tcpmp problems - P3600 General

hello to all.
i have a problem with tcpmp on my p3600.
all movies and clipps that i am playing starts with voice but after 2 sec it mutes and i have only video.
what is the problem ?
in the jasjar thers no problame.

its a p3600 problem

same problem with all news htc...
is incredible...

I've had issues, but not the one stated... Mine plays the sound fine, but has tonnes of error blocks in the picture. I'm using the same encoder (Pocket Divx) and TCPMP version I used on my Magician (correct me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't find a newer version of TCPMP)... Any suggestions on what to change would be gratefully received...

Mental said:
I've had issues, but not the one stated... Mine plays the sound fine, but has tonnes of error blocks in the picture. I'm using the same encoder (Pocket Divx) and TCPMP version I used on my Magician (correct me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't find a newer version of TCPMP)... Any suggestions on what to change would be gratefully received...
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As stated a zillion times in this forum: switch to raw mode ( i dunno if it helps cause i dont use that app... but that is what they say)

I also can't get TCPMP to work.
I get a severe stuttering screen then it goes black. When I touch the screen it then switches to full screen mode and then plays with a slight stutter.
However the clip repeats itself and I can't quit out of the program, my only option is to press the reset buton.

I'm using TCPMP and after changing to raw have had no issues.

Well, I wouldn't say "no issues". Rawframe buffer is probably the slowest displaying method.
I tend to use DirectDraw, but under DirectDraw preferences, change output to YV12 (it defaults to RGB I believe). Everything then plays fine. It's not as fast as hardware accelerated video (ATI Imageon), but until Coreplayer/TCPMP provides proper support for Imageon, DD will have to do.

RayEarth said:
Well, I wouldn't say "no issues". Rawframe buffer is probably the slowest displaying method.
I tend to use DirectDraw, but under DirectDraw preferences, change output to YV12 (it defaults to RGB I believe). Everything then plays fine. It's not as fast as hardware accelerated video (ATI Imageon), but until Coreplayer/TCPMP provides proper support for Imageon, DD will have to do.
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Hey, thanks for that tip. I think it does work better in DirectDraw .

This may be a stupid question but I don't have an option for directdraw. My only options are
Raw frameBuffer
Null Video
Where can I find Directdraw?

rudeboyxv6600 said:
This may be a stupid question but I don't have an option for directdraw. My only options are
Raw frameBuffer
Null Video
Where can I find Directdraw?
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Hmm, that's strange under Options/Video I get ATI IMAGEON Decoder and DirectDraw also. What version are you using?

hello, i have try this PATCH, and tcpmp work very my htc p3600 , you can found the patch, in ftp xda.

I have tcpmp ver 0.72rc1 on a xv6600

rekelem said:
hello, i have try this PATCH, and tcpmp work very my htc p3600 , you can found the patch, in ftp xda.
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I can't find it, do you have a link?

ok, i have found the link for the patch

rekelem said:
ok, i have found the link for the patch
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Thank you...digesting that thread .

RAW Mode
I have installed the fixed, but my video has still blocked in it.
I read that I have to put TCPMP into RAW mode but how can I do that?
I can not find this option
Many thanx

jjplayground said:
I have installed the fixed, but my video has still blocked in it.
I read that I have to put TCPMP into RAW mode but how can I do that?
I can not find this option
Many thanx
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Go to Options:Video and you will see the choice.
This fix worked for me on an Orange M700 (HTC3600). Select the ATI IMAGEON option, not the ATI IMAGEON Decoder.
I also have the Smooth Zoom (only 50%) option and Dither checked.

Thanx, it works oke now...
Now I am searching for dutch spoken movies... anyone?

