[APP][15/02/2009] iContact (supbro and truburt versions) with sensors - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Recently, I've been playing around with the Diamond sensor APIs seeing how things work, and thinking of ways to apply them to apps.
As you may well know, iContact has very long lists in it, which can be a tad tedious to scroll through if you have loads of contacts, so I've added support for both the touch "wheel", and the gsensor.
This is based on iContact 0.91
To use:
You can scroll with the wheel like iPods click wheels. Clockwise goes down the list, counterclockwise goes up the list.
You can scroll with the gsensor by tapping the centre button and then tilting the device up or down to scroll up or down the list. Releasing the centre button will stop the scrolling.
Currently, landscape (probably) won't work with the gsensor.
Thanks to supbro, truburt and larna for iContact, and Scott Seligman for how to use the sensors.
Since iContact is GPL, you can grab the source code as well as a cab below!
iContact BE now supported as well!
0.91.1 - An updated scrolling mechanism to make a steeper tilt move faster.

New version with better scrolling now available.

how i install it ?

derfler said:
how i install it ?
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Download the 0.91.1 cab file, copy it to your device, and then run it from file explorer.

would you be willing to consider it for truburt's edition?

curious george said:
would you be willing to consider it for truburt's edition?
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If I can get the source, it shouldn't be too hard.

Quick Q:
Can i just install the iContact.Sensors cab and keep my current iContact version but adding gsensor capability to it?
Thanks very much.

Sergio PC said:
Quick Q:
Can i just install the gsensor cab and keep my current iContact version but adding gsensor capability to it?
Thanks very much.
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No. This uninstalls the previous one, and then installs the new one.

I will test it right now

Thank you, will test it right away!
Looks promising

I tried it, but it makes scrolling in iContacts imho very nervous. Re-installed original iContacts ....

watikjebrom said:
I tried it, but it makes scrolling in iContacts imho very nervous. Re-installed original iContacts ....
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Is the normal scrolling (i.e. finger scrolling) affected? It shouldn't be as I haven't touched the code for that!

If I understand the first post correctly I simply have to place my thumb on the center sensor(not depress) and tilt and the scrolling should begin?
If that is correct can you expand that capability into any windows application?
Maybe incorporating something along with Gcontroller here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=429569

curious george said:
If I understand the first post correctly I simply have to place my thumb on the center sensor(not depress) and tilt and the scrolling should begin?
If that is correct can you expand that capability into any windows application?
Maybe incorporating something along with Gcontroller here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=429569
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That is correct. I think creating a system wide service may prove more difficult, as in iContact, all it does is simulate a key down event with VK_DOWN or VK_UP. This may not be quite what's wanted depending on the application.
I've been looking at ways of expanding butler, and so far I've built in screen rotation, launching applications for every event and one or two other tricks, but system scrolling could be another one to add.

if you want scroll in iContact do this:
Create a key and value, as below
(String Value) ClassName = iContact
(DWORD Value) Mode = 4
(DWORD Value) WheelCount = 2
easy to create, work fine for me....
have fun


voyd said:
if you want scroll in iContact do this:
Create a key and value, as below
(String Value) ClassName = iContact
(DWORD Value) Mode = 4
(DWORD Value) WheelCount = 2
easy to create, work fine for me....
have fun
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That works with the scroll wheel, but not with the gsensor. And, since I needed some of the scroll wheel things to be able to have the gsensor working well, I decided I may as well integrate both functions.

yes you're right, it work only with the wheel....
It's a ery simple solution to scroll with wheel in many soft, i use Burt icontact insted icontact 0.9 so your solution do not work for me, my solution is not perfect but for people whose just want wheel scroll it's perect and easy and it works on every soft if you have the name of the soft's CLASS.
But your solution is cool for people who use iContact 0.9.

brilliant idea, like the way you have done it.
You have managed to improve a already great program!
thanks very much

Is it possible without the touching the center?


