VERY weird problem - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi all
I have a (see subject LOL) since a day or 2.
I was playing a game (bejeweled) on my machine when suddenly the game starting to be slow (it happens sometime if I don't reset my device for a few days and then everything is fine after a soft reset, so I decided to soft reset my device.
After that, it restarted and all then stayed on the windows logo (the one just before windows come up).
I waited and waited and waited, nothing. So I decided to hard reset my baby (it's no problem to me since I had not installed any special progs).
Set up OK, install of carrier options OK, set up of M$ exchange OK but THEN, as I was trying to sync my calendar with my exchange server, it stays hanging at "Synchronizing" (ONLY at the calendar section) and can stay like this forever, and when I soft reset, it hangs again on the windows logo. (for the record, if I ONLY sync my contacts, everything is fine).
I tried everything, by that I mean different RADIO, different versions of WM6 (all of them actually. NOTHING helps.
I KNOW for a fact that it goes wrong at the sync of my calender cause I took the problem from zero (that is hard reset, ISP settings and then sync) so I'm sure of where the problem occurs.
I also check the exchange server to make sure my calendar wasn't "too" full, that's not the case.
The only thing I have NOT tried yet is if it goes OK on WM5.
I NEVER had that problem before, just since 2 or 3 days.
Anyone any Idea??

This may have absolutely nothing to do with your problem but - a long time ago I read some posts where folks had problems syncing when items in the calendar had notes attached at the pc end - for some reason these notes became corrupted and huge in size when the attempt was made to sync with device. As I say probably not your problem if you do not attach notes to calendar entries.

thnx mikechannon, but indeed I do not have any notes in my calendar, never had AND I do not sync with my PC, only with exchange.Thnx for the tip anyway.
BTW, I just put another ROM on it now (RUU_HER_CINGULAR_2.06.502.3_1.34.00.10_SPL1.04.exe) witch is a WM5 ROM and I have exactly the same problem. After a sync with the exchange server I'm back on the Windows Mobile Splash screen and it's stays there, so it's NOT a WM version related problem.

I have the same problem, which started today. My XDA Exec seemed to be frozen, so I soft reset, now it's stuck on the Windows Mobile splash screen.
I've got data I need to get from the device, so don't want to hard reset (sounds like that wouldn't help anyway).
Can't think what has caused it.
- I upgraded to Radio 1.15 the other day, but it has been working fine.
- I changed my connection to GSM only, 2 days ago to try and stop the Disconnect problems on 3G/GSM, but that has been working OK.
I've tried removing the battery & SIM but no joy.
I'm running Helmi 1.1, and have been for months.
Can anyone help?

Hi all
In the meand time I had my baby sent back to HTC (BTW, they did NOT look for the SuoerCID what so ever, My guarenty is still intact ;-)), they looked at it and sent it back to me. I don't know what they've done but the problem is still here.
I tried (just to be shure) to sync with my desktop and THAT works fine so I would think it's a server related thing.
However, I deleted a lot of things on the server but the problem remain so now I don't sync with the server.
Today I will install the new Black V2.0 and try it again.
I'll let u guys know.

I had problems getting my tytn to sync with my SBS running exchange 2003 SP2. It was due to SP2 adding HTTP compression which screwed syncing to some mobile devices. Sometimes i would get error 0x8503001A and sometimes it would just lock up! Check out this link for a fix, well, it fixed my problems anyway
May also be worth having a look at for more error code info. I know you dont get an arror code, but something may shed some light for you!

Thnx m8 for ur reply but I'm using the free mail2web exchange server witch use do be fine until (Iguess) too many people started to use it LOL. Then it stopped working.
I just install Black 2.0 and tried right away, the prob is still here so I'm 99,99% sure that the prob is on the server side.
I'll try to make a new account to see what happens.

I have a support message from mail2web, that there server experienced some delay problems. I changed my mail2web exchange to my work exchange server and all problems dissapeared.
Today I checked the mail2web box again and it seems to be working for now.
Good luck!