I have a SPV M700 and I have same problem with TCPMP audio stopping after 2-3 seconds no matter how I configure it. There is another alternative to TCPMP as good as it?
One curios thing I observed is that when I flashed a fresh new WM6 and installed first the TCPMP only I had no problem with it but after i added all the rest of software this problem start to appear.
Another thing I observed if i switch to full screen and back sometimes randomly this problem dissapear.


coreplayer 1.04 - still no good 4 ATI :(

I've heard that there's a new version of core player. it's 1.04
anyone tried or got info if it's tytn friendly now?
ok... never mind. I came back home and check coreplayer forums - many improvements, but still NO support for ATI chipset in tytn... crap.
You can lock or trash this pointless topic now mods... cheers
And what about Pause/Play issue?
Does this version fix freezes after Pause?
Coreplayer 1.1 is supposed to have the Tytn support...
Can anyone confirm this?
Later, Lew
On my spvm3100, once you open it and close...than I can't restart it but if I make a Soft Reset...did someone have the same problem?
I have installed it on microSD.
asci said:
On my spvm3100, once you open it and close...than I can't restart it but if I make a Soft Reset...did someone have the same problem?
I have installed it on microSD.
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i dont have this problem.
do you have any trouble watching movies?
It isn't still supported yet and don't know in wich version it will supported.
They asked ATI info about the chip and guess they haven't get enough info from them to resolve it.
If they ever will resolve the problem!
I use coreplayer with raw frame buffer settings and then it work for 50%.
Also i'm still waiting for a full working coreplayer.
I'm using version 1.04 with RAW FrameBuffer, and on newest WM5 (south africa ROM) it works good. No scattered music when you pause and play again. Seems to work good, but still no Imageon support
on my hermes it s work when i use spb DVD to convert my avi files or dvd...
but always when video is not on "ati" but rawbuffer
I am using Dopod U1000 and the coreplayer 1.04 is worst
on ATI Chips. Wind EFFECT on the screen and only 50% speed on 640x480 DivX movide
See this thread. Coreplayer works perfectly on ATI imageon now for me (using WMXL v0.20.1)

