gs tweak for t9 input - P3600 General

anyone know where I can get this file cheers

I'm not sure if this is the one you mean... it worked for me.. Sorry if it won't.. but try it anyway.. goodluck!

I think thats the one but without sounding stupid how do you install the files. even when unziped no setup file there

its a cab file. not a zip file. just run it on the phone

Once I've installed the cab file, what do I do to have the phone pad show when composing a text?

it makes it difficult to answer questions without any detail. In theory you just need to choose the phonepad option in the list of available input methods.
If however you are using an orange rom or there might be some others that have a problem with phonepad. Then you need to go into settings, into system, into G4 SIP Hide, Into Sip settings and set Phone Pad to be the default. Then give it a quick soft reset to be sure and now when you select phonepad from the list it should work.
ps. I must have answered this question about 10 times now and i even had a whole thread about this where me and another guy posted all the info and all the files in it.
This was a while ago though so i will let you off. Still a few mins on the search and i am sure it must come up. Then again the search does weird things sometimes. Let me know if any probs.

Could you tell me how to install the .cab file on my M700 once i've downloaded it to my PC. I can't seem to figure it out


Problem installing Smart Dialing

Hi, i'm from Spain (I don't speak english very well) and i've got a problem with my Imate Jam. After a Hard Reset, Smart dialing and other aplications didnt install. Then i tried to install Smart Dialing with a .cab file but i get the following error: The file \windows\iacontacts.dll are used or in ROM.
I tried to install it at the begining, but i get the same error.
can anybody help me please?
Thank you
nobody? I need to do a hard reset?
Hi, the messega that "\windows\iacontacts.dll is in use" indicates that the program is already installed and running. If not you can try the following:
- download memmaid (
- install it, it offers control of autostart programs and services
- find and disable the entry that corresponds too iacontacts.dll
- soft reset and install
Or you can do (prolly easier):
- use a file manager to go into the windows dir and find that iacontacts.dll (prolly hidden so use something like Resco Explorer to see hidden files)
- you wont be able to delete it and you should not do it anyway
- but you can rename it to something like iacontactsold.dll
- softreset and install the cab file, it will not bother you now because the dll has not been loaded because it has not been found (you renamed it)
- you can then go into the win dir and should find your renamed dll as well as a new iacontacts.dll, delete your renamed one now
By the way: May I ask what Smart Dialling does anyway? I've not figured that out yet. Its installed on my S110 and I have options for that in the phone tool but no idea what it actually does or how it behaves when it is not installed.
Thank u very much! I followed the second way and i get it
With Smart Dialing for example: To call "Churri" (my girlfriend) you can write 248774 instead of 222-44-88-777-777-444. To find a number for example 99565856, you write 995 and Smart dialing find it automatically.
Thank you very much
Ah ok so you can use fragments of numbers until the right ones are picked out. Pretty neat. I'm happy it worked for you.

My new TyTN...seems to be missing MMS...

