Registry settings for LOCK - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have setup my device to pickup mail from my corporate email server. In order to do this I needed to comply with security and it enforced a PIN which will lockout every 20 mins when unused.
I am looking for the registry key for this setting so that I can either disable it or set it way higher.
Does anyone know if this is a possibility?
BTW, I am on WM6 Black edition

Disable Lock
Anyone got something on this?

I have also run into this problem and would like to disable it.

bump anyone have this problem

it's there for a reason.
if you try googling the forums, you will find that another forum has created a solution.

agentp said:
it's there for a reason.
if you try googling the forums, you will find that another forum has created a solution.
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SMS security

is it possible to lock the SMS inbox to prevent unauthorised access at all?
Thoughts and solutions as always welcome.
suppose it could be possible with 3th party software
but why not just put a password on the whole pda ?
it's already supported and would protect your data much more
should anybody steal the pda
hear hear
password protecting the Inbox would be very useful - and other folders for that matter.
The scenario in my case is not resolved by password protecting the whole PDA since you may wish to give someone access to the PDA - to play a game for instance. If there is no way of protecting your data beyond that then there's nothing stopping them having a nose around or doing damage (accidental or mallicous) whilst 'playing'.
I'd be interested to hear more on this. I'll have a look for 3rd party stuff in the meantime.
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
go here
This is a must have 3rd party tools but still have some bug and errors
getting it to work
this is brilliant!! ...but it doesn't work.
Has anyone been able to get this program working?
I've installed the two files into: \Windows on my phone
I then run the .exe file and the program starts. I've been able to set up a password.
I've set up a new Category for contacts: Hide
and set the contact's category (whose messages are to be hidden) to: Hide
I then go to SMSHide 1.0 and select "Hide Messages" from the Messages menu and a msgbox reports that "0 messages hided succussfully".
For what it's worth, a test to see if any of my messages have been protected goes to show that they haven't. No password is required, the messages can just be accessed as normal.
Also when I turn Autohide ON, the program interface becomes inaccesible - it just shows "SMSHide v.10 " in the title bar.
You kind of worry that, being this buggy, it'll go and lock all your messages and they'll be locked out for good!!
Pity cos we really need something like this.
anyway I've posted these comments to the developer and wait on them or anyone else here who's had success getting back to me.
me either.. its not working.
Hope somebody out there who can help our predicament. this is a very important utility and I know most of PDA users are needing this. In this way we can share our PDA to our friends without fear of letting them snoop in our small secrets...
possible solution
hi there:
have you seen the following thread:
somebody else started it up and I found at least one answer to the problems I mentioned. have a look
You guys must be doing some serious adultry!!! I just have another fone for the ladies! Seriously, finding sms messages from other women seems to be no 1 reason for relationship breakdown these days!
I'd like a whole seperate hidden area of files and sms on my xda, away from prying eyes?
that site was already posted. I tried it and it seems to work. The problem is, if you happen not to hear the message tone, you will not know that you have a message so you have to hide and unhide all the time for checking. You also have to set all your contacts to private and hide category.
Maybe in the future, there will be a new software that will just hide the whole things easily.

Disable enforced security by Exchange server

I'm using my Vario II with a hosted exchange server provided by 1und1 and so I'm stuck with the enforced security settings.
Some time ago I read someone managed to disable this but unfortunately I don't find it any more. I tried the search engine but it didn't come up with what I was looking for.
Anybody who can help me?
With the enhanced security, are you not able to get anything working on your PPC? Or do you just not want it there? If it's the latter, I'd really like to know why you wouldn't want security on there.
Hi! Everything works fine. But I use this on a private basis and therefor it is unnecessary for me to use a password. Additionally I use an Anti-Theft-Software which is unlikely to be of any help if the device is password protected.
Apart from that it's just a matter of convenience. I've seen that it's possible and now I would like to try it.
I suppose telling your IT dept that you want to be on the password exception list is out of the question eh?
I'm using a hosted exchange. There is no way of changing the server settings.
Anybody help please?
XDA II said:
Anybody help please?
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Try the solution posted in the link below. I haven't tried it but I think it might help...
Thanks for your answer. I tried it but unfortunately this does not do the trick... :-(
Hi! If you just want to turn off the security check when you turn your phone on. You can go to SETTINGS->(the symbol with the key don't know what its called on english rom) and set the time to 24 hours. Now all you have to do is turn your phone on once within 24 hours...and you will never see the security keypad again. I hope that is of any help to you...
Thanks for the tip. It's already set to 24h. The reason I want to disable this is not just me being to lazy to key in the 4 numbers but to allow my anti-theft-software to work properly. But when the SIM is changed a softreset is performed and the Password is required before the thief's SIM can be activated and an alert SMS can be sent.
That's my problem.