Coreplayer Audio

I've set my Coreplayer up as per the posts elsewhere in the Athena threads and the video quality is almost perfect now.
I'm using 320x240, DivX 6, 500-700KBps constant bitrate files.
Stereo MP3 audio. 96kbps or 128kbps.
After 10 mins of playback the audio slowly starts to lose sync (it plays fine on my PC).
Has anyone got any ideas what I need to do to stop the audio from losing sync?
Any help greatly appreciated.
when you say "outof sync", does this mean that the audio is fine but the video is not "in time"? if yes, that's exactly what i was going to ask in the forum =) but i'll be trying the parameters you set. i've been meaning to ask the "optimized" setting for this application.
Robson said:
when you say "outof sync", does this mean that the audio is fine but the video is not "in time"? if yes, that's exactly what i was going to ask in the forum =) but i'll be trying the parameters you set. i've been meaning to ask the "optimized" setting for this application.
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Yep, that's exactly it. It starts off fine, then ever so slowly the video gets ahead of the audio.
I've 'fiddled' with just about every setting I can think of within Coreplayer but have yet to find a solution.
Yep, that's exactly it. It starts off fine, then ever so slowly the video gets ahead of the audio.
I've 'fiddled' with just about every setting I can think of within Coreplayer but have yet to find a solution.[/QUOTE]
well, at least your video gets ahead. for me it's the other way around...the video is late yet the audio sounds perfect =)
ive already asked this question. with no replys. ive tried every setting and format possible. still loses sync. it doesnt matter if its from the sd card micro drive or streaming. it still loses sync. ive even tryed disabling the auto scaler and running tcpmp over clocked. still loses sync. im a a loss. if you find a solution let me know.
I guess we need to wait for the next version of Coreplayer which will (hopefully) be released on the 18th of June. It supposedly fixes some of the ATI issues.
I am so sick to death of this subject!! Not mad at you guys, but at ATI/AMD. This has been an ongoing issue since September last year when the TyTN was released with the ATI Imageon chip, and due to no input or support from ATI/AMD, Corecodec cannot fix this issue as it's to to with the Imageon hardware.
Bottom line is find the settings that work best for you. For me, I find TCPMP v0.72RC more stable and versatile than CorePlayer v1.04. Also set Video driver as Imageon (NOT Imageon decoder!) this yields best performance and visual quality 'during' playback.
If you're using DVD-Rips use the above setting, but if your playing/stretching QVGA 320x240 on your Athena, then Rawframebuffer mode is even more stable in the GUI, but lacks the ooomph of the Imageon driver, which to some extent might well eradicate your lipsync issues.
One more test folks. Play your video whilst your Athena is pluggen in to mains power. See if the lipsync is still out. If it is make manual adjustments in the A/V offset in TCPMP under Advanced.
mackaby007 said:
I am so sick to death of this subject!! Not mad at you guys, but at ATI/AMD. This has been an ongoing issue since September last year when the TyTN was released with the ATI Imageon chip, and due to no input or support from ATI/AMD, Corecodec cannot fix this issue as it's to to with the Imageon hardware.
Bottom line is find the settings that work best for you. For me, I find TCPMP v0.72RC more stable and versatile than CorePlayer v1.04. Also set Video driver as Imageon (NOT Imageon decoder!) this yields best performance and visual quality 'during' playback.
If you're using DVD-Rips use the above setting, but if your playing/stretching QVGA 320x240 on your Athena, then Rawframebuffer mode is even more stable in the GUI, but lacks the ooomph of the Imageon driver, which to some extent might well eradicate your lipsync issues.
One more test folks. Play your video whilst your Athena is pluggen in to mains power. See if the lipsync is still out. If it is make manual adjustments in the A/V offset in TCPMP under Advanced.
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Rgr that - will test later - thanks!
Ive got the exact same problem on my x7510 i start playing it and slowly the video will go ahead of the audio and its out of sync very easy to detect when your viewing a lecture. ive tried all kind of video players
Vico100 said:
Ive got the exact same problem on my x7510 i start playing it and slowly the video will go ahead of the audio and its out of sync very easy to detect when your viewing a lecture. ive tried all kind of video players
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How cam that you can use it.
I'v tried 0.72 version as well as 0.81 and both give me the "crash.txt" error while starting TCPMP.
Oh, you are using CorePlayer not TCPMP, right?
im using coreplayer the latest version becuase tmcp as you said keeps on crashing, (for me too).
With a hard reset playing even a video in windows media player still gives a audio lag. Its so bad, now i don't care about quility just let me have a video with audio i don't care how bad the video looks like.
Does anyone have any solution? ive tried all kinds of "video output" settings and it still gives audio lag (even raw framebuffer)
FINALLY! ah found it after lots of searching of google and forums and sites...
its -400ms and its perfect thought the whole video..
(Note: the best method that i use to see if its in sync is to watch a lecture and then watch their mouth real careful and you'll see that -400ms gives the best results )
Vico100 said:
FINALLY! ah found it after lots of searching of google and forums and sites...
its -400ms and its perfect thought the whole video..
(Note: the best method that i use to see if its in sync is to watch a lecture and then watch their mouth real careful and you'll see that -400ms gives the best results )
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What is this -400Ms?
-400ms is -400 milliseconds as in time. The minus sign means "start playing the video 400 milliseconds ahead of the audio. Its perfect for core player put all the settings on max just take acceleration and dithering off. And it plays a DVD rip perfectly no conversion very sweet on its 5 inch screen
If you don't know put the -400 in the settings next to "manual A/V offset +/-" and just type in "-0.400"
Vico100 said:
-400ms is -400 milliseconds as in time. The minus sign means "start playing the video 400 milliseconds ahead of the audio. Its perfect for core player put all the settings on max just take acceleration and dithering off. And it plays a DVD rip perfectly no conversion very sweet on its 5 inch screen
If you don't know put the -400 in the settings next to "manual A/V offset +/-" and just type in "-0.400"
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Thanks for sharing this tip!
Vico100 said:
-400ms is -400 milliseconds as in time. The minus sign means "start playing the video 400 milliseconds ahead of the audio. Its perfect for core player put all the settings on max just take acceleration and dithering off. And it plays a DVD rip perfectly no conversion very sweet on its 5 inch screen
If you don't know put the -400 in the settings next to "manual A/V offset +/-" and just type in "-0.400"
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So does this work or not???
I am confused, because on the other thread, you mentioned it did not work.
it does for like 5-10 minutes then audio gets our of sync
Vico100 said:
it does for like 5-10 minutes then audio gets our of sync
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Thank you for this information.
Vico100 said:
im using coreplayer the latest version becuase tmcp as you said keeps on crashing, (for me too).
With a hard reset playing even a video in windows media player still gives a audio lag. Its so bad, now i don't care about quility just let me have a video with audio i don't care how bad the video looks like.
Does anyone have any solution? ive tried all kinds of "video output" settings and it still gives audio lag (even raw framebuffer)
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Does it play flv files as well?
Tadeusz said:
Does it play flv files as well?
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Coreplayer plays flv files, yes. There's no need to separately install additional component. It benchmarks better than TCPMP in my test.

