Browse computer files through hermes ??? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Sorry in advance if this question has been previously posted, i have been trying to search for an answer but no luck, i used search and i read the heading of almost every post in this website....
Well anyway I am trying to browse my homes wireless network shared folders throught my hermes, model dopod 838 pro bought in australia with 3 hutchingson, settings.
I love my phone but it have been exploring it for weeks now trying to see how i would do this, but cant find anything, there are a lot of networking stuff available in the phone which i dont understand so maybe i missed the spot???
I was thinking though that if i was able to do this, it would be through file explorer.
anyone can point me in the rght direction ?
Thank you in advance.

AFAIK, the hermes cannot do this 'out of the box'. If you install Resco file Explorer it does have this capability though.

Thank you for such a quick response, i am looking at it now.
will post and lt you know how i go.

does anyone know how to do this over a vpn? resco doesn't seem to work

Any other programs ?
i have installed resco suite and am using it now... but it is not free, the price isnt that much really but before i buy anything i would like to know if there are any others which wuld do the job that i can trial ??? also a little bit lighter ???


Bluesnarf for PPC ( O2 XDA MINI S )

i have searched and searched everywhere to find an app that can do the bluesnarf attack from a PPC.
I have found a few symbian apps, but none for windows mobile 5.
Please can someone point me to an app?
thanks in advance
HINT: Have you used the forum search with the query string "bluesnarfing"?
However: Go here:
of course i have, do you think im stupid??
And i found the BtCrawler ages ago, but thanks for the help anyway
I found an app, bluezard, that seems to work good on my qtek 9100. But if someone know a better app, just let me know
wow sick then you guys will be soo elite what with all ur abilities to count hex ports on bluetooth active devices.
go man go
st3v3 said:
wow sick then you guys will be soo elite what with all ur abilities to count hex ports on bluetooth active devices.
go man go
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why people such knobheads, just learning like everyone else


Am running a T-Mobile Compact 2 with WM5 and Spb Pocket Plus installed.
I would like to have a desktop icon that links direct with bluetooth on the device. I have been advised to find a bluetooth.exe file and create a shortcut. I have looked and cannot find the file or anything that looks like it. Does anyone have any idea where I should look and what the file will look like.
Yes I have toggled file explorer to show all files and yes I have searched dilligently through the whole damn list looking for a bluetooth icon. I have also used windows explorer, when synced, but with no success.
I believe you're posting in the wrong forum.
zerimar said:
I believe you're posting in the wrong forum.
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yep.... wrong forum!!!
Please forgive my ignorance, would you tell me which forum I should post my query on?
I must be honest I assumed that a forum about my device would be the right place to post.
actually since there is no dedicated Charmer forum, the majority post in the Magician forum
there is a program to add a bluetooth icon to the system tray, clicking it takes you straight to bluetooth settings but i cant bloody find it again! sure its on modaco somewhere!!! will have another look when ive got time for you
Thanks for your post. I know Modaco. I'll start searching. If I find the program i'll put a link here.
I've used this Forum a few times now and responses have been minimal so it's a real pleasure to get some help. I also didn't know my device is a Charmer not a Magician, thanks again. (My girlfriend thinks it's apt).
Here are three different ways of adding a bluetooth / wireless toggle to your today screen.
The first is a link to a registry hack
The second is a CAB file smartphones
and the third is a CAB file for PPC's (it worked on my Charmer / T-Mobile compact 2)
Hope these work for people.

What i want out of my phone! any help please

hi ya, i have an o2 xda mini however it has a t-mobile simcard inserted. what im looking for is a program that will allow me to send files via bluetooth, as i cant seem to do so any other way. im also looking for a decent infrared controller software, one that has been seen working with this model as i have already tried many diffrent types to no avail. so.... for all you geeks out there who know the xda bible backwards and could read it back in klingon, any advice??
on another not i am looking to learn more about this model, what i want to know is if there are any hidden menus, tips to enhance features and does any1 know of any good mods for it? any advice would be greatful thanks.
(__TEO__) said:
hi ya, i have an o2 xda mini however it has a t-mobile simcard inserted. what im looking for is a program that will allow me to send files via bluetooth, as i cant seem to do so any other way. im also looking for a decent infrared controller software, one that has been seen working with this model as i have already tried many diffrent types to no avail. so.... for all you geeks out there who know the xda bible backwards and could read it back in klingon, any advice??
on another not i am looking to learn more about this model, what i want to know is if there are any hidden menus, tips to enhance features and does any1 know of any good mods for it? any advice would be greatful thanks.
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Resco explorer will certainly let you do this as will Total Commander. Novii remote is a pretty good IR controller software.
As far as tips etc there are about 10000 of them. Check out the WIKI and search for the threads there are dozens of them.
cheers will do.
also, does anyone know if its possible to change the bluetooth software to enable me to send files over bluetooth?
the native (comes with it) software will enable you to send file over bt. just use the 'beam file', it will let you select bluetooth to send file.
ahh cheers i also misread the first post, the guy sugested some there too... ok so i solved the problem with b/t with u guys help, cheers. now to find a remote software that actually works with this model, any1 out there who has sucessfully used any software and what sort of distance did you get from it?

