program memory Q - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have about 8MB program memory left in my phone during normal use.
I have the following installed and running in normal use.. no other plugins/apps going other than the occasional bringing up of the Messaging app:
VC 1.6
SPB mobile shell
PTT fix
PocketInformant (usually closed if i can help it though)
AKU3.3 ROM update
This is taking up 40MB of program memory.
Three questions:
- Does this seem high?
- Can i find out how much memory each running app is consuming?
- Is there anything i can do to imrove the amt of free memory? Im worried about having a few more apps open and running out.

If you have done a lot of web browsing the ie cache takes up a load of space. From inside ie select options and memory and clear pages. I regularly free up 10-15mb of memory this way


What happened to the Memory Management Slider???

In WM2003SE there was a slider in the memory management that allowed us to allocated the ammount of memory we wanted for programs or storage.
Wheres it gone and is it possible to have it back??
No. Because WM5 doesn't use RAM as a storage area.
Thanks for the reply.
If I cant have the slider back is there any way of forcing WM5 to reduce the ammount of Storage it reserves, as I always have around 23Mb free which I just dont need.
if I could reduce this to 15MB this would free up 8Mb for my programs which then would make them fly instead I have to run SK-Tool Free up Ram application about 3 times aday to try and recover 2 or 3 Mb from the storage to give back to programs to help them run........especially the phone which is VERY tempermental when the program memory drops to around 15Mb, at this level I get alot of missed calls as the phone takes too long to respond.
There are two different types of memory in the Universal, one is flash (storage) and one is RAM (for executing applications), you can't change one into the other.
It's still there..just that MS overlayed a new panel onto the existing window and froze the controls. Just wait till the universal starts to hang, go into the Memory panel in Settings.. :evil:

Yahoo GO - Memory Leak?

I've been using Yahoo Go for Email/Contacts/Task/Calender/Photo retrieval and syncing between my Yahoo account and my TyTn. It's great mainly because it supports email folder access/syncing with my Yahoo Email account using the native WM5 mail client.
The issue i'm having is that it seems like the yconnections.exe program that is the guts of the thing seems like it has a memory leak or something. If I softboot my phone, yconnections.exe uses approx 430k of memory and the heap size is 150k, assuming the values are in KB, as per SKTools.
Note: Other (native WM5) programs also seem to use more and more memory as time goes on (gwes.exe, filesys.exe, etc) and i'm not sure if this is normal also?
Over a day or so the memory and heap size can increase dramatically (many MB's), to the point where there is so little free memory that a WM5 dialog box will pop up warning me of low memory and asking me to close applications to free up memory. At this point, I usually need to softboot.
Anyone have a similar experience or can explain whats happening? Also, can anyone explain the difference between "size" and "heap" as it relates to SKTools process information?
I can confirm the memory leak... I was attributing the leak to Active Sync till I installed a free task manager.
The Yahoo go application runs in the background and fetches emails on a user defined frequency.
I noticed that the application keeps increasing in size/footprint while active and the free memory on my phone goes from ~19 MB post install to less than ~4 MB within a couple (usually within 6 to 7 hours) of hours of use.
wow, you're totally right... this thing is leaking memory... is this yahoo's fault or the phones fault.
anyone else have ethis problem?
christian15213 said:
wow, you're totally right... this thing is leaking memory... is this yahoo's fault or the phones fault.
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I don't use that yahoo go, but i have the same problem, even properly shutting down active programs doesn't sort it, when my memory gets low, i delete the 'previously viewed' web content in IE and soft reset, that brings the memory back up. Its a pain in the arse!
I downloaded the task manager (look for it on this forum) and use that to kill Yahoo Go!... so far I haven't needed to soft-reset since yesterday afternoon (usually had to do that every night to keep the phone stable and usable). Additionally, I currently have ~21 MB of free RAM to run my programs in.
I used the IE hack to move all the cache, history and cookie storage to my SD card, that helps a lot when browsing the web.
I also have SPB Pocket Plus installed that kills the programs on close (similar to the HTC close/X program); rather that the windows default behavior to minimize them.
Any one have a fix for the Yahoo Go! memory leak??
This is been a problem for it since it was released for Windows Mobile. I had it on my 8125 and it was terrible. I had to soft reset to actually get it to stop using memory. I haven't used it since.