Well just to say how gooooooood the Black V2.0 is, I'm able now to reset my device when the exchange server hangs and it does NOT stay on the windows splash anymore. The problem is however still not resolved. I sync slowly the one after the other and I'm able to sync my contacts fully and see them. When it gets to my calender, it is syncked BUT when I want to open my calendar I just get the wheel forever. At least I konw now I can test without having to hard reset.
BLACK EDITION V2.0 ROCKS! THE BEST. you can pass the word ;-)


Help before I put it through a window XDA2i

6 month old O2 XDA2i only program loaded is TT5
ROM version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date 12/24/02
Radio version 1.00.00
Protocol version 1337.39
ExtROM version 1.10.124 WWE
Being used in corporate mode 0506 code
Here's the story... needed to use phone to call an ambulance for my fiance (she smashed her collar bone and now has a titanium plate and pins) 10weeks ago.. batt at 12% turned it on and caught the camera button whilst pressing the phone button. screen went all funny - vertical lines. Soft and Hard reset failed!!! had to fully charge before I could initiate a hard reset.
Some time after that the camera disapeared and media player started when camera button pressed. Camera missing from programs. Battery discharged at an alarming rate, you could watch it go flat!!!
Soft reset same problem
Hard reset and started running in corporate mode. All fine.
TT5 installed and it works fine although the it takes ages to find the GPS and sats compared with TT3. Same cables, gps and XDA, It also 'looses' signal where it didn't with TT3 and that is with two setups different cars. Almost as if the set up has gone deaf.
Camera disapeared again and battery going flat.
Hard reset
Camera goes again, this time I track it down to the windows folder and copy/paste the shortcut to programs.
Works for a bit then goes (battery ok now)
repaste it, it goes again
Hard reset all working fine.
worked well for a few weeks then I got a Jabra BT205.
Paired great, worked with TT5 great, calls great.
Then it stopped working with the phone, no TX/RX audio via BT205 just clicking. Tried soft boot, dropped all the pairings, re paired still no good.
Hard reset and its al back fine, headset ok TT5 ok (still deaf)
THEN I find I can recieve text messages, can reply BUT when I go New Text or click on messages it wont open, screen flashes and does nothing. nothing is shown as running in the memory bit. So I cant initiate a text message.
Hard reset and the same problem with texts, but now it will only get 75% of my address book from the back up. try to active sync to get the rest and it says it has done it but hasn't.
Hard reset again, still same problem with texts but gets all the address book from the backup. NOW it will only active sync as a guest.
I cant get it to do a full named sync.
Should I just take it back under warranty??
If you are going to suggest I do updates then great Ill do em BUT please talk me through them, post working links where I can get them. I just want it to work properly. I haven't got the time to continue to mess around with the thing. I need it to work, be reliable in doing what I want of it. Be a phone, be a camera, run TT5, run word and excel. Then it would be nice if I could be like others on here who have got em working. Have a film or some comedy on the SD card for the times when I have a moment to spare, even install some other software and games.
I want to do that but not continue to waste my time with unreliability, resets and the frustration of not being able to use it when a life is at risk!!
Thanks in advance
Thanks for reading...... please help!!!!!
I have it running, address book ok, TT5 OK, programs run OK, BUT can't active sync as it will only come up as guest on my PC and I still can't initiate the messaging part ie MMS or Text.
I would try running it without any additional software. If it still displays this strange behaviour I would definitely return it for a replacement.
sounds like you have a faulty one to me try upgradeing the rom to the current image and for the gprs setting etc for o2 the a cab file somewhere on here that will install the settings for you do the upgrade and see how that goes if it still plays up then send it back
I would download the latest ROM from the O2 site and flash that and see if there is any improvement.
Thanks for that. I hope it's going to sort me out. How long have they been on the site?? Im sure I only checked the other day (but the way time's flying for my that could have been 2 months ago!!!)
well I have only soft reset once since the upgrade!!!! but that was when I was trying to switch between text message and readingthe setting to text the otherhalf