Coreplayer / iPlayer & HD2

There seem to be some issues with coreplayer on the HD2. Couple of reports in the corecodec forums. Personally I can't play anything downloaded off iplayer - it crashes the phone and it needs a soft reset to recover.
Anyone else seen a problem?
heard you had to switch "play mode" - GDI or directdraw... don't remember actually, but have you tried it?
ah, found it.. from DD --> GDI (video output)
SteelyEyed said:
There seem to be some issues with coreplayer on the HD2. Couple of reports in the corecodec forums. Personally I can't play anything downloaded off iplayer - it crashes the phone and it needs a soft reset to recover.
Anyone else seen a problem?
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Yeah, my old version of coreplayer didn't work at all which was upsetting since it's a great player. Instant crash. I had to find version 1.3.6, that's working a treat.
I am using Coreplayer 1.30 for streaming the videos of myplayer 1.80. I have no problems at all.
SteelyEyed said:
There seem to be some issues with coreplayer on the HD2. Couple of reports in the corecodec forums. Personally I can't play anything downloaded off iplayer - it crashes the phone and it needs a soft reset to recover.
Anyone else seen a problem?
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Try to change video settings to GDI.
br3nt said:
heard you had to switch "play mode" - GDI or directdraw... don't remember actually, but have you tried it?
ah, found it.. from DD --> GDI (video output)
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Ahhhh, that's all it took. Thanks!
Hmmph. Hope this is the right place to post and that someone can help...
I wanted to get iPlayer working on my HD2 (T-mobile). Investigated various methods and got nearest with myplayer.
However, when coreplayer is invoked all I get is a dark screen with the player controls at the bottom, menu items etc, and a rotating-dots hourglass thing (sorry - don't know tech term for that). It seems to have loaded the duration of the stream but gone straight to the end of it (the position slider is all the way to the right).
I have set the video out to GDI.
I'm using a Wi-Fi connection (phone turned off).
myPlayer version: 1.080
CorePlayer version: 1.3.6 build 7427 for ARM
Sometimes in CorePlayer I get the following error and then the device locks up.
"File not found!rtsp:// (FFFFFFF8)".
Any ideas please?
Hi All!
Similar to David Copus -[HD2/myplayer/coreplayer] problems. myPlayer starts up coreplayer but hangs on trying to load the stream video. I tried player through divx 0.9 also and asplayer
I have set the video out to GDI and RawFrame Buffer
I'm using a Wi-Fi connection
myPlayer version: 1.080
CorePlayer version: 1.3.6 build
Please help.
If there are also any support ideas on trying to run .avi
coreplayer and divx player run some but some files require AC-3 & some ATS or something? (Do i need to wait for coreplayer 2.0 or are there alternatives?)
Any idea?
I seem to have the same issue as the above two people!
Coreplayer 1.3.6 working fine, using GDI, quite happy with that. However when I come to use myPlayer it just launches with a blank screen (although I can get certain "live" content to work - so far BBC News 24 and Sky News!).
Anyone any ideas?
echops said:
I have set the video out to GDI and RawFrame Buffer
I'm using a Wi-Fi connection
myPlayer version: 1.080
CorePlayer version: 1.3.6 build
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Same here, except I'm using 3G and not tried RawFrame.
I've downloaded and played something via myPlayer, but if I try to stream I get the same as the guys above - it's as if it's jumped right to the end of the stream and therefore won't play. If I move the slider back to the beginning, I just get the "busy" animation ad infinitum.
Can't be doing with having to download everything I want to watch!
SteelyEyed said:
Ahhhh, that's all it took. Thanks!
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yeah!!! I changed to this setting then it works!!!
thank you so much!!!
I had tried to search the method from a lot of HK forums but only found the method here!!
Guys, please help
I have an HTC HD2 and have successfully installed Coreplayer and MyPlayer. Every time I try to run MyPlayer I get the much mentioned error below:
myPlayer Exception
Execution error unable to invoke media player in the path:
\Program Files\SorePlayer\player.exe
I have made the Video change to GDI in CorePlayer and it makes no difference.
P.S. I can only assume that the good people at CorePlayer are doing their very best to dissuade people from using their product. You need some persistence to get to the stage where you get their product on your device. Is it any wonder that iPhone and the app store is so successful?
I have been steaming iPlayer and several live radio and TV stations from all over the world with Skyfire - and over 3G! No problems at all
For CorePlayer use:
Overlay format YUY2
uncheck all in DirectDraw tab
Most speedy for me about 2.7 Mbit/s
DeltaSierra4 said:
Guys, please help
I have an HTC HD2 and have successfully installed Coreplayer and MyPlayer. Every time I try to run MyPlayer I get the much mentioned error below:
myPlayer Exception
Execution error unable to invoke media player in the path:
\Program Files\SorePlayer\player.exe
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The error tells us that the core player application cannot be found at the location specified. Looks like a typo in the path.
I would suggest:
\Program Files\SorePlayer\player.exe
should be set to:
\Program Files\CorePlayer\player.exe
Best thing to do is to select "Other" and use the "..." button in myPlayer to find the application on your device.
Hope that helps!
br3nt said:
heard you had to switch "play mode" - GDI or directdraw... don't remember actually, but have you tried it?
ah, found it.. from DD --> GDI (video output)
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Thank's man you are great!!! i had the same problem. but not now!!
Yes, Coreplayer crashes the HD2
Yes, me too. Got my HD2 yesterday. Stupid WMP won't play avi, so I shelled out for Coreplayer and the first 2 avi files I tried to play and it crashed the phone and had to do a soft reset. The files play fine on my PC.
Can't find any other avi player for the HD2 on the Net. Betaplayer and its variants are all versions of Coreplayer.
Any ideas, anyone?
SteelyEyed said:
There seem to be some issues with coreplayer on the HD2. Couple of reports in the corecodec forums. Personally I can't play anything downloaded off iplayer - it crashes the phone and it needs a soft reset to recover.
Anyone else seen a problem?
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I don't have CorePlayer, but assuming it works the same way as TCPMP, try choosing DirectDraw as your video renderer and YUY2 as your DirectDraw overlay format. Tick the "use device stretching" box and uncheck the others on the DirectDraw page. If all that doesn't help then change the renderer to GDI.
EDIT: as this post has been linked to a couple of times recently, I felt I should redraft it a little!
The full set of optimum video settings for TCPMP or Coreplayer (in my opinion) is:
- Orientation: left-handed
- Zoom: fit best
- Video renderer set to DirectDraw
- Smooth zoom to "on" or "always" (NOT to 50%)
- Dither on (for the times when you need to switch to GDI, e.g. for subtitles)
- In the DirectDraw properties, set overlay format to YUY2. Also tick the box that says "use device stretching when blitting" and untick the other two boxes.
Fix for Coreplayer avi problem
Fixed. The Corecodec support forum has the answer: go into Video Settings in Coreplayer, and change from DirectDraw to GDI. Both avi files play just fine now and the player is excellent.
And thanks to the people in this forum who made the same/similar suggestions. Cheers!


