Bluesnarf for PPC ( O2 XDA MINI S ) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

i have searched and searched everywhere to find an app that can do the bluesnarf attack from a PPC.
I have found a few symbian apps, but none for windows mobile 5.
Please can someone point me to an app?
thanks in advance

HINT: Have you used the forum search with the query string "bluesnarfing"?
However: Go here:

of course i have, do you think im stupid??
And i found the BtCrawler ages ago, but thanks for the help anyway

I found an app, bluezard, that seems to work good on my qtek 9100. But if someone know a better app, just let me know

wow sick then you guys will be soo elite what with all ur abilities to count hex ports on bluetooth active devices.
go man go

st3v3 said:
wow sick then you guys will be soo elite what with all ur abilities to count hex ports on bluetooth active devices.
go man go
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why people such knobheads, just learning like everyone else


anything similar to netmonitor for ppc?

Right, question is, is there any known apps out there that will allow me to read cell info similar to nokia netmonitor....
i've had my mda vario for a month or so now and if i could get an app like this it's bye bye 6680...
any help or info appreciated.
I've done a search on the web, but the closest i've got to it is an app that uses gps to tirangulate where i am and then links to a database for the cell info... very complicated!!
rabmc: the triangulation app sounds interesting. Is that on PPC?
You want to check out CellTrack.
Crashes my device
I didn't say it worked! I think a few guys have had WM5 troubles with it, try posting in his forums. I've never used it..
A better idea might be to try one by one of our XDA devs boys:
But again not sure if it's WM5.
thank guys...
ill have a look :wink:


TyTN goes wiki
A wiki page has been opened for the TyTN
Please look here before asking questions on the forum.
All users can edit this page so you can all add information thus making it a better source of information.
A bit of a old news to anyone who has half a brain.
pof has been taking good care of the wiki for a while now.
jeezus said:
pof has been taking good care of the wiki for a while now.
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But it wouldn't be possible without the contributions of all the Hermes users! knowledge is power, don't be shy to EDIT
pof said:
jeezus said:
pof has been taking good care of the wiki for a while now.
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But it wouldn't be possible without the contributions of all the Hermes users! knowledge is power, don't be shy to EDIT
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Heh, would if I was faster.
But yes, if anyone spots an error, fix it.
jeezus said:
Heh, would if I was faster.
But yes, if anyone spots an error, fix it.
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Hi - just klicked throught the wiki and there are many links/downloads not working: page not found and so on...
Yes a lot of things screwed after the forum migrations. I already asked the site admins if there's a way to fix it, so they are aware of it and I hope will fix it soon.
Maybe nice to add to the WIKI: I've got me a brand new Vario II sr 642F, so far problem free, stylus feels perfect when pulling out, keybord is smooth yet firm and tidly around all corners... no problems yet... knock on wood
one question though guys that i wouldnt mind answered... Im in australia and looking at buying a TyTn but obviously HTC arent supplying them directly, so its IMATE or DOPOD, now DOPOD are saying their model is Bluetooth 2.0 and IMATE says theirs is 1.2, but arent these the same devices the JASJAM and 838Pro??
thank you.......
Linux & hermes
Is not possible to run Linux yet on HTC TyTN. I`ll must wait for a release??
If I must wait is there a roadmap for the linux port??
I hate M$
Heya guys,
can we get a sticky to the wiki back on the Hermes Upgrade page?
Hey guys thanks for the wiki and all the great information on the forum. It's all been great in helping me change from my Blackjack to the Hermes! Thanks all!
Hi all...
I'm about to get the Dopod 838Pro, and am very grateful that this sort of a forum exists... I am very scared, i don't particularly want to stuff it up... but knowing what sorts of updates and tweaks exist is GREAT
Keep up the good work, and hopefully I will be able to contribute
I have a french SPV M3100.
I've seen on wiki page ( ) that it was missing french SPV M3100 extended rom.
I don't know if that can be of any help, but I've retrieved these files out of the SPV.
Would it be interesting for anyone to have these files uploaded to the xda ftp ?
Unfortunatly, I can't get access to the ftp (timeout), might be because, at work, I have a proxy that might block ftp access.
But tell me, I should be able to do it @ home.
Cheers from France.
Is there a way of saving the wiki to my local hdd and reading it there? I'm frequently away from home and it would be handy to have the resource to hand
Elwyn M3100 said:
Is there a way of saving the wiki to my local hdd and reading it there? I'm frequently away from home and it would be handy to have the resource to hand
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There may be freeware ways of doing this but I have used this and I've just tested it on the Hermes wiki with a link depth of 2 and it worked fine. It has a trial period and a free download so nothing lost if it's not what you're looking for:
The wiki page for Hermes is empty???!
monsieur said:
The wiki page for Hermes is empty???!
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First off, Welcome to The Forum
And for you're question, I can see it here no problem. Is it just the wiki that's not loading? If you're running Firefox and have NoScript or any other "Security" tool then check that it is not blocking anything?!
Let us know of you're progress, though.
hi guys i am new to this forum can somebody please help me out
I am using a jasjam while sending or receiveing data from bluetooth my phone get hot what to do
Is not possible to run Linux yet on HTC TyTN. I`ll must wait for a release??
If I must wait is there a roadmap for the linux port??
I hate M$
Ashraf Khan said:
I am using a jasjam while sending or receiveing data from bluetooth my phone get hot what to do
Is not possible to run Linux yet on HTC TyTN. I`ll must wait for a release??
If I must wait is there a roadmap for the linux port??
I hate M$
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Hi Ashraf, and welcome to the forum
I don't see what this has to do with the missing wiki. You'd get a better response from the board if you put this in a new thread.
If you go back to the main HERMES thread (which is where this message is at and click on the
button you will be able to create a new thread.

