Error Message after connection to the PC - P3600 General

recently I receive on the HTC Trinty the following announcement shortly after the connection to the PC:
"By the server assigned IP address cannot be called away. Try it later still einemal or give in the network settings an IP address."
And in this connection I have found still an other, interesting point: Anew appears by the installation of software another choice path (Network).
I would be really glad, if I could get rid of this tiresome tip... Any tips, how and where I have to give what that this irritating announcement does not appear any more -
I know, a HW-Reset would also solve this....

Hi folks
So many cracks on these sides and no solution to this problem????

hi! this is apenning because you have been connected to a wireless network, using a proxy server, and when you connect your PDA to you computer, he try to reach this proxy server.
you sould disable it in connection settings.


Help Needed with Network Warning

Hello every1
Hope you all had a happy easter.
I have a slight problem since upgrading my Qtek 9000 to the latest rom.
I always get this warning when I open my Qtek 9000.
The warning says:
Unable to obtain a Server - assigned IP address. Try again later or enter a IP address in Network setting.
Does anybody known whta is causing this warning an how to stop it.
I'm not using any software that has to connect to the internet.
The push mail I have not set it up because I do not known how.
Can sameone be kind to tell me how to disable this warning because it is driving me crazy.
I do not get any anther problem since installing the new rom it has not crashed my pda now for over a week I'm a very happy bunny, just what this warning to go away.
Sounds like your wifi is turned on.
gigino said:
Hello every1
Hope you all had a happy easter.
I have a slight problem since upgrading my Qtek 9000 to the latest rom.
I always get this warning when I open my Qtek 9000.
The warning says:
Unable to obtain a Server - assigned IP address. Try again later or enter a IP address in Network setting.
Does anybody known whta is causing this warning an how to stop it.
I'm not using any software that has to connect to the internet.
The push mail I have not set it up because I do not known how.
Can sameone be kind to tell me how to disable this warning because it is driving me crazy.
I do not get any anther problem since installing the new rom it has not crashed my pda now for over a week I'm a very happy bunny, just what this warning to go away.
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I got the same kind of message (not only with the latest ROM), when I connect my Pocket to my PC through the USB cable and ActiveSync, even if everything was working fine (network and internet).
If you check the network properties from both the PC and the Pocket, they are all in "got an IP automatically" status.
The PC is allocated with Pocket ( as DHCP server.
The Pocket is allocated but by who?
I also noticed that when I am connecting the pocket to my home PC and my work PC, the pocket is having always the same IP address.
Then by changing the "Parameters/Connections/Network Cards/Network Cards/Remote NDIS Host" to specify address (Subnet Mask, you can connect to your PC without any such message.
Hoping this will help :roll:
PS: I am not sure about all English translation, because my Pocket is in French!
Yes, just playing around with this and having issues with 'pass thru' on another USB/AS4.1/RNDIS related thread.
Am using those same settings, and it gets rid of the 'Pocket PC Networking' popup.. but it is certainly having issues when in pure USB (ie. no wireless anywhere, no cell etc.) and attempting to use PC's USB dial-up broadband..
layman said:
Yes, just playing around with this and having issues with 'pass thru' on another USB/AS4.1/RNDIS related thread.
Am using those same settings, and it gets rid of the 'Pocket PC Networking' popup.. but it is certainly having issues when in pure USB (ie. no wireless anywhere, no cell etc.) and attempting to use PC's USB dial-up broadband..
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Remote NDIS Host, is used only in "pure" USB connection.
In wireless connection, it uses tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet. No ?

Erm? Which IP to provide for ActiveSync?

I've recently run into a problem with activesync. When I connect my spv m5000 to my PC, activesync starts up, and the familiar 'retrieving settings' box shows up. But that never goes away, and after a while, I get an error message on my m5000, stating that
'no IP adress could be obtained from the server. Try again later, or provide a specific IP adress in the Network settings.'
Now, I remember changing the setting in all the 'Network devices' list to 'obtain Ip automatically' a while ago, and I remember that on specific item was set to a fixed IP, but I can't remember which device it was, nor what the IP was. Can somebody check and tell me?
i have the same problem and i get this error message when i connect to wifi too. i think it drainsmy battery when it tries to obtain an ip. how do i fix this?
Try .
BTW, did you read ? It explains the why's.
Sorry, which network card should i assign ito? Is it the Asyncman miniport? please advise. thanks!
I'm having the same problem, have searched a lot and can't find a solution. My M5000 syncs well at home, but not with my laptop. There are no firewalls, it always hangs on the 'Retrieving settings' pop up. Any help would be much appreciated.

VPN driving me mad!

