Atom Pure GSM Signal Problem ! Help ! - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

I recently have been given a 2nd hand Atom Pure, but when i insert any valid simcard, the atom won't get a signal.
I don't know if locked or unlocked, but I didn't get any warning like " Invalid Simcard " or something else, the atom just can't get any signal ( tried 3 different simcard from 3 different operator )
Anyone have any idea to repair it ? maybe reflash the Radio part ?
I have simmiliar problem with old Qtek smartphone which can't get off the "Flight Mode", tried reflash it didnot work, sent it to warranty and come back healthy ( the seal did not even teared, so maybe it can be done via software ?? )
I can't send it to warranty, cause my friend give it to me from out of country, and I even didn't know that my atom still in warranty period or not.
Please help, It would be a waste if I can't get the GSM part work again
BTW, the ROM 20060426B1WWE.
Thank you

did you tried to reflash ROM?

No, not yet.
I'll try it, as soon as I finish downloading, I'll post the result
Thank you

I download :Xda-Atom-ENG-20060426-MOT0822_1.exe
Flashed the ROM, another problem appear !!
Upgrading Image Rom .......... Succeed
Upgrading BootLoader........... Succeed
Upgrading Ext Rom............... Succeed
Upgrading Radio Stack........... Succeed
Burn Radio Stack.................. Connection Error
Now I stuck at Utility Update screen ???!!
Tried to flash it second time, still got the error
Any idea to fix this ????
Please Help. Thank you

try to flash the older rom

tried to reflash it again, with another PC new active sync 4.2, still the same problem.
Tried to download official rom update fromm, it says there's no update rom for my atom (based on IMEI number, already preloded with the latest ROM), so I can't find the link to download.
Thank you so much for helping me in short notice, If you don't mind would you please give me the link to the older ROM ?? Can't find it here in forum.
Thank you

Try this:

Thank you !!, I'll post the result !!!

Just reflashed again with official rom (Xda-Atom-ENG-20060426.exe), "Connection Error" Again ! (tried on three different PC)
Is there another way beside reflashing the ROM ?
Thank you

Xda-Atom-ENG-20060105.exe the result is the same ! tried on 3 different pc.
Is there any way that I can update it via Mini SD card ?
Any other way ?? please help

I thing the problem - the radio stack is locked by operator.... Try to serch for "unlock radio stack"

see here

I've read above link you gave me, but it seem all the tools must be used in healthy state or at least can enter in to bootloader mode. while mine can't do anything, stuck in update utility screen (tried all button combination known to man)
I found a way to enter in bootloader mode, but when enter bootloader with mini sd inserted (dummy) it says "Start downloading". what I'm asking which way downloading proccess ?? atom to SD or SD to Atom ?
I found WM5 tool for dumping rom, it not specified for certain device. If I enable to dump healthy image rom to SD (from another and the same version rom of Atom), Is there any way that I can flash it to broken atom without in boot loader mode ??
I will keep reading above link you give me, I will be waiting your next suggestion and help.
Thank you so much.

the problem is I can't get into bootloder mode, always stuck in Upgrade Utility????. tried all button combination though

Found a way, use rec + camera + reset button.
In DM mode choose Exit DM, and my Ayom live again !!!!!!
BUT, Can't find any GSM in Wireless Setting, WTF !!!!!!
Tried to reflash it again

reflash it in normal mode, result GSM gone. reflash it second time in bootloader mode, result good, GSM setting come back, but still can't find any signal ?!
Do I get GSM hardware error ?? or something ??
Thank you

there's a Selftest app. in the programs group, should use it to see what result will return after a GSM module test.

