Help: Battery Replacement Issue - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

Hi all.
I am having the battery charging issue that has been found with the XDA Atom.
I cant fix it now as i am travelling. I am currently in the USA.
So my question is, where can i get a compatible replacement battery for my XDA o2 Atom. My battery model number is XP-02.
I dont know what phone here is the same battery.

anyone know which battery i can buy here in the USA that would replace this??
i really cant loose all my info on it..

Look, man! in the world there is "internet", in internet, there is many site!
one of the site called - thats mean America online! Did you know about this?

I have searched high and low on the internet for anything that could indicate which phone in the USA would have the same battery. Mtekk, Qtekk etc. they all fit differently.
02 XDA are NOT sold in the USA. But Mtekk & Qtekk & others are made by the same manufacturer. So i figured there may be one compatible here, otherwise i must wait until i retrun home.
If anyone could help that would be great.
PS. AOL sucks. Google rocks!

I give you the link for serching shops in USA for your battary.
try this - you can order your battary online


XDA 2???

i was wondering does any body know when this XDA 2 is meant to be coming out, i know it is "before christmas", but i need a more accurate date, beacuse i really want my XDA now and im not sure whether i should just get the XDA 1 now......any ideas?
also, how much will the XDA 2 be on contract? Any good ideas will be welcome...
Thanks in advanced
hi there, I kind of had the same dilemma, but damn it I've got the XDA now.. :wink:
My guess is that the price will be prohibitively expensive at first, and may not be on contract straight away as a result, so you could be waiting a while, there are some good deals around on the XDA now - are you UK ?
Personally I'm thinking of taking the plunge next year, but I'll be waiting until the XDA2 has been around a while like I did with this.. but then will there be something else around the corner ?
yeah...that makes sense...
i really need it now....mainly beacuse i have a lack of a mobile
i am in the uk yes.....where are the best deals then? any good websites? how much you pay for yours?
i will probably by it on contract from o2........
thanks for your help
no worries mate - glad to help..
yeah same again - I needed a mobile and liked the idea of e-mail, but couldn't quite get my head around that plasticky P800.. If you can stand the ribbing from your mates at first, and get yourself one of the ROMS you have got loads of cool stuff..
As for deals, I got my for 209.99 - Although I'm sure thats going down, I price-matched at CPW from a shop in Guildford who had a deal for 235, somehow they went even lower than the price-match to my delight ! (but I have heard that o2/CPW might be dropping the XDA - making an early release on contract for the XDA2 even less likely)
I have 2 XDA's 1 is mine and I have a spare for sale it is ulocked so can be used on any network it also has the latest ROM and Radio Stack.
If you are interwsted let me know by email or post.
Regards your question I contacted O2 they said middle to late December
or early Jan It has a camera as well as Bluetooth. So I am expecting it to be very expensive.
got my XDA for £190 boxed as new was an ex display model had been dropped and had 2 dents abover the ir lens came with everything.
got it from ebay sim free about 9 months ago :\
You can get an XDA from £59.99 depending on contract from:
in case people missed it
here are some new leaked xda2 pictures and some german description
Translated to english.......
got mine for £200 off ebay.. boxed and unused
hmm this XDA2 is lookin' pretty good I have to say....
If you go to ebay and search for XDA, you will find a guy selling o2 contract xda phones for £149.
I found out today that the XDA2 will be available in the UK in november there is no idea of price, thay also confirmed that bluetooth is built in and not a add-on option like the WiFi is
XDA II Mini ROM upgrade question
Hi all,
I have a XDA Mini II and am trying to use GoTalkMobile. The software tells me that my GPRS settings are incorrect.
All WAP sites work for me, however I am unable to use this Midilet. Please help!!

Battery for XDA ii - requierd urgently in UK

Hi All,
Can't find anyone who has this in stock at the moment in the UK. Anybody know of a source that will hold stock currently?
Last time I was in an O2 shop they had some. Try the high street.
Looks like Expansys have a few in stock. Well 58 to be precise.
Look here.
Hope this helps.

Problem with i-Mate Jam?

