Direct shortcut to Missed Calls History - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Can anyone suggest a way to get directly to the Missed Calls list (ie the Call History with Missed Calls filter turned on straight away) from a command line/shortcut?

Try this:

not quite what I was after - need the missed call list that is built into WM5 (the full history list). I know SPB mobile shell can do it but am having trouble finding out how to shortcut to it.


any softwares to record call duration?

I need a software to record my outgoing incoming call time,not the one in the device information
anyone has?
What about this: phone>call log>tools>options ? Or you can also try PhoneDashBoard - today plugin with nice statistics and lots of settings
Pocketinformant has a journalling option that automatically pops up after a phone call. After entering shall from that moment on in the contact session the journal icon popping up behind the contact name. So by tapping the contact you can see all to that contact related journal items.
How do you setup this in Pocket Informant??
you're using a himalaya right?
there is a built in call logger in the phone app
launch the phone app and press the nav button to the RIGHT. then tap on the call (not the icon) it should show the duration on a popup
hope this helps
There is a call loh built in, hudsonmobile phone dashboard is a nice app, with several options and setting which you may find useful.
thanks for that but I thought that someone mentioned that there was detailed journal in Pocket INformant.
Ie. Total talk time per contact etc...

checking voice mail and list of miss calls

Hi all,
2 questions re. accessing voice mail and miss calls list on the hermes:
1) On my old phone (very old Sony Ericsson T100), there is a 'check voice mail' option in the menu that lets me quickly check my voice mails (ie. essentially a speed dial). And it looks like the phone automatically configured itself to work out the voice mail's number (from the SIM?) Can WM5 do this as well? I'd like to have the voice-mail option somewhere that's easily accessible, so I don't have to hunt through my contacts list for the number.
2) How do we find the list of miss calls? Again, on my old phone, I could simply go to the 'miss call' menu option to see the list of miss calls, and all the numbers on the list stay there until I expicitly clear the list. Does WM5 have this facility as well?
fastscud said:
Hi all,
2 questions re. accessing voice mail and miss calls list on the hermes:
1) On my old phone (very old Sony Ericsson T100), there is a 'check voice mail' option in the menu that lets me quickly check my voice mails (ie. essentially a speed dial). And it looks like the phone automatically configured itself to work out the voice mail's number (from the SIM?) Can WM5 do this as well? I'd like to have the voice-mail option somewhere that's easily accessible, so I don't have to hunt through my contacts list for the number.
2) How do we find the list of miss calls? Again, on my old phone, I could simply go to the 'miss call' menu option to see the list of miss calls, and all the numbers on the list stay there until I expicitly clear the list. Does WM5 have this facility as well?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Regarding 2) Missed calls.
If you have current missed calls an icon appears on the task bar. Tapping this brings up a list of missed calls (if you choose view.)
Alternatively you can open phone with the green button go to menu and in call history missed ones appear with an exclamation mark.
Regarding voicemail, this may depend what you can set up with your provider. With O2 I have it set up to notify me with a text message and a link to call sender (i.e. voicemail).

Call History

Hello to all, been looking around for some time and have joined the group.
Lots of great information here thanks to everyone sharing their information.
Does anyone know how to set the Call History to default to "all calls" instead of to "missed calls"? Have looked at into the regestry and do not fine anything to change, am I missing something?
I did it on my Sprint Touch by going into Call History, i.e.
Start > Programs > Phone
and then tapping on the call history icon, right above 3 on dialpad. Or, bring up cube side with 9 mugshots, or however you want to get to Call History. Then, once into call history, I simply tapped:
Menu > Filter > All Calls
So that a check mark appears in front of All Calls.

