HOWTO: programmatically pop up soft keyboard - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I want to programmatically make the soft keyboard show up on my device.
I am using eVC++ 4.0. Any Ideas?

mohgdeisat said:
I want to programmatically make the soft keyboard show up on my device.
I am using eVC++ 4.0. Any Ideas?
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SIPINFO si = {0};
si.cbSize = [COLOR=Blue]sizeof[/COLOR](SIPINFO);
SHSipInfo(SPI_GETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
si.fdwFlags = SIPF_ON|SIPF_DOCKED;
SHSipInfo(SPI_SETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); [COLOR=Green]// for a specific window (to use in focus events)[/COLOR]

Thanks Fred, this really works perfectly...
I am happpy now

dotfred said:
SIPINFO si = {0};
si.cbSize = [COLOR=Blue]sizeof[/COLOR](SIPINFO);
SHSipInfo(SPI_GETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
si.fdwFlags = SIPF_ON|SIPF_DOCKED;
SHSipInfo(SPI_SETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); [COLOR=Green]// for a specific window (to use in focus events)[/COLOR]
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hopefully this question is astute enough to keep from being flamed, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained....
so, if i took this line of code:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
and modified it something like this:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
or some such, could i then set it to keep the soft keyboard from popping up (either programatically or globally) without selecting it from the input menu?
obviously i know little of programming, but you should be able to catch the logic behind it. as to why, people are all but begging for this functionality for their Wizards....

blazoner said:
hopefully this question is astute enough to keep from being flamed, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained....
so, if i took this line of code:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
and modified it something like this:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
or some such, could i then set it to keep the soft keyboard from popping up (either programatically or globally) without selecting it from the input menu?
obviously i know little of programming, but you should be able to catch the logic behind it. as to why, people are all but begging for this functionality for their Wizards....
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The SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); is normally used when you catch the WM_SETFOCUS/WM_KILLFOCUS of a specific window. This is the normal behaviour for EDIT controls on pocket pcs that do not have an integrated keyboard. I can imagine it is a burden on the Wizard...
If you want to control the behaviour of the virtual keyboard for all controls of the active window, I should consider to use the first code.
You can also hide the sip button appearing on the soft keys bar, when you use the SHCreateMenuBar api.
You can also show a window with the sip down with the SHInitDialog api.
ps.: if you want to control the SIP of the whole system, you have to subclass the window with the classname MS_SIPBUTTON.

Now I leave myself open for flaming, the way I read this:
On a wizard that has a keyboard that is open and i am using, there seem to be many application that do not relize this and thus pop up the soft keyboard.
Is there a application that will stop this on a global bases ? (as in trick the applications into thinking my soft keyboard is my hardware keyboard or on call just closing the soft keyboard)
If so were can I get it from as I cant program my VCR let alone my 8track.
Well maybe reading is not my strong point but I feel that there might be a need for a .fred kbd (on / Off) tool.
Myself I have a BA with a hardware Keyboard that I NEVER use so I am not sure how apps react.
PS no offence intended

MDAIIIUser said:
Now I leave myself open for flaming, the way I read this:
On a wizard that has a keyboard that is open and i am using, there seem to be many application that do not relize this and thus pop up the soft keyboard.
Is there a application that will stop this on a global bases ? (as in trick the applications into thinking my soft keyboard is my hardware keyboard or on call just closing the soft keyboard)
If so were can I get it from as I cant program my VCR let alone my 8track.
Well maybe reading is not my strong point but I feel that there might be a need for a .fred kbd (on / Off) tool.
Myself I have a BA with a hardware Keyboard that I NEVER use so I am not sure how apps react.
PS no offence intended
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I think different solutions are possible for this:
1) I know somebody developed a NULL virtual keyboard (no layout), so whatever happens, the keyboard will never show up on the screen.
2) The SIP is a driver, so if it is unloaded, the soft keybard will never show up on the screen even when clicking on the keyboard button on the softkey bar, BUT I don't know what will happen with the hard keyboard, will the keys still be handled? It should but... (I can't try, I don't have a hard keyboard)
3) As you suggested a background program that would handle the on/off SIP behaviour on demand.
For me, the easiest would be the second option, because you just unload a driver, so no harm is done and no extra hack is made.

