can't install some apps - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have Cingular 8125 version of Wizard, running default ROM from Cingular right when 8125 was released last year.
I'm having a re-ocurring problem of not being able to install certain apps. In some cases the first time I install something it works okay, but can't install a new version later.
These apps are ones I've had trouble with and curently cannot install:
-slider lock
-teletype GPS
Here are things I've tried in various combinations
-checked for sufficient space on storage card or ram
-un-install app, then re-install
-install to storage card or system ram
-reset device
-install via "cabinstl" program
-install from pc setup.exe
-install directly from .cab on device
-even tried a complete hard / factory reset and installed some of the apps as first time ok, but mortplayer was one that I couldn't install on a fresh factory reset
Anyone else having problems like this? I've seen a couple comment's on mort's board of others having problems but no resolution.
Any ideas?

no one else has problems then

have you tried re-download mortplayer cab and try to install it? i have come across the same problem and the corrupted cab file was the reason. i think it get corrupted while i'm transferring it to the sd card. so sometime i just download directly to my wizard.

Ya, I've tried several different vesrions over past 6 months. Just tried downloading latest cab directly to phone and installing it to Device memory...
"Mort's MortPlayer" cannot be installed

i use to have a problem like this.
Then i download "CabViaActiveSync" and i have no problems installing any programs. works like a charm. Try it see if it fixes your problem. Search for it . its free.


GPRS Monitor

I cannot install GPRS Monitor from myO2 CD, it says i need to update my ROM, i did a corporate install btw
Anyone else had any probs?
Another forum member had this same problem when installing the ClearVuePDF Reader also supplied by o2 as part of the HTC application suite. He has the MDA, but flashed with the o2 Exec ROMs and then installed in Corporate mode.
From work we did together, it appears to be just the install program that was not validating his device. When I tried a hard-reset and Corporate mode install, I had no problems installing. However, its beginning to look as though a hard-reset does not totally clear the Exec's memory. In his case, I found all the individual files and registry settings needed for ClearVuePDF to run and he copied those to the device. Runs perfectly for him like that.
So I'm afraid you'll have to find somebody with the o2 version of GPSMonitor installed and get them to determine all the files/locations and registry-settings needed to get it to run. Unfortunately I don't have a GPRS connection or GPRSMonitor installed.
Just a thought. Have you yet tried a full o2 Personal mode install on your device? It just might be this action that puts 'something' in memory that is not cleared by a hard-reset, and that 'something' might be what the install program is looking for.
Sorry that I can't be more helpful.
No problem thanks for your help
dazzled said:
I cannot install GPRS Monitor from myO2 CD, it says i need to update my ROM, i did a corporate install btw
Anyone else had any probs?
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I did a basic install and I get the same error. Sorry, Not much help though.
Me too. The ClearVuew PDF reader is rubbish! Text misalighed all over - Adobe with pixel doubling is better than this.
Please try this
Could one of you having a problem to install the o2 supplied GPRSMonitor, please try installing the attached .CAB after copying it to your device.
This CAB is extracted from the CD-ROM install program, so hopefully skips the validation stuff. With luck you might be able to get around the failed validation by installing from this CAB.
Note: Even if asked to install to Storage Card, the o2 supplied version (2.3.0 build 600) puts very little there, most goes into device memory. The current version 2.41 from spb will obey the instruction to install to SD-Card, but wasn't reliable when run from there - the monitoring part aborted four times in 10-minutes whilst I was playing with it.
Unfortunately, since I don't have the install problem, I can't test this install out.
It works a treat. Thanks muchly!
Ward said:
It works a treat. Thanks muchly!
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Am I glad about that - I was in the midst of trying to locate all the files/registry entries needed for a manual install.
Perhaps I can go to bed now! :wink:
I also managed to 'locate' another copy and it works fine, thanks for all the help.
astage said:
However, its beginning to look as though a hard-reset does not totally clear the Exec's memory.
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I can confirm this but with other files. After several hard resets (even with the clear storage icon), the pictures I had taken were still there.
Tron_Of_Borg said:
astage said:
However, its beginning to look as though a hard-reset does not totally clear the Exec's memory.
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I can confirm this but with other files. After several hard resets (even with the clear storage icon), the pictures I had taken were still there.
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Ouch! I didn't realsie it was as bad as that.
The situation is made worse by the backup program I'm using (Sunnysoft Backup Manager) not backing up all the data and settings. Neither does it perform a true restore - just merges the backup with what's there after the hard-reset.
Unfortunately, I'm used to HP's backup applet from the Jornada 928; which performed a total backup/flush restore. Are there any other applets for WM5/universal that really performs a full backup/restore?
Does anyone have this cab please? I have just bought a new O2 exec and am having the same problem with it saying my ROM version is too old!!
sorry ignore that post! Work computer blocked the file out
I am running my XDA EXEC in basic mode. When I tried copying the .cab file to my device and running it from there , still get the problem.
Any suggestions ?
I was running personal mode then switched to basic mode, could this cause the problem.
Thanks for you replies in advance.
Cannot remove GPRS monotr app
I installed this file to test it out om M3000. Unfortuntely I cannot seem to uninstall it now! It doesnt show up in my Program list - How do you uninstall it?
I looked in the \\windows folder and removed all files and shoretcuts I could find, but its still showing up on my 'today' screen with an error.
Any ideas? The registry?
I was also getting the ROM version problem installing programs to my SD card on my O2 exec. Since I'd only just added the card and was running the basic installation, I did the following:
1) Hard reset
2) Personal Install
3) Re-install ActiveSync on PC
This did the trick. Thankfully I like the Personal install best anyway, but I don't know if that step was necessary.
Tried it. Still get the problem :-(
My mistake - I managed to install the Clearvue PDF program, not the GPRS monitor program. I'm still getting the ROM version error with the GPRS monitor program, but I've not tried the above download yet.
Anyone got any other ideas to fix this problem.
Shame O2 don't have an update to fix this problem on their website.
I've now tried the CAB posted above by astage and I can confirm it worked for me. Just copy the CAB to your device and then open it to start the install.

