M600 soft resets itself mid conversation...? - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Greetings Gurus,
My phone has developed an annoying glitch these days. (The M600 - now unlocked and using the O2 Online Sim only) Mid conversation (but not every conversation), the phone will just soft reset itself. I have no idea why.
Can anyone shed any light on this please. I haven't installed any new software on it, and it hasn't done this before. I'm thinking it may be something to do with polling for my yahoo email - I have it set to 15 mins - that's the only change I've made recently.
Any ideas appreciated
Thanks in advance for your help


[Qtek 9100] alarm problem: wizard does not wake up

After the duplicates in notifications another old school bug came to me.
My Wizard did not wake up this morning and it is the second time it happens.
when I turned it on the alarm started to go off.
Definitely they built WM5 on a crappy unpatched version of WM2003.
Did it happened to somebody else?
If it is only me I'll try to remove some softwares that could incriminated.
On the other case did you find workarounds.
That's pretty tough if you can not rely on your alarm clock...
this has happened to me recently.
someone suggested a setting under tools, advanced in pocket plus if you have that installed.
waiting to see if that fixes the issue for me ...
Well this has happened to me. I've had my 02 mini for 1 day and on the whole I'm pleased but this AM the alarm did not go off which is a real problem for me. Luckily I had my trusty old xda2s which woke me up. I switched the mini on and the alarm sounded.
No software installed, in fact I skip all the o2 install and just have default windows 5.0. Maybe this is the problem !
This is similar to a problem I used to get on my xda1 when the alarm would not go off ( infact the whole phone locked up and I needed to soft reset in the AM )
Any ideas ?
I had the same problem on Wednesday morning - I set an alarm on Tuesday night, and it didn't wake me up!
I then tried to set an alarm for 15 minutes later than the current time and that work.
i did originally set the alarm to repeat, no light, no vibration and didn't bother making that change for the one that worked. I'll have a play to see if there's any common "feature" of alarms that don't ring.
And yes, I did check that the alarm was enabled , and enabled for the right day!
I'm no further with this - anyone else observed weird behaviour?
Same for me, the alarm goes off when I turn my Qtek 9100 on...
Same thing with my 9100, russian localized. Was late at the office today thanks to this "assistant"!
Hm... My russian localized 9100 works fine.
Message and Alarm issues
Hi all,
As I have found these problem very annoying, I decided to mail dopod, and this is what they said (and some more):
Dear Sir:
The mobile 5.0 system use new operation behavior for ROM control. It will save the changes for setting, file when power off (stand by). So if you soft reset it before power off (stand by), it will cause some data changes lost. Please power off (stand by) first, then reset. It should keep the data changed well.
And the download agent is use for download file in internet explore. It will download the file automatically you select a file it support in internet explore.
Thanks for using Dopod products.
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 1:58 AM
To: SEAService
Subject: Product Support and Web Contents
購買種類:PDA Phone
購買機型:Choose a Model...
Hi, I recently purchased dopod 838 in thailand. overall I am pleased with its feature and capabilities. But I encountered several problems: soft-reset issues, each time I soft-reset the phone,the alarm which I dismissed couples of hour before rang again! also some of my messages are deleted (sms and e-mail); alarm itself has issues, sometimes it won't ring. btw, what does download agent do? I have visited your website several times now and I haven't seen any improvements ever sice. application section only provide manual and still no games. I would hope to see some application which might help me with my problems, also it would be convenient if you can make it mobile-friendly. thank you for your kind attention, I would appreciate it if I can hear from you soon. Regards, Aditya Pamungkas
Can anyone confirm and comment this? as I have found no problem ever since. thanks
hmm, that doesn't explain why mine didn't set the alarm... I didn't soft reset it.
However, it could explain the root cause: alarms are being set, then the device is turned off before the RAM has a chance to update the registry/flash/whatever...
A bit of debugging should prove/disprove this. I'll have another play
More playing... This seems to be something to do with turning off before the ram state gets a chance to update the flash, and set the appropriate flags, etc.
I wish that microsoft had a trouble ticketing mechanism!
I'm a long time lurker but cannot withhold myself from posting after reading this
This happened to me also a cple of times.
Alarm (the one in te clock settings) and notifications from the calender both failed on me 1 or 2 times allready. It's un-F*&^**-ing believable :x
A $700 PDA cannot do what a $1 dollar wristwatch does flawlessly.
And this has been an issue since WM2002 as i can remember, thats the saddest part.....
It's one of the most important functions of my pda!!
If I had an (real life) assistant i'd sure fire him if he made me miss my appointments.
any updates on this ?
a pda that does not have a reliable alarm is pretty much useless. :-(
vishny said:
Hm... My russian localized 9100 works fine.
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Strange. I have same device and same bug.
Alarm not going off
Same happens with the HTC Universal (JJ).
Must definitely be a WM5 problem
1st: I could not stop an alarm and had to make a hard reset, from that time I do not use the repeat functionality.
2nd: My morning alarm was "lost in space", from that time I check the notifications, and clear duplicates.
3rd: I had set the alarm from Mon to Fri, and on Thu the alarm was lost, it disappeared from the notif queue.
WM5 is unable to give a reliable alarm? It works for a time and suddenly gone?
What app would fix it?
Well, i did the hard reset and flashed to the lates k-jam rom.
I also did not install SPB pocket plus (one of my favourite apps )
Because i was suspecting it was slowing my system down.
And voila! untill today, my pda did not miss 1 alarm.
So i'm thinking spb pocketplus might be the culprit.
Can you guys confirm that you all have spb pocketplus installed when running into this bug?
No problem on my Qtek 9100.
But I use a french software named Pocket WakeUp 1.1
See : http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=1299
For those who don't speak french I can translate the commands in english if you want...
there is also another freeware application made for this bug: search for WakeUp Tweak on http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/
But I'm not sure yet if it works completely well on WM2005
sometimes it does, sometimes i think it doesn't...
Wakeup Tweak is only for WM2003 first Edition.
I don't think it will work for the actual issue on WM 5.0