Please share the most annoying thing that you don't like about your i-Mate, O2 Mini or something similar to it.
I have the O2 XDA IIs and the one part I hate about it is the inabillity to answer call the first try. It does this every hour on the hour.
I have never had a problem with my O2 XDA II. Other than the incompatibility with SPB Pocket Plus on the occasion hard reset, but to say the least it's a software problem, not hardware.
I'm thinking of upgrading to an i-Mate Jam because of the size and the 1.3 mega pixel camera. I'm thinking of upgrading the ram to 128mb from PPCTech, I don't think 64mb is enough, since my old Compaq iPaq 3955 had 64mb and HP iPaq 4155 wasn't enough.
Please share before I jump the gun and purchase the i-Mate. Thank you.
1) the camera is no good (Nokia 7610 1.3MP beats it handsdown IMO). even after the patches and fixes. bearable for snaps.
2) the bluetooth is MS stack. not a problem more of a preference; been spoiled by Widcomm on my previous PPC (an iPAQ), interface is not as easy with wizards.
other than that I love my JAM!!! but get an O2XDAIImini they say it has better resale value.
I heard that the i-Mate jam or similar to it, like the O2 Mini has a problem with picking up calls? If someone calls, it'll get drop, but after a soft reset, it doesn't do that. Is that true? That's almost the same problem as the XDA IIs or PDA2K.
More irritations
when the XDA Mini battery saving function is set, the system goes into sleep mode after the annointed period.
If you are using bluetooth headset (mine is plantronics M3000) on lengthy conversations you loose half the conversation (transmission side only , reception works OK) when the sleep mode activates, until you turn the unit back on. So you either have to live with the reductiion of battery life, the signal loss or remember to turn off the sleep mode, mid conversation.
Others have reported similar problems with no fixes in sight.
The battery life is disappointing but I have not owned other PDA's to compare it with.
The camera is a gimmick only, not for serious use.
I also have trouble in some internet sites requiring pop-up password entry
input (ie. one of my bank accounts) where it just will not acknowledge the data input. Dont know why, and the bank IT people cant explain it either. It works well on another similar banking site. ????
But.. all things considered, it is a pretty useful gadget.
PS; Cant buy any accessories in Australia yet, but in USA was a useful site and easy to deal with.
I haven't had any probs with battery life on my Mini. Much better than my SE T610, particularly when you consider the Mini does a double duty of phone and PDA.
Camera works fine for what its there for. Its not designed to replace a digicam, just be there for those moments you don't have it with you.
Not had any of these call problems described.
PS; Cant buy any accessories in Australia yet, but in USA was a useful site and easy to deal with.
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I haven't had probs with buying accessories. I either get them online from resellers or from eBay.
Get one!!!
Re: More irritations
pactim said:
The battery life is disappointing but I have not owned other PDA's to compare it with.
PS; Cant buy any accessories in Australia yet, but in USA was a useful site and easy to deal with.
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I'd have to disagree with these two comments, I think the battery life is good on the JAM and as for accessories, lots of online aussie gadget shops sell accessories for the JAM.
just to name a few.
I shall sit corrected and withdraw my remarks about the accessories in Australia.
Thanks for the links. Have already used one and the other was helpful.
When looking around early last month I coud find accessories listed on websites but nil stocks available. I was impatient so I got my soft case from the states, and aluminium case from Singapore while visiting. Good to see the local have caught up. Although they probably all come from the same places
Thanks for the Input
Thanks for the input, I was curious and now I found the answer.
As long as the pda don't act like my O2 XDA IIs, then I'm fine. I hate it when I pick up a call and can't hear anything on the other end until I have to soft reset it.
I love my O2 XDA II, but it's lacking buttons and keyboard. Both the II and IIs is too big, so I'm gonna try the Mini.
Anyone wants to buy any of my XDA II or IIs? Hehe, I'm serious.

Wanted: HTC Advantage

Hey guys,
I am looking for a used Advantage.
Need to work (naturally), but don't require a battery, stylus, case, keyboard or any accessories.
Just the machine itself, working....
Anyone have one in the UK?
Just PM me.
still looking
I have one if you want. It is in France. I can send it in England (we could see for the cost)
It is complete (battery, box, stylu etc etc)
I'm looking for an Iphone 4...
Let me know
how much do you want for it?
I don't know. I would like an Iphone 4Gs.
So let me know something about it.
Best regards
i'll sell you mine, but then again i want to help develop Android for our Athenas, and without one in hand i wont be able to do much test.
So, maybe another time
I will like to sell mine, I am in switzerland.
im also looking for an advantage, anyone selling can pm me as well. i am in the us.
If anyone is still interesed in buying a x7500
Hello there,
If anyone is still looking for a x7500 to play with I have one not doing much since I bought my HD2 so am looking to sell it on. It's a T-Mobile Amro branded unit that I bought from a dutch chap a while ago and was happily running with my O2 sim.
Currently has SPL3.5 and Lennies Hulk rom installed and is in full working order. I have a couple of cases, the original manual and a charger with a Euro mains connector and the bodywork is in good condition with just a few sctaches here and there.
If anyone is interested I am happy to post pics up of the unit. I will happily ship anywhere just let me know so I can work out a price for you.
i want to sell mine too (x7500, the silver one, t-mobile) currently with michis 6.5 rom and spl 3.5 i think. i wanna buy a htc windows phone 7 gadget.
so if someone is interested please send me a pm.