Browse computer files through hermes ???

Sorry in advance if this question has been previously posted, i have been trying to search for an answer but no luck, i used search and i read the heading of almost every post in this website....
Well anyway I am trying to browse my homes wireless network shared folders throught my hermes, model dopod 838 pro bought in australia with 3 hutchingson, settings.
I love my phone but it have been exploring it for weeks now trying to see how i would do this, but cant find anything, there are a lot of networking stuff available in the phone which i dont understand so maybe i missed the spot???
I was thinking though that if i was able to do this, it would be through file explorer.
anyone can point me in the rght direction ?
Thank you in advance.
AFAIK, the hermes cannot do this 'out of the box'. If you install Resco file Explorer it does have this capability though.
Thank you for such a quick response, i am looking at it now.
will post and lt you know how i go.
does anyone know how to do this over a vpn? resco doesn't seem to work
Any other programs ?
i have installed resco suite and am using it now... but it is not free, the price isnt that much really but before i buy anything i would like to know if there are any others which wuld do the job that i can trial ??? also a little bit lighter ???

What i want out of my phone! any help please

hi ya, i have an o2 xda mini however it has a t-mobile simcard inserted. what im looking for is a program that will allow me to send files via bluetooth, as i cant seem to do so any other way. im also looking for a decent infrared controller software, one that has been seen working with this model as i have already tried many diffrent types to no avail. so.... for all you geeks out there who know the xda bible backwards and could read it back in klingon, any advice??
on another not i am looking to learn more about this model, what i want to know is if there are any hidden menus, tips to enhance features and does any1 know of any good mods for it? any advice would be greatful thanks.
(__TEO__) said:
hi ya, i have an o2 xda mini however it has a t-mobile simcard inserted. what im looking for is a program that will allow me to send files via bluetooth, as i cant seem to do so any other way. im also looking for a decent infrared controller software, one that has been seen working with this model as i have already tried many diffrent types to no avail. so.... for all you geeks out there who know the xda bible backwards and could read it back in klingon, any advice??
on another not i am looking to learn more about this model, what i want to know is if there are any hidden menus, tips to enhance features and does any1 know of any good mods for it? any advice would be greatful thanks.
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Resco explorer will certainly let you do this as will Total Commander. Novii remote is a pretty good IR controller software.
As far as tips etc there are about 10000 of them. Check out the WIKI and search for the threads there are dozens of them.
cheers will do.
also, does anyone know if its possible to change the bluetooth software to enable me to send files over bluetooth?
the native (comes with it) software will enable you to send file over bt. just use the 'beam file', it will let you select bluetooth to send file.
ahh cheers i also misread the first post, the guy sugested some there too... ok so i solved the problem with b/t with u guys help, cheers. now to find a remote software that actually works with this model, any1 out there who has sucessfully used any software and what sort of distance did you get from it?