Phone lock on hd2

I have a problem with my hd 2.
Somehow I activated the phone lock, i'm not sure how it happened, as I know where the setting is and I don't recall activating it.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to deactivate it again (the check box "Prompt if phone unused for" is grayed out, can't uncheck it)
I can change the settings, like, how much time before it locks up or what password I want to use, but no disable.
I really don't want this phone lock to be activated so if anyone could tell me what to do to deactivate it i'd be most grateful!
Tried to search the forums for it but couldn't find anything.
try clearing the password fields, and changing the time to 0 minutes, and then see if it'll let you untick the box.
You can disable auto lock with BsB Tweaks. That's probably the easiest method.
MidnightDraven: thanks, I tried that but it won't let me clear the password field, just keeps saying that it's not allowed to keep it blank, even if I set the time to 0.....
johncmolyneux: I'll give it a go
Thanks both of you for replying
johncmolyneux said:
You can disable auto lock with BsB Tweaks. That's probably the easiest method.
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I tried out this application, and disabled the "auto lock" function, but I still get prompted when I reboot my phone, that I have to type in the phone lock code ?
Seems to have worked other than that....any other ideas as to how I can get rid of it completely ?
I don't know what to say mate. I just set mine to lock and require a pin, but it let me untick the "prompt if unused" checkbox and blanked out the password for me when I did it. It's now back to the way it was.
Have you installed any software recently?
johncmolyneux said:
I don't know what to say mate. I just set mine to lock and require a pin, but it let me untick the "prompt if unused" checkbox and blanked out the password for me when I did it. It's now back to the way it was.
Have you installed any software recently?
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Well i'm using topix ROM which I got from these forums, and only other thing I have installed is the cab that makes the battery shown in %.
Could it be the topix ROM perhaps?
Krawlor said:
Well i'm using topix ROM which I got from these forums, and only other thing I have installed is the cab that makes the battery shown in %.
Could it be the topix ROM perhaps?
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It's possible. Try raising the issue in the thread you got the ROM from. I'm sure someone else would have seen the issue if it is caused by that ROM.
Figured it out
johncmolyneux said:
It's possible. Try raising the issue in the thread you got the ROM from. I'm sure someone else would have seen the issue if it is caused by that ROM.
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Figured out why it got activated!
When I setup the exchange connection for my workplace must be some sort of security policy, that forces you to activate the phone lock if you want to sync the emails, can't find away around it, but at least the mystery is solved
Thanks again for your help!
Krawlor said:
Figured out why it got activated!
When I setup the exchange connection for my workplace must be some sort of security policy, that forces you to activate the phone lock if you want to sync the emails, can't find away around it, but at least the mystery is solved
Thanks again for your help!
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Makes sense, and worth noting for future!
Glad to help mate
I Have the same issue with exchange.
But there is no other option to disable it? some reg modification?
Hi all,
I've just got my HD2 and it's the first Windows Mobile device I've synced with my exchange server. Had the same thing and it really bugged me but I found a work around. If you're an Exchange admin (or you're in good with those who are), Google search for Exchange-2003-Mobile-Messaging-Part2-Uncovering-Device-Security-Policies - use the first link. You can disable the requirement for a password globally, or you can specify an individual user to exclude from the password policy. I've just added my username in as an exclusion and it works like a treat!
Good luck

CC Emails

Hey Forum!
How do I automatically cc/bcc myself in to emails that I send so I can have a record of the emails I send from my phone?
I've been searching round this forum looking for the answer but haven't found it yet! (I've probably been looking in the wrong place...)
Thanks for any help!
Does anyone know how to do this (or something similar)? I need to be able to do it to comply with our ISO stuff!
Yes, this is an important glitch in WinMo. I can't understand why this feature is missing. In the Palm world it worked very well.
Doesn't anyone know how to do it. Input something in the registry or anything.
Are you guys using Mail via an exchange Server/Active Sync? Then why not just enable the sent-folder to be synced as well or isnt that what you are looking for.
Inbox-->Menu-->Extras-->ManageFolders (or similar im not sure about the WWE translation)-->Enable the checkbox next to your Sent-Folder
No, I'm using regular pop-mail.
Of course one can always do this manually but it would be nicer if it was set as default.

Forced to have PIN on lock screen.

Hi All,
I have been through the pinned thread about tweaks and what not but couldnt find what i was after so i am hoping someone can help.
I have set my emails up on my HD2 and when i did that it made me set a password to unlock my phone...which is fine, however i get a problem every now and then when i go to type my password in that no matter what i type its always wrong, even though its right!
So i though the best thing to do would be to see if there is a way to get it to lock still but with out the password, so i'm hoping there is a tweak or registry edit i can do to not make me set a password.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Many Thanks.
bump...any one got any ideas?
This lock is from a default exchange server security setting. I have the same problem and overruling this setting with a registry edit won't work because on reboot the security policy gets applied again...
For the problem with the wrong PIN. Put out the battery to restart. This fixes the PIN problem (had this problem 2 times since november...)
If anyone knows how to kill the pin entry without changing the exchange security settings I would be very happy ;D
Riddance said:
This lock is from a default exchange server security setting. I have the same problem and overruling this setting with a registry edit won't work because on reboot the security policy gets applied again...
For the problem with the wrong PIN. Put out the battery to restart. This fixes the PIN problem (had this problem 2 times since november...)
If anyone knows how to kill the pin entry without changing the exchange security settings I would be very happy ;D
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thanks for your reply! that makes a bit of sense actually! although i am getting the wrong PIN issue once a day at least and it is very frustrating!
Any help on the force pin issue would be great!
Riddance said:
This lock is from a default exchange server security setting. I have the same problem and overruling this setting with a registry edit won't work because on reboot the security policy gets applied again...
For the problem with the wrong PIN. Put out the battery to restart. This fixes the PIN problem (had this problem 2 times since november...)
If anyone knows how to kill the pin entry without changing the exchange security settings I would be very happy ;D
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This sounds a bit like the wifi-in-standby issue that I fixed with an application. Basically, it's a reg value that tells it not to turn off wifi when you go into standby, but it resets when you restart the phone. I made a simple app that sets the reg value and put it in the startup folder so it's always run when you restart the phone.
If you give me the reg value that stops it asking for a PIN then I'll write a similar app for that. It may not solve the problem, but it sounds like a plan.
I will look to find the value again. Was in the beginning of my usage... I will give you an update when i've found the value/values.
Riddance said:
I will look to find the value again. Was in the beginning of my usage... I will give you an update when i've found the value/values.
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any luck on finding the value Riddance?