Already did, Self test in program menu and in Diagnostic menu. All result OK.
Just can get signal, I can't make Emergency call either.
Opened the Atom, Antena ok, all seems normal.


help me!!!!! please i can`t start my P3300

anymore. :--(
Yesterday i^ve make a setup for the ext_rom but with a wrong update. It was been not for the fault.
Now i see only th et-mobile start screen and no more.
What can i do? Thanks in advance..
hmm, please flash your p3300 whith the original software with hope that it will be alive again. otherwise you can take an hardreset on your phone but i'm sure that there will not happened.
is your PDA an original fom HTC or from any other Provider?
it`s from t-mobile
and a hardreset doesn`t work and it`s not successful.
How can i flash it i get usb connection to do it?
dr.moppi said:
and a hardreset doesn`t work and it`s not successful.
How can i flash it i get usb connection to do it?
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hello there!. i have the same problem, did you manage to get a usb connection? i can't flash it...
Try to get it into bootloader ( Read the Artemis wiki as to how to get into bootloader) and if you are successful then try flashing it with the t-mobile stock rom.
arvind09 said:
Try to get it into bootloader ( Read the Artemis wiki as to how to get into bootloader) and if you are successful then try flashing it with the t-mobile stock rom.
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Please tell me how can i get the t-mobile stock rom or can you give me the link, thanks
Shipped ROM's in English -
To get into bootloader - hold down the record/voice command button (top left along the side of the phone) and use the stylus to press the recessed reset button on the lower left side of the phone (same side as the other boutton you hold down) Keep holding the record button as you hit and release the reset button, you will eventually see a screen with color bars on it. At this point you will be able to get a USB connection, but not an active sync. Try to start the ROM file when the phone is in this state and connected to your computer.
What is the original language/carrier for your phone?
MDA Compact III stops in T-mobile logo screen
I manage to enter bootloader and start flashing a ROM but I allways get a error: image file corrupted.
I think I need the original Dutch T-mobile ROM.
Anyone know where to find it?
Hi I have the same problem. I have the B&B3.7 and get stuck in the splash screen. I could enter to the bootloader mode and use some commands of the mtty.
I have my old rom, how may i load it to the pda? I have a SD and a tytn to load something in it.
ftsv said:
I manage to enter bootloader and start flashing a ROM but I allways get a error: image file corrupted.
I think I need the original Dutch T-mobile ROM.
Anyone know where to find it?
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run uspl first!!! you can then run installation from any provider of your choice.
USPL cannot be run if your phone is stuck into bootloader?
It starts counting, askts to copy the same information again several times, and get stuck at 50... how is this possible, anyone has the original HTC Dutch rom ? May be the WM5 also! Thanks!
same problem but with no display
i have done the same mistake
have tried to upgrade my T-MOBILE MDA COMPACT III(aka htc p3300) with the HTC TOUCH ROM
it started to upgrade and an error occured
then i have lost the display and all
when i connect it to my laptop using USB i hear a beep in my computer but active syn didnt find any device
i dont know what to do now..please help me it has to be recovered
there must be some way pls pls anyone help me to get my working phone back
will appreciate your concern
Faraz Feroz
well you have to get the original ROM for your device.. see their website.. it should be there for free. or try to get it from anyplace.. (the original rom)
and then flash it using SD Card flashing
info for flashing it by that are here:
hope it will work
y_bother said:
well you have to get the original ROM for your device.. see their website.. it should be there for free. or try to get it from anyplace.. (the original rom)
and then flash it using SD Card flashing
info for flashing it by that are here:
hope it will work
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thanks Y_Brother
i have downloaded the new rom but it doesnt seem to work too