Well 2 sounds fine but can "joe blow" do that.
Myself I like to 1.
I see a cab that installs GhostKbd, ....
a null keyboard that can be chossen as the "input methord" over keyboard icon bottom right, options.
This gives the user the chance of having it when he wants nothing or not have it when he wants something (wiered looking at it that way).
This also wont conflict with what ever the Hardkeyboard does (well I think any way).
Can you talk to "somebody" and get it ?
Maybe we could have soem input from those that have the problem.
EDIT and 3 but could be some work

MDAIIIUser said:
Well 2 sounds fine but can "joe blow" do that.
Myself I like to 1.
I see a cab that installs GhostKbd, ....
a null keyboard that can be chossen as the "input methord" over keyboard icon bottom right, options.
This gives the user the chance of having it when he wants nothing or not have it when he wants something (wiered looking at it that way).
This also wont conflict with what ever the Hardkeyboard does (well I think any way).
Can you talk to "somebody" and get it ?
Maybe we could have soem input from those that have the problem.
EDIT and 3 but could be some work
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Here is a free app, that does that!

@ blazoner
So does the above solve your problem and if so should we post it in the wizard wiki ?

i'm not sure. i had a cab file not uninstall completely, and it was interfering with my SIP options. i'll give it another go after a hard reset/rom upgrade. should know by tomorrow.

looks like there's a solution out there after all....
i found this in this thread
#3 07-04-2006, 04:50 PM
mistrix Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 10
Hardware Keyboard only in Landscape
On the Universal the combination of PQZ (to assign different SIPs to landscape and portrait, should work on other devices too) and PHMs "NoDoSIP" (registers a SIP that does nothing) works perfectly. Disable all SIPs not needed at all by setting the Reg Value (search for the SIP by name in the registry) Default under IsSIPInputMethod for that method to 0. You can rename your remaining SIPs there as well.
MDAPro, HBH662
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so far it seems to work on my 8125
i've still gotta go through and delete SIP methods from my phone (just cause i'm a perfectionist....)
if it works all through the weekend, i'll post it to the wiki....

still working great! posted to the Wiki!

Can you add the wiki link just in case somebody uses search and finds this thread.

MDAIIIUser said:
Can you add the wiki link just in case somebody uses search and finds this thread.
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Sure! It's on the main Wiki page for the Wizard.


New! Change SIP and toggle SIP from command line!

