Help Needed with Network Warning - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hello every1
Hope you all had a happy easter.
I have a slight problem since upgrading my Qtek 9000 to the latest rom.
I always get this warning when I open my Qtek 9000.
The warning says:
Unable to obtain a Server - assigned IP address. Try again later or enter a IP address in Network setting.
Does anybody known whta is causing this warning an how to stop it.
I'm not using any software that has to connect to the internet.
The push mail I have not set it up because I do not known how.
Can sameone be kind to tell me how to disable this warning because it is driving me crazy.
I do not get any anther problem since installing the new rom it has not crashed my pda now for over a week I'm a very happy bunny, just what this warning to go away.

Sounds like your wifi is turned on.

gigino said:
Hello every1
Hope you all had a happy easter.
I have a slight problem since upgrading my Qtek 9000 to the latest rom.
I always get this warning when I open my Qtek 9000.
The warning says:
Unable to obtain a Server - assigned IP address. Try again later or enter a IP address in Network setting.
Does anybody known whta is causing this warning an how to stop it.
I'm not using any software that has to connect to the internet.
The push mail I have not set it up because I do not known how.
Can sameone be kind to tell me how to disable this warning because it is driving me crazy.
I do not get any anther problem since installing the new rom it has not crashed my pda now for over a week I'm a very happy bunny, just what this warning to go away.
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I got the same kind of message (not only with the latest ROM), when I connect my Pocket to my PC through the USB cable and ActiveSync, even if everything was working fine (network and internet).
If you check the network properties from both the PC and the Pocket, they are all in "got an IP automatically" status.
The PC is allocated with Pocket ( as DHCP server.
The Pocket is allocated but by who?
I also noticed that when I am connecting the pocket to my home PC and my work PC, the pocket is having always the same IP address.
Then by changing the "Parameters/Connections/Network Cards/Network Cards/Remote NDIS Host" to specify address (Subnet Mask, you can connect to your PC without any such message.
Hoping this will help :roll:
PS: I am not sure about all English translation, because my Pocket is in French!

Yes, just playing around with this and having issues with 'pass thru' on another USB/AS4.1/RNDIS related thread.
Am using those same settings, and it gets rid of the 'Pocket PC Networking' popup.. but it is certainly having issues when in pure USB (ie. no wireless anywhere, no cell etc.) and attempting to use PC's USB dial-up broadband..

layman said:
Yes, just playing around with this and having issues with 'pass thru' on another USB/AS4.1/RNDIS related thread.
Am using those same settings, and it gets rid of the 'Pocket PC Networking' popup.. but it is certainly having issues when in pure USB (ie. no wireless anywhere, no cell etc.) and attempting to use PC's USB dial-up broadband..
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Remote NDIS Host, is used only in "pure" USB connection.
In wireless connection, it uses tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet. No ?


Slight Activesync problem !

Just a slight issue. Everytime I connect the Exec (via USB) to the computer it Sync`s quite happlie (files get updated etc). However after a minute or two the Exec pop up a window with this message
Pocket PC Networking
! Unable to obtain a server
assigned IP address. Try again later
or enter an IP address in Network settings.
Why is it asking for Network when I`m using USB ?
Any ideas ?
Also anyone get this error " This device has no bluetooth hardware" normally only appears after the bluetooth has shut itself down and I have to manually start it again.
Latest O2 rom on O2 Exec running default programs in corp mode.
New with Activesync 4.x
With Activesync 4.x (to support WM5) the USB connection runs TCP/IP. Bluetooth and IR work just as before. What is unusual in your comment is that I had understood that the Pocket PC is the DHCP server and it assigns an address to your PC, not the other way around.
Nonetheless if it syncs each and every time then count yourself lucky, because for a number of us there are some serious issues, especially if you are running a personal firewall on the PC that is other than that included in XP. Other issues have been documented and a search using your favourite search engine or at the Microsoft knowledgebase will reveal them.
Hope this helps!
Might not be the same issue but you may find my post in this topic of use
Might not be the same issue but you may find my post in this topic of use

