Would like to try out Cingular's HSDPA(3G) on my phone, is Cingular ROM required? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hey everyone. I've been out of contract with T-Mobile for a while now, and I'm considering moving to Cingular very soon. I have a softbank X01HT that's unlocked with WM6 ROM, my question is, do I need to flash the phone with a Cingular ROM for the HSDPA to work? What i plan to do is pass by a cingular shop and ask if I could try out their service on my phone while I'm there by using their SIM card. Would the HSDPA (3G) settings be imported from the SIM or would they already have to be on the phone? My main reason for wanting HSDPA is mainly for skype use, I have family in Philippines who I would love to stay in contact with. Any help on this is greatly appreciated, thanks.

kman79 said:
Hey everyone. I've been out of contract with T-Mobile for a while now, and I'm considering moving to Cingular very soon. I have a softbank X01HT that's unlocked with WM6 ROM, my question is, do I need to flash the phone with a Cingular ROM for the HSDPA to work? What i plan to do is pass by a cingular shop and ask if I could try out their service on my phone while I'm there by using their SIM card. Would the HSDPA (3G) settings be imported from the SIM or would they already have to be on the phone? My main reason for wanting HSDPA is mainly for skype use, I have family in Philippines who I would love to stay in contact with. Any help on this is greatly appreciated, thanks.
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No - you do not need a Cingular ROM. You may need to activate HSDPA on the ROM (use a Tweaker like HTweakC - which Google or forum search will help you find.) Good luck and enjoy.

I appreciate the very quick reply...currently searching for the said programs above, thanks again.
EDIT* HTweakC was already on the Black ROM i had installed, well that was easy Thanks.

kman79 said:
I appreciate the very quick reply...currently searching for the said programs above, thanks again.
EDIT* HTweakC was already on the Black ROM i had installed, well that was easy Thanks.
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Heh - should have looked at your signature! Good luck.



i have the usa tmobile MDA and i just flashed my rom to the most recent I Mate rom. Now my GPRS wont connect. can someone please help me?!?!?!
j2tha82 said:
i have the usa tmobile MDA and i just flashed my rom to the most recent I Mate rom. Now my GPRS wont connect. can someone please help me?!?!?!
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Yes. See the FAQ entry on Howard Forums - I wrote a piece on how to fix this. I am running the Imate ROM.
Genesis3 said:
j2tha82 said:
i have the usa tmobile MDA and i just flashed my rom to the most recent I Mate rom. Now my GPRS wont connect. can someone please help me?!?!?!
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Yes. See the FAQ entry on Howard Forums - I wrote a piece on how to fix this. I am running the Imate ROM.
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Can you point a link to the download that you mention in the FAQ.
I have the updated ROM but unable to get the GPRS working for T-Mobile USA. Many thanks in advance.
alright i got my GPRS back up and running.
i just added a new connection, called it T-MOBLE GPRS and set the access point to internet2.voicestream.com.
most people on this forum mention how this particular ROM seems to run faster, but i havent really noticed any performance increases yet
Possible help GPRS, etc
This might be of benefit to some with the GPRS trouble after update.
1. I did the Imate ROM update and had lots of trouble with GPRS MMS etc..
2. Didn't know how to fix so - I started over...
3. I installed the Qtek ROM and had the same connection issues.
4. Called T-Mobile - got a 3rd level tec and he suggested something I had not heard before. Now keep in mind that I had reset several times hard and soft. He had me go inot Comm and hit the phone icon - and turn it off and on. I am not sure exactly why - but it worked! His explanation was that since I was going back and forth between work and home that the phone (which is supposed to switch automatically didn't and) got locked somehow. I am pretty new to all of this but already did 3 ROM updates - so learning a lot.
5. Now all my connections work the way they are suppose to. Only ONE connection and that is wap.voicestream.com as it should be. My WiFi connection is blazingly fast! I am a happy camper - but I went around and around with this for about 2 days before getting a tec that gave me this advice.
Perhpas someone can tell me which is newer (better) the Qtek or the Imate ROM??
ok i have searched all over howard forums and here about the GPRS settings for T-Mobile USA.
in one particualr post it mentions you have to set the appropriate access point for your type of internet service. Personally, i have the T-Mobile total internet for $29.99.
I have applied both of these setting as my access point
internet2.voicestream.com and wap.voicestream.com
both of these settings allowed me to connect to the GPRS network, so i guess my question is which setting should i be using????
T-Mobile is shipping all these devices with wap.voicestream.com, and has opened the ports for people on the "real" internet service using it.
If you use "internet2", you will have problems with MMS, since you can't send MMS through that AP. There are workarounds for this but they are messy. My recommendation is that you use wap.