Im starting to get the feeling my phone never came with it. I can't find it anywhere.. does anyone know where it should be? Even a directory location would be helpful but i've searched the phone from top to bottom looking for it
coreplayer is not included software for htc hd2 (as far as i know)
Its not included, you can get it from
While I get 158% on benchmark and it plays really smoothly (in the benchmark) it then judders and is useless when not in benchmark mode, so I wouldn't bother with it...
I am having problems installing Coreplayer. Running the purchased pocketpc cab file it tells me my hardware isn't supported. I have been in touch with Coreplayer (who take at least 24 hours to respond) and all they can tell me is I need to use the pocketpc version, this is what I am using. I've paid for this and it won't run on my phone even after factory resetting, I'm getting frustrated now after 3 days of trying.
Has anybody else had problems? Are there any possible solutions such that I can install it?
Any help gratefully received
Ah cheers guys. I hate video reviews that show apps and claim that they come with the phone lol. Yeah i'm not reading great things about it though so I deffo wont be purchasing it.
It's working just fine with me, make sure you set GDI as video output.
Coreplayer works fine on mine... although it doesnt rotate or follow the GUI like it used to on my omnia.
This seems to be a failing throughout the interface... the rotation doesnt follow the device.
Is there any way to fix this
Direct Draw seems better than GDI on mine, wierd
Coreplayer installs and works fine, however i am unable to enable A2DP functionality with with my headset. It recognises volume control but not pause, Forward or backward.
However i think this is a device issue, as i've tried installing S2P and it does exactly the same thing!
Anyone have any ideas?
I have the feeling that the image quality on HD with QTV enabled on Coreplayer is better when playing the same file on HD2 with GDI or RAW FB.
Anybody can confirm ?
I just found this thread and wanted to thank tnyynt as I had been using Coreplayer with the default DirectDraw setting and the playback wasn't so great but changed to GDI and it surpasses my Archos 5 IMT. Top stuff.
So GDI is better than DirectDraw ? haven't noticed any difference, at least for me. Although GDI takes advantage of hardware acceleration at some points.
In scenes where the camera was panning sideways with Directdraw you could see the image kind of wobble as it redrew the picture from top to bottom but with GDI selected this no longer happens. Much smoother playback of XviD's for me.
Can you guys please post details of the verions of Coreplayer you are using?
I ask I was 'acquired' a copy of v1.3.2 to test and it seemed fine. I then went and purchased a copy (latest - v1.13.6) however on installing this it seems dreadful no matter what settings I used.
Not sure if this is something to do with me uninstalling one version then installing another, or a ROM upgrade etc, however just wanted to check.
Cheers, Simon
CorePlayer v1.3.6 on HD2 only 50% qality rending any video !!!
The video image quality on HD2 with CorePlayer v1.3.6 GDI or RAW is lower with 50% !!! When playing the same file on HD2 with HTCvideoPlayer video image is the best !!!