HOWTO: programmatically pop up soft keyboard

I want to programmatically make the soft keyboard show up on my device.
I am using eVC++ 4.0. Any Ideas?
mohgdeisat said:
I want to programmatically make the soft keyboard show up on my device.
I am using eVC++ 4.0. Any Ideas?
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SIPINFO si = {0};
si.cbSize = [COLOR=Blue]sizeof[/COLOR](SIPINFO);
SHSipInfo(SPI_GETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
si.fdwFlags = SIPF_ON|SIPF_DOCKED;
SHSipInfo(SPI_SETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); [COLOR=Green]// for a specific window (to use in focus events)[/COLOR]
Thanks Fred, this really works perfectly...
I am happpy now
dotfred said:
SIPINFO si = {0};
si.cbSize = [COLOR=Blue]sizeof[/COLOR](SIPINFO);
SHSipInfo(SPI_GETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
si.fdwFlags = SIPF_ON|SIPF_DOCKED;
SHSipInfo(SPI_SETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); [COLOR=Green]// for a specific window (to use in focus events)[/COLOR]
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hopefully this question is astute enough to keep from being flamed, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained....
so, if i took this line of code:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
and modified it something like this:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
or some such, could i then set it to keep the soft keyboard from popping up (either programatically or globally) without selecting it from the input menu?
obviously i know little of programming, but you should be able to catch the logic behind it. as to why, people are all but begging for this functionality for their Wizards....
blazoner said:
hopefully this question is astute enough to keep from being flamed, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained....
so, if i took this line of code:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
and modified it something like this:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
or some such, could i then set it to keep the soft keyboard from popping up (either programatically or globally) without selecting it from the input menu?
obviously i know little of programming, but you should be able to catch the logic behind it. as to why, people are all but begging for this functionality for their Wizards....
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The SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); is normally used when you catch the WM_SETFOCUS/WM_KILLFOCUS of a specific window. This is the normal behaviour for EDIT controls on pocket pcs that do not have an integrated keyboard. I can imagine it is a burden on the Wizard...
If you want to control the behaviour of the virtual keyboard for all controls of the active window, I should consider to use the first code.
You can also hide the sip button appearing on the soft keys bar, when you use the SHCreateMenuBar api.
You can also show a window with the sip down with the SHInitDialog api.
ps.: if you want to control the SIP of the whole system, you have to subclass the window with the classname MS_SIPBUTTON.
Now I leave myself open for flaming, the way I read this:
On a wizard that has a keyboard that is open and i am using, there seem to be many application that do not relize this and thus pop up the soft keyboard.
Is there a application that will stop this on a global bases ? (as in trick the applications into thinking my soft keyboard is my hardware keyboard or on call just closing the soft keyboard)
If so were can I get it from as I cant program my VCR let alone my 8track.
Well maybe reading is not my strong point but I feel that there might be a need for a .fred kbd (on / Off) tool.
Myself I have a BA with a hardware Keyboard that I NEVER use so I am not sure how apps react.
PS no offence intended
MDAIIIUser said:
Now I leave myself open for flaming, the way I read this:
On a wizard that has a keyboard that is open and i am using, there seem to be many application that do not relize this and thus pop up the soft keyboard.
Is there a application that will stop this on a global bases ? (as in trick the applications into thinking my soft keyboard is my hardware keyboard or on call just closing the soft keyboard)
If so were can I get it from as I cant program my VCR let alone my 8track.
Well maybe reading is not my strong point but I feel that there might be a need for a .fred kbd (on / Off) tool.
Myself I have a BA with a hardware Keyboard that I NEVER use so I am not sure how apps react.
PS no offence intended
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I think different solutions are possible for this:
1) I know somebody developed a NULL virtual keyboard (no layout), so whatever happens, the keyboard will never show up on the screen.
2) The SIP is a driver, so if it is unloaded, the soft keybard will never show up on the screen even when clicking on the keyboard button on the softkey bar, BUT I don't know what will happen with the hard keyboard, will the keys still be handled? It should but... (I can't try, I don't have a hard keyboard)
3) As you suggested a background program that would handle the on/off SIP behaviour on demand.
For me, the easiest would be the second option, because you just unload a driver, so no harm is done and no extra hack is made.
Well 2 sounds fine but can "joe blow" do that.
Myself I like to 1.
I see a cab that installs GhostKbd, ....
a null keyboard that can be chossen as the "input methord" over keyboard icon bottom right, options.
This gives the user the chance of having it when he wants nothing or not have it when he wants something (wiered looking at it that way).
This also wont conflict with what ever the Hardkeyboard does (well I think any way).
Can you talk to "somebody" and get it ?
Maybe we could have soem input from those that have the problem.
EDIT and 3 but could be some work
MDAIIIUser said:
Well 2 sounds fine but can "joe blow" do that.
Myself I like to 1.
I see a cab that installs GhostKbd, ....
a null keyboard that can be chossen as the "input methord" over keyboard icon bottom right, options.
This gives the user the chance of having it when he wants nothing or not have it when he wants something (wiered looking at it that way).
This also wont conflict with what ever the Hardkeyboard does (well I think any way).
Can you talk to "somebody" and get it ?
Maybe we could have soem input from those that have the problem.
EDIT and 3 but could be some work
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Here is a free app, that does that!
@ blazoner
So does the above solve your problem and if so should we post it in the wizard wiki ?
i'm not sure. i had a cab file not uninstall completely, and it was interfering with my SIP options. i'll give it another go after a hard reset/rom upgrade. should know by tomorrow.
looks like there's a solution out there after all....
i found this in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=918794#post918794
#3 07-04-2006, 04:50 PM
mistrix Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 10
Hardware Keyboard only in Landscape
On the Universal the combination of PQZ (to assign different SIPs to landscape and portrait, should work on other devices too) and PHMs "NoDoSIP" (registers a SIP that does nothing) works perfectly. Disable all SIPs not needed at all by setting the Reg Value (search for the SIP by name in the registry) Default under IsSIPInputMethod for that method to 0. You can rename your remaining SIPs there as well.
MDAPro, HBH662
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so far it seems to work on my 8125
i've still gotta go through and delete SIP methods from my phone (just cause i'm a perfectionist....)
if it works all through the weekend, i'll post it to the wiki....
still working great! posted to the Wiki!
Can you add the wiki link just in case somebody uses search and finds this thread.
MDAIIIUser said:
Can you add the wiki link just in case somebody uses search and finds this thread.
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Sure! It's on the main Wiki page for the Wizard.

