i'm new here..please help me..k jam - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

hi i'm new in this forum
i have an imate kjam
with wm5
and i want to install wm6 on my device
but,all my trys are failed
can someone help me to install wm6 on my kjam?
my os is:
please help me!please!
**can i do simfree on this device?
i tried with lokwiz and it didnt work..didnt show me the password..
its very important to me
thank very much

Firstly, READ READ READ! ALL of your questions can be answered by reading the stickies. And secondly, that device is a G4, so first you need to HardSPL it, then run lokiwiz again, and it will give you your unlock code. Then you can upgrade to a WM6 ROM, just make sure that it is a G4 safe one.


CID unlock Magician

Hello Folks,
Can anyone please let me know how to CID unlock the magician? There seems to be not much on the net on this topic. I cannot flash a new ROM because it shows me Invalid Country Code!
Search the stickies. You can burn any Magician ROM on your phone if you follow the right steps.
unfortunately only 3 sticky threads and none point me to CID unlocking. Can you post me some links? appreciate your help very much!

Need Help!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a new owner of a t-mobile wing USA and i've been trying to find how to flash the rom to an OE HTC rom can somebody guide me.
Pleas read read and read, and don't try any stupid things before you know what you are doing! Your question is awnsered many times!

need help new B here

totally new to this
but i wanna get windows mobile 6 on my t-mobile mda us
where do i begin
read so far that i got a g4 2.xxx
need help
sorry if i posted in the wrong place
either wanna get wm6 or on this theres a rom called touch no evil on this please help
Read this,
follow exactly and you won't get into trouble.
Restrain yourself to ask questions unless you check first that your question hasn't been asked in the thread above.

imate kjam. MDA

I am new member in this forum please help me .. one i mate kjam MDA unlock please give me full details how can unlock this device . how can downgrade ,this mobile.
Welcome to the forum
If you read the stickies at the start of the Wizard upgrading page you will read an excellent guide which will explain all you need to unlock and upgrade your phone
Good luck
The Wiki
shinod said:
I am new member in this forum please help me .. one i mate kjam MDA unlock please give me full details how can unlock this device . how can downgrade ,this mobile.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
go here
make sure you realise what type you have first ,if it is a G3 or a G4 , before unlocking if you get that wrong it is bye bye phone hello paperweight
All the files for sim and cid unlocking, which include the button downgrade rom an official o2 rom and lokiwiz that you need are in this file
i cant remember if i set a password on it,if there is a password it is ----> scousemartin
can unlock
try with that rom file cant flash or upgrade my wizard only error INVALID vendor id please any one can help me please ... lokwiz software cant work error unknown device. that is the probelm
please any one can help me...........

help for Extended rom imate Jasjam

I need program to unlock Extended Rom for WN6 Imate Jasjam
Please help me quickly
Thank you
That's an unusual first post.
I don't think it's possible with the original ROM, I could be wrong though.
From memory, it requires something like Olipro's boot loader ????
I'm sure either someone more knowledgable can tell you, or someone more generous can do a search for you, or you could search for yourself. I'm sure a bit of digging will get you your answer.
Cheers, Oggy.
Try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=56946&d=1194272927
Thank you for this program but the Extended rom is hidden
Please help me again
Using the program pablo11 gave you, you should be able to unlock it. This will make it unhidden.... No EXT rom is visible without being unlocked first...

