Cingular 8525? Worth it? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Well im back here again after a month or two and soon i will be eligible to upgrade my phone with cingular..
i noticed the 8525 is available now and looks nice... Is the 8525 still considered a wizard? Will all the same apps work? I didnt notice a section specifically for the 8525 so i was just wondering?

The 8525 is the Hermes aka HTC TyTN.
Both the 8125 and the 8525 are WM5 devices and will run the same software.
For further information, check the Hermes forums

IMO, the 8525 is only worth it if you live in a 3G area.
As soon as 3G comes to where I'm living, I'll be making the upgrade


T-mobile MDA vs. Cingular 8125

I'm looking to purchase one of these devices but not sure which one. I belong to Cingular but I like the look of the T-mobile MDA. Is there anything majorly different from a hardware/software point between these two?
If I get the t-mobile mda will I have any issues using it with Cingular? I know I need to sim unlock it first. My main use of this phone is for calls and text messgs. I rarely use the internet but may do so more later on. Just want to make sure the T-mobile softeware will not interfere with cingular settings. Can someone enlighten me? How about flashing it to a non branded rom? Or a cingular rom if thats possible. lol
Great forum my da way!!!
i bought a tmobile mda for use on cingular because of the keyboard design and general asthetics od the thing. i did unlock it then flashed it to the 217.7.2wwe cingular rom found on this sites ftp section. it works great with text, internet, has great rf reception. only thing i havent tried with it is mms.
rest easy; it works. if you have more questions there are people here much more experienced than i.
hardwares deep inside, they are the same machine. Once you have it (either 8125 or MDA) you can do SIM & CID unlock and put in any ROM for wizard you'd like; if you get MDA you can put 8125 rom on it and has all the cingular settings (which you can set it up manually also with other ROMs)
The main concern is the warranty. You are with Cingular and if you get 8125, whenever you have problem with it within 1 year of purchase, you can get warranty exchange (cingular will send you a new one, and you send the bad one back to them after you recieve the new one, all free)
But if you have MDA, you will have to send it to HTC for repair which might take a long time to come back.
jdub71 said:
i bought a tmobile mda for use on cingular because of the keyboard design and general asthetics od the thing. i did unlock it then flashed it to the 217.7.2wwe cingular rom found on this sites ftp section. it works great with text, internet, has great rf reception. only thing i havent tried with it is mms.
rest easy; it works. if you have more questions there are people here much more experienced than i.
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Great! just what I was looking for. I did not know you could install a cingular rom over another brand. soo cool. Did you use the lokiwiz program (which version??) to unlock both the sim and cid? Or another program? Same here I like the rounded corners and two tone keyboard. I wish t-mobile online would sell w/o contract since its a decent price. At the store its almost 100 more.
New to PPC coming from the Motorola camp....
Know to search for a MDA....
Be Careful
Be careful, some of the newer Wizards (MDAs & 8125s) have a newer chip inside referred to as the G4 chip. It is my understanding that lokiwiz will SIM unlock the device which will allow you to use your Cingular SIM card. However, lokiwiz won't CID unlock the MDA with the new chip. So you won't be able to use all the new custom ROMs on ths site.
It is pretty easy to manually configure the setting so the MDA will work fully on Cingular. I have the 8125 and am using T-mobile. The internet, text messanging, and MMS work great.
Check out the threads on the Wizard Upgrading forum for more info. on how to tell which chip your phone has.
Thanks for the tip. I've read some threads about the dreaded G4 chip. Hopefully someone will crack it soon. There is a website that can unlock the G4 chip both sim and cid but it costs like 40 bucks. Worst case I can send it to them.
jdub71: How is the ear piece sound level on the MDA when on a call? how do you rate it? loud, med. or could be louder despite on full volume.
rambo6: Same question. How is you're ear piece volume level on the 8125?
PC mag suggested that the MDA had a lower ear piece volume than the 8125. I wanted to hear from actual users. Louder the better for me. Is there a reg. hack to make the ear piece volume louder? Thanks