[2008-02-03] FTouchSL released! (former FTouchFlo)

Dear friends,
We are very happy to announce that FTouchSL (former FTouchFlo) officially released!
You can find it at the FTouchSL web-site: www.ftouchsl.com
At the moment FTouchSL available in 2 versions: trial and full. Yes, you understand right - it is not a freeware application anymore. We had to choose this way because otherwise we would need to stop development.
FTouchSL development team worked hard last few months and we believe you will like new Product available on the xDA software market.
With best regards,
FTouchSL development team.
WOW..so cool thanx alot..will try first
If anybody deserves to make money off software its efrost. What does the 'F' in FTouchFlo stand for? Ive always been curious,the possibilities are endless.....
Just ordered my copy. A note: maybe include in the website how we get it once we pay, I'm not sure if you're e-mailing it, or do I receive a key? Thanks.
Also note: I would suggest to you Efrost, maybe upload some of those videos here, that's what convinced me to buy, they look amazing.
My little review
I found the trial version very difficult to use between the popups. I was having a problem where *I think* then when I would set Up-Down to "minimize" it would freeze up and disable the "the Enable FTouchSL" checkbox and I couldn't find a way (using keyboard and hardkeys) to re-check the box (since windows touch was disabled): I think there needs to be a way to check and uncheck this using hardkeys.
with that being said:
I love the plugins. "Slide to lock" works great - You can assign Down-Up to lock, Updown to Minimize, Left-right to rotate screeen
It is a little harder to scroll a few lines at a top, you need to "chop" more, little chops with your finger otherwise teh kinetic scroll takes over and it scrolls too much, it's just a matter of getting used to it. Great product ,I recommend.
Thank you for your order!
Please provide us (by e-mail) with your device identifier which you can find in the About box in the FTouchSL configuration utility.
You'll get your license key immediately by e-mail!
Best regards,
elgreek84 said:
Just ordered my copy. A note: maybe include in the website how we get it once we pay, I'm not sure if you're e-mailing it, or do I receive a key? Thanks.
Also note: I would suggest to you Efrost, maybe upload some of those videos here, that's what convinced me to buy, they look amazing.
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I somewhat had a feeling it will go commercial. And since it was a very good program I am not surprised. If you need help localizing it/or product webpage into Czech (just kidding ) or Slovak language, let me know.
first view, on the videos, it seems nicer than ftouchflo...is there any exclude config file for Apps you dont want FtouchSL to scroll ?
cAnArdtichAud said:
first view, on the videos, it seems nicer than ftouchflo...is there any exclude config file for Apps you dont want FtouchSL to scroll ?
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Please look at the "Product info" page. It is possible to configure FTouchSL for particular applications: you can completely turn off FTouchSL, disable scrolling, disable launching, disable active corners or set up different actions.
Best regards,
KarhU said:
If you need help localizing it/or product webpage into Czech (just kidding ) or Slovak language, let me know.
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Hello! Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Hello, guys! I need an answer! This aplication will be change the default TouchFlo app on HTC Touch, won't it?
Beaumont said:
Hello, guys! I need an answer! This aplication will be change the default TouchFlo app on HTC Touch, won't it?
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There are options: you can disable original TouchFLO if you want or you can disable FTouchSL scrolling function and use original TouchFLO.
Best regards,
Just downloaded the trial... Latter I´m going to install and play with it!
I never tried this before so I loaded FTouchFlo on my att 8925. Original ROM on the phone. It locks up randomly and never did that before. Does FTouchSL work differently? I disabled TouchFlo to run FTouchFlo.
By the way, props to you for this, whether or not it works on my phone.
Eric29 said:
I never tried this before so I loaded FTouchFlo on my att 8925. Original ROM on the phone. It locks up randomly and never did that before. Does FTouchSL work differently? I disabled TouchFlo to run FTouchFlo.
By the way, props to you for this, whether or not it works on my phone.
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Last few months we were improving the engine and fixing bugs. I hope you'll not have locks!
Best regards,
What I think about this...
Think I'm one of the few privileged 'early bird' who get to test out this greatly improved version of FTouchFlo by efrost! Most of us here at xda-developers are no stranger to FTouchFlo, as well as EfrostMinimize, two great programs which made our experience in using our PPC a much pleasant one.
For those who don't quite know about FTouchFlo, in essence, FTouchFlo allows PPC users to perform scrolling without using the default tiny scroll bar that comes with WM OS. It also allows user to append different programme (for the 4 directions - up, down left & right) which will be launched by the swiping gesture of one's finger on the PPC screen.
FTouchSL has brought the above functions to yet another level. Check their official website - www.ftouchsl.com for the details. As I was greatly 'blessed' by this application, I thought I should share with all my take of & experience in using this software. Hopefully for those who are still wondering what this is or contemplating on getting it will find my 'sharing' helpful.