see this thread
This app will allow you to toggle the sip by loading it from the commandline - ie SipSwitch.exe.
However, specifiying a command line will cause the PPC to switch to that SIP AND toggle the SIP, so if no keyboard is shown:
"SipSwitch.exe Keyboard" will switch to Keyboard and display it. Use the same name as the SIP in the SIP menu.s
Best to try it and see!
My girlfriend's gonna kill me - 4.18am and work tomorrow
Links to the app.
Please leave constructive feedback.
Hi vijay555,
good job! Works great
some notes from testing:
- I couldn't switch to SIPs with " " (space) as first character, so I had to rename them (HKEY_Classes_Root/CLSID/... look for IsSIPInputMethod - thanks for advice, BGK )
- Blimkeys SIP suddenly stopped working and "basic keyboard" popped out instead.. SR solved it
- nice tool for testing (and creating shortcuts afterwards) is nOpen - (and then with mortbuttons you can switch between keyboards using one hw button)
ideas for next version (in case you survived work&girlfriend ) :
- possibility to specify (.ini file) several input methods and then command line options like --next, --previous or --switch
- possibility to switch method without popping SIP pannel out
krysha - thanks for your feedback.
I wasn't sure about the SIP popping on or off. I couldn't think of much use for changing the SIP but NOT popping it up - you would then need 2 shortcuts, one to change it, one to bring it up, which for one handed use seemed wasteful. However, it's certainly easy to make it so it doesn't bring up the SIP.
I suppose at some point I'll learn how to split command lines. I also need to learn how to trim and do left$, right$ and mid$ and split() in C++. Any ideas?!
The idea about the .ini is intersting. I'll think about how to implement it, but it might take some time! If I forget, drop me a line at some point.
Man, coding so late was hard work. I can barely think straight now!
PS I use gsfidner for shortcuts, but thanks for the tip.
Any news on this?
Hi vijay555,
I saw you're coding a lot (VJSMS, VJDialer, ToggleStart and many other nice things - thanks for all your hard work!).
But: Are there any news on this little thingy, too?
Would be cool, if it could be used to switch between two (or more) input methods by calling the same command (by using an .ini-file), because then I could switch between those SIPs by pressing one single button.
Greetings and TIA,
BGK - I will work on it, I haven't forgotten, but I am still learning my C++ and so have to figure out how to read an ini file and parse it... I'm trying to finish off a more generic version of ToggleToday, and then I'll try and look at this again... Don't know if many/any people use this, but it would be nice to toggle through the SIPs.
Hi again,
vijay555 said:
I'm trying to finish off a more generic version of ToggleToday, and then I'll try and look at this again...
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Great! Thanx a lot! If you need any kind of help - please just tell me.
vijay555 said:
..have to figure out how to read an ini file and parse it...
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...or you can provide several input methods on command line and switch between them - that should be simplier
for example "SipSwitch.exe Keyboard FullScreen" would switch between those 2 methods each time you run it..
krysha - that's one way I'm thinking of doing it, but you guys have to think, do you want the selected SIP to be displayed (ie keyboard pops up) or toggled (if on, switch off etc) when you change sip by command line. Sometimes it's useful to toggle the SIP, but the command line will want to switch to the next sip in the command line string.
I'm actually thinking of another version, based on this idea of mine: what it will do is you assign a hardware key to the program, and holding down that hardware key will show you the name of the current sip (eg "keyboard"). Letting go will show that SIP.
However, if you don't let go, but hold down the hardware key, it will flash through each SIP on the system, so it will show a little window in the corner: "Keyboard", "Calligrapher" etc, each name being shown for say 3 seconds and then changing to the next SIP name. That way, you can hold down the hardware key until the SIP you want is shown and then let go, and that SIP will be selected and activated.
What do you think?
BTW - can anyone tell me how to split strings in C++.
Eg for the command line seperated by commas, in vb I would do something like
How do I do that in C++? I haven't read that far in my programming lessons yet I presume I have to write my own routine or use another library right?
Hi ViJay,
vijay555 said:
I haven't read that far in my programming lessons yet I presume I have to write my own routine or use another library right?
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I guess - following the software output you had the last weeks/months - there's no more neet to explain that, right? :wink:
You did nice work on all of the software you gave to this community, so I'm asking you just very polite, if you did a little further development on sipswitch, too? :roll:
It would be really cool beeing able to switch between 2 or 3 predefined input methods (from .ini or command line).
If you need help in any way, maybe I could help you (nor very advanced in C++, but... call me Mr. Google... :lol: ). :roll:
BGK: I will be working on this, but just not right now. I'm working on something quite big right now, but as soon as I can, I wil get around to this, I haven't forgotten, and I'm often thinking of how best to implement it. Unfortunately right now the "bigger" projects have to take priority
It will hopefully have a bit more of a configuration interface to support its use. Thanks for being patient!
vijay555 said:
Unfortunately right now the "bigger" projects have to take priority
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No problem. I hope, your effort will be honored right this time... :wink:
vijay555 said:
It will hopefully have a bit more of a configuration interface to support its use. Thanks for being patient!
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Could you do me a favour and tell me how you will change the sip intself (changing registry keys, calling which functions,...)?
Would be interested in this...
SipSwitch currently starts and compiles a list of the installed SIPs.
If it find the one that matches the command line, it enables and toggles that SIP.
The future version will use a command line of defined SIPs or probably a config file.
Compile the array of defined sips from the config file/command line.
Get the array of installed sips.
Get the current sip.
Match that sip to the config array.
If there's a match, get the next SIP specified in the config array.
If next SIP matches installed SIP, switch to next SIP.
No registry involved in SIPs I think!
The work involved is in parsing the config file, preparing the array of sips and looping through the arrays. Nothing too complicated, just needs some attention. I literally don't have a spare minute right now though. I'm on a deadline to finish some code tonight Don't like coding under pressure, just for fun!
vijay555 said:
I literally don't have a spare minute right now though. I'm on a deadline to finish some code tonight Don't like coding under pressure, just for fun!
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Okay, didn't answer my question, but don't hurry. Just do your job and I will come back on that, if you're ready.
Don't like coding under pressure, too. :wink:
Good Application
Dear vijay555
i have tried this app and working fine, but i have arabic keyboard name and i can not toggle to it using your app, is there anyway to know the english sip name of my arabic keyboard.
gwassef: have a look at the second post from the top, discussing the registry. I've not really thought about it before, but have a look through the registry, and maybe even change the name of the SIP.
Have to run, apologies!
Dear vijay555
thanks for reply, i checked the second post from where i got a link to the wiki registry settings and got the CLSID of my SIP and change it to engish, then i used your sipswitch.exe program to change it each time i soft reset my device.
thanks for you all
Hey Vj, I ran a test on your app.
I made a Shortcut using Total Commander with the following line
"\Program Files\SipSwitch\sipswitch.exe" Keyboard
It gives me a window saying "SIP not found". Any clue?
I think it may be case sensitive - did you copy it exactly? Check the CLSID in your registry to make sure it's exactly as written.
Frankly, it's a very basic app. It needs a complete re-write!
Yes, they are exactly the same. Attached (I've cut the bottom half from other screen shot to avoid uploading two pics). Note, the " symbol is on the right way, Total Commander somehow omit the starting " symbol, but the short cut is definately functioning. I'm just wondering if there are any other method of putting the " marks. But I did use the same method for OMAPCLOCK, it works.
BTW, for your info, my "Keyboard" is in
it will be great if u develop an app which can allow multiple SIP's on the system bar(Ref. mCalc adds an icon next to SIP)