Cingular 8125 syncing problem

Hi all, im havein a problem syncing my 8125 with my pc with activesync 4.1. when i connect it XP recognixes the phone and a network connection is established, and activesync opens and just keeps saying connecting......the green ball just keeps goin round and round..tried restarts on both phone an pc and tried reinstalling activesync..please help im goin nutz here
It's Probably Your Firewall
I use Trend Micro and I had to create new rules for the firewall. The link below will hopefully get you going in the right direction.
thanks for the help
that link was kinda useful, but im still having problems which i think are related to my firewall software. i use kaspersky anti hacker and i have allowed all the processes for activesync in the firewall setup, but i think its the ports that im havin difficulties with. anyone with expierence with this firewall please help!
Cingular 8125 Sync Issue
I have the Cingular 8125.
One thing I can say is that the Sync between the 8125 and ActiveSync is buggy. For instance, It keeps wiping out my favorites bookmarks on my system when doing a bi-directional sync. - wierd.
Anyways, After playing around with this phone for a few weeks, I do know that ActiveSync uses TCPIP via USB to communicate with the 8125. My suggestion is to temporarily disable any and all firewalls and see if it syncs up. When I plug my phone in I get a new network adapter that shows up and obtains an IP address from nowhere ( as my systems are firewalled from the internet entirely and I don't run DHCP on my network.
I suggest the following:
1) See if Windows see a new network adapter when you plug in the 8125.
2) Disable all firewalls from that adapter.
3) Establish a firewall ruleset allowing data for both your local private network subnet (,, and the 8125 network subnet (
4) When the phone is connected, it shows up in "My Computer" as "Mobile Device".
Hope this helps.
Same problem
I have the same problem with TyTN e Windows Vista/XP... And I have no idea about the way to solve it!
The strange thing is that happens only with TyTN and not with MTeoR!

Error Message after connection to the PC

recently I receive on the HTC Trinty the following announcement shortly after the connection to the PC:
"By the server assigned IP address cannot be called away. Try it later still einemal or give in the network settings an IP address."
And in this connection I have found still an other, interesting point: Anew appears by the installation of software another choice path (Network).
I would be really glad, if I could get rid of this tiresome tip... Any tips, how and where I have to give what that this irritating announcement does not appear any more -
I know, a HW-Reset would also solve this....
Hi folks
So many cracks on these sides and no solution to this problem????
hi! this is apenning because you have been connected to a wireless network, using a proxy server, and when you connect your PDA to you computer, he try to reach this proxy server.
you sould disable it in connection settings.