Printing from WM Devices

Someone named ChrisJasper was kind enough to provide me with links to allow me to print from my mobile device... I downloaded a trial and am happy with it thus far... Since I hadn't seen this information posted before, I thought I would post it now...
I tried the ActivePrint... and I may very well purchase it, there are three flavors ranging from $20 - $40...
Thanks for posting this here. I saw the thread @ 4winmobile. I just d/l the trial myself. If I like it then I won't need to go searching for this.
Now to go searching for how to browse network shares.
I saw that posted somewhere already... will have to see if I can locate it again....
sleonard said:
Now to go searching for how to browse network shares.
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for PocketPC there are many 3rd party softwares available for this ... I like "Resco Explorer" best !!
as for the Smartphone device.. ?? NO such luck !!! even the RESCO guys folded their hands in defeat !!
there are workaround streaming methods like "ORB" for example ... but we are talking about hooking up to your home network and browsing the share files though ... not happenning with Smartphone
let me know if you find a solution down the line

(Dumb-ass question again) is there a how-to guide....??

seasons greetings!
have another question thats been bugging me sinse getting my Touch HD. this question is probably the equivalent of potty training...One i know how to do it there's no stopping me....
i've been reading various posts on people changing the fonts on their phone (cab files?) and upgrading the ROM (?) and obviously adding software to their phone to, but i dont get any of it. the thing i dont understand is how you install software that i've seen (is there a specific place on the phone?) add cab files (to where?) and what on earth is a ROM?
the last time i did anything like this was a few years ago to Orange SPV 500 and 550, but it was much easier for me to understand back then as is was all pretty basic. but now? im
i guess what im looking for is a HOW TO guide that i can follow and understand. can anyone point me in the right direction? or am i going to have to pee and poo all over the living room carpet before i actually hit the toilet???
I am new as well, but as far as I can help:
A .cab is much like an .exe on your PC, you can put it ANYWHERE you want really. To install, you simply navigate to where you have put it on your phone through the file explorer and run the .cab from there which will install the application.
I don't know anything about Roms I am afraid.
how to
just type "install cab pocketpc" in a google field, i'm sure your find what your looking for in the first five answers. I know it's could be hard to understand but this is a though forum: if you want to learn from the beginning here you got to search a lot and read more. That's what i'vedone or you google for simple words.
PS: Put the cab in your storage card from activesync, open file explorer in ppc, click your cab, choose where to install ( on ppc for everyday use, on storage for big files). Continue to ask but in the right thread. In french : "tous les grands chenes furent des glands". Rom is the "windows" you got in you ppc, it could be arrange , or modify before by someone (adding or suppressing)
NB/ edit: apologize, you can find people like ScarySquirrel How could you have 116 posts without flashing once ?
HTC Touch HD said:
seasons greetings!
have another question thats been bugging me sinse getting my Touch HD. this question is probably the equivalent of potty training...One i know how to do it there's no stopping me....
i've been reading various posts on people changing the fonts on their phone (cab files?) and upgrading the ROM (?) and obviously adding software to their phone to, but i dont get any of it. the thing i dont understand is how you install software that i've seen (is there a specific place on the phone?) add cab files (to where?) and what on earth is a ROM?
the last time i did anything like this was a few years ago to Orange SPV 500 and 550, but it was much easier for me to understand back then as is was all pretty basic. but now? im
i guess what im looking for is a HOW TO guide that i can follow and understand. can anyone point me in the right direction? or am i going to have to pee and poo all over the living room carpet before i actually hit the toilet???
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I guess your'e going to have to "pee and poo all over the living room carpet" as you so eloquently put it. Just read up the forum and use the search, using context clues to figure what you want to do. Around these parts, people aren't very keen on spoon-feeding info to people. Also check out the Blackstone wiki as well. The blackstone is slightly difficult to mod for newbies at this point due to it being so new, but i'm sure in a few months there will be .CAB files for pretty much everything.
Try this wiki page:
CABs are just like setup.exe files on Windows. I suggest you forget about ROMs if you are new for now.