wm6 and cingular video

does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
tbl178 said:
thanks for nothing, if you dont have info then don't reply. i did but didn't find anything about wm6.
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You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
tbl178 said:
does anyone know how to get it work? i put the link, and it shows something about need a 3g phone
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found info.
wpbear said:
You didn't read enough or search enough and with an attitude like that I wouldn't help you anyway. The methods are here if you look around.
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you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
No he's not a smart a**. He's actually a quite helpful member of this forum. His suggestion to search is that standard answer by anyone who's been around and/or contributed to this forum for any amount of time.
The point of the Search function is to try and get newbies and the inexperianced to look for the answers themselves and not make other members repeat the same information over and over for every new member that is either too lazy to search and read or just doesn't know that the Search function exists. The information posted here is so far and above what your carrier or software or hardware vendor could provide you for any price and it's available for FREE. So respect the forum and respect the members or go call your service provider for answers. (HA)
You are in no position to tell anyone, especially a Senior member to "shut up" if they don't have an answer.
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@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
wpbear said:
@evilhomer - thanks for the support.
@wratran - so the seaching or reading is working for you obviously since you found one of those links I was talking about.
To the topic - I wish we could get the UA bypassed in WM6 PIE since I do not like NetFront. I think pappl is looking into it.
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wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
chenga said:
wpbear, have you tried this solution to the UA problem? PAPPL and some Europe users were having the same issues and he made a .zip with some files to replace the default files that are keeping PIE from sending out the changed UA in the registry
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I am happy to report this works and I will be posting two cabs shortly to make this install the two files and make the reg fix. One cab will be just the fix and the other will be a realplayer all in one fix.
EDIT: Here are the CABS
EDIT- Cabs removed- the fix by pappl causes some to have email problems. If you still want his fix since it works for most people then go to his thread.
Glad it works for Cingular Video as well. Nice work making the .cab files!
wratran said:
you are just a smart A**...if you dont want to help...dont say nothing
Here is the write up i found from another member
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Exactly what has changed in this forum when people who are upstanding members of this community, like wpbear are put down and attacked by "big shots" who want to show they are better than the others on here? wpbear's comments were valid and to the point. It's really quite annoying on a **developers** web site to have the same questions asked over and over again. wratran--get over yourself. So, you can search. Yay. How about you post the results of your search without the person attacks next time, huh?
This forum is NOT for kiddies who are just learning how to make a phone call. It is, in my opinion, a forum designed for DEVELOPERS who actually understand what they are doing! There are n00bie forums around that will fit you better. comes to mind...
I rest my case....
you noticed wpbear finally post a link to help a member...instead of making smart AS* remark. Look at his first response after the question was asked...and see how obnixious he was...
The search function on this forum does not work very well. I did not get that link by using the search command.
Since I have still not upgraded to WM6 (holding out for WMXL 3.0), I can confirm it works on WM5 AKU 3.3 with PIE. Awesome work guys, I really didn't like Netfront and now it's bye-bye gone!
Huge problem with this fix with outlook email not opening. Email list opens and then the message will try to open but it freezes. Have to close poutlook to get out of it and still can't view emails until HR. I veriefied it is was by installing each app I Had one a a time. I havenot tried this again with the manuall fix and checking email. I will try later.
Edit-The webview dll is causing the email and sms problem but without it the favorites links in pie do not work.
Ugh... yeah, I can definitely confirm that problem!
Is it possible to fix without a hard reset? (I haven't looked inside your cab yet.) I just got all my apps reinstalled and set up on the latest LVSW!
some reason i did not have the outlook problems.
i am using wm6 black 1.2 version with netfront 3.3 and shogun realplayer. i followed the instruction from lokemup and it works.
to many things to comment on here... so i will just tell everyone to place nice or i will lock this thread, since there was already a massive thread on this....