Quick Start Tutorial
I find the 'Quick Start Tutorial', put together by efrost and team to guide users (especially those who are totally new) through all the functions of FTouchSL, was very well done and useful. It will launch after the installation. Try not to skip it.
The scrolling under FTouchSL is much better than FTouchFlo, especially with the newly added kinetic function (like the one in PocketCM and iContact), which is a nice touch to the scrolling effect, and making scrolling through long pages (e.g. Contact listing) a breeze.
In addition, you can freely roam about a big page (e.g. web page) by keeping your finger on the screen and just move around in the direction you want, horizontally, diagonally etc.
Instead of just launching application/files, now user can also launch plug-in (e.g. Minimize, Suspend, Soft reset, etc) and send keys (feature that simulate key press of D-Pad) for the four directions!
Active Corners
This is something new, not found in FTouchFlo. Basically, one can assign applications/functions to be launched at the 4 corners, just like gesture.
Setting Panel
Setting Penal has all the features clearly listed, with nicely drawn icons which makes it clear which feature it is, at one glance. A picture does speak a thousand words!
You can really tell efrost and team put in a lot of effort to make the Setting Panel user-friendly. You can actually see the 'zone' (colored) which you can customize for gesture and active corners, and not just trying to second guess how big 40 x 40 pixels is!!
Personally, I find the ability to configure (in depth!) the various features display how much improvements was done to FTouchSL as compared to FTouchFlo.
You can customize the delay time for scrolling, gesture and active corners i.e. how long your finger need to be in contact with the screen for 'scrolling/ gesture/active corners' function to kick in. I prefer 300 milliseconds (ms) for gesture instead of the 500ms, and a shorter 600 or 800ms for active corner, rather than 1000ms. Then again, this is really individual preference.
As mentioned earlier, you can also customize how big the 'zone' for gesture and active corners. For users with bigger fingers like me, we may want to increase from 40 pixels to say 50. Oh yes, the zone need not be symmetrical.
Ok, here's the most exciting bit - Exclusion. While FTouchFlo allows you to exclude applications from using FTouchFlo, FTouchSL allows more than that. You can actually customize, for those applications which may not require FTouchSL (thus you want to include them in Exclusion list), which feature to be excluded. Meaning, do you want to exclude everything, or just the scrolling, with gesture and active corners enabled, etc. Interesting right!? Wait, there is more!
You can actually choose which gesture and corner to be enabled!! And you can also customize a different set (from the main one) of actions/applications to be activated by gesture/active corners for each and every application!! So, FTouchSL can be set to launch different applications for the Down-Up swipe gesture for Inbox, ereader etc. just an example!
efrost has shared a good one - customize left and right gesture to activate send key 'left' and 'right' in tmail. When you are in your Inbox, you can switch to from SMS to MMS to Outlook, etc by just swiping left and right!
Think the possibilities are only constrained by one's imagination. Do share with us if you find some combinations to be really good!
Some Possible Enhancements
I also notice some possible enhancements (mostly cosmetic and presentation, rather than functionality) which efrost and team can consider.
1) The Setting Panel is a bit too small for my rather big finger. Making it bigger would be nice. My preference goes to something like the Config Panel for S2U2.
2) Also, the inverted triangle for the drop down list panel for customizing actions for gesture and active corner is a bit too close to the right edge for comfort use.
3) More write-up/description for each item in the Setting Panel would be helpful I think, especially for new users.
E.g. Instead of just a word 'Delay', how about a short line saying 'The time you need to press on the screen'.
4) Personally, I would like to see a 'cooler' icon for this product.
So far I have no problem using this application on my Trinity. Doesn't lock up my device nor causing it any problem after using it for days. If you're still hesitant or doubtful about how good this application is, just give it a try and I believe most of us will not regret paying a small sum for such a great improvement FTouchSL does to our experience in using our PPC!
thanks so much for developing such a good s/w for us.
going for trial fisrt!!!
Much respect for your hard work efrost! I will definitely purchase a copy.
Paid for and happy I did!
Here's my support mate!
Receipt ID: 2VG90842GH7292327
Many Thanks!
Here is my thanks to efrost for having me appreciate authors more on maintaining freeware through all stages of developement and final builds. I LOVE YOU ALL PointUI team, and especially Tene for pocketCM you are truely the support of XDA community.
Edit: BTW before any flames start, I thought I would point out that this is not to be taken in a negative view. Just awed on how they are able to maintaine thier life to something with keeping a finacial status a float?? Maybe someone can put these in better words.
efrost said:
Last few months we were improving the engine and fixing bugs. I hope you'll not have locks!
Best regards,
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Well, it didn't work for my Trinity! Ftouchflo was super stable. FTouchSL freezes it every minute. Had to disable FTouchSL after 5 frustrating minutes...

