What happened to the Memory Management Slider??? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

In WM2003SE there was a slider in the memory management that allowed us to allocated the ammount of memory we wanted for programs or storage.
Wheres it gone and is it possible to have it back??

No. Because WM5 doesn't use RAM as a storage area.

Thanks for the reply.
If I cant have the slider back is there any way of forcing WM5 to reduce the ammount of Storage it reserves, as I always have around 23Mb free which I just dont need.
if I could reduce this to 15MB this would free up 8Mb for my programs which then would make them fly instead I have to run SK-Tool Free up Ram application about 3 times aday to try and recover 2 or 3 Mb from the storage to give back to programs to help them run........especially the phone which is VERY tempermental when the program memory drops to around 15Mb, at this level I get alot of missed calls as the phone takes too long to respond.

There are two different types of memory in the Universal, one is flash (storage) and one is RAM (for executing applications), you can't change one into the other.

It's still there..just that MS overlayed a new panel onto the existing window and froze the controls. Just wait till the universal starts to hang, go into the Memory panel in Settings.. :evil:


Memory management...

At soft reset, I'm getting like 25mb program and 20mb storage memory, but the program memory start dropping drasitcly soon after. Is there anyway to manage the storage/program memory ratio like in WM2003SE?
After some normal use, my program memory drops to around 14mb and some apps (Skype) wouldn't start, meantime, I have 19mb of untouched storage sitting there doing nothing... I can't believe M$ removed the ability for the user to manage the memory usage, is there any registry trick that you can divide up the % of memory for program and storage?? Please help!!
p.s. I already have all my programs installed on the SD, and by normal use, I meant phone calls, SMS, calendar etc.. nothing major...

How to disable WM automatic RAM handling?

in my struggle to free as much ram as possible (by moving to storage/SD every single bit i could) i was able to reduce the (static) RAM i'm using to 1.68MB, even retaining all my needed application (in SD) and two Today plugin in RAM.
With an available total RAM size of 57.41MB, i should be able to use 57.41-1.68 MB of dynamic RAM.
The problem is WM won't let me to do it.
To free more dynamic RAM, i should move to the left the static-dynamic memory slider in Start->Setting->System->Memory BUT whenever i try to lower it under about 9mb, WM reset the slider to it's original position (about in the middle of the bar).
This way i'm forced to allocate more than 10MB (9 + 1.68) to static RAM even if i'm using ONLY 1.68MB and i'm not going to use anymore.
Is there a way to AVOID the S.O. resetting the slider or, at least, to let me assign the static RAM no more than 3 or 4MB???
What's the point in relocating every program, dll, htm and so on to SD card if i'm still obliged to waste 10MB of precious RAM???
PLS help me!!!
Bye bye,
I think you will be able to further lower the Storage memory when your Program memory reached about 0.75 of its allocated slot.
Have you ever try using almost all your allocated Program memory, and see if you can reduce the Storage memory even further? I'd like to see if it can be done.
billabong said:
I think you will be able to further lower the Storage memory when your Program memory reached about 0.75 of its allocated slot.
Have you ever try using almost all your allocated Program memory, and see if you can reduce the Storage memory even further? I'd like to see if it can be done.
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Uhm... i should try. Maybe when using pocketgba. I'll let you know.
billabong said:
I think you will be able to further lower the Storage memory when your Program memory reached about 0.75 of its allocated slot.
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There isn't a way to reduce this value? (0.75?)

Adjusting storage memory and program memory

Hi, is there a way to adjust the memory usage for the program, like adjust the storage and give it to program. Not like xda, the prophet does have a slider for the memory but could not be adjusted. Is there anyway how to go over this ?
Prophet, as well as many new WM5 devices have (physically) separate program and storage memories. And thus there is no built in way to adjust the amounts of the two.
The Prophet has a 64MB Ram and a 128MB Flash Size with a storage size of 42.55. Where did the 44.01 MB program came from? Is there a way to increase the MB size for the program? Because I believe that even though you can install several program using the storage, a portion of the program memory gets filled up until at the critical level, which will later play an important part once you start running a program which needs a higher memory. Any remedy to this?
The 64MB RAM is what I think should be called 'box figure'. It's what's printed on the box.
In reality you get 50+ actual RAM at leas 10 of which go to various OS functions and the rest is left for running programs to use.
Under WM5 non of it is used for files, but when you run programs, even built-in ones there are sometimes memory leaks which means that even though you closed the program some of the memory (sometimes more them 1MB) remains occupied.
The only known way to fully reclaim memory is to soft reset the device. I do it on my Jamin once a week when I am left with 12-10MB free.
Unfortunately, there is no way to add RAM to device.