X7500 Chinese copy myPad

Just read Chinavasion news.
There is a device called myPad which looks very much as the X7500.
No keyboard though and lack of 8/16GB HDD.
I thing GPS is also missing.
Same processor, memory, screensize and camera.
Would be very nice if we can flash this cheap myPad with WM6.5!
Hi there,the O/S could be WM6.1 CHINESE VERSION!!!
Any idea if this is actually a X7500? I would like to get one of these and put Android on it.
PaulMdx said:
Any idea if this is actually a X7500? I would like to get one of these and put Android on it.
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My experience with ChinaVasion Support is that they are quick and pretty complete. Info they don't have they seem to cannot find.
I myself have no hardware programming of Android.
And "Cross posting" is not allowed here I think?
The processor, ROM, RAM, GSEN and wifi looks the same to me and things like GPS are extra chips on the mainboard so if Android will be build for X7500 I am pretty sure it will work on the Chinese myPad too.
Maybe someone with the right knowledge can mail Kayode Enunekwu who bought one (see below at link).
If you use iPhoneToday you can pretty much setup your x7500 to copy an ipad's home screen OS look and even use the same background image as the ipad. It works really well with the Advantage-- autorotates, displays icons bubbles with counts, etc
still the android port is what I am waiting for
Hi there,has any forum members bought and using this device myPad,would like
to hear some first hand experience
I'm having a hard time trying to buy one on Chinavasion.
Paypal is refusing my current credit card, then I've tried add a new one, but Paypal give me a invalid zip code error. I'm not confident enough to try bank transfer.
A huge 5'' touchscreen plus Wi-Fi for only 310?
I must not miss this chance.
Sorry for my poor English.
ED-Z said:
I'm having a hard time trying to buy one on Chinavasion.
Paypal is refusing my current credit card, then I've tried add a new one, but Paypal give me a invalid zip code error. I'm not confident enough to try bank transfer.
A huge 5'' touchscreen plus Wi-Fi for only 310?
I must not miss this chance.
Sorry for my poor English.
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Strange, have you contacted Paypal about it?
I have bought a couple of phones and a car stereo in a few years from them and never had any problem with my creditcard and delivery.
I am no wholesaler or shop myself so could just have been lucky.
I would never buy with bank transfer indeed. No insurance whatsoever that you get the product or the money back.
I just ordered one.. the chinavision model is last years model.. the manufacturer is actually a company called QIGI (qwee-gee..) and the model number is the u1000 smartbook.. I ordered the newer model U2000 which comes with WM6.5.. should be here by next week..
pvanhaaren said:
Just read Chinavasion news.
I thing GPS is also missing.
Same processor, memory, screensize and camera.
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Looks like both versions have GPS. What's more interesting is the older version supports the 850 band but the newer one doesn't. I see one BIG problem with both versions - they only support EDGE, no 3G! I would buy one today if it had 3G. No 3G (or 4G), no sale...
Just saw that the Athena is also called "Dopod U1000".
That makes the name "QiGi Smartbook U1000" even more copycat.
Would be bad indeed if there is no support for UMTS/HSDPA!
CSD is for Chinese market, right?
There is a "C-Motech Mangrove" with whopping 7" screen.
Cannot find an international shop yet. Any tips?
Hee Hee!! I ordered one and mine will be here tommorrow!! I ordered the u2000 which is the current one with wm6.5.. I dont care about 3g support because there actually isnt that many 3g towers where I live so I use edge anyway.. I'll let ya know when its here!
May I ask where you have orderred your u2000? I have search the net but only got news about the u2000, no shops to order!
Hi vinski208
would also like to know where you order your unit,understand that there is a new
device just lunch U3000 (article was in Chinese)
Hi guys
so r there any news / reports about this new toy?
Hi all,
I couldn't resist and bought one off ebay..arrived today and it looks pretty sturdy for a china made device.
Problem is I've been trying to charge it for the last 3 hours and it doesn't seem to wanna charge..
I'll leave this charging overnight and if it doesn't charge in the morning, I'll have to return this for a replacement..quite annoying!
ROM U1000
bad battery
Hi guys! I also bought and received on monday a u2000. Everything works fine, except the battery... few calls, some reading in word = battery down in 3 hours. Next day, not using it , except 1 call, battery down in 6 hours.
I don't know what to do... a replacement of the battery, a refund...I just want the battery to last for 12-14 hours.
How long does your battery last?
What is your advice?
Please respond to this message as soon as you can.
Thank you very much!