crashing upon recieving text and overnight

i know this has came up alot, i was just wondering if anyone has found a fix for the xda exec crashing when a text is recieved. This does not happen to me often but it does happen and is quite annoying as the text is lost sometimes.
Also i find that sometimes when i leave my phone closed in clam shell mode overnight i wake up and open the phone but it seemed to be crashed. There was one night when my girlfriend sent me 3 txts during that night and she got delivery reports saying they were delivered,once i turnt my phone on in the morning it was frozen and i had to soft reset but didnt get any of her txts. Im now trialling to leave the phone on in standard pda mpde (screen facing out) overnight to see if it happens this way or not.
p.s: im using the standard rom that came with the phone
rom: 1.13.48
radio: 1.04.02
protocol: 42.37.P8
Yes the problem is very much there still. I have been using the Jasjar for almost 3 months now. During these 3 months this is my 2nd Jasjar and the problem is on both my units.
The chances of SMS freezing the Jasjar is more likely when the available RAM is below 17 MB. So what I am doing to reduces chances of this happening is to soft reset when the available RAM is below 18 MB. However this is still no gaurantee though it does reduce the chances of the Jasjar freezing upon receiving a text message.
This is a very annoying problem as this makes the whole thing so unreliable. You will never know that a text message has come through and caused your Jasjar to freeze till you need to use your phone again, and if during this period someone tries to contact you his call will not get through.
May I also mention that a few days back I also upgraded my Jasjar with the O2 ROM but the problem was still there. Furthermore I am convinced that this problem is not being caused by any 3rd party software. I can say so with confidence because I have hard rest several times and found the problem to be there even when no third party software was installed.
My only hope is now a ROM upgrade which I heard is due in December. I this does not solve the problem at least for me I can say that I am quitting and the Nokia 9500 will be my next phone.
which mode are you using. I had the SMS freezing problem with my JJ but with my Exec in Corporate mode I have not suffered this. However, I have noticed that since I downloaded the latest ROM from the O2 my Exec is less stable then with the original ROM!
i am using the corporate mode, its mroe stable than the basic mode but upon recieving ssm it still crashes.
i think im going to call o2 today and ask them to change my phone. I thinking of samsung sgh-i300 now.
such a shame cos i really like the exec, if i didnt need a reliable txt function so much i wouldnt really care about it.
When I tried the O2 ROM on my i-mate Jasjar I also opted for the corporate mode and this still did not solve the text message freeing problem. I therefore shifted back to the original i-mate Jasjar ROM
Did you guys have Pocket Informant or TCMP + ffdshow/ac3 codec pack installed by any chance?
My SMS was perfectly fine until yesterday I installed the above, and upon receiving an SMS my exec (corp) hung...
Hard resetting now...
doody said:
Did you guys have Pocket Informant or TCMP + ffdshow/ac3 codec pack installed by any chance?
My SMS was perfectly fine until yesterday I installed the above, and upon receiving an SMS my exec (corp) hung...
Hard resetting now...
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I have TCMP installed and running on the original corporate ROM and NEVER had the crash upon receiving SMS.
