Help Me for Upgarde MDA compact to WM5 - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

hi every Body
Please Help Me For Upgrad MDA compact
i need ROM nk.nbf www
I Real need
Thank you

I suggest you read through the 21 pages of this link, and next time please search before posting a question that has been asked a million times.

Funny this WM5 thing keeps coming up some how.....

Just incase you have language problem, there are 15 pages of different languages regarding this upgrading issue here


Need help for dopod

I need help,
1) I have a dopod in Chinese and would like to convert the system to english can anyone please help,
2) secondly I would like to unlock it so that I can use it in USA once again can any one please help
my e-mail [email protected]
Thanking you in anticipation
I had the same problem
But with all the info on this website, and all the downloads there is no way that you can go rong I got it right on my first time i tried.
PS Where in china are you?

How to modify my T-Mobile MDA Vario ?

Hi guys,
This is a great site. Thanks to all contributors!!
I just got my T-Mobile simlocked MDA Vario in the Netherlands last week. However I am totally new to the world of PDA phone and to this site, so pls excuse me for asking questions with probably obvious answers. It would save me huge amount of time if you can just point me to the related threads.
My questions are as follows:
1) How can I unlock my phone. I saw different tools such as Lokwiz, aWizard, maupgradeut, romupdate, etc. Which one should I use?
2) How can I change the OS language from dutch to english or chinese (traditional), as I don't read any dutch
3) My phone came with all T-mobile pre-settings. Would any ROM modifications result in difficult situation to re-configure the device? such as internet and GPRS settings.
Many thanks in advance !!!
seems like this is a useful thread. I should have read this first...

qtek 9000

Hi guys. I have just joined up the forum and am in search of unlocking my qtek 9000 which is on Three.
Found a webpage which i think is the correct instructions.. but the actual stuff i need is no longer available to download? Any help?
thanks in advance
flexsingh said:
Hi guys. I have just joined up the forum and am in search of unlocking my qtek 9000 which is on Three.
Found a webpage which i think is the correct instructions.. but the actual stuff i need is no longer available to download? Any help?
thanks in advance
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HTC Universal WIKI and forum. I have the same device and all is available.

i'm new here..please help me..k jam

hi i'm new in this forum
i have an imate kjam
with wm5
and i want to install wm6 on my device
but,all my trys are failed
can someone help me to install wm6 on my kjam?
my os is:
please help me!please!
**can i do simfree on this device?
i tried with lokwiz and it didnt work..didnt show me the password..
its very important to me
thank very much
Firstly, READ READ READ! ALL of your questions can be answered by reading the stickies. And secondly, that device is a G4, so first you need to HardSPL it, then run lokiwiz again, and it will give you your unlock code. Then you can upgrade to a WM6 ROM, just make sure that it is a G4 safe one.

MDA Compact Germany Serial/USB Error

Dear Helpers,
thanks for reading this. I have a problem with my MDA Compact from germany. After few months, I wanna used it now again, but If I start, there is a error with "Serial".. If I put it a USB-Cable, there is "USB". The Hard and Soft-Reset don´t work. And If I try to use one of your tutorials, I don´t find the files in /windows/Temp/...
Anybody can help me? I read more than 5 hours, but I can´t repair my cell-phone ):
Thanks and sorry for my bad english!
i think you have the same problem like this guy
try to flash your rom on win xp
Thanks for this fast reply... I will try it at a friend.. But which tutorial I should choose, because I have v1.00.
Thanks for helping!
sorry but i don't know what the different is on 1.00 i think there you have to ask other guys who knows more than me. i just had problems flashing with vista and thought this would help you, too
and sorry for my bad english too...