Wizard MSN Messenger - Soft Keyboard pops up all the time...

Hi All
I've got an O2 XDA Mini S which I've set up using the corporate option, so I no longer have the O2 Software running.
Whenever I start a new conversation in MSN messenger, the soft keyboard pops up, even if the real keyboard is exposed.
This is really annoying as I have to minimise the soft keyboard on every new conversation.
Can anyone help?
Driving me mad! :roll: LOL
Just tried to make a word document and it's doing the same thing!!!
I have tried setting the input options from keyboard to phonepad and it's still doing it.
just start typing (DON'T click it away!). for me after that it remembers that i don't want to use the onscreen keyboard.
OK, so I just rebooted the machine and it's not popping up now.
However, the MSN chat window is all squashed up at the top of the screen... As if there was a softkeyboard there.
I think I'm going to have to get used to the occasional reboot on this!
Thanks for your quick response!
Clicking on the SIP button in the bottom right should disable the soft keyboard, and according to some, it should retain that setting. I don't have a Wiz so I can't confirm, but one way or the other, it might help you to install a dummy SIP. PHM Tools installs one.
PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy
The PHM Ext. Keyboard is an empty input panel you can use when you have an external keyboard connected (such as thumb, collapsible, foldable, wireless, ... keyboard) and do not want an input panel to take valuable screen estate.
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yah this annoys me as well, when browsing in landscape and BOOM this keyboard that covers have the screen pops up! you can't even see what yoru typing...
anyway i remember reading a fix for this somewher, but it was before i got the device. anyone know where its at?
Hey, I changed mine from keyboard to the transcriber, it doesn't seem to popup now and it also give a full screen while on msn rather than only half screen where the keyboard should be.
Just tried this... Thanks!
It gives more of the screen available to MSN, but still not full screen for me.
If I click on the transcriber icon at the bottom of the screen, then click on it again to minimise it, I then get full screen.
Weird problems!
want to try the PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy but theire website is down since some time. Could anybody please upload the files in this forum or somewhere else? (eg,...)
PHM tools
I think they're all down for updates.
Here's a zip of all of them.
so what exactly does that do? i don't want to install anything that can be solved by a reg edit. (dont have a mem card yet)
Fone - one of the cabs installs a dummy SIP called external keyboard or something. It's for people that use external keyboards, basically don't one the built in ones popping up all the time.
It's small, I'd install it if you have a need. If you really don't need the built in keyboards and want a registry only solution, you can disable the SIPs through the registry. Not recommended though.
Alternatively, as it's just 1 install:
( could probably hack apart the PHM tools CAB just as well )
thanks a lot, just what i needed!!
Excellent! Works a treat!! Thank You.
Ahh, null keyboard is by beemer. He's a great coder, check out his today plugins for wondrous pleasures.
These null keyboard type things do pretty much the same thing, ie nothing. However, if you're really geeky, Brighthand forums has a large review of a number of them. Use whatever works though.
its ok, i'll go ahean and install it. i just thought somehow someone could make a couple regedits that would tell the device if in landscape dont show onscreen keyboard. but i guess its more complex than i thought.
short of intercepting it, I don't think so
Technically, software needs to check they keyboard status, and then suppress the SIP from popping up when activating text entry elements (stuff's in MSDN somewhere). Thing is - most people are either too lazy to do so, or aren't aware of any need to do so, or just don't know they -can- do so
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.