I'm running an MDA on Cingular with no problems. Got it a week ago with every intention of flashing to 8125 cingular, but it seems to have figured out most Cingular settings automatically.No problems.... yet.
I don't see how one Wizard could be louder than another.
Have turn it down on both my plantronics bluetooth and wired earphones.
Couple of other quality control concerns with the MDA versus the 8125, I've heard that the MDA is more prone to having the paint come off the keys and that they are also more prone to having the stylus come loose after prolonged usage.
Don't have a MDA, only a 8125, but that's what I have gathered from reading the forums.
[double post]
How do you go about finding out what ROM version you have and also how do you tell if you have successfully unlocked your MDA?
Also how do you tell if you have the "G4" chip?
Good question. I want a custom rom too.
8125ppc (and htc just updated)
You can go to the thread below to learn how to tell which chip is in your Wizard.
Also, I have great sound through the 8125's earpiece. Sometimes I have to turn it down.
My suggestion is buy whichever phone you want. The MDA has keys that are a little closer together. I'd suggest you look at both in person. You can buy either in the US through without a contract but the phone will be set up for either Cingular or T-mobile and you'll need to unlock it to use another carrier.
If you can hold off a few months, the TyTN or some UMTS form thereof should be offered in the U.S.
T-mobile is great but it will be at least a year before they get a 3G network going. Cingular is the only carrier in the U.S. with a 3G UMTS network in major cities. It's significantly faster than Edge but not as fast as Verizon's evdo.
I hope that HTC offers some phone to work on both the US and European UMTS/HSDPA networks soon. Some form of TyTN or the Trion would do it.
Once you start surfing the web and texting with a Wizard, you'll get addicted and want more speed. Verizion's evdo is so damn fast. I miss verizon's speed but love my Wizard and hope to have the newest HTC phone soon
After read many many threads on these it does seem like the 8125 has a better build quality than the MDA. Sound quality may also be superior since alot of MDA owners are complaing about sound issues. I was going to get the MDA but now I'm leaning on the 8125. Main reason is availability. Its easier for me to get the 8125 since I'm on cingular. I'm just worried about the sound volume being too low. I've read about the slider not working and such.....many requests to boost the sound but no real answer.
Hmm. New phone called the TyTN? Made also by HTC? May look into that also.
My friend has a T-Mobile MDA and I have the Cingular 8125. He has the original rom that came with the phone and I have the latest one 2.25. We were at my friends basement he had 3-4 bars of connection while I had non or 1 bar. He always has better connection then me.
ZzFDKzZ said:
My friend has a T-Mobile MDA and I have the Cingular 8125. He has the original rom that came with the phone and I have the latest one 2.25. We were at my friends basement he had 3-4 bars of connection while I had non or 1 bar. He always has better connection then me.
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Okay,let's see here.....
1) Are you both using the same carriers ?
If yes to above, it is a Rom issue.
If no to above, then it is pretty obvious as to the reason for the different signal levels!
I have a Qtek 9100 Wizard with the summiter custom Cingular 2.24 rom and can tell you for a fact that different roms DO act differently.Even roms from the same carriers, I might add! LOL
Yeah like I said he has T-Mobile and I have Cingular. He has the original rom and I have that new one Even with summiter 2.24 rom that I had last month he still had way better connection in my friends basement.
ZzFDKzZ said:
Yeah like I said he has T-Mobile and I have Cingular. He has the original rom and I have that new one Even with summiter 2.24 rom that I had last month he still had way better connection in my friends basement.
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That's just to compare Cingular v.s. Tmobile signal, NOT 8125 v.s. MDA.
If your 8125 is SIM unlocked, try put in your friend's SIM card and see how is the signal on your phone; should be much better than your SIM.
.....Like I said, different carriers= different towers =different signal strength. As was said above, if sim unlocked, swap sims and see what happens.
I never tought about that, I'll try the sim change next time.