Activesync error: 0x80004005 after restore

Could anybody help me? I've just restored my o2 xda orbit 2 (polaris/cruise). Now I can't get my push-email to work any more, Activesync keeps saying 'Attention Required' when I force a sync. I've tried over WiFi, and my cellular provider.
I'm using mail2web live to collect me email, I've not changed any settings, apart from re-entering the username/password/server on my device to see if this helps. I've removed the server, and re-added it, with no such luck.
Does anyone have any idea what I can do (aside from a hard reset) to try and rectify this?
Are you sure the hostname of the mailserver is correct? I'm unsure if that hex code is a general error or specific to an issue.
I got the same code when I misspelled our OWA Exchange server on my ActiveSync.
Turns out I forgot to put .com after our domain.
It'd surely be better if it had reasonable errors like "Unable to resolve hostname." wouldn't it? That way you don't have to call India Microsoft Tech support to make sense of some codes?
I tried removing the settings and re-adding them, to no avail. I had to bite the bullet and hard-reset, reinstall all my apps etc.
It's all up and running again now.
Still would like to know what caused this. In case it ever happens again.
I agree about the error codes. I know sometimes they are accompanied by a description or error message, but this time the code was so generic it might as well have just told me to hard reset and start over.
Thanks anyway
This is so ****ing lame! It will take me 30 minutes to put my phone back the way it was after a hard reset
electricdemon said:
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Did you solved this?
I have the same error and not able to solve it.
i noticed that right after a fresh flash it works just fine. its after i install all my crap that it breaks. im going to reflash ONE MORE TIME. this time im going to soft reset after each single cab I install and test activesync after each reset to see which cab/theme/setting/app it is that breaks it. ill report back in a few hours.
Hi, did you have any luck finding out what was causing this? I'm now getting it completely out of the blue and the apps on my phone are exactly the same as they always have been.
I hard-reset put all my apps back and it won't work.
Hard-reset and leave it as is and push works fine.
Just weird!
I never managed to be able to reproduce this error. I'm currently running MightyROM 4.9.4 and my Activesync works fine...
Use a backup software and you should be able to trim off the install time of all your apps.

Strange Problems with a fresh installed X1

Hello there,
i found nothing about this curiousity with my fresh installed X1. With my first X1 i thought this was temporarily, but now i got a brand new silver one (my first one got a crack) and it occurs again.
That´s my Problem:
After i finished the Installation of all Apps & made all Settings i activated my Exchange Account within ActiveSync. The phone does push & all that, but it shows a new Mail (Vibration & LED) only temporarily. Also SPB Mobile Shell 3 shows no new Mail on the Icon and SU2U the same. After a few days/weeks on my first phone it works normally. At that time i thought this happens only once and it would be a bug. But today i made a hard reset and installed & configured all new and the same happens again. If i send testmails the first one works with Vibration and LED, no mail which comes after that gives me a feedback. But the Mails are in the Postbox, that means Push works normally.
And SPB Shell shows alwasy zero Mails... Now i restored an backup of my first phone and this works, but i would like to know what kind of bug this is.
Sorry for my inconvinient English. Did anyone had/have the same Problems ?
Thanks in Advance,

ATTN: All ROM Chefs - MSN Messenger signs out without warning?

