T-mobile mda "help" - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

hey guys i have a just my brothers t-mobile mda and i need it to access cingulars media net.....i have the phone unlocked and i matched the connection settings with my 8125 and for some reason i still cant access media net or send mms.....is there a reg tweak i need to do?? or am i doing something wrong?? i need some help on this one.

I take it you're using a cingular sim-card? No disrespect, just wondering, cuz if not I'm pretty sure you wont be able to access anything cingular specific
Also a piece of advice, try setting a topic that reflects the contents of the post. T-mobile mda "help" doesn't really qualify. That way you'll get a lot more replies in the future...



i have the usa tmobile MDA and i just flashed my rom to the most recent I Mate rom. Now my GPRS wont connect. can someone please help me?!?!?!
j2tha82 said:
i have the usa tmobile MDA and i just flashed my rom to the most recent I Mate rom. Now my GPRS wont connect. can someone please help me?!?!?!
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Yes. See the FAQ entry on Howard Forums - I wrote a piece on how to fix this. I am running the Imate ROM.
Genesis3 said:
j2tha82 said:
i have the usa tmobile MDA and i just flashed my rom to the most recent I Mate rom. Now my GPRS wont connect. can someone please help me?!?!?!
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Yes. See the FAQ entry on Howard Forums - I wrote a piece on how to fix this. I am running the Imate ROM.
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Can you point a link to the download that you mention in the FAQ.
I have the updated ROM but unable to get the GPRS working for T-Mobile USA. Many thanks in advance.
alright i got my GPRS back up and running.
i just added a new connection, called it T-MOBLE GPRS and set the access point to internet2.voicestream.com.
most people on this forum mention how this particular ROM seems to run faster, but i havent really noticed any performance increases yet
Possible help GPRS, etc
This might be of benefit to some with the GPRS trouble after update.
1. I did the Imate ROM update and had lots of trouble with GPRS MMS etc..
2. Didn't know how to fix so - I started over...
3. I installed the Qtek ROM and had the same connection issues.
4. Called T-Mobile - got a 3rd level tec and he suggested something I had not heard before. Now keep in mind that I had reset several times hard and soft. He had me go inot Comm and hit the phone icon - and turn it off and on. I am not sure exactly why - but it worked! His explanation was that since I was going back and forth between work and home that the phone (which is supposed to switch automatically didn't and) got locked somehow. I am pretty new to all of this but already did 3 ROM updates - so learning a lot.
5. Now all my connections work the way they are suppose to. Only ONE connection and that is wap.voicestream.com as it should be. My WiFi connection is blazingly fast! I am a happy camper - but I went around and around with this for about 2 days before getting a tec that gave me this advice.
Perhpas someone can tell me which is newer (better) the Qtek or the Imate ROM??
ok i have searched all over howard forums and here about the GPRS settings for T-Mobile USA.
in one particualr post it mentions you have to set the appropriate access point for your type of internet service. Personally, i have the T-Mobile total internet for $29.99.
I have applied both of these setting as my access point
internet2.voicestream.com and wap.voicestream.com
both of these settings allowed me to connect to the GPRS network, so i guess my question is which setting should i be using????
T-Mobile is shipping all these devices with wap.voicestream.com, and has opened the ports for people on the "real" internet service using it.
If you use "internet2", you will have problems with MMS, since you can't send MMS through that AP. There are workarounds for this but they are messy. My recommendation is that you use wap.

Using unlocked T-Mo MDA w/ Cingular (data)

sorry for being a n00b--but in my searching i couldn't find anything to help me out with this. i just got an MDA, unlocked it using the fantastic program available on this site, and everything works great...except i can't get the internet. wi-fi obviously works swimmingly, but i can't seem to find the proper settings in order to make my new phone connect to my carrier's data network (Cingular).
can someone PLEASE help??? this has been driving me crazy for the last week.
Get the Cingular Ext ROM files from the FTP, they will contain all of the setting you need.

ok i unlocked my t-mobile mda now wat do i do????