Missed calls list

In D2 there are 2 different forms of call history representations:
1. Simple Call History. You get there from home screen, tapping on Call History line. You get 3 buttons below, Call History (with options to show all, missed, outgoing,received using submenu), All Contacts, Favorites.
2. Advanced Call History. You get there when there is missed call, and you click on notify bar, then in notification manager - on "you have X missed calls" line.
In this list you see 4 buttons below, allowing quick filtering (missed,outgoing,received, all).
Simple or Advanced are mine inventions, I have to do something to tell them apart ...
So the question is: how can I change behavior of Call History line on home screen, so it will open Advanced Call History (which is much easier to use), instead of Simple Call History ?
arlievsky said:
In D2 there are 2 different forms of call history representations:
1. Simple Call History. You get there from home screen, tapping on Call History line. You get 3 buttons below, Call History (with options to show all, missed, outgoing,received using submenu), All Contacts, Favorites.
2. Advanced Call History. You get there when there is missed call, and you click on notify bar, then in notification manager - on "you have X missed calls" line.
In this list you see 4 buttons below, allowing quick filtering (missed,outgoing,received, all).
Simple or Advanced are mine inventions, I have to do something to tell them apart ...
So the question is: how can I change behavior of Call History line on home screen, so it will open Advanced Call History (which is much easier to use), instead of Simple Call History ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thats really something I would like to have too!
I agree, it would be great to change this.
Your "simple" call history is the TF3D version, whereas "advanced" is the standard WM6 version. Unfortunately, I haven't found any way to turn off only selected parts of the TF3D interface. Must be in the registry somewhere. Maybe someone out there has more ideas?
arlievsky said:
In D2 there are 2 different forms of call history representations:
1. Simple Call History. You get there from home screen, tapping on Call History line. You get 3 buttons below, Call History (with options to show all, missed, outgoing,received using submenu), All Contacts, Favorites.
2. Advanced Call History. You get there when there is missed call, and you click on notify bar, then in notification manager - on "you have X missed calls" line.
In this list you see 4 buttons below, allowing quick filtering (missed,outgoing,received, all).
Simple or Advanced are mine inventions, I have to do something to tell them apart ...
So the question is: how can I change behavior of Call History line on home screen, so it will open Advanced Call History (which is much easier to use), instead of Simple Call History ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yup, I like the "advanced" one also better. Any progress in this topic?
Me too, anyone?
Looks like not too many people are interested in this!
Just discovered something interesting.
During a call, bring up the dialer keypad on the screen (by pressing the button). Now, if you swipe your finger across the blank white space to the left, you'll bring up the WM6 style quick dial list, and if you swipe to the right you'll bring up the WM6 style call history.
Not sure why this works, but it does. Doesn't help much with our initial query though!
For what it's worth, I'm using the Dusk dialer.
Um... found a way of getting the other "advanced" call history to come up... by mistake, and it is a little convoluted! I have SK tools installed and in SK tools set a shortcut up for the "Close Tasks" feature, I then set my call button to access the Close Tasks shortcut, using the "buttons" option under the standard rom settings tab. Now when i use that shortcut by pressing and holding the call button, it closes all the tasks then jumps to the elusive "advanced" missed calls screen!
Odd, not a fix for everyone as it means closing all your other software to open the screen but thought it may be of interest!

[REQ] Notifications and SMS to PC

I am putting this idea out there in case anyone would be willing to develop the app. Originally I got the idea from the XBMC Remote. It has the following features:
On incoming call, display who's calling on TV screen and pause video until call is over
On incoming message, display on TV screen
This shows that it is perfectly possible to output the information. Now if we could only get similar functionality to the pc. Having your call information or texts displayed as either notification popups and/or within an app that lists all calls and txts.
We could even take it a step further by including the functionality found in google voice and other pc sms apps to give the ability to respond to txts, or answer and initiate calls to the phone.
All in all, on the user end they could be able to control all this by the use of:
Popup notifications
Small task bar with shortcuts to each option, a count of unread messages, and current phone status (ie in call etc).
A full fledged application to control all of the above, as well as view a full contact list, message history, call history, and anything else we can get the phone to output.