flv core codec

i'm using core to play flv files, some of flv files run, but most of them give me the msg "video codec (on2 vp6) not supported by the player! (0109)" is there anyway to run it, i already checked all the formats in core, and i tried gdi and direct show, anyhelp will be appreciated.
anyone please?
Coreplayer simply cannot play those videos. It has nothing to do with video output settings.
vuedesprit said:
anyone please?
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Try this to convert the FLV to Mp4.. and then it should be ok
vuedesprit said:
anyone please?
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Why is it not attaching.. anyway.. u can download it from
prateekgujral said:
Why is it not attaching.. anyway.. u can download it from
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for some reason avira antivir reports that it contains a trojan
Urdu Mörhaër said:
for some reason avira antivir reports that it contains a trojan
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It doesnt.. i have it installed and works like a charm.. it maybe like the CUU of Leo that at times the antivirus detetcts it as a trojan.
You need TCPMP GoForce 5500 Edition. Although it was not made for our devices but this edition plays FLV VP6 on my HD2.
thank you all for your replies, i know i can convert files, but i'm looking to not convert, so i can copy from pc to ppc with no convert issue, maybe it looks silly for some, anyway i will try Xeon idea and give it a chance hope it will work.
well TCPMP GoForce 5500 seems to open the file at least but doesnt work properly, it run like buffering, so run 1 second and stop for 10 others, then run and stop, skipping most of the frames, i tried to change some settings for buffer and other numbers with no luck, even when i tried the gdi or direct show, the device freezed, only the raw framebuffer works with this frames problem. Any idea Xeon, by the way my device is also HD2
vuedesprit said:
well TCPMP GoForce 5500 seems to open the file at least but doesnt work properly, it run like buffering, so run 1 second and stop for 10 others, then run and stop, skipping most of the frames, i tried to change some settings for buffer and other numbers with no luck, even when i tried the gdi or direct show, the device freezed, only the raw framebuffer works with this frames problem. Any idea Xeon, by the way my device is also HD2
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As Xeon said.. Goforce was not made for our device and hence some problems... when a software is not made specifically for the device its really a hit or almost a hit.. it either works or it works with problems like screen aligments etc...