Reallocation of memory

I remember with my old Ipaq 4150 i could reassign memory from storage to programs. my current p3600i has a miserable 21mb of program space only, when everything else is all shut down. is there a way to reassign the many storage space i have to program use, with a 3rd party software or not?
since wm5 all storage is located in flash
and all normal memory is application memory
flash only got a limited number of writes before it dies
and writes ALOT! slower then application memory
but flash keep it's data even if all power is lost
there are programs to use application memory as a flashdisk for storage
but not the other way around
i would look into using less today items and today items which use less application memory
and possibly look in windows\startup for auto started programs which you dont need

RAM/Memory Low Problems

For some reason, I don't see too many complaints about low memory issues - yet I have always had problems with my RAM.
I have almost all of my programs installed on my SD card to try reduce any of my memory usage - but if I run PIE, MSN Messenger, or try to play music, I almost always have low memory messages come up.
I usually have one program running in the background - Slide to Unlock - but as far as I know its not that memory intensive?
Any insight on how I can fix this?
Are you running an elf or an elfin? If your not sure.....go to start-->settings-->system-->device information-->hardware. What does your RAM size read? If its 64MB its an elf.....if it says 128MB its an elfin. Your saying you've installed all your applications on the storage card. How much free space do you have for program memory on your phone? Your phones needs free memory in order to run applications too. Perhaps its running low on that end? Two things you should do:
1. Move any extra files, photos, videos or anything else that you might have saved on the phone memory to the storage card. Use activesync. Its faster that way.
2. Clear out your browser history and temp files. This could most probably be your culprit as they take up space too...and you don't necessarily see this upfront. Goto Start-->Internet Explorer-->Menu-->Tools-->Options-->Memory Tab.
[email protected] said:
2. Clear out your browser history and temp files. This could most probably be your culprit as they take up space too...and you don't necessarily see this upfront. Goto Start-->Internet Explorer-->Menu-->Tools-->Options-->Memory Tab.
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I've been having "Insufficient memory" errors while trying to run SpB Backup, and have deleted all sorts of applications, but nothing seemed to free up enough memory. Then I tried your advice, and everything is working as it should!
I have an elf - usually when I close all of my processes, except my stumble to unlock, I'll have approx. 15mb/47 free in my program memory. 10/28 of my storage space is free.
I've tried to clear all of my temp files... even made it so that all my temp files/PIE files are put on my storage card through SK tools, but still have the same issues.
As soon as I run my HTC music player with the one or two background apps, it almost always pops up with memory issues. Browsing with PIE is almost impossible for any period longer than 5 minutes.
I've tried it with several configurations and I always have the same results, even if I have no background processes - I still have the same issues.
Are you using a cooked ROM? Come to think of it, I never had many problems with the original shipped ROM. I was normally running S2U2, PocketMusic, Opera Mini and SpbMobileShell back then.
You mean to say you can't even run one application at a time without running out of RAM? Soft reset. And if you use SKTools like you say you do, try running Free Up RAM, select all options.
In your shoes I'd probably move everything I want to storage card, (you should want more than 10mb storage) try a hard reset and install my most used apps again. Oh, and what is your PagePool size? Try here to find out about that. It should be 4mb.
Your primary problem is indeed the fact that you are running out of space on your phone. 15mb for program memory especially on heavy usage is quite insufficient. Especially if your going to be multi tasking and running several applications at once. I would move ALL my installed programs and anything else I may be able to get my hands on, to the storage card. Try to squeeze out atleast 25-30mb out of your program memory. This should give your phone some more breathing space.
This might be to use of you to try it out.
I had the same problem before but now my touch runs fine now & haven't got any issues till now. Use advanced task manager and pocket mechanic. These application will keep ur pocketpc in good shape.
Very good, Thanks.