i have unlocked my tmobile mda with something called lokiwiz . and i plan on using it under cingular.
i see a lot of people on here talking about ROMs what are those?
do i need to use them too? do i need anything additional to install to my mda?
i need as much info as possible. can anyone help me?
throwback1718 said:
i need as much info as possible. can anyone help me?
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Yes....just read the forum, you will find here as much info as possible
One good tip: Don't play with stuff you know nothing about (I mean Roms), it could brick your device!!
Unlocking the phone will do 2 things;
1 - let you use it on any GSM network but you will need to add the data plan to access GPRS or Edge (the WAN).
2 - Allow you to flash different low level programs onto the device. Think of it this way, on your phone now you can set up an email service on Tmobile but when you move to Cingular that Tmobile program will still be there but useless. Now you can flash a new Rom which has some Cingular specific programs but you have to be careful because if you mess it up, you MDA becomes as they say a brick.
This is a great forum for learning about these things, try some of the simple things like Today screens or phone dialer screens. After a little you take the plunge like this newbie and flash a new rom, overclock it and generally just make it more useable than it is now.
okay i went to the cingular store and showed the guy the phone and he said it can work for regular phone calls and texting, but it wont be able to use the web and AIM, etc.
so when you guys say i have to add the data plan do you mean i gotta install somethin seperate to the phone? or do i gotta add the plan through cingular.
because the guy says i cant use the internet with it, so thats why i ask if i need to downloard somethin separate to the phone
You would expect that the guy behind the counter would know but he's probably clueless about what your asking him.
Cingular's network is GSM just like Tmobile. The data service is called either GPRS, Edge or the next generation 3G & you need to configure the phone to access that. I don't know the access point name for cingular but you should be able to find it some where in this forum, on Tmobile it's wap.voicestream.com. It's analogous to logging onto your wired ISP, you may or may not need a password. Once configured the phone will log you on and then you'll be able to access the net or email etc.
Worse case is you can flash a Cingular specific rom.
wait so how do you configure the phone for edge?
because when i went 2 settings then connections, it had GPRS Setting

Help with Cingular USA, XDA Universal and GPRS. Please Help!

Hey, I bought the Dopod 900 in Taiwan. Love the phone. Now I have a plan with Cingular and I want to be able to access the net using their "lines". of course I can access via the wireless network in my house, but I want to access while on the move, etc.
Problem is, I CAN'T!!! The settings are all wrong, etc. Cingular basically told me I'm SOL, good luck, piss off. When I TRY and contact 02, I get literally NO response back from them. So I turn to you as my last hope.
If you guys have any links I might follow, or be in the same situation OR hopefully, have a simple answer, I would LOVE to know it.
Thank you Very much,

Would like to try out Cingular's HSDPA(3G) on my phone, is Cingular ROM required?

Hey everyone. I've been out of contract with T-Mobile for a while now, and I'm considering moving to Cingular very soon. I have a softbank X01HT that's unlocked with WM6 ROM, my question is, do I need to flash the phone with a Cingular ROM for the HSDPA to work? What i plan to do is pass by a cingular shop and ask if I could try out their service on my phone while I'm there by using their SIM card. Would the HSDPA (3G) settings be imported from the SIM or would they already have to be on the phone? My main reason for wanting HSDPA is mainly for skype use, I have family in Philippines who I would love to stay in contact with. Any help on this is greatly appreciated, thanks.
kman79 said:
Hey everyone. I've been out of contract with T-Mobile for a while now, and I'm considering moving to Cingular very soon. I have a softbank X01HT that's unlocked with WM6 ROM, my question is, do I need to flash the phone with a Cingular ROM for the HSDPA to work? What i plan to do is pass by a cingular shop and ask if I could try out their service on my phone while I'm there by using their SIM card. Would the HSDPA (3G) settings be imported from the SIM or would they already have to be on the phone? My main reason for wanting HSDPA is mainly for skype use, I have family in Philippines who I would love to stay in contact with. Any help on this is greatly appreciated, thanks.
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No - you do not need a Cingular ROM. You may need to activate HSDPA on the ROM (use a Tweaker like HTweakC - which Google or forum search will help you find.) Good luck and enjoy.
I appreciate the very quick reply...currently searching for the said programs above, thanks again.
EDIT* HTweakC was already on the Black ROM i had installed, well that was easy Thanks.
kman79 said:
I appreciate the very quick reply...currently searching for the said programs above, thanks again.
EDIT* HTweakC was already on the Black ROM i had installed, well that was easy Thanks.
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Heh - should have looked at your signature! Good luck.