I just got a TyTN. On my HTC Universal, there was a MMS console or something...forget what they call it...
But it was flawless and there isn't one on the TyTN from what I can see...
Can someone help me out? It MIGHT be my general non-familiarity of the device so I don't see it...but I don't see any programs or settings that even come close to referencing it...
If I understand the questions correctly
From messaging.
Select MMS
You have to install the from ExtendedROM.
I for one, didn't install it, cause the whole messanging application (SMS and E-Mail) starts much faster without MMS installed.
At the moment I'm searching for a proper replacement for MMS that's not that lazy.
Missing MMS Menu on HTC TyTn
I have the same problem on my HTC TyTn. In fact, MMS menu is missing. I've read the answer but I don't know where I could find
Could you help me, please.
unhide the extendedrom as described in the extrom unlocker thread. then you should find a file *shortcut*mms*.cab in the dir /ExtendedROM
Thanx for answering. I've tried what it explained, but nothing happen. My phone coming from SFR (vodaphone). Maybe there is something else to do.
ROM Version
ROM Date: 06/18/06
Radio Version:
Protocole: 32.53.7018.01W
Me, too, and I think I've got it figured out..
I have most of this problem solved but need one additional piece of info (at bottom); maybe someone can fill that in for me.
I got a new 8525 from the day they came out. The letter 'A' stuck so I had to exchange it for a new one. The first 8525 I had showed the MMS directory just fine but the second one they gave me did not. I'm not aware of any differences in the way I set them up or how this could be, but MMS has been missing from my second 8525 since I first fired it up. Cingular support was no help.
Here's what you need to do to fix it:
(1) You need to unhide the Extended ROM. Info on doing that can be found here:
Note that in my situation my phone was already SIM unlocked, and I found that I did not have to CID unlock my device in order to fix this problem. Information on what the difference is between SIM unlock and CID unlock can be found here:
(2) Now, when you open File Explorer, you'll see a new folder listed called "Extended ROM." Open that folder and you'll see a list of .cab files that can install various things for you.
Run the MMS installation .cab file called "MT_Shortcut-MMS-Hermes" to install the MMS function that somehow got missed in the initial setup. I found that I was not able to install this program to Extended ROM, and I did not try to install it to the storage card, but it installed in my Device memory just fine.
Open up Messaging, and you should now see the MMS folder, unless you soft reset, in which case you have to re-install. In my case, no configuration of the MMS function was needed, and MMS works just fine.
QUESTION: Whenever I soft reset my phone, I lose the MMS function again and have to re-install from the .cab. How do I make MMS a permanent feature of my phone?
I hope this helps folks get at least as far as I've managed and maybe someone else can help finish answering this problem. Thanks in advance.
Let's say a stupid asshole erased his ext-ROM and is now missing the whole .
Is it possible to flash back only the ext-ROM ?
Can someone send the .cab to the asshole (meaning ME!) ??
Replying to myself :
contents of known extended roms are here :

XT9 Fix released on HTC asia :-D

Well, after I installed it, it doesnt default to Xt9 any more when I go to new messages
can't find this, can you send the link?
this is fantastic!
what ROM are you using ? will this work with any ROM (and ROM language) ?
i would appreciate the link also!
here is the cab file, it's actually just a registry setting fix.
The registry concerned is:
(0 for ABC / 1 for XT9)
A friend gave me this link as I am also having a problem with the HTC site.
oh my god it works !!!!
i cant believe how simple that was !!! thank you so much for the registry entry, i can use my phone to text again !!!
it's great!
this was the most anoying thing on my new dual.
tx a lot,
Doesn't work for me
in fact it screws my device up!.. it shows the ABC being as the default input, but I can only type the first letter in each key, multiple presses just repeats the same letter
I guess I will have to reflash the OS.. otherwise I now cant use the text input on the keypad anymore!
works on mine. thanks, dtm for letting me know about this.
Maybe doesnt work on mine becos Im running the WM6.1 Nikki project OS ??
Anyone else that has installed this using this Version?
Can you help me? I am begiiner having Dual 2 days. XT9 is really anoying esp for NON english users.But I cannot fix it as it is described. Can you show me step by step what to do? Thanks
It does not work for me!
muzikfreakah said:
Well, after I installed it, it doesnt default to Xt9 any more when I go to new messages
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Please help me. I am a new user having Dual 2nd day. I was trying to install it but it does not work. Can you describe step by step for the beginner what to do? XT9 is realy anoying esp for NON english users.
Hi, just copy the cab to the phone and install it. Maybe you need to softreset your Niki. (open the battery case, the reset button is left to the USB connector).
I love this and it is working well for me. My only issue is when using the touch keypad software, when you type it highlights the letters and take a few micro seconds to move to the next so if I am typing a sentence, and press space,it deletes that entire word or atleast the last few letters that I typed :-( So the only way to solve this is not text that fast or use the hardware keypad.
Wow I noticed so many people reposting this when this was posted a long time ago.
Anyway, just wanted to confirm this is working on my wifes elf also
Finally there's something to kill XT9
Change Mode from ABC to XT9 or XT9 to ABC.
Hey everyone!
First, I wanted to start out thanking muzikfreakah for the link to the .cab file and the posting the Registry path that needs to be modified. I used these as a base reference for the work I completed on my phone. Instead of wanting to go from XT9 to ABC, I wanted to change my phone from ABC to XT9.
Initially I used PHM Registry Editor to make the necessary change to the Registry value you noted. Shortly thereafter, I updated my ROM to WM 6.1 so I had to reapply the settings manually. This got me thinking. Why not just create a quick .cab file for myself, saving me time in the future. This is exactly what I did!
Attached are two .cab's I created a while back (just never got around to uploading them). The first .cab ( modifies the appropriate Registry Key, setting it to 1 (defaulting to XT9). The second .cab ( does just the opposite, changing the value to 0 (defaulting to ABC).
Final notes before I part -
File Sizes: The file size of each of my .cab's is 1.07 KB, as it only contains the necessary Registry Key change. The link muzikfreakah provided brings you to "". This file size is 20.76 KB, as it appears to use a more complex method of making the necessary Registry changes.​Company and Application Name: After my .cab is installed, it will display in the Installed Programs list as "Seth_Polley Default_XT9_To_ABC" (or vice versa depending on .cab used). After installing the other .cab (, the following is displayed in the Programs list: "Customization Customize_Tool".​
In summary, either file will work for changing from XT9 to ABC. While 20.76 KB is nothing by today's standards, you can go smaller yet by using my .cab's (about 1/20th of the file size). Additionally, my .cab's provide a more descriptive name in the Programs list. Pick your poison! To 'install' the Registry modification, simply move the .cab to your phone, execute it, and follow the prompts.
Feel free to PM me if you have difficulties accessing/downloading the files. If you are concerned about using my files, feel free to open the .cab (can use an application like WinRAR) and review the contained "_setup.xml" file to verify this .cab will only make the changes I noted above.
Best Regards,
[Verizon HTC Touch (xv6900), currently running WM 6.1]
muzikfreakah said:
here is the cab file, it's actually just a registry setting fix.
The registry concerned is:
(0 for ABC / 1 for XT9)
A friend gave me this link as I am also having a problem with the HTC site.
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Thanks ))
Thanx Man, I´ve searched this simple thing so long time...
Cheers Mate!!
I can now send SMS's again after unlocking!!