Totally prevent soft keyboard SIP in landscape mode?

a042349 at HowardForums wrote this post:
I hate that pop-up KB as well. I tried all the reg hacks and nullkb's I could find and on both my HP6515 and now on my 8125 it would always revert to the software screen KB and pop up at the most annoying times.
Well in doing some poking around I discovered a reg key that COMPLETELY elimnates the soft KB from popping up - great news. The bad news (there's always bad news) is that it completely prevents ANY of the SIP panels from coming up when you want them to, or from working in general.
So if you do this hack you are completely dependent on the 8125/9100 hardware keyboard. Now I've been running like this for over a year on two different devices and it works for me. The one thing I did was extract the "cut, copy and paste" icons out of an old "PHM Keys" I had and put them on the Start Menu so that I can now use those instead of the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-P when I need to. Works fine, but takes up three slots on my Start Menu.
You could also create a backup reg file, and one with the setting I'll give you, and then import them and reboot to turn the hack on or off. It does require a reboot so it's not an ideal solution, and I know the key by heart so i do it manually if I ever need it - which I never have:
Change that entry from a 1 to a 0 and reboot. No more KB, Block Recognizer, Transcriber - nothing but the HW keyboard.
Try it you'll like it!
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From what I know (I didn't try it yet), it totally prevents the SIP from appearing, and that would probably include portrait mode when the hardware keyboard is not available. A soft-reset may be required between changes, too.
Is there a way someone can make a program to prevent the SIP from appearing in landscape mode at all, yet make it available in portrait mode?
I use my device in both modes, so I wouldn't want to lose complete functionality of the SIP.
Any ideas?
Hi everybody!
I may have an alternative to killing SIPs altogether:
All SIP DLLs are registered under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID, each with its unique identifier. The name of the SIP (which you see in the menu is stored in the default value) SIP key has two sub keys: InProcServer which tells the system where to find the DLL and IsSIPInputMethod with it's default value set to one.
One idea is to create a fake SIP key that will point to a non existent DLL and then select that SIP in the menu. The system will try to call up the SIP but it will fail until you select a valid one.
Hope this will help
Hardware Keyboard only in Landscape
On the Universal the combination of PQZ (to assign different SIPs to landscape and portrait, should work on other devices too) and PHMs "NoDoSIP" (registers a SIP that does nothing) works perfectly. Disable all SIPs not needed at all by setting the Reg Value (search for the SIP by name in the registry) Default under IsSIPInputMethod for that method to 0. You can rename your remaining SIPs there as well.
I'm skeptical, but willing to try...
As the originator of the quoted post in this thread I'm skeptical but certainly open minded that this solution would work.
And yes my method does require a reboot to enable/disable, so it's certainly not for the occasional use of the SIP.
In the past I had tried all manner of null kb's, and UID registry string swaps and other things to prevent unwanted SIP pop-ups.
What I would like is to have it ONLY come up when I invoke it - and NEVER on it's own. I wouldn't use it much (and haven't on two HW keyboard devices over the past year) but sure it would be handy for the odd time I need to type in portrait mode.
I may give this a shot after dinner tonight and see how it goes - at the very least I can always go back to my admittedly draconian total elimination of the SIP's that I have now.
I'll post my results later tonight.
-Joel (a042349)
Works like a charm, right?
In landscape it just displays the hardware keyboard icon and the arrow to even allow to manually invoke any other SIP "on the fly".
And in portrait the selected SIP gets activated automatically.
Works flawlessly for me (on my Universal) since month.
Right man, works like a charm! Thanks for this hint!
Its the little things that make my tilt a better device to use. I tried on my tilt with dutty's pre April 29th cab and it works to eliminate the landscape keyboard in messaging, notes and contacts, however I have a beta version of opera mobile 9.5 and it seems to have mind of its own, doing the exact oposite and making both keyboards nearly unusable. Anyone else experience this?, hopefully Opera will provide users with a choice of hardware keyboard only and not having the SIP popping up. I presume that Opera had a feature to do exactly what .cab does just for that application and now the .cab is reversing it. Seems to do about the same thing in Internet Explorer.
im using opera 9.5 too.. and nothing seems any different after installing the cab... SIP still pops up.. any idea how i could solve it?
the ironic part is that ez imput kb does an automatic switch between keaboards when flipped from portrait to landscape, is there a script or a reg hack edit that does this??? cuz we can use that engine to make the sip automatically change to null kb when switched to landscape, fully eliminating pop ups and soft keyboards when using your querty
no2chem nueslidingkb
i use no2chem's nueslidingkb on my mogul. it allows you to set different SIPs on protrait and landscape as well as customizing the sliding sounds. it works very well, i have intellipad on portrait and nullKB on landpscape.
It however does not work on my Fuze, it doesn't change the SIP to the set one when switched to landscape, maybe needs an update? i hope no2chem checks it out.