Problems with FM Radio & Camera

Hi all,
I encounter some problems with the polaris. When I want to use the camera I encounter the message:" unable to initialize....".
I also encounter problems with the FM radio: when I want to use my radio, it starts up, you see the screen, but no sound radio stations can be found. This means no radio functionality as well.
I've perfomed soft reboots but also hard reboots (so it initializes completely again). I also tried new ROMs. Nothing helps. Anybody recognizes this problem? Looks like that it has problems initializing the radio/ camera function.
Is there an update available which could fix this problem? My device is not damaged at all. Or would there be an other solution, as far as you know? Furthermore, the phone works perfectly. Hopefully you can help me with this.
First flash ur pda with :
If that doesnt work.Keep the one murata radio on your pda and flash another win mobile rom(without radio rom).
I prefer khanx vanilla v6 (radio isnt working, ) or swtos roms ( )
look also:
Other radio roms are crap....
2 ALL. My FM radio very very poor, allways noice & appear and disappear signal, in same moment - mobile phone samsung about 200$ give 100% better quality
any suggest ?maybe need forget to use radio in cruise ???
Hi Badguy,
Yesterday I tried to flash my pda, as you said, with the radio rom "". the update ended up in 99% completeness. So now....I have the tri color error (so I cannot use my phone). Hopefully I will be able to restore it again.
You have any tips?
Yes i forgot to tell you, that u have to flash HARD SPL first, then u can flash any custom rom and any radio rom.
Now, u have to flash ur pda with original touch cruise rom, which will restore your pda to normal working mode.Original rom is on CD, which was in box, when u bought ur phone.When the iriginal rom is flashed, u do the hard spl, then u can flash any software made for polaris.
Thanks for the info...I am not aware that I received any CD's with original roms.
If I have not received any CD with Rom on it, can I not just update the ROM with ,for example, Diamond r7 Rom?
I tried this, but I didn't succeed. Normally I connect the phone to my pc, then enter the 'bootloader mode (from hard SPL)' on my pda by starting up the bootloader on my polaris and then I run the new ROM from my computer. When I use this procedure, the ROM is updated. I used this procedure as well for this 'flash'.
Since I have now the permanent tri-color, and therefore cannot enter bootloader, how can I update my ROM to the original version (or to any other ROM)?
Any further tips?
ftp://xda:[email protected]_radio_sign_25.65.30.04_1.58.21.23_Ship.exe
U need this rom, This version u should get with the phone.But it doesnt matter now. just ON/OFF the phone, connect it with cable and pc. Start flashing. Then make hardspl.
Did u hear for flashing through microsd card?? All what u must do is:
1. U have to have memory card in mode fat32.
2. Put onto the memory card rom file. Usually is named something.nbh .You have to rename it to POLAIMG.nbh .
3. put the memory card into the PDA and u have to go to bootloader mode ( press the camera button, make soft reset with stylus and u have to press camera button all the time, until u get 3color mode.
Radio roms, splash screens, roms , all, u can flash with microSD mode.
btw Its a MUST!!
Hope it works now.
badguy999 said:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_radio_sign_25.65.30.04_1.58.21.23_Ship.exe
U need this rom, This version u should get with the phone.But it doesnt matter now. just ON/OFF the phone, connect it with cable and pc. Start flashing. Then make hardspl.
Did u hear for flashing through microsd card?? All what u must do is:
1. U have to have memory card in mode fat32.
2. Put onto the memory card rom file. Usually is named something.nbh .You have to rename it to POLAIMG.nbh .
3. put the memory card into the PDA and u have to go to bootloader mode ( press the camera button, make soft reset with stylus and u have to press camera button all the time, until u get 3color mode.
Radio roms, splash screens, roms , all, u can flash with microSD mode.
btw Its a MUST!!
Hope it works now.
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I have tried the above steps. I have downloaded the rom, upacked it and renamed into POLAIMG.nbh
I pressed the camera button all the time and performed a soft reset with stylus. The following happens:
1. The three color comes again (it says: POLA100, SPL-1.25.0000, CPLD-2; in the red part; also in the above right corner of the red part it says: RUUNBH).
2. Then it turns into a white screen with: 'Loading...'.
3. After that it says...'checking...'
4. After this it says:
not allow"
Then it returns again to the three color with same text as above.
Do you know any tips to solve my problem? Hopefully you can help me!
Kind regards,
Here I am again.
I now concluded from the text in the red section, that I indeed don't have Hard-SPL on it. I think this causes the fact that it is 'not allowed''. Would you agree on this one?
This means that I need to install HARD-spl from the tri-color situation.
This is the next big challenge I think. Do you have tips for me? Hopefully we will [email protected]
badguy999 was trying to tell you that about 3 or 4 posts back. Yes you must HardSPL your device before you load anything other than the Stock ROM. Read and follow the following thread to hardspl:
also read this
hope this helps... good luck
mewsijben said:
Here I am again.
I now concluded from the text in the red section, that I indeed don't have Hard-SPL on it. I think this causes the fact that it is 'not allowed''. Would you agree on this one?
This means that I need to install HARD-spl from the tri-color situation.
This is the next big challenge I think. Do you have tips for me? Hopefully we will [email protected]
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I know that I need to install Hard SPL and I have read the threads you mentioned (before). The thing is, how can I install Hard SPL without the use of any active sync. In other words: how can I install Hard SPL by using the SD-card?
If you can help me with would be great.
bkeaver said:
badguy999 was trying to tell you that about 3 or 4 posts back. Yes you must HardSPL your device before you load anything other than the Stock ROM. Read and follow the following thread to hardspl:
also read this
hope this helps... good luck
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U cant. First u have to flash original rom to make the pda working again. Then u can install hardspl through cable. original rom can be flashed with microsd method.
Are u sure that u have memory card in fat32??Cause error u described few post before.
When I want to flash it with original rom (rename the rom to POLAIMG.nbh, it starts loading, than checking, and than it says 'not allow....and a number' See also a few posts back. I formatted the SD to FAT 32
Somehow I'm not allowed to install the original rom. Therefore I thought that I needed to install Hard SPL.
Or should I press a combination of buttons on my phone? When I press the camera button and then soft reset, the same happens, when I just reset (he tries to load the image, but does not work).
I'm now allmost through all my options here. Hopefully somebody can help.
camera problems
as far as i understand the "cannot initialize" camera problem is a know HTC hardware problem and the only solution to it is to send the phone to HTC for board replacement.
(it might suddenly start working for some time - i saw reports that it happens , but than the problem will probably return -- there are lot of touch cruise users i saw with this problem and the only known solution i saw was HTC repair)
Is true that the polaris is "weak" phone. mine had trouble with connecting to 3G. And during calls, persons didnt hear me well and from time to time i was muted . So, they change motherboard.
Polaris has really weak signal strenght. Far far better signal i got from tytn2 and trinity.With regular radio rom...

