Battery for XDA ii - requierd urgently in UK - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi All,
Can't find anyone who has this in stock at the moment in the UK. Anybody know of a source that will hold stock currently?

Last time I was in an O2 shop they had some. Try the high street.

Looks like Expansys have a few in stock. Well 58 to be precise.
Look here.
Hope this helps.


XDA 2???

i was wondering does any body know when this XDA 2 is meant to be coming out, i know it is "before christmas", but i need a more accurate date, beacuse i really want my XDA now and im not sure whether i should just get the XDA 1 now......any ideas?
also, how much will the XDA 2 be on contract? Any good ideas will be welcome...
Thanks in advanced
hi there, I kind of had the same dilemma, but damn it I've got the XDA now.. :wink:
My guess is that the price will be prohibitively expensive at first, and may not be on contract straight away as a result, so you could be waiting a while, there are some good deals around on the XDA now - are you UK ?
Personally I'm thinking of taking the plunge next year, but I'll be waiting until the XDA2 has been around a while like I did with this.. but then will there be something else around the corner ?
yeah...that makes sense...
i really need it now....mainly beacuse i have a lack of a mobile
i am in the uk yes.....where are the best deals then? any good websites? how much you pay for yours?
i will probably by it on contract from o2........
thanks for your help
no worries mate - glad to help..
yeah same again - I needed a mobile and liked the idea of e-mail, but couldn't quite get my head around that plasticky P800.. If you can stand the ribbing from your mates at first, and get yourself one of the ROMS you have got loads of cool stuff..
As for deals, I got my for 209.99 - Although I'm sure thats going down, I price-matched at CPW from a shop in Guildford who had a deal for 235, somehow they went even lower than the price-match to my delight ! (but I have heard that o2/CPW might be dropping the XDA - making an early release on contract for the XDA2 even less likely)
I have 2 XDA's 1 is mine and I have a spare for sale it is ulocked so can be used on any network it also has the latest ROM and Radio Stack.
If you are interwsted let me know by email or post.
Regards your question I contacted O2 they said middle to late December
or early Jan It has a camera as well as Bluetooth. So I am expecting it to be very expensive.
got my XDA for £190 boxed as new was an ex display model had been dropped and had 2 dents abover the ir lens came with everything.
got it from ebay sim free about 9 months ago :\
You can get an XDA from £59.99 depending on contract from:
in case people missed it
here are some new leaked xda2 pictures and some german description
Translated to english.......
got mine for £200 off ebay.. boxed and unused
hmm this XDA2 is lookin' pretty good I have to say....
If you go to ebay and search for XDA, you will find a guy selling o2 contract xda phones for £149.
I found out today that the XDA2 will be available in the UK in november there is no idea of price, thay also confirmed that bluetooth is built in and not a add-on option like the WiFi is
XDA II Mini ROM upgrade question
Hi all,
I have a XDA Mini II and am trying to use GoTalkMobile. The software tells me that my GPRS settings are incorrect.
All WAP sites work for me, however I am unable to use this Midilet. Please help!!

Buying Magician problems from Nowicom, any recommendations ?

Had 4 Magicians on order from Nowicom for a while now, yet they still do not have any in stock.
Can anyone recommend another place that will ship to Spain, within the same price range of Nowicom. I need 4.
Thanks in Advance
I would try, now that they have it in stock.
I ordered the Imate JAM for 570 euros with deShop . It is a device with English ROM!!
They'll got stock next week.
I allready bought a lot off stuff over there. Even the Imate PDA2K, I bought from them... Very good shop with good prices.
Compare to other shops I found for the JAM, the price is good too!!
Not sure if you wants a JAM though... anyway good luck with your search!!
thanks for the quick response. Exapnsys are way to expensive though, will check out de shop though. Any other suggestions appreciated
d00k said:
thanks for the quick response. Exapnsys are way to expensive though, will check out de shop though. Any other suggestions appreciated
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German site.

Where Can I get an XDA IIi?

I Live in Asia and travel around frequently. Does anyone know if there's anywhere in Asia that I can get the XDA IIi? As far as I can make out, it's only available in the UK
ive also been looking for the ANDES version here in asia (philpiines) even distros are saying there is still no shipment* of xda2i around the country. XDA2s are mostly replaced at stores by XDA3 or the blue angel and the magician/xda2 mini. most xda2 can also now be bought at greenhills second hand shops. hope the xda2i come ashore around april (wish!). we could only hope here in asia or have a contact abroad for a buy.
I just got my IIi on ebay. Try there.