TyTN vs Cingular 8525

Hi I'm new in this field so sorry if I will ask stupid questions
I want to bay Cingular 8525 and use it in Orange (Israel). I want to Know what I have to do to make it happened????
Also what is different between TyTN and 8525? (hardware, software...)
What is better?
I saw in ebay sellers write about 8525 that it has GPS is that right?
A quote from:
"What's different between the Cingular 8525 and the HTC TyTN? The Cingular 8525 is a HERM100 and the TyTN is a HERM200 (there is also a HERM300 variant). The 8525 has a darker finish, slightly different button arrangement around the d-pad and lacks the TyTN's front-facing VGA camera for video calls since Cingular doesn't currently promote that feature. The excellent keyboards on each are identical. Of course, the TyTN lacks any carrier customizations and is unlocked. Cingular hasn't gone overboard customizing the phone's software however, and you'll note their splash screen on boot, the usual bright blue Cingular Today Screen theme, XPress Mail software, MobiTV (added since the 8525 doesn't support Cingular Video) and a shortcut to get TeleNav (a subscription mapping service that requires a separately purchased GPS)."
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You should read the whole article.
Also 8525 has one of the buttons reserved for PTT and is not available for remapping .. you need to get Sleuth255's hack for unlocking that ..
Also, whatever Cingular puts in can probably be installed from the 1.35 ExtROM ..
The key differences I wud say are listed well above .. and then how much would it cost .. locked 8525 is around 400$ with 2 yr contract, unlocked TyTN would come around 700$ ..
Glad I found this post!
So, the 8525 is 549.99 [without contract] and the TyTN is ~ 700.00 [unlocked]. I see that the TyTN has a Web camera and the 8525 does not [I also think the TyTN looks nicer]. I have also seen posts about Cingular Video not working [not sure what that is about].
Some questions:
Is it better to play the extra $150.00 for the TyTN? Since the TyTN is unlocked - is it also SuperCID too? While with a little work I believe the 8525 can be unlocked/SuperCID but there also may be issues [I guess pending on the ROM/Radio installed]. I guess also working for buying a TyTN is I rather not give Cingular any $$$, since they never been helpful with my Siemens SX 56/66.
I am guessing this will be a hard question to answer, unless someone has had both.
TyTN is not SuperCID, but it is unlocked allright..
So, last week I dropped my SX66 and broke the screen [damn it to hell] so this week I'll need to buy the Hermes.
Any additional input on why I should get the Cingular [~648 with tax] instead of a HTC TyTN[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT] [~694 with shipping]?
I'll end of flashing either one once I get the unit....
Why wouldn't you just get one off ebay for 350-400? (for the 8525)
I mean, just asking... I knew in my case that I was going to mod the heck out of it and likely void the warranty... besides I've dealt with Cingular in the past on warranty issues, and the service is slow if they fix the phone at all. Next day there and next day back (on my dime of course) and I never got a phone back in under 2 weeks.
Heh, i got the 8525 off ebay for $350 US (shipping included), arriving tomorrow.
Also, you can do all the unlocking and SuperCID work using free software available in these forums. I would not pay extra for unlock/SuperCID. Check out the Hermes Upgrading forum, the Hermes WM6 Forum and the Hermes Wiki and you will get everything you need to do this all yourself.
Ya, I know all about MOD'ing your phone, it just you are never to sure what you may get on Ebay.
But I'll take a look to see whats currently on the site. Thank you guys for your replies.

New Forum user -- Question on Hermes

I've been reading through this discussion board for the last few days. I currently have a Cingular 8125 device, and I'm thinking about upgrading to the 8525. I am interested in developing for the Pocket PC platform, but probably do not want to install "unofficial" ROMS.
The question I would have for you guys is: Is there any reason to wait for something better to come out from Cingular, or is the 8525 going to keep me happy for awhile? Will Cingular release WM6 for the 8525, or will I be stuck with WM5 if I only use the "official" software updates from Cingular. Is WM6 even worth upgrading to?
The main reason I ask these questions is that I'm trying to figure out if it is better to wait for the next device, or just go ahead and keep the 8525 for a long time.
wm6 is faster and allows for html email. There aren't any wm6 ppc phones that i know of that have been announced or even likely to come to cingular. So if you want to wait, it might not be a bad idea, but it will most likely be a very long time.