how to downgrade athena100 spl-v1.20oilpro to factory defalt plz help me????

i have ATHENA 100 in T-MOBILE Ameo........ i update lot of rom's on my ameo with success . my phone status is: IPL-v1.00 SPL-v1.20. Olipro.
my bad luck i try to update with that rom (Athena_SPL3.5_WM6.1_WWE_R6.1-Michy) after 92% rom got error & phone restart. after that my Ameo hang on startup. i put my phone into usb mode by pressing CAMERA key + POWER & try to upgrade with lot of diffrent roms but i got ERROR[244] INVALID MODEL ID (pic attached below) plz help me how can i update my phone in working condition??>......................
This may help!
Hi Kanwalgee.
The problem is that you tried to flash a ROM for SPL3.5 and you have SPL 1.20.
I read some of that in this thread. Read and it maybe help you to correct the problem.
Then go to the mobile 6 section and read this other thread.
I hope this will useful for you.

"Pre-series" S200 flashing issues

I work for a mobile phone distributor. As such, we often get from manufacturers "pre-series" handsets that we use to showcase to our customers.
Usually, these handsets are mostly if not fully identical to what will be on the market but the S200 I got hold off yesterday shows a weird OS version : S200_0.019a.00_EN
And it seems the flashing functionnalities have not been implemented on it or even restricted : when trying to flash an official Acer ROM, when pressing "Yes" the following message is displayed on the screen : "KernelIoControl fail ! Your device not support this function. Please check your OS version"
I also tried flashing custom ROMs but they all fail after reboot in FTM mode
I really think the bootloader is special on this unit but can't find any HardSpl or alternative bootloader that I could flash over =(
Thanks for your support
rahan95 said:
I work for a mobile phone distributor. As such, we often get from manufacturers "pre-series" handsets that we use to showcase to our customers.
Usually, these handsets are mostly if not fully identical to what will be on the market but the S200 I got hold off yesterday shows a weird OS version : S200_0.019a.00_EN
And it seems the flashing functionnalities have not been implemented on it or even restricted : when trying to flash an official Acer ROM, when pressing "Yes" the following message is displayed on the screen : "KernelIoControl fail ! Your device not support this function. Please check your OS version"
I also tried flashing custom ROMs but they all fail after reboot in FTM mode
I really think the bootloader is special on this unit but can't find any HardSpl or alternative bootloader that I could flash over =(
Thanks for your support
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Seems like you have a pre-production unit, acer does not apply any kind of flashing encription to there phones, so you dont need any hard-spl,soft-spl etc, you should be able to flash your device, since hdubli first rom cooker for the acer s200 also had a pre-production unit, send me screenshot of the back of your device without the battery, il see what i can desiver off of it.
Thanks your interest in my issue !
Here are a few pictures of the back of my device + bootscreen :
Thank you
rahan95 said:
Thanks your interest in my issue !
Here are a few pictures of the back of my device + bootscreen :
Thank you
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Hmmm this is intresting indeed....have you tryed flashing any of my roms?? what you have there is test bootloader, if do have a flashing security/or no flashing support is withing the bootloader, try flashing my rom as i have the oldest bootloader, let me know how it goes, im very interested in your device.
edit: turn off your device, and press and hold camera, and wile still pressing camera press the reset button, and tell me what it does
Actually, I think my test bootloader had nothing to do with my issue but it was rather the flashing tools disliking my Windows 7 on bootcamp =(
Just borrowed a laptop with XP and could flash your latest ROM
Well, actually my phone won't reboot at all (all I get when pressing the power button is the blinking red light) but I guess I will find the solution in your main topic, won't I ?
Removed battery, put it back in, pressed camera and power button then pressed reset but nothing happens
EDIT : looks like I bricked it =( Can't reboot, no matter what I do all I get is that red blinking light
Reflashed, program says procedure is complete but still the same in the end
rahan95 said:
Actually, I think my test bootloader had nothing to do with my issue but it was rather the flashing tools disliking my Windows 7 on bootcamp =(
Just borrowed a laptop with XP and could flash your latest ROM
Well, actually my phone won't reboot at all (all I get when pressing the power button is the blinking red light) but I guess I will find the solution in your main topic, won't I ?