Installation Problems

Since i bought the dopod818Pro,i have experienced a few installation problems...
1.)I installed Battery Pack Pro,Installed perfect.....found out it was the old version,uninstalled and tried installing the latest one....Unsuccessful whether i select device memory or storage memory.....Couldn't get the latest to install no matter what i tried......Had to hard reset to install again. :evil:
2)Installed resco explorer and tried installing resco audio player....again same problem :x
Anyone out there that could help with the installations....I guess it is an inherent WM5 OS problem
Many problems with WM5 install, uninstall.
I think this may help:
+ If you get installation error, do a soft reset your device, than install the program again.
+ If you get uninstall error, agree when being asked to remove the entry from the list. Re-install the program, then try remove it again.

Program Installation Problem

I have had many pocket PC's and the Universal w/WM5 is the only one that gives me consistant installation problems. I had listpro 3.0 installed in program memory. I uninstalled it with the intent of re-installing it on the SD card. Unchecking it from activesync did nothing. Removing from the ppc directly told me that all of the file were not removed. I saw the the folder still existed in program files, do I deleted the directory and shortcuts pointing to it. I have had this exact same problem MANY times
Am I the only one with this problem? I don't find any messages like this.
Next, I try to reinstall listpro and it won't reinstall :x I get a message cannot be installed, try another location (which does not work). Do I need a hard reset? I tryed installing another program and I can still install other stuff, but the removal did not work again.
GaryK2 said:
I have had many pocket PC's and the Universal w/WM5 is the only one that gives me consistant installation problems. I had listpro 3.0 installed in program memory. I uninstalled it with the intent of re-installing it on the SD card. Unchecking it from activesync did nothing. Removing from the ppc directly told me that all of the file were not removed. I saw the the folder still existed in program files, do I deleted the directory and shortcuts pointing to it. I have had this exact same problem MANY times
Am I the only one with this problem? I don't find any messages like this.
Next, I try to reinstall listpro and it won't reinstall :x I get a message cannot be installed, try another location (which does not work). Do I need a hard reset? I tryed installing another program and I can still install other stuff, but the removal did not work again.
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Hi Gary!
I have a lot of experience in this sh*t. WM5 cannot uninstall or install in a lot of cases. Usually if you still have some files or folders which are on the same location than with the installation, installer says: cannot install. In that case you have to delete (or rename) the folder left, and then you can install it. In other cases installer stays in a loop install condition, and cannot continue. In that case try to install another application to finish somelooped order. I realised another thing, which is very interesting: when you want to uninstall a program, and your pda says it cannot be removed - or something -, if I run Vijay555 killphone application in 98% of the cases after it I can uninstall the same.
I hope this wil help!
Perhaps I have been lucky but I havent had any issues with regards to installing or uninstalling programs.
I do make sure that I soft reset before and after - so maybe thats a golden rule!
Yes, softreset would be a good tip in more cases, but it wouldn't solve the problem when you want to install a program which needs a place what exists.
I did find some files in the windows directory and deleted them. That WORKED. Just doing program files is not enough. In this case, the file name was the same as the program. I don't expect to be that lucky all the time.
I have done soft-resets when it does not work. I do a number of trial programs and tend to forget prior to removal. What a apin
Got to love Microsoft - reboot is the answer to everything.
Installation problems.....
I am having the same problem too.
Even after a hard reset when I try and install Sprite Backup & Agenda Fusion I keep getting the install error: 'cannot be installed, try another location'
It's driving me up the wall! I would have thought after a hard reset this wouldn't be an issue. I'm now the proud owner of an MDA Pro (Universal) that I can't use because the software I want to install won't install.
Can anyone help me please?

