'll give it a try and will let you know.
Right, didn't work either. Now I think my last option is a hosted exchange service with a web interface.
... which I did and it works wonders. Seems to be the only solution out there for the people looking forward to rid of the dated 'desktop-centric' paradigm.
So now I got gmail address -> 4smartphone , using gmail as a spam filter. When replying the emails I send appear to come from my gmail account, rather than the forwarding address (brilliant!).
So far I've only tried to sync over wire, which worked great (minus a few quirks here and there but nothing dreadful).
It's brilliant and cost only a few quids a month.

Live Messenger and synchronizing contacts

I've tried searching for this, but the threads are quite long...
Does Live Messenger copy all my messenger contacts into my Outlook contacts?
With all the versions I've downloaded and tried... Yes. As long as it keeps doing this, it's useless to me.
But some people say they use Messenger without syncing contacts, which as far as I can see, is impossible. So I don't get it.
CORRECTION: you can turn off the sync in options, but messenger syncs any way.
I noticed it wont SYNC both ways...
You cant use MSN Messenger without syncing the contacts. this is a very huge pain in the a$$. i was trying agile mesenger but they since starting charging for it and the latest build doesnt work very well with the TyTN. when you press enter it starts a voice message instead of sending he message.
athiqueahmed said:
But some people say they use Messenger without syncing contacts, which as far as I can see, is impossible. So I don't get it.
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Yes, I've also heard this, but cannot find a solution to what they're doing. Syncing contacts is just not an option for me.
Well... it was worth a try.
is there any way to remove some of the functionality and limit to only messenger for example? the search and mail are irrelevant to me.

Sync Online

Im looking for a website/application that will allow syncing contacts via the net. Using thunderbird at home.
I have worldcom (i believe is the name) which I can take a picture of a business card and put it automatically in my contacts. In theory if I were to be at a point where i receive 20+ I would like to be able to sync via the net, where my partners would be able to sync as well, without hooking up to the computer. If that makes sense. Ive heard of SyncML, and Scheduleworld... but I am looking for other options, if anyone knows of any. Thanks for your time
Does exactly what you need and a little more...
Wow, that's a great idea. Why didn't I think about that. Thanks for the link to Dashwire.
robbyr said:
Does exactly what you need and a little more...
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I've been waiting two months for an invitation.
I have two phones waiting for invites... hope they increase their users soon.
this might work too
i sync with an exchange server at work, it syncs contacts, email, calender and tasks, this seems to provide the same exchange-based service
I've been waiting since this original message for an invite as well and have basically given up. For now I've just been using PIMBackup to make a nightly backup. I need to do a scheduled task to send them to my FTP server, that'll be good enough for me.
you could sync with an exchange server like said above. I use mail2web for that. alot of people use mail2web to "push" their email to the phone instantly. I did that for a while and it wasnt very functional for me so now i use it just to sync calendar and contacts.
all you have to do is setup up an account with them, add the email account to your phone, and your phone will automagically sync over the interwebs. whether you actually use the email addy is up to you.
while we're on the subject, is there a way to sync from desktop PC to mail2web (dont care about the email, just want to sync calendar and contacts)? that way, whatever changes i make on my PC will appear on my phone almost instantly without dealing with wires...
Mail2Web charges $14.99 a month if you want to sync to a desktop PC. Seems excessive to me.
I was using to sync my calendar, todo, contacts with my phone, outlook and thunderbird... but the push email was not working very good and looked everywhere but can't get myfunambol to sync with gcal. Now I am using and I'm very impressed so far.
I use the same client that is on my phone, outlook and thunderbird and just set the server for credentials for scheduleworld and I should be in sync with all my devices.
I also use mail2web for push email... which backs up my calendar, todos and contacts as well... plus I do a nightly backup with ppcpimbackup. At this point... I think I'm safe against data loss... and all my stuff is in sync...
Now watch it all go to hell
When I fill in the serversettings :
then username and password and try to sync, it just keeps telling me that it's syncing, but it doesn't establish a connection.
Do I have to add the emailsettings to establish a connection or am I doing something else wrong ?
robbyr said:
Does exactly what you need and a little more...
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I gotta recommend dashwire also it synced everything on my device and even does a voicemail service (but not for us "Sprinters"). My only problem is with accessing the website using a mobile's still in beta so there are other issues but that belongs in another discussion...TRY Dashwire.
I like the idea of dashwire, but do not want to sacrifice the 3mb of ram to run it.

How to sync e-mail!?

Hi. Im new to WinMo completely, and there is one thing i dont get. I cant sync e-mails as it says it does. For example, in my phone there is this Outclook E-Mail account which has nothing and cant be configured ot nothing. Why is it there!? i can configure other account individually like, from Gmail. But then what is this email sync that doesnt sync my emails, its nonsense! (Im pretty sure im the nonsense one here, but thats what i want you to plaz explain to me)
Ive read guides and searched on internet but nothing. I really thought that Outclook email would be reserved for the config account on my PC Outclook, but nothig happens!
Need heeelp!! Im really stressing out. Forgive my ignorance hehe
outlook mail == the mails the pda sync with outlook on your pc
activesync settings deside how old mails it sync to save space
it can't be removed
it can only be filled with mails from your outlook mail
You can use this for syncing mails with a Microsoft Exchange Server too. I use it for getting my emails directly ("Microsoft Direct Push") everywhere. If your Company (or your Administrator) doesn't provide this for you, there are some hosting provider which are providing these accounts for everyone.
In addition it syncs contacts and calendars too. With these abilities and the special features like Remote Desktop Client, Putty and VPN the Xperia ist my real mobile office .
But one thing is weird: too many people have my tel-number, so often the X1 gives strange sounds out and i have to break my relaxation...ähhmmm

Seven or Google Sync?