Removed battery, put it back in, pressed camera and power button then pressed reset but nothing happens
EDIT : looks like I bricked it =( Can't reboot, no matter what I do all I get is that red blinking light
Reflashed, program says procedure is complete but still the same in the end
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Well its not bricked just yet =], if you press camera and reset and the red light start blinking thats good, it means your device is in download mode(bootloader) so you can save it, but my guess is that your device doesn't have the flashing partition in its nand flash, you would need to flash a proper production CSV this will partition your device nand to production standarts, hence giving you the flashing partition, as this said you would need qualcomm's qpst something qualcomm engineers only have, so for now your device can only boot into bootloader.
Doesn't sound too good =(
I guess I'll never be able to add the flashing partition myself, will I ?
Edit : finding the QPST seems easy on RS, how about the proper production CSV ?
Thanks a lot for your time
rahan95 said:
Doesn't sound too good =(
I guess I'll never be able to add the flashing partition myself, will I ?
Edit : finding the QPST seems easy on RS, how about the proper production CSV ?
Thanks a lot for your time
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This one should work, be aware the QPST is not flashing utility its an engineering tool, meaning you require certain knowledge to use it, if you fail to do so you will render your device completely and utterly useless, good luck.
Before trying QPST, just tried and flashed UFE Nuts rom : it works like a charm !!!
rahan95 said:
Before trying QPST, just tried and flashed UFE Nuts rom : it works like a charm !!!
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Strange hes using my rom as based so mine should have work as well.
Strange indeed ! And then i could flash your rom on.
Only thing is that it aparently lost the radio !
Oh... It's a pity you flashed it so quick We could have used the pre-production rom for various experiments (as I remember, none of the reviewers complained about 2d landscape issues or low headset volume ).
Sorry, no one told me it could be of any interest to you guys =(
By the way, would you know what I should do to flash Radio the radio only ?
If you use the old flasher (i.e. there're plenty of files in rom package - flash.bin/extrom.bin/amss/...), you can try to delete flash,extrom,dsp1 and to leave only amss file.
Will try that when I'm back home, thanks a lot !
I think I've flashed all the ROMs I could find on the forum but without much success : everything works perfectly except the phone =(
All I get is "Phone off" on the desktop and all that is related to phone doesn't work (placing calls, SIM toolkit, connections setting, etc...) just as if there were no SIM card in the handset. I get the "Phone is off, would you like to turn it on ?" message but it never gets to the PIN input screen.
I tried with several SIM cards that work perfectly well in my other phones with the same result
Any idea would be greatly appreciated =)
rahan95 said:
I think I've flashed all the ROMs I could find on the forum but without much success : everything works perfectly except the phone =(
All I get is "Phone off" on the desktop and all that is related to phone doesn't work (placing calls, SIM toolkit, connections setting, etc...) just as if there were no SIM card in the handset. I get the "Phone is off, would you like to turn it on ?" message but it never gets to the PIN input screen.
I tried with several SIM cards that work perfectly well in my other phones with the same result
Any idea would be greatly appreciated =)
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You need to try different AMSS.MBN these are the Radio part for the acer s200, try flashing the one found in my flashing tools, if dosnt work download difrent Acer OEM roms, and try all the amss.mbn, one of these should work lol, good luck.
Tried to flash all the AMSS.MBN I found, including the one in your flashing tools but I'm still stuck =(
I'm about to throw the phone through the window =)
rahan95 said:
Tried to flash all the AMSS.MBN I found, including the one in your flashing tools but I'm still stuck =(
I'm about to throw the phone through the window =)
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Hmm it seems that your pre-production device flashing partition is not as big as the normal acer s200 devices, my only guess is that your flashing partition is full thus not been able to flash the amss.mbn, my question is in the flashing process do you see amss.mbn been flashed?? or is it skipped?
No, the whole procedure goes fine, no error message of any kind and apparently nothing is skipped