Programs closing on their own

I am using aserg windows mobile 6.1 rom and I have noticed a creeping problem. As time goes on, I can only seem to run 1 substantial program at a time.
For instance, if I try to run any of these programs in tandem:
HTC audio manager or Windows Media Player
Mundu mobile messenger
Internet explorer
Dictionary software
Outlook mail (sms/email)
the program in the background always closes. This is especially annoying when for instance I am listening to music and I get an email or sms, I go to check it and my music player just closes. Same if I try to browse the web and listen to music or check an sms, It is very annoying.
What causes this function in windows mobile and how do I turn it off?
As for memory, when I start I have 13-14 megs free memory. Any of these programs take an absolute MAXIMUM of 4-5 megs at peak usage. I should be able to run at least 2 together without a problem, and if another one does nto have enough memory, it shoudl just say so and not start, but not close out other programs...
I also have about 4-5 megs of free storage space on the phone.
any ideas on this one?
It seems as time goes on, I can't seem to run any more than 1 program simultaneously...
Reduce the amount of file space your browser have allotted for cache files and history.
My browser cache for both Opera and PIE are both pointed at the storage card which has about 500megs free. This problem occurs even if I am running any programs though, not just browsers...
It's either the memory shortage (which some of those programs can actually take much more than 4 or 5 mb to run.) Or you have it set to close on tap, within the task manager/x-button, instead of close on hold.
I use batterystatus, and it is set to tap and hold X to close, but I never use the X, I simply go to the start menu and open another program, then when I try to switch back to the other program, it is closed already.
How do I check if it is a memory problem?
For instance, if I run HTC audio manager, then get a message, I click reply, then after about 3 seconds into my reply HTC audio manager closes.
is there any way I can "force" the programs to stay open? Even if I were to launch a new program and it does not have enough memory, it woudl just not open rather than closing an existing open program...
To me, it sounds like you are running out of RAM, and programs that were running in the background are automatically closed. I'm not affiliated with Windows Mobile and hence not an expert, but I believe this (closing previously open programs rather than the new one) is the expected behavior in WM. Imagine getting a phone call and the phone app not opening since there's not enough memory because the OS didn't automatically close background programs...
I don't know of a way of changing the memory management behavior, but maybe someone else here does? I'd argue that you wouldn't want to anyway.
I'd suggest that you DO use the X button to close programs, otherwise I guarantee you will run out of memory and things will close automatically anyway. The difference is you won't have any say in what gets closed at that point. I added programs that I don't want to close with the X button (like Live Messenger) to the exclusive programs list in the Task Manager.
Second, I'd suggest you take any steps you can to increase your original pool of memory.
Darren, I understand your point, but it seems as if I have plenty of memory, and I can only run 1 program at a time. I don't mind so much the behaviour, it is just at the point of being ridiculous when I can only run 1 program at a time.
So you think that starting with 13-14 megs of free memory is not enough? How would I go about increasing this original pool of memory?
Also, even it I use the X button to close programs, that does not solve my problem anyways, whichever program is not in the foreground seems to close by itself anyway...
phony, I understand your frustration. I have had low memory problems myself, and I know that programs running in the background will close when that happens. That's why when I read your post it sounded like a memory issue to me.
I ended up tweaking a few things to try to get more free memory, like not running certain processes or services automatically at startup. I'm not sure if it is relevant to the ROM you are running, but see
This is definitely a memory problem. When the free program memory is lower than about 1MB (don't remember the exact number), the WIndows Mobile will send a WM_HIBERNATE to all the running program to release all the possible resources. If the memory goes lower, it will broadcast another message called WM_CLOSE to close all the background apps to release more memory. The only reason for apps that close on themselve is either low on mem or there are some apps in the background (maybe a virus) sending WM_CLOSE every now and then. To be honest, to have less than 15 megs of ram to start with is NEVER enough. Try to change the pool size if you don't like any of the great roms here. Hope this help.