When I had my JJ I did get the freezing problem with receipt of a SMS - but I was also using Pocket Informant. On my Exec on Corp mode I don't use Pocket Informant but use Agenda Fusion and have never suffered the SMS issue. Looks like it could be a third-party app (I also may have used a Today screen plug-in on my JJ, which I don't use anymore) causing the SMS problem.
OK this is starting to peeve me..... hard reset, didn't install TCMP, only installed PI trial and SMS hang issue is back...argh!
no, i had no 3rd party apps and it still hung. I think someelse also didnt have any 3rd party apps and had this problem too.
thx mho... I'll test it out for a day or two more and if it still hangs I'm calling O2. I have a suspicion that it's an issue to do with the memory leaks, probably due to filehandles not being closed when accessing an SD card with LOTS of files in it.
Happening again after being ok for 2 days... calling O2 today...
Yes it is true... I am having same prob too... Even after hardreset without any 3rd party applications, after a while after softreset, my phone does freeze... Some time I am not even able to read the message.
Not sure how scientific this is - but I had the 'crash on SMS' quite a bit in the first week or so of using my Exec.
The first time it happened, I thought it might be to do with insufficient resources, so I regularly closed down background tasks and did occasional soft-resets to 'clean it up'. This didn't seem to make much difference.
HOWEVER, this week I've basically just made sure POutlook is actually running at all times, and I've not had a single problem.
When I fancy the old 'close all tasks' if I've got a load of apps running in the background - I just follow it with a swift press of the "envelope" button.
It SEEMS to be working!
FunkyMagic said:
It SEEMS to be working!
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Except I spoke too soon. Graaagh. :evil:
Came back to a flashing orange LED, opened up to see, and the thing had frozen.
doh! :evil:
I had the SMS freeze problem with my JJ now I only have it with email download over GPRS. Unfortunately a lot of Universal fans here don't think there are any problems with the Universal while the rest of us are trying to find workarounds. A bit annoying really.
It must be from the service provider, because someone already tested it after a hard reset with nothing installed and still getting these SMS freezes. It could also be the phone. It is hard to pinpoint because I don't see any Cingular-USA complaining of SMS freezing. As most Universal users are in the UK.
If it's any consolation.....happens to me once in a while too.....don't think it could be the network.....but maybe some O2 files??
no freeze but SMS just not received
see my post - only receiving some SMS - this is related to an XDA 2i
on O2 network
the more I trail this forum for SMS issues the more I am concerned that this is a serious bug with the phone.
I have done extensive troubleshooting on this and can confirm that it is a) not related to any loaded SW or backup, b) happening on nearly all XDA derivates to some extend, C) is mainly related to the unit trying to "wake up" (which is normal for SMS receive). Pattern seems to be that combined with a weak signal the XDA wakes up, looses network, re-aquires but the receive failed. The confirmation that the message was received is however already deliverd as the XDA woke up. I can re-create this behaviour at will now. If you send two messages within a short time frame the Second message only will be received. So it is definitely related to the unit waking up.
My XDA was with O2 for repair twice and no change in behaviour. they have agreed to exchange - but see above - form the posts here I think that it is a general problem with the unit