imate jasjam error flashing pls help

hi anyone pls help,
i have one imate jasjam, the initial problem is i done a hard reset and the phone reboot and it wont finish running the customise application installation, after that the phone cant detect network, i had run a hard spl into the phone and then try to flash a rom that i download from forum but it only run 11% then stop then i realise that the rom i flash is for htc jasjam not imate jasjam, now my phone can only stay at the boot loader mode, i also try different rom but no luck so i think i ask for your help
here is my device details at the boot loader mode
before i flash it i also cant find any radio rom version in this phone so i guess the radio rom also missing or what just not sure....
i think i flash the htc jasjam wrong model rom even now i flash back the original JASJAM_WWE_1.20.305.3_1.20.305.104_1.07.03.10_ship this error message come out "ERROR [260]: update error" and it ask me to check my usb connection.
i search the forum and few member advice me to use mtty and i did tried that many time it didnt work, another member advice me to use this method "Formate yr memorycard & Unzip attached file in your memorycard named Hermimg.nbh & put yr cell in boot mode & follow screen instructions..........this illl boot yr celll out to boot mode......... " i tried that but the phone always stay at boot mode and no other instructions came out at all so im really lost and just hoping somebody can help me solve this problem...
can anyone pls guide me step by step of how to flash this phone back to normal, your help is much appreciated, many thanks.
Hi, i had the same problem flashing from the SD card. Are you using Vista or Windows7? I tried with Vista Format card, drag and drop renamed image onto sd card. Stuck it in the phone, reset and like you say hangs on bootloader. Then i tried the same thing from my Windows XP laptop, exactly the same format, rename drag and drop and everything works fine. Hope this helps
first i tried with vista then i tried with xp the problem still there, any other idea to solve this problem? thanks anyway for your advice
G'day, I've only really been reading about roms and these phones for only a few hours but I'm pretty sure that htc jasjam and imate jasjam are one and the same phone i think the said rom are used with all hermes type phones..
thanks and sorry for my ignorance if i'm mistaken