ICS & VPN with WM6

My searches on the web haven't yielded much help or information so I thought I would come to the experts...
I have a Treo 750 that I just "upgraded" to WM6 2 days ago. I noticed that DUN has gone away and was replaced by ICS. After configuring my laptop to use that instead of DUN I connected and was surfing the web. My problem now is VPN. I travel frequently (luckily I'm in the office until Jan.) and regularly used my phone to connect to the corporate network via VPN. I also work with a lot of other companies and have VPN access to their systems as well. Basically now I can open my Cisco VPN client, connect to a VPN gateway, authenticate, get assigned all the appropriate IP information, but cannot communicate on the network. What gives? Is there a solution to this? If not, what the heck was MS thinking when they did this!? My phone is basically useless for one of the major reasons I bought it...
Any help is appreciated!
Ok, further searches found that DUN can be added back into WM6 via a cab that was posted here at the XDA forums. I installed it and the DUN service is now visible again. I unpaired by phone and laptop, re-paired, and included DUN. Now when I try to connect, I get the DUN connection box after the bluetooth connection is initiated but when I click DIAL I get the DIALING... prompt, followed by Error 678: The remote computer did not respond.
Anybody get this working on a Treo 750? Thoughts, ideas suggestions?
What is the ip address you are getting via the cisco vpn client
It maybe that it is in the same subnet as the ip address assigned to the pc from the wm6 ics. The ICS gives the address and if your Cisco is also giving a 192.168 address then you will have two routes for the 192 address range thus giving you the problem when accessing hosts.
If this is the problem Im pretty sure you can change the address allocated via the ICS using a registry editor. If not you may be able to get work to use a different range for you on the cisco vpn.
Our corporate network is 172.x.x.x so it's nowhere near the 192.168.0.x assigned by the phone. When I look at the route in the VPN client I see,, and so I am assuming 192 is my laptop, 10 is the phone, and 172 is the corporate network.
I'm guessing NATing is the problem. I've been reading that if I use a different APN (isp.cingular instead of wap.cingular) there is no NATing. I've tried both, and I've tried turning off and on the "force AT&T" proxy setting to no avail.
Tried the DUN cab hack that is floating around for WM6 also. The service is active again and I can also add Modem Link back in and my laptop sees my Treo as a modem but when I dial I get an error stating the remote computer did not respond. I'm guessing along with going from WM5 to WM6 AT&T also updated the radio so the old communications protocols don't work anymore?
Hello Sir,
I have exactly the same problem... I have successfully connected via VPN, however unable to communicate with any devices on that network... Then what is the use of VPN on the phone? I've tried searching online for answers, but no luck... People are having the same problem but no one knows how to solve it... I'll try and trouble shoot this problem more as soon as my exams are done...
Working successfully for me. I am using Imate jasjam wm6. Pc using cisco client connecting via ics on phone. I have telstra 3g connection tested ok on both telstra.internet (Nated ip) and telstra.extranet (real ip).
You are correct it may be an nat issue. Can you check that your transparent tunnelling is on as follows: right click on your connection entry in cisco client and select modify then transport tab. Check that enable transport tunneling is enabled ipsec over udp(Nat/pat).
The other thing to check is that the cisco vpn server aslo has transport over Nat on as well.
Also are you sure your corporate ip range is 172 or is that the range given by the cisco vpn to clients.
Transport tunneling is on (always was). I'll have to check with our network admin and check on the VPN server setting...I guess as long as I have connectivity back to the office, I don't need it that badly for all the customers I need to connect to at various times.
Yep, positive on the corporate IP. Right now it is and I'm in the office.
Thanks for the help so far. Got any other suggestions on how I can troubleshoot further?
One other thought...should I modify the registry on the phone to assign a different IP address to my laptop? Would that help?
Same Problem
MX. I am having the exact same issue but with Securemote VPN. I've looked through the registry and found the assigned address, but I'm wary of changing anything until I can find some more information.
Anyone out there ever change the DHCP configuration for their phone?
Somewhat related question?
Im attempting to route my connection on my mobile through a laptop acting as a wan bridge, then uplinking it into the router. The issue Im having is that XP and WM6 both use the same IP Block. Ive read and read and cant find much to tell me how to change the WM6 IP BLock to something like rather than the default
Does anyone have any pointers? Ive looked through the registry. There MUST be a simple way to change a default.
To clarify my setup, I am using ICS Via USB into a UMPC laptop running XP. The UMPC is set to share that same connection back out over Ethernet. The ethernet runs into my WAN Uplink on the router and then back out via wifi/rj-45
This setup works as I have done it using Wifi with other networks, and I can chose the "Lan3" to share under the advanced settings on the UMPC. The reason I dont just share out via Wifi from the start is that Wifi on my Kaiser and Raphael both make the device to hot to charge, thusly killing the battery within a couple hrs of sharing. If I share via USB , it stays pretty cool and still charges.
Anyone have any pointers?
I have already tried tricking XP into using the Lan on another block but as soon as you try to share the USB lan, it reverts back to the
The only way I can imagine is a registry modification or a program change in ICS.
Thanks Much! "Mismatched IP Address" (Solved)

Found the problem!
This problem was being caused by the Blackberry Service on my device. In further investigation I discovered that whenever the Media Net connection goes stagnant the Blackberry connection would reestablish & try to check for new emails. The new BIS connection would change my IP to communicate with our Enterprise Server & of course subsequently, Media Net was killed. When I would try & re-establish my logmein connection it would report the new IP which was hung on Blackberry instead of being reset by Media Net & would report as Mismatched for security reasons.
The solution:
Whenever I need to do some work on my desktop remotely I now suspend the Blackberry Service & have now had no problems with logmein, even through reconnects.
Thanks for all the IM's & emails, there were some interesting ideas
For years I used logmein with verizon's network without problem. But now I'm AT&T & every time my connection resets I get an error stating "Mismatched IP Address" causing me to have to shut down PIE & start over again.
I have read about a broken proxy fix meant for other client laptops & pc's. I have imported my own"broken proxy" reg.value into logmein security registry settings on my Kaiser. However, every time I lose connection, I still have to start over. Anyone else have this error before?
I'vd tried everything I can think of. Any help?
i believe it has to do with using wifi instead of edge/3g. I had the same problem when i logged on with edge and then tried to access my computer with wifi after already logging in to the system. I dont know of this will help but i just relogged in and accessed the pc using the same connection type.
negative, it happens using 3G, edge, gprs, etc.
I thought maybe I could enter an IP in connection settings but then I can't connect period.
Hi, I know this is an old thread, but I'm getting the same error message on my HTC Touch HD (Win Mo 6.1) - any ideas as to how the specified solution could be applied to my device?
Thank you.