o2 trion hangs after being idle for a long time

First, I'd like to say hello, have been lurking for some time here, now I've got my o2 trion and can now actively read/participate . I'm having some troubles with the trion though.
I've meant to use it as an alarm clock (using Mort) and for that, I've setup the device not to suspend while on AC, only to shut off the display. Two days in a row after I've woken up (using another alarm clock, precaution is everything ), I've found trion has hung by that time; I couldn't activate it except by soft reset. Today I've experimented a bit and left it for about two or three hours on AC. After that, I've activated it (tap) and started a programm (Skype in this case, but I guess it doesn't matter). Trion hung while starting it, only soft reset helped again. I figured out Mort started in the morning and hung the system.
I've got Pocket Informant 2007 running, a couple of Today plugins (Birthday, Mort's Today), WM5 build 14955.2.3.0, ROM version should be though I'm not sure about that. It's the current o2 Germany ROM.
Has anyone experienced this behaviour?
If not, do you have any idea, what could be causing hangs (my symptoms are rather vague)?
I've kicked all of branding from the thing a couple of days ago with a hard reset, the only cab from ExtROM I installed was PP_Suspend_Resume_Null.CAB, as I assumed this could be a fix for some bug. Could THIS have something to do with the problem above?
What happens to my SMS' and missed calls if I don't read them before soft resetting?
Thank you.
I find my unit hangs as well if left alone. It was on charge last night, didn't sound the alarms at 6am and eventually when I got up (a bit later ) I had to soft reset it in order to get it working
Not sure how to fix it. In the past any telephone calls or SMS messages I have received during the "hung" phase I lose. Not much I can do about that I'm afraid
These freezes are often caused by active sync running all by itself. Providing you do not use push mail see the following thread:
see my post here - you need to follow each step carefully and consider the auto soft reset at a time before alarms are due.

SMS missing after reboot.

I've noticed that sometimes after rebooting my MDA Pro some SMS are missing. Usually the once I had received within about 2hours of reseting the device.
How long should I have to wait before they are saved to a more permanent storage?
usually it never happens that it deletes it by itself even i have never heard abt this b4 . Did u upgraded it recently or ne other sms software installed ,that might b the reason for it.
I have the exact same problem... very frustrating! I just have the plain O2 software installed on my Exec, but any texts I get within about 30 mins of resetting just go. I heard it takes a while so put them in the permanent memory - why is this? Anyone know of a fix?
Good(?!?) to hear its not just me. I've had the problem on every version I've had installed.
A fix for this would be great!
jeuk said:
Good(?!?) to hear its not just me. I've had the problem on every version I've had installed.
A fix for this would be great!
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I've quite often elaborated on this problem and the solution to it (see for example http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=898&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 ): make sure you entirely power down (simple suspending won't suffice with a Phone Edition device) the PPC BEFORE (or, instead of) resetting it. It will make sure the changes are flushed back to Flash ROM.
I have read somewhere in this forum that this can be solved my switching of (button at the left) and again switching it on before doing a soft reset. I didn't try it however.

Reactivate notification queue

Sorry if this is already disscused.
I own orange spv m600 (prophet), and it happend allready two times that outlook stops queueing the notifications, so i don't get a reminder.
I used to hard reset the device, but i don't want to do this 2 times a month.
I installed alarm today lately and directly afther installing my notifications all were queued. But i got the feeling it stops working again.
Is there a good solution to fix this problem?
Thanks a lot for your help
Nobody got this problem?