hi all,
i have just bought a new O2 Exec.. I was wondering what software/tweaks you guys recommend.
i also just have my dopod 900, similar to o2 exec and i still dont know what to install. I saw something about AKU2 or AKU3 on the forum but dont know where to download, can someone please advice/help us as my device was sometimes cannot received data signal while connecting to internet.
I just download TCPMP player to the device and it was a great staff to play with and I will not use the WMP for movie/tv.
Guys, I've just bought myself a new suit.
Would you like to come over and try it on for me?
Come on - a little work on your side will be necessary, and searching is the best way to show that you've tried.
Have a read through this thread for guidelines on using the board:
And then have a look here for a starter:
AKU stuff - get started slowly before you start modifying the OS too much, as a lot of the stuff on the board can make your system unstable if used incorrectly. Configure your basics, get yourself some good backup software, and then check out the wiki and the ftp.
Most of the newer roms will have some AKU support already in, I think.
Thanks a lot bro Vijay555. Will try to surf now and get more info.
danlee: as a friend from Malaysia, you might want to check out my buddies on www.ppcsg.com and www.gadget.sg
Just out of curiosity....how much is internet connectivity in M'sia?
I'm planning on coming home during the CNY and would like to use the service if it's not too expensive.
Would you mind posting the cost of the internet connection and who the provider is?
Will it be available prepaid?
Fellow M'sian in US.
To vijay555,
Thanks a lot but i cant do downdoading now cause i am on GPRS connection now. But i will visit your site when i got back home.
To Moden man,
The cost for GPRS connection will be 1 cent for 1kb. You can only use 3G in KL area. You can access by using DiGi, Celcom and Maxis as your service provider.

htc tytn with t-mobile rom

I am a t-mobile customer with an unlocked htc tytn. I wanted to know what woudl happen if I loaded my phone up with the t-mobile mda rom form the t-mobile site. If anyone knows please let me know. I have been trying to get the edge feature to work and im in a edge area but I still do not get the signal. Is there some sort of settings that I need in order to get edge to work. Thanks for the help
There is no t-mob rom upgrade available for HTC Hermes yet, probably the rom you are refering to is for another device. T-mob branded Hermes is called "MDA Vario II".
And yes, you need your operator settings for the data connection to work.
t-mobile settings
I am having problems with the tytn. I have a htc branded tytn and I am with t-mobile. I have all of my settings right. The internet works the mms works but the damn edge does not. What am I doing wrong. Whats going on here. Is there a t-mobile expert on this form that can walk me through getting this phone to do what its suppose to do.
probably a dumb question, but... are you on edge coverage?
pof said:
There is no t-mob rom upgrade available for HTC Hermes yet, probably the rom you are refering to is for another device. T-mob branded Hermes is called "MDA Vario II".
And yes, you need your operator settings for the data connection to work.
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Indeed, not yet, but as soon as it'll be made available it'll most likely appear on this site: http://www.tm-phonedownloads.com/mdas.html
Re: t-mobile settings
gordiejamz said:
I am having problems with the tytn. I have a htc branded tytn and I am with t-mobile. I have all of my settings right. The internet works the mms works but the damn edge does not. What am I doing wrong. Whats going on here. Is there a t-mobile expert on this form that can walk me through getting this phone to do what its suppose to do.
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Surely ringing them up and asking would be the quickest way of getting the right settings? You can just ask for them, write em down, and input them manually...
t-mobile rom
Yes I am in the edge coverage zone because I could be standing next to someone with a mda form t-mobile and they have edge and I done. Plus I live in an edge zone and I spoke with t-mobile and all of the settings are right and they told me I should be getting the coverage.
How do you have your connection set up? On my phone (T-Mobile UK), the T-Mobile Internet connection is set up as Cellular (3G, GPRS) in the dropdown box... I don't know what the options are for the US ROM, but I'm guessing they're similar...

Cingular 8125 Newbie

After using a Samsung i700 for the past 3 years I've moved up to the 8125. After I get this thing unlocked (I want to us T-Mobile), do I need to install a T-mobile's rom and radio rom?
Thanks in advance for all replies..
No. If you're just using the phone portion, you don't have to do anything after you unlock it. Just put your SIM card in and use it. If you want to use GPRS Internet you need T-Mobile's settings but that should easily be found @ T-Mobile's website.

Can I use 3 sim???