Scroll bar control, accessing, WM_HSCROLL

Hi all (and no worries vijay555.... I'm new to forums and my Axim x51v... hope I'm doing this right... and thank you for your assistance!!!)
Keystrokes as code?
Specifically Excel Mobile keyboard shortcut Alt-PgUp/Dn (scrolls one screen width left/right)
I've created several Keystroke "routines" to minimize stylus use in Excel Mobile. I've mapped to hardware buttons, and they all work great... except Alt-PgUp(and PgDn). In Excel, these key combos will scroll one screen left or right, respectively. Other similarly-coded "routines" work as expected.
I've worked around this for now by recording screentaps in Excel's horizontal scrollbar. Unfortunately, the location of that s/b depends on whether SIP is active. If it is, the vertical co-ordinates of the screentaps become irrelevant and/or potentially destructive to my intended result. I prefer to avoid "position dependent" commands whenever possible for obvious reasons.
I have several other programs at my disposal to effect the Alt-PgUp/Dn shortcut(s).... IF I knew how to define the values(?) of Alt-PgUp/Dn in a script.
(MortScript, PHMkeys, Pen Commander, Spb FullScreenKb, PDA MediaKb)
I've been all over the web, and I think I understand keystroke scan-codes and values... and how they work together. Is there something akin to an ASCII "value" for this key combination? (099/0A1; 073/081; 153/161)?
Any ideas are appreciated. I've no aversion to research or work, but can't figure out what to ask or where to look further.
(I just really need a more direct/reliable functionality to scroll entire screen at a time left/right.)
Thanks in advance if anyone can help.
Dell Axim x51v WM5 (if it matters)
p.s. Thanks to Vijay555 for "permitting" this post here, and for putting me on the track of WM_HSCROLL (which I haven't had a chance to study yet).
Guys, just to say, there's never any reason to ask me for permission to post. As far as I'm concerned, post whatever you want using your own good sense!
Try something like this, as we discussed in the other thread:
//get current foreground window
HWND CurrentForegroundWindow_hwnd;
SendMessage (CurrentForegroundWindow_hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN, 0);