Upgrade to WM6???

I have a Cingular 8525 and it is unlocked and I use T-Mobile service with it. I see that T-mobile has released the WM6 upgrade...
My question is should I upgrade using the T-mobile version or should i wait and get the cingular version of WM6? Also, is it worth the trouble to upgrade? Im a pretty heavy user of all the features of the phone.
Also, what software would you recommend me using to backup my programs on my phone if i do upgrade?
Thanks in advance,
Anyone??? Can anyone help???
T-Mobile have released a WM6 update, but it's for the Dash - a completely different device to the 8525 you have.
There is a forum devoted to WM6 and Hermes here
I'd try searching that forum, the wiki, etc.
Read through the posts on all the different ROM's, This will lead you to make the decision your looking for in regards to WM6.
R3dF1v3 said:
T-Mobile have released a WM6 update, but it's for the Dash - a completely different device to the 8525 you have.
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There is also an update for the MDA


I'm upgrading my 8125 to a 8525, and would like to hear comments (pros/cons) About the 8525. I am constantly having internet connection issues (PDA Unlimited plan), and I can't use Opera beta for mobile longer than 5 mins. Without my 8125 locking up..No buttons work, have to soft re-set everytime. My overall opinion of my 8125 since owned...PIECE OF S_ _T!
just a few more months to September, how about waiting for the Kaiser...
As for the 8525, I think it is ok but has its own set of issues as my friend keeps badgering about upgrades as he doesn't browse on this site as much as I do. In other words, it is just like your old PIECE OF S_ _ T!
Hardware wise it is a better machine.
BTW, I love my PIECE OF S_ _ T! good luck with the upgrade
Actually I loved my 8125, and was very happy with it when I bought it new a year 1/2 ago, until I had it replaced because the charging port broke off inside. The replacements I get from Cingular are refurbished instead of new, and the two refurbished replacements had done nothing but cause a lot of frustration and anger..I was to the point of throwing my 8125 against the wall, but held back. I think the 8125 is becoming obsolete because the customer service rep I spoke with today told me the 8125 was not on the available equipment list. weird!
If you take a look at the Tytn topics you'll see that about 56% of owners are experiencing the same screen alignment problems that Wizard owners are. That kept me from going down that particular upgrade path. Not sure if the Kaiser will be better, so I'm taking a chance on the Panda.
Tref said:
If you take a look at the Tytn topics you'll see that about 56% of owners are experiencing the same screen alignment problems that Wizard owners are. That kept me from going down that particular upgrade path. Not sure if the Kaiser will be better, so I'm taking a chance on the Panda.
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I was having so many issues with the replacement 8125s, that the 8525 I received from Cingular new in the box with battery, accs., was given to me at no cost. I still have & use the 8125, as it is mine, too. Now I have a 8125 & a 8525. The 8125 is not being made anymore, that's why Cingular doesn't want my 8125 for the 8525. One thing I've already seen with the 8525 is the mini SD card slot, very small, 85% smaller than the 8125 card slot. Have to buy another SD card now.
hotdog53 said:
I was having so many issues with the replacement 8125s, that the 8525 I received from Cingular new in the box with battery, accs., was given to me at no cost. I still have & use the 8125, as it is mine, too. Now I have a 8125 & a 8525. The 8125 is not being made anymore, that's why Cingular doesn't want my 8125 for the 8525. One thing I've already seen with the 8525 is the mini SD card slot, very small, 85% smaller than the 8125 card slot. Have to buy another SD card now.
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That's because the 8525 uses a micro SD card . . . the 8125 uses the mini SD card.
Thanks for the info. I did'nt know that. Now I know what to look for!