Over the last year I have tried many times to set up my Windows Mobile devices to connect over VPN and then use RDP to manage my clients' sites. To date I have never managed to get it to work. My config is as follows :-
Within Start \ Settings \Connections \ Advanced \ Select Networks
Programs that automatically connect to the Internet use MY ISP
Programs that automatically connect to a private network "My Work Network"
a VPN is configured under "My work network" and the device can connect to this and using vxutil I can ping the server I wish to RDP to -
Supposedly the important bit is to add the exception under "Work URL exceptions", I have added in here.
Once the VPN is established if I enter within IE or Terminal Services CLient the VPN connection is still dropped.
If I enter this IP address without connecting the VPN first then the device will not connect the VPN automatically.
If I enter a non qualified domain name such as ids-vs then the VPN is connected but the name is never resolved.
Can anyone shed any light on this, if I could use a local lmhosts file on the device as with XP then I may be able to work around the above. It appears to me though as though the exceptions list is never processed. I did a hard reset last night just in case, but this has made no difference.
I cannot believe that the above can be so complex.
I am using a HTC Tytn and using t-Mobile in the UK.
Any help greatly appreciated since it is driving me totally mad!
I would love to figure that out.
I was trying to connect to my pc at home like this and suffered from all the same symptoms your having. In the end I gave up, mainly 'cause someone told me that I needed another type of data plan to have vpn (at the time I had the $29.99USD plan) in other words it might be your plan, or something to do with the proxies or something, I hope someone would find out what you need to do in order to get this to work.
It's strange, looking around the web there are loads of people that struggle with the setup, but most seem happy once they are told to add the server name or IP address in the exceptions list.
I have ruled out the data plan since I can establish the VPN connection and can see it authenticate on the other end, as well as being able to ping the server on the work network from the phone.
I have just opened a support call with Microsoft as well, but I am not holding out much hope since I think they will point me at HTC. Assuming HTC ever responded they will just point me back at Microsoft!
Well it would be cool if they could help you, I tried everything myself and zilch. I could also establish a connection but as soon as I would try to access a file on my pc it would disconnect. I would try to help you out experimenting on my side again, but I changed my router to a cheap piece of $h.. and now I can't access my pc via vpn..... I really need to get a decent router
This may sound stupid, but I could swear someone told me something about the speed of the connection. If the connection speed is too low then DNS would fail, although that wouldn't explain why we are able to establish a connection, but not access anything else.
OK, I have made quite a bit of progress :-
1) I was using a cab file to configure T Mobile settings on the phone. This was somehow configuring the exceptions list to be ignored. Hard resetting the phone, installing this CAB the problem remained. Hard Resetting the phone and setting up GPRS manually - everything worked.
2) There is a fault with Windows CE 5 routing over VPN - the subnet information is ignored. Hence for example, if your GPRS provider give you a NAT 10.x.x.x ip address and your corporate network uses 10.x.x.x then you can never route to your corporate network.
And what cab file is that? do you know if it's on the extended roms for the t-mo roms? Glad to see your making progress, keep it up.
It was a Cab file for the Tmobile settings. It either came from these forums or over at modaco, can't remember which.
I was able to successfully use the Movian VPN to connect to my work using my XDA2.Worked fine for 2 years. Apologies, but I can't help with the settings and my work migrated to an M-notes server so I was able to connect without a VPN. "Mismatched IP Address" (Solved)

Found the problem!
This problem was being caused by the Blackberry Service on my device. In further investigation I discovered that whenever the Media Net connection goes stagnant the Blackberry connection would reestablish & try to check for new emails. The new BIS connection would change my IP to communicate with our Enterprise Server & of course subsequently, Media Net was killed. When I would try & re-establish my logmein connection it would report the new IP which was hung on Blackberry instead of being reset by Media Net & would report as Mismatched for security reasons.
The solution:
Whenever I need to do some work on my desktop remotely I now suspend the Blackberry Service & have now had no problems with logmein, even through reconnects.
Thanks for all the IM's & emails, there were some interesting ideas
For years I used logmein with verizon's network without problem. But now I'm AT&T & every time my connection resets I get an error stating "Mismatched IP Address" causing me to have to shut down PIE & start over again.
I have read about a broken proxy fix meant for other client laptops & pc's. I have imported my own"broken proxy" reg.value into logmein security registry settings on my Kaiser. However, every time I lose connection, I still have to start over. Anyone else have this error before?
I'vd tried everything I can think of. Any help?
i believe it has to do with using wifi instead of edge/3g. I had the same problem when i logged on with edge and then tried to access my computer with wifi after already logging in to the system. I dont know of this will help but i just relogged in and accessed the pc using the same connection type.
negative, it happens using 3G, edge, gprs, etc.
I thought maybe I could enter an IP in connection settings but then I can't connect period.
Hi, I know this is an old thread, but I'm getting the same error message on my HTC Touch HD (Win Mo 6.1) - any ideas as to how the specified solution could be applied to my device?
Thank you.

VPN connection grabs multiple IP addresses

I'm having trouble with my MDA Vario III / HTC Kaiser running WM6.0 when making a connection to my office VPN (PPTP). I have to connect to the VPN to access the Exchange server. However, my IT people tell me that the phone is grabbing multiple IP addresses, so many that they have to eventually kill my access to the VPN.
I stopped using Direct Push, but even when the phone is scheduled to connect every 15 mins, the problem still occurs.
Can anyone suggest what's going here, and what the solution might be?
Something seems to be wrong with your networking drivers on your phone. Mine doesn't grab multiple IP addresses just one and it keeps getting the same one in accordance to lease time settings on my DHCP Server and Firewall.
Thanks - your reply set me thinking, so I dug into the registry. The key relating to the VPN connection had 'EnableDHCP=0', this despite the fact that the connection is set to 'Use server-assigned IP address'. I've manually set it to 1, and I'll test tomorrow when I can talk to my IT people.
This is a real headache. The problem seems to be that the VPN connection refuses to use DHCP, even when I toggle the registry setting that I mentioned. If anyone has any ideas I'd like to hear them.