Can someone please help me in answering a niggling question I have about the TyTn (Hermes), before I go out and buy one. Firstly has anyone used their machines with a 3 sim?????
I have searched but cant find this being asked or answered anywhere.
yes gprs and utms and regular calls sms/mms are no problem at all.
But the services at three´s portal like music etc dont work 100% :S but i can take that...
closetland said:
yes gprs and utms and regular calls sms/mms are no problem at all.
But the services at three´s portal like music etc dont work 100% :S but i can take that...
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ok cheers for the answer mate, but i notice that your not in the uk and this questions mainly concerned the 3 network here in the uk mate and also the reason why I asked is because I saw this advert for the VPA Compact III, which my understanding was the same machine but he states that it cant be used with 3??? thanks for the quick reply.
Hi Shabba,
I'm sure I put a 3 SIM in mine the other day without a problem, however i've had a few drinks since then and can't fully remember. I'll try mine tomorrow with a 3 SIM but there should be no reason it shouldn't work if it's unlocked.
I'll update you tomorrow.
GavinN said:
Hi Shabba,
I'm sure I put a 3 SIM in mine the other day without a problem, however i've had a few drinks since then and can't fully remember. I'll try mine tomorrow with a 3 SIM but there should be no reason it shouldn't work if it's unlocked.
I'll update you tomorrow.
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Cheers Gav, Please let us all know mate. So why is this guy http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VODAFONE-VPA-...ryZ38331QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
stating its not compatible???? totally confused!!!!
Yeah I don't get it either. There should be no reason why the TyTn can't connect to the 3 network as it's either WCDMA for 3 or GSM for O2 (Soon to be Orange) when there is no WCDMA coverage and the TyTN is able to use both. The only thing possibly is the 3 SIM card might be a UICC but I'd be very surprised if this is causing problems as Vodafone D2 and UK both use UICC too (basically a smart card with both USIM and SIM profiles stored).
Maybe it's as Closetland says that some 3 services are unavailable so he just says it doesn't work full stop?
Let me check for you tomorrow. I've got both a SPV M3100 (unlocked) and a T-Mobile Vario II I can try.
GavinN said:
Yeah I don't get it either. There should be no reason why the TyTn can't connect to the 3 network as it's either WCDMA for 3 or GSM for O2 (Soon to be Orange) when there is no WCDMA coverage and the TyTN is able to use both. The only thing possibly is the 3 SIM card might be a UICC but I'd be very surprised if this is causing problems as Vodafone D2 and UK both use UICC too (basically a smart card with both USIM and SIM profiles stored).
Maybe it's as Closetland says that some 3 services are unavailable so he just says it doesn't work full stop?
Let me check for you tomorrow. I've got both a SPV M3100 (unlocked) and a T-Mobile Vario II I can try.
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Cheers Gav please let us know mate!
Trying to get my damn 3 SIM working - they have all been deactivated!!! Bloody company account departments...
Update soon..
I've got one 3 SIM which does register onto 3 but when i make a call I get the message 'Your service does not allow access to this number' so the call is being setup correctly. This is the exact same behaviour as having the SIM in the original LG phone.
Brilliant. Thanks for all your help Gav. Now to look for the best deal around for one of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shabba007 said:
Brilliant. Thanks for all your help Gav. Now to look for the best deal around for one of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Don't Three in the UK stock the Dopod 838pro? They are starting to here in Oz.
Hi Shabba,
If you haven't taken the plunge already then some more info for you. I've got a working 3 SIM now and making and receiving calls OK. Don't have all the GPRS settings for 3 so didn't test that.
topher1976 said:
Don't Three in the UK stock the Dopod 838pro? They are starting to here in Oz.
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Hi topher1976, no they dont mate, infact it was only recently perhaps in the last year or so that they decided to release phones that weren't the size of bricks. The only phone they've release over here that slightly resembles a PPC was the Motorola a1000 and then a later but similar Motorola model both of which were huge and based on symbian UIQ operating system which is a bit poooh!!!
GavinN said:
Hi Shabba,
If you haven't taken the plunge already then some more info for you. I've got a working 3 SIM now and making and receiving calls OK. Don't have all the GPRS settings for 3 so didn't test that.
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Cheers for all your help Gav have you tried txting mate?? I'm just waiting for a PAC code from orange before I go an order 1. Orange did try an offer me the SPV M3100 on a very good contract but couldnt compete with tmobile's Web n Walk. Guess i'd have to pay to have it unlocked though!!
Once again cheers Gavin!!!!!!!!!
yeah TXT'ing is fine too. I got my M3100 unlocked for £20 from Orange. Not free but I can live with that.
hopefully t-mobile will unlock it for me... dont mind paying a little for it! by the way just got off orange and they've sed they do a off peek unlimited data package for £5!!!!!