CAB "Installation Unsuccessful"

I've been trying to install gyrator and got this message so tested several other CABs and now seem to be getting this message on trying to install any CAB - really frustrating
Any ideas what might be causing this?
My Blackstone configuation is all pretty standard with original ROM etc
Any suggestions welcomed!
try reinstalling the cab again, it should say that it will remove previous installed version and will reinstall, BUT it wont proceed with the installation. Now after this, go back to the remove programs section and check if its still there.
Wondering if you found the issue, as i have this happening over 4 or 5 different ROM's, ruled out that its a ROM issue, trying to narrow it down to a 3rd party app, unsucessful so far.
When trying to install ANY cab i get the 'unsucessful installation' error message - including cabs i've already installed. Flash my phone this morning, install apps i wanted to, went to install something else this evening, now getting this message.
I've got Sktools installed and i am able to install cabs via this.
Got that problem too on Xperia X1, can't figure out either what the cause might be. Anyone any ideas?
Found my cause - it was installing Twikini
n1ck75 said:
Found my cause - it was installing Twikini
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so you can't install apps after installing twikini?
I'm getting the "uninstall unsuccessfu" for almost anything i try to install and do have twikini installed (but i can't remember if it was the last app i've installed).
Also i can't open attachments in my emails, can't download files from PIE and when i go to remove programs (start-settings-system-remove programs) the list is empty...
DId you have to hard reset or did u find away around this?
btw, i'm having these issues on my kaiser.
Finally I found what my problem was, even if I can't understand, why this is a problem.
From time to time, e.g. when I got no USB cable around, I used to send the .cab vie E-Mail to have them on my device. Well, and as a matter of fact, exactly those are the ones, where installation fails.
Copying exactly the same file via USB to storage card ends in everything working fine....
So i flashed a new rom and installed twikini first, everything was ok for a couple of days. But all of a sudden this problem is back.
I know its not the .cab files because they're the same cabs i'm trying to install that i install on almost every rom after i flash them.
I'm thinking its yahoo go.

TomTom not working - crashes and reboots

I've used a fair few of this version: 7.918.9193 VGA and for each of them it installs ok but when using the program it will crash and reboot the phone anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes in.
I've deleted the Navigator folders before the next install and yet it still it crashes!
Any ideas? I only bought the phone cos I love TomTom! I'd be happy with an earlier version if needs be - I only need traffic and speed cams (which I have a subscription to) and I've called TomTom support so when I have the program stable I can hook them up through TomTom home.
Desperate for help here!
First of all what ROM & RADIO are you using? What other software is installed? It may be unlikely that these are the causes, but you never know.
Is TT7 installed on the phone or the SD card?
Have you ever had it running without a problem?
Have you tried redownloading TT7 from another source?
Have you tried a hard reset and then installing TT7?
Have you tried earlier versions of TT7 (ie 916 and the 917)?
I've replied to the questions in line below in case it yields any ideas.
Two things also I'm wondering is:
1. Is it best to have it installed on main memory or SD?
2. I hear a lot about the quality and speed of SD card affecting the lag/performance of TT. What's the recommended size/speed/brand for an SD?
fred_up said:
First of all what ROM & RADIO are you using? - Latest ROM from HTC - _HTC HD2_RUU_Leo_S_HTC_WWE_3.14.405.2_Radio_15.42.50.11U_2.15.50.14_LEO_S_Ship
What other software is installed? It may be unlikely that these are the causes, but you never know. - Nothing at all, fresh flash
Is TT7 installed on the phone or the SD card? - Currently on SD card, but have had it on both.
Have you ever had it running without a problem? - Yes, temporarily yesterday (I only got the phone yesterday). I flashed with the above, installed TT, got my maps working (I've transferred them from my old Xperia X1) then tried tweaking the bif files and read only flags on it to make my traffic/cams subscription work - possible point of failure here but this technique worked well on the old versions of TT I used with the Xperia X1. If TT has introduced code changes which are deep then perhaps this caused the crashes/reboots?
Have you tried redownloading TT7 from another source? Yes, many flavours of the version being used. Some with the extra BT files, but on last install (which has been working for 30mins now) I used the version with the BT files removed.
Have you tried a hard reset and then installing TT7? Yes, reflashed last night and then used TT without BT files.
Have you tried earlier versions of TT7 (ie 916 and the 917)? Yes last night before the reflashing I tried a few versions all with the same effect.
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Just to add that it crashed again, so whilst I wait for some advice from the forum members I've stripped back the map folder to not include traffic.dat and speed cam folders, uninstalled and reinstalled to main memory.
It asked if I wanted to set home location etc so it looks like a "proper" clean install this time, will let it run and see how it goes.