Thank you for all the ROMs the chefs in this forum has been cooking. It has been amazing to see the vast differences between one ROM to the other and certainly an experience for me.
I noticed the following item that goes wrong with Windows Live that seems to occur with 4 of the ROMs I have tested from various chefs:
* MSN Messenger signs out automatically if I leave it on during the night
* Once Messenger signs out, it won't sign in again and reports a connection error. However once the device is soft reset, it works fine again. I don't know how long the connection last during the day.
* Pocket Outlook will stop synchronizing as per schedule and no error will be displayed (Hotmail email). So you just don't get email. Again like Messenger, a soft reset solves the problem temporarily but it comes back again after a few hours.
Is this a common Microsoft issue? I don't recall having this problem with my previous PDAs.
This is just a mather of updating msn, latest version works fine.
You can download frome here:
gonsped said:
Thank you for all the ROMs the chefs in this forum has been cooking. It has been amazing to see the vast differences between one ROM to the other and certainly an experience for me.
I noticed the following item that goes wrong with Windows Live that seems to occur with 4 of the ROMs I have tested from various chefs:
* MSN Messenger signs out automatically if I leave it on during the night
* Once Messenger signs out, it won't sign in again and reports a connection error. However once the device is soft reset, it works fine again. I don't know how long the connection last during the day.
* Pocket Outlook will stop synchronizing as per schedule and no error will be displayed (Hotmail email). So you just don't get email. Again like Messenger, a soft reset solves the problem temporarily but it comes back again after a few hours.
Is this a common Microsoft issue? I don't recall having this problem with my previous PDAs.
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I am using the latest MSN version which is currently 10.7.0061.0500.2000 as per the link you have sent.
I have tried I think 3 different builds from the various ROMs and Messenger logs out the same way. It's not terribly a big deal but annoying nonetheless he he
I've noticed the same thing, I think it's about 30 minutes in Standby, then it will be disconnected (I think because 3G/HSDPA, will disconnect).
bartje885 said:
I've noticed the same thing, I think it's about 30 minutes in Standby, then it will be disconnected (I think because 3G/HSDPA, will disconnect).
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I've noticed this as well, however this also happens when your network switches from HSPDA to 3G or to any other network (Edge or GRPS as well)
However this problem seems to have started happening with new Windows Live builds only. I upgraded to stock 1.66 ROM and after that the version of Windows Live is 10.6.x (the old one that came with HD2 Factory Default)
I've been using messenger and hotmail sync without any issues for a couple of days now..
Allright I taught it was MSN latest version that would solve it for you as it did for me.
It doesn't sign out and I don't need to softreset anymore but it did with previous version I used.
gonsped said:
I am using the latest MSN version which is currently 10.7.0061.0500.2000 as per the link you have sent.
I have tried I think 3 different builds from the various ROMs and Messenger logs out the same way. It's not terribly a big deal but annoying nonetheless he he
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Darn it. It seems to be happening to me regardless of what build it is.
The switching of networks makes sense. I don't expect my Telco provider to change network when the phone doesn't move from my bedside table for 8 hrs when I sleep. But then again, who knows hehe
So far it takes at least 4 hrs or so and my test today seems to show around 7-8hrs online then it just signs out. Will test it again at work tomorrow and see how long it can stay online.
Looks like another sporadic bug from MSN Live. Will wait for the next build....

[Q] Strange Email sync issue with multiple accouts - samsung omnia windows phone HELP

this is a strange question and a bizzare event thats occuring but i am hoping someone will be able to clear this up for me.
Basically i have had troubles with battery life on my windows 7 phone, its a samsung omnia on the orange network in the uk. This has ONLY been an issue since i upgraded to the Mango update last wednesday.
What i am finding is that my emails are syncing every 30mins or so despite being set to manual update only. I added 3 email accounts to my phone each via the windows live account addition option, i set them to each manually update only and only sync email not contacts/meetings etc... the mad thing is the main acount that is used under my people contact and the main hotmail/live account that is in use with the phone itself seems to stick at only updating when i tell it to sync (i have to click the refresh style sync button within the email screen) however the other two accounts after about 12hours start to go haywire and whilst they start out by syncing manual as soon as i have synced them manually once, after this they just update whenever they want too (every 30mins it appears)... i have tried a reset of the phone and starting from scratch but again eventually this flaw just keeps occuring! over and over, no matter how many resets i do
Its a real pain to be honest, when i first updated to mango i did link all the accounts together as there is an option to band all your accounts into the single hotmail livetile on the homescreen, i changed this option and decided against it, trouble is i cant remember if this issue happened then, im still pretty sure it did, its almost like the other two accounts have amind of their own, is there any explanation as to what this coul possible be?
I have tried to a rollback of my current firmware but it ended up bricking my phone so now it has gone in for a repair under warrenty to samsung, maybe it could have been a dodgy install of mango from day one? as my friend updated and he has the same phone yet hasnt experienced this email flaw, but then again he only has two accounts on his phone
Could it be the manual option no longer works in mango update?
many thanks for areading and hope someone can help, many thanks
You realize this is the Samsung Captivate forum, for Android phones, right?
I've moved this from the Samsung Captivate forum to the Omnia II forum, if it's inappropriate, I'm sorry, but it's as close as I could find. Good luck with your problem.
This is samsung omnia 7 and dont belong here.
Thread closed