XDA Exec [Philippines]

Hhhmm.. yeah guyz! when do you think XDA Exec will be out here in Philippines? Im afraid that it will be delay just like the XDA IIi wich was already released 2 months before it was available here.. Do you think Philippines will have it as soon as o2 releases it?
According to my calculation XDA Exec will cost not more than P60,000.00 Pesos.
XDA Exec in the Philippines
I heard that Globe are using it already within their offices ... but they are planning to release it by christmas .... i'm getting one too and using it stateside ... i heard it's around 60K Philippine Pesos ...
I wonder when it gonna reach Singapore
yeah 60k just sounds about right haha
what's the difference of exec by the way
the black color and some additional sw
Huh! 60K is so expensive....
I may go for the SE P990i... sad thing is I have to wait till Q1 next year
on christmas? huh.. sounds cool.. This might be the best gift for my self if i bought one..
o2 is the best among the T-Mobile, Orange, I-Mate, etc for me.
to Yankee
You better stick to exec cuz exec will blast all device available excluding "oqo"
It will probably be launched as DOPOD 900 instead of the Exec... either way, still a great gadget..
Meron na nga ba sa Pinas? how much is it now?
Hope you guys get Exec soon -tip for free access.
I sat in Gloreieta jeans , Manila a month a go with my MDA Pro.
One guy asked me if it was an Exec. I was quite rude and abrupt, a short swift Think so. sorry.
My device was new. And I was trying to do an internet chekin to Singapore airlines site which was frustrating me. Their web site does not seem PDA friendly.
Was hoping to avoid checking in at 5AM as opposed to 7AM.
I never managed it. dis use my MDA PRo on a recent flight from Singapore to London. Worked a dream, sending text for the plane via T-mob web site. Shame I had no VOIP or Skype installed.
Glorietta Jeans seems to have free access for PDA's . I was not prompted for login and connected OK.
I purcxhased some wireless internet time whilst in Manila. Wiz and another.
Will look it out and post details here , hardly used. Someone might as well
use it.
Dissapointed with my MDA, like the large screen but my advice wait for applciations. Opera, A2DP and fax software.
I could not even fax singapore airlines as no fax software works on the Exec.
I prefer my MDA compact which has working fax s/w,A2DP and is a nicer size. Until my MDA PRO ROM is improved
Re: Hope you guys get Exec soon -tip for free access.
GDawes said:
I sat in Gloreieta jeans , Manila a month a go with my MDA Pro.
One guy asked me if it was an Exec. I was quite rude and abrupt, a short swift Think so. sorry.
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Hmmm.. question.. why'd u take offense from that fellow asking if it was an exec? He probably was in awe of you for having such a wonderful pda phone...
well, was just wondering...
I was not offended just abrupt in my reply.
Had had a long bad day and was stressed , been shopping with wife,daughter all day and trying to do an internet checkin with a company who's site was not working well and running out of time/against the clock.
If I had managed to check in for my flight, I could have relaxed and shown him my PDA.
AS it was I went to a reacl cybercafe around the corner, used a real PC and the web site was still not working.
double_ofour said:
Hhhmm.. yeah guyz! when do you think XDA Exec will be out here in Philippines? Im afraid that it will be delay just like the XDA IIi wich was already released 2 months before it was available here.. Do you think Philippines will have it as soon as o2 releases it?
According to my calculation XDA Exec will cost not more than P60,000.00 Pesos.
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Any luck finding the Exec? Its not selling in Asia as per the O2 site. ;-(

Help: Battery Replacement Issue

Hi all.
I am having the battery charging issue that has been found with the XDA Atom.
I cant fix it now as i am travelling. I am currently in the USA.
So my question is, where can i get a compatible replacement battery for my XDA o2 Atom. My battery model number is XP-02.
I dont know what phone here is the same battery.
anyone know which battery i can buy here in the USA that would replace this??
i really cant loose all my info on it..
Look, man! in the world there is "internet", in internet, there is many site!
one of the site called - thats mean America online! Did you know about this?
I have searched high and low on the internet for anything that could indicate which phone in the USA would have the same battery. Mtekk, Qtekk etc. they all fit differently.
02 XDA are NOT sold in the USA. But Mtekk & Qtekk & others are made by the same manufacturer. So i figured there may be one compatible here, otherwise i must wait until i retrun home.
If anyone could help that would be great.
PS. AOL sucks. Google rocks!
I give you the link for serching shops in USA for your battary.
try this - you can order your battary online