[APP][15/02/2009] iContact (supbro and truburt versions) with sensors

Recently, I've been playing around with the Diamond sensor APIs seeing how things work, and thinking of ways to apply them to apps.
As you may well know, iContact has very long lists in it, which can be a tad tedious to scroll through if you have loads of contacts, so I've added support for both the touch "wheel", and the gsensor.
This is based on iContact 0.91
To use:
You can scroll with the wheel like iPods click wheels. Clockwise goes down the list, counterclockwise goes up the list.
You can scroll with the gsensor by tapping the centre button and then tilting the device up or down to scroll up or down the list. Releasing the centre button will stop the scrolling.
Currently, landscape (probably) won't work with the gsensor.
Thanks to supbro, truburt and larna for iContact, and Scott Seligman for how to use the sensors.
Since iContact is GPL, you can grab the source code as well as a cab below!
iContact BE now supported as well!
0.91.1 - An updated scrolling mechanism to make a steeper tilt move faster.
New version with better scrolling now available.
how i install it ?
derfler said:
how i install it ?
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Download the 0.91.1 cab file, copy it to your device, and then run it from file explorer.
would you be willing to consider it for truburt's edition?
curious george said:
would you be willing to consider it for truburt's edition?
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If I can get the source, it shouldn't be too hard.
Quick Q:
Can i just install the iContact.Sensors cab and keep my current iContact version but adding gsensor capability to it?
Thanks very much.
Sergio PC said:
Quick Q:
Can i just install the gsensor cab and keep my current iContact version but adding gsensor capability to it?
Thanks very much.
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No. This uninstalls the previous one, and then installs the new one.
I will test it right now
Thank you, will test it right away!
Looks promising
I tried it, but it makes scrolling in iContacts imho very nervous. Re-installed original iContacts ....
watikjebrom said:
I tried it, but it makes scrolling in iContacts imho very nervous. Re-installed original iContacts ....
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Is the normal scrolling (i.e. finger scrolling) affected? It shouldn't be as I haven't touched the code for that!
If I understand the first post correctly I simply have to place my thumb on the center sensor(not depress) and tilt and the scrolling should begin?
If that is correct can you expand that capability into any windows application?
Maybe incorporating something along with Gcontroller here
curious george said:
If I understand the first post correctly I simply have to place my thumb on the center sensor(not depress) and tilt and the scrolling should begin?
If that is correct can you expand that capability into any windows application?
Maybe incorporating something along with Gcontroller here
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That is correct. I think creating a system wide service may prove more difficult, as in iContact, all it does is simulate a key down event with VK_DOWN or VK_UP. This may not be quite what's wanted depending on the application.
I've been looking at ways of expanding butler, and so far I've built in screen rotation, launching applications for every event and one or two other tricks, but system scrolling could be another one to add.
if you want scroll in iContact do this:
Create a key and value, as below
(String Value) ClassName = iContact
(DWORD Value) Mode = 4
(DWORD Value) WheelCount = 2
easy to create, work fine for me....
have fun
voyd said:
if you want scroll in iContact do this:
Create a key and value, as below
(String Value) ClassName = iContact
(DWORD Value) Mode = 4
(DWORD Value) WheelCount = 2
easy to create, work fine for me....
have fun
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That works with the scroll wheel, but not with the gsensor. And, since I needed some of the scroll wheel things to be able to have the gsensor working well, I decided I may as well integrate both functions.
yes you're right, it work only with the wheel....
It's a ery simple solution to scroll with wheel in many soft, i use Burt icontact insted icontact 0.9 so your solution do not work for me, my solution is not perfect but for people whose just want wheel scroll it's perect and easy and it works on every soft if you have the name of the soft's CLASS.
But your solution is cool for people who use iContact 0.9.
brilliant idea, like the way you have done it.
You have managed to improve a already great program!
thanks very much
Is it possible without the touching the center?