Which ones do you guys think is better?
The google sync via inputting info in active sync or installing the seven application?
Whats the difference anyway?
Seven! Works better, can be used with any type of email.
Google Sync synchronizes contacts and your calender though I have had many experiences when it has duplicated my contacts
What is Seven?
Look on my software thread, type ctrl+f on your keyboard and type in Seven.
Seven is excellent
Only problem I have is that it occasionally drops my Hotmail password. Doesn't do that with other email accounts so maybe it's Microsoft being difficult, wouldn't be a surprise
skyler17 said:
Seven! Works better, can be used with any type of email.
Google Sync synchronizes contacts and your calender though I have had many experiences when it has duplicated my contacts
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One big reason why I'm about to get rid of all exchange info and install seven again. I had the privilege of deleting duplicates.
hmmm...I wasn't expecting the resounding vote for Seven. I've been using Google Sync for while now with no problems. Everything (contacts, calendar, email) is synced with my gmail account so it's easy when I reflash roms to get everything back. And very useful if gmail is your primary webapp for such things from your PC as well...maybe that's what should determine which route you go.
But if I had problems like the above comments...I may feel otherwise. I'll give Seven a look as well to see if there's any benefit for me change.
is Seven for push email only? aren't there a number of ways to get your email? IMAP, or push with google sync or windows live.
To me the kicker is calendar and contacts syncing. I guess combining different apps, ie. seven, myphone, dashwire or something would get you similar features...but google sync is just a couple settings to change.
...If google sync is duplicating your contacts, you can have it not sync contacts and just rely on MyPhone for contacts backup I guess too.
bvone21 said:
is Seven for push email only? aren't there a number of ways to get your email? IMAP, or push with google sync or windows live.
To me the kicker is calendar and contacts syncing. I guess combining different apps, ie. seven, myphone, dashwire or something would get you similar features...but google sync is just a couple settings to change.
...If google sync is duplicating your contacts, you can have it not sync contacts and just rely on MyPhone for contacts backup I guess too.
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Seven does your calendar and contacts too, as well as tasks.
I like keeping my contacts up to date via pc, so whenever I need to change something I'll just go and sync them up
I've gone back and forth between the two several times. (When I flash a new ROM, I start over). I used Seven happily on a Moto 9h for a year, before Google Sync launched.
Generally, I'd prefer to use Google Sync, just to have fewer intermediary programs. For the first few months of Sync, it had some problems compared to Seven -- attachments weren't always delivered, delivery was a few minutes slower. All those seem to have been cleared up, and now I get messages a few seconds before they show up via IMAP on my laptop.
But Seven is still a great option, and I never had a problem with it. It has one idiosyncrasy on the TP2 -- on the little envelope on the Manila e-mail tab, the preview of the e-mail text doesn't show up. You see subject and sender, but have to click for text. I'm not a big fan of that stupid envelope (would much prefer the full preview that seems to be in Manila 2.5), but as long as I'm using it, I want to be able to see the text.
If either one added the ability to flag a message and have it show up as starred in gmail itself, it would tip the scales. What we really need is a simple, reliable, no-fuss way to use push IMAP to sync mail. Until then, either of these will do fine, and also sync calendar and contacts.
I have always wanted to use google sync exclusively since I use a lot of google's services. However one big drawback is when I use google sync to sync my contacts, the contact pictures become very low-res after transfer.
Does Seven have the same problem?
i dont want to use google b/c they keep a never-ending file of data...alas, microsoft is making it sooo hard to stay away from google, when they allow google to sync contacts, calander, and email, when their own hotmail/live fail/refuse to deliver such a mesh of services...
i simply want to use a single service to sync all of the above...Damn you microsoft...!!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL...!!!
ctbear said:
I have always wanted to use google sync exclusively since I use a lot of google's services. However one big drawback is when I use google sync to sync my contacts, the contact pictures become very low-res after transfer.
Does Seven have the same problem?
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Is that Google Sync's doing? That is didn't occur to me that it was Google Sync doing that. with Manila 2.1 it's pretty annoying since they have those large contact pictures in the contacts tab...not quite noticeable in 2.5...but still
Thanks "Coderedpl" your reply, Seven may be worth a try at least.
Seven Help
I have been trying to get Seven to install on my Tilt 2 but it won't connect. I get to the last step and it just times out and tells me that it is unable to connect. I have checked all the settings and it still won't work. Does anyone have any idea what I have to do to get it to connect. I used Seven on my Kaiser (Tilt 1) and it was perfect. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
thebigrhinoone said:
I have been trying to get Seven to install on my Tilt 2 but it won't connect. I get to the last step and it just times out and tells me that it is unable to connect. I have checked all the settings and it still won't work. Does anyone have any idea what I have to do to get it to connect. I used Seven on my Kaiser (Tilt 1) and it was perfect. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
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They are having problems with their servers. I checked their forums, pissed me off too much so i switched back to active sync setup method
Does Seven allow you to specify times it should connect eg weekdays during working hours excluding weekends?
Thanks for the info on the servers. I checked it out and they should be up soon. I had it working for a couple days and it was nice. I removed the file it put to run on startup so it wouldnt bring me to the seven menu screen everytime I had to soft reses my phone. (Just a tip for anyone who cares and it didnt affect anything.)
It allows you schedule times that you dont want it to push (quiet time). You can adjust the hours you want during the week or weekend.