HTCustom 1.8 cab

Ok, apologies if this is a dumb question from a relative newbie.
I found a thread to download "HTCustom 1.8 cab" (by Shadowmite), and need some help.
1. It's a year since it was posted, so is it still valid and a recommended download? I have read that amongst other things it will allow me to not have sim contacts listed as well as phone contacts, as well as improve the volume of incoming calls, so I am keen to try it out, as long as there is absolutely NO RISK FACTOR (I can make do without it!).
2. HOW DO I INSTALL IT? I save it to my desktop. It's a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml". What do I do now???
Apologies, but I've always used activesync to install cabs so am not sure what to do in this case!
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Mattster_spv said:
Ok, apologies if this is a dumb question from a relative newbie.
I found a thread to download "HTCustom 1.8 cab" (by Shadowmite), and need some help.
1. It's a year since it was posted, so is it still valid and a recommended download? I have read that amongst other things it will allow me to not have sim contacts listed as well as phone contacts, as well as improve the volume of incoming calls, so I am keen to try it out, as long as there is absolutely NO RISK FACTOR (I can make do without it!).
2. HOW DO I INSTALL IT? I save it to my desktop. It's a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml". What do I do now???
Apologies, but I've always used activesync to install cabs so am not sure what to do in this case!
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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If it is .cab so just copy it to your PDA and install it there.. don't extract the .cab
Hi, thanks for the reply.
Like I say, it's saved on my desktop as a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml".
So... what part of it do I copy and where exactly in my pda do I put it? In My documents? On the Storage card?
Mattster_spv said:
Hi, thanks for the reply.
Like I say, it's saved on my desktop as a zip file which when opened presents me with the 3 files "HTcustom.000", "ooocab90.001", and "setup.xml".
So... what part of it do I copy and where exactly in my pda do I put it? In My documents? On the Storage card?
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It's not a zip, it's a cab, just that you have cab files associated with your archiver. Just copy the file to the device and tap it.
Hey Tnyynt.
To where, storage card or my documents?
Mattster_spv said:
Hey Tnyynt.
To where, storage card or my documents?
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Doesn't matter for copying, install it to your device though!
I've installed it, it did warn me that it may not work with Windows Mobile 6.1, and it seems it doesn't. Doesn't work on my device anyway, whatever the reason...
When I attempt to select any tweaks and save it, it just says error and asks me to quit the program! I'll contact Shadowmite and see if there is a WM6.1 version.
All I really want is to NOT have SIM contacts appear as well as phone contacts (so suprised there is not an option.. what's the point in having duplicates???)
Also, apparently there is a fix out there that improves the volume of incoming calls?
Advice anyone?
Mattster_spv said:
I've installed it, it did warn me that it may not work with Windows Mobile 6.1, and it seems it doesn't. Doesn't work on my device anyway, whatever the reason...
When I attempt to select any tweaks and save it, it just says error and asks me to quit the program! I'll contact Shadowmite and see if there is a WM6.1 version.
All I really want is to NOT have SIM contacts appear as well as phone contacts (so suprised there is not an option.. what's the point in having duplicates???)
Also, apparently there is a fix out there that improves the volume of incoming calls?
Advice anyone?
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It must have something to do with Framework. Do you have it installed?
As for the sound issue, do you have WOW SRS installed? If not, what's your ROM version?
Regarding SIM contacts, here!