RAM/Memory Low Problems

For some reason, I don't see too many complaints about low memory issues - yet I have always had problems with my RAM.
I have almost all of my programs installed on my SD card to try reduce any of my memory usage - but if I run PIE, MSN Messenger, or try to play music, I almost always have low memory messages come up.
I usually have one program running in the background - Slide to Unlock - but as far as I know its not that memory intensive?
Any insight on how I can fix this?
Are you running an elf or an elfin? If your not sure.....go to start-->settings-->system-->device information-->hardware. What does your RAM size read? If its 64MB its an elf.....if it says 128MB its an elfin. Your saying you've installed all your applications on the storage card. How much free space do you have for program memory on your phone? Your phones needs free memory in order to run applications too. Perhaps its running low on that end? Two things you should do:
1. Move any extra files, photos, videos or anything else that you might have saved on the phone memory to the storage card. Use activesync. Its faster that way.
2. Clear out your browser history and temp files. This could most probably be your culprit as they take up space too...and you don't necessarily see this upfront. Goto Start-->Internet Explorer-->Menu-->Tools-->Options-->Memory Tab.
[email protected] said:
2. Clear out your browser history and temp files. This could most probably be your culprit as they take up space too...and you don't necessarily see this upfront. Goto Start-->Internet Explorer-->Menu-->Tools-->Options-->Memory Tab.
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I've been having "Insufficient memory" errors while trying to run SpB Backup, and have deleted all sorts of applications, but nothing seemed to free up enough memory. Then I tried your advice, and everything is working as it should!
I have an elf - usually when I close all of my processes, except my stumble to unlock, I'll have approx. 15mb/47 free in my program memory. 10/28 of my storage space is free.
I've tried to clear all of my temp files... even made it so that all my temp files/PIE files are put on my storage card through SK tools, but still have the same issues.
As soon as I run my HTC music player with the one or two background apps, it almost always pops up with memory issues. Browsing with PIE is almost impossible for any period longer than 5 minutes.
I've tried it with several configurations and I always have the same results, even if I have no background processes - I still have the same issues.
Are you using a cooked ROM? Come to think of it, I never had many problems with the original shipped ROM. I was normally running S2U2, PocketMusic, Opera Mini and SpbMobileShell back then.
You mean to say you can't even run one application at a time without running out of RAM? Soft reset. And if you use SKTools like you say you do, try running Free Up RAM, select all options.
In your shoes I'd probably move everything I want to storage card, (you should want more than 10mb storage) try a hard reset and install my most used apps again. Oh, and what is your PagePool size? Try here to find out about that. It should be 4mb.
Your primary problem is indeed the fact that you are running out of space on your phone. 15mb for program memory especially on heavy usage is quite insufficient. Especially if your going to be multi tasking and running several applications at once. I would move ALL my installed programs and anything else I may be able to get my hands on, to the storage card. Try to squeeze out atleast 25-30mb out of your program memory. This should give your phone some more breathing space.
This might be to use of you to try it out.
I had the same problem before but now my touch runs fine now & haven't got any issues till now. Use advanced task manager and pocket mechanic. These application will keep ur pocketpc in good shape.
Very good, Thanks.

Enhancing Program Memory

Hi All,
i am a new user to PDA phones. I was using the PointUI home freeware(similar to SPB Home). On turning on the Audio manager, i found the phone becoming slow. The free memory shown was 9.15 MB.I hence uninstalled the PointUI freeware and checked the program memory usage. Even while not any applications,call or msg these are the stats:
Prog Mem: 43.24 MB
In Use: 22.16 MB
Free: 21.08 MB
I would like to know why the In Use memory is taking 50% of the space while NOT running any applications!
and is there any way to enhance the program performance?!!
Apolagize if the question is wierd..just a lay mans' question...
The memory usage is because the OS needs itself to be loaded into memory before you can use the phone. Like in a computer, if you have 1 GB RAM installed, you will not get one GB free when the system boots up. This is applicable to phones as well, it doesn't matter whether its a smartphone/pda or not.
faster GENE!!!
NO guys...u cant make your gene faster by any method even after installing only 1 app!
the fact is when u reboot yr pda the free memory is around 21mb
but as you open applications some of them continue to run in d background.
so use a 3rd party app like 'advanced task manager 0.8' to kill unwanted processes.,.then u will get atleast 12mb free!!
Advanced Task Manager
hey is the advenced task manager better than the one provided with the Phone???
If so .. how???? i mean you can see the running processes in the normal task manager too and delete them.....
If its better...then it would be great if you can paste the Download link for it
gshah said:
Hi All,
i am a new user to PDA phones. I was using the PointUI home freeware(similar to SPB Home). On turning on the Audio manager, i found the phone becoming slow. The free memory shown was 9.15 MB.I hence uninstalled the PointUI freeware and checked the program memory usage. Even while not any applications,call or msg these are the stats:
Prog Mem: 43.24 MB
In Use: 22.16 MB
Free: 21.08 MB
I would like to know why the In Use memory is taking 50% of the space while NOT running any applications!
and is there any way to enhance the program performance?!!
Apolagize if the question is wierd..just a lay mans' question...
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Point UI is a memory hog. it uses up huge memory. Try removing it, it should improve your system's memory usage dramatically. BTW usage of 22 mb is pretty ok.