HTC Touchflo not installed :S

Hey guys. I bought a clone HTC Touch 3G from
Basically, I've watched videos on the net and have seen people use these clones, and they come with HTC TouchFlo/Manilla 2D. Mine however, did NOT come with it installed. It just boots to the regular windows 6.1 pro menu.
Normally, I'd email the company but theyre on chinese newyear holiday. Can anyone please help me on tell me how to get touchflo installed on this device?
(If the device is a clone, its a pretty good clone. HTC Branding everywhere.)
EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?
Lyth said:
.. EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?
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You can easily install TF2D (M2D). If you search XDA, you can get the cab files.
Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)
Lyth said:
Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)
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You can download the application from here
How to, basically..
1) download the .cab file to your PC and transfer it to your phone.
2) on your phone, run the .cab file and it will auto install.
3) after that, you can leave the .cab file or delete it.
Where is the .cab file on that link? When I click the blue "DOWNLOAD" letters, it leads me to a forum. I don't know what to get from the form. I'm new to all this.
EDIT: I got the cab from a post on that seperate forum on the DOWNLOAD link.
MY only issue is: After installing, the phone just says "Touch here to launch TouchFLO". I have a "clone" of a HTC Touch 3G, and I am running Win 6.1, and the MD2 is what I believe to be the newest version. I've searched here, and people mention to download some shared dll's or something. I have no idea what to do.
I downloaded the .cab file from the mobility digest forum post called "UPDATE 5-29-09 COMING SOON - FIXING ERRORS on Jade Manila 2D Build 1.20.19131520.0"
at "This is the link to m2d cab here: 2DManila_1_20_19131530_00"
EDIT 2: I downloaded cracing's m2d for non htc cell phones. And it works, but it seems kinda slow, and doesnt autorun. (Every startup, I have to enable it again. Any help on this? (The m2d for non htc cell phone is just an .exe that I run.). Plus I need to download like all of these programs to avoid getting errors. :S
EDIT3:Web Browser does not load through cracings m2d, albumsearcher.exe cannot be found, weather says its 36 degrees even though its WINTER (Obviously in fahrenheit. How do I change it to celsius?), and settings has all these blank buttons (which have little pictures of the phone beside them. How do I fix all this?
I am not sure how else to help you. I've installed on HTC Kaiser without any problem.
Your problems could be due to the clone set.
Ive got it all working now. Except I have an unrelated problem. Text messages work fine, but whenever I try to make a phone call it says "Phone: The operation failed".
Ive read online that this is because the phone is trying to send data while making the phone call. I do NOT have a data plan, and data service under the settings is 'OFF'. (I cant even turn it on. If I try, it just auto turns off after.)
edit: i got it to work. somehow. i had to turn everything off in settings, and then on again. :S Maybe the phone needed data service off eventhough it already was. Hmmph.
i have the same problems as Lyth.
AlbumSearcher can not be found or doesn't have a certificate.
in an older version it worked. but there were a lot of shell errors.
does anybody know how to fix it?