Cube Clone - FTouchSL with SCLPC++

I have been experimenting with different cubes and at the moment my money is on FTouchSL (formerly FTouchFlo) with SCLPC++. Big thanks to the developer of FTouchSL (this is now a commercial program) and Slither2006
Please see FTouchSL and SCLPC++ threads for more info.
After quite alot of head scratching and tweaking of default settings it all works very well indeed. The TouchFlo within my current ROM is simply disabled within the FTouchSL config so doesn't conflict.
I can go into more of the detail with particular settings if others are having problems.
Does your touch keyboard lag when usign touchflosl? It lagged pretty bad for me when i had FTouchFlo installed.. so had to remove it. (e.g. letters didnt highlight when pressed on touch keyboard, etc)
pdagenius said:
I can go into more of the detail with particular settings if others are having problems.
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Yes, I have.
I have installed SCLPC++ Cube and it works fine launching it from the installation directory.
Then I've installed FTouchSl (for the moment in trial mode)
but I'm not able to find the exact settings.
Also it seems that some conflict with ROM touchflow is present.
Since you were successful, I'll try again.
Now the SCPLC++ cube is starting well but together to the original one.
How could I disable the original cube ?
briggs81 said:
Does your touch keyboard lag when usign touchflosl? It lagged pretty bad for me when i had FTouchFlo installed.. so had to remove it. (e.g. letters didnt highlight when pressed on touch keyboard, etc)
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Actually I hadn't noticed what happens as I tend to use the touch keyboard with a finger and not the stylus... anyway my keyboard works fine with no perceptable lag and the correct colour change.
ocram72 said:
Yes, I have.
I have installed SCLPC++ Cube and it works fine launching it from the installation directory.
Then I've installed FTouchSl (for the moment in trial mode)
but I'm not able to find the exact settings.
Also it seems that some conflict with ROM touchflow is present.
Since you were successful, I'll try again.
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I have registered my FTouchSL but I know some of the settings are disabled in the Trial version. The main FTouchSL settings I have include:
Timeout = 500ms
Scrolling - disable with TouchFlo
Gesture timeout = 300ms
Launch zone dimensions: Left=45, Right=40, Top=80, Bottom=100
Up-Down gesture = Launch application: SCLPC++
Active corner delay = 500ms
Exceptions: SCPPC++ (scrolling, gestures and active corners disabled)
ocram72 said:
Now the SCPLC++ cube is starting well but together to the original one.
How could I disable the original cube ?
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With the ROM I am using (see signature) there is a utility in Settings called ROM Settings. One of the Tabs on this is for HTC TouchFLo and I have unchecked Scroll and Cube here.
Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunatly no such setting is available in the original rom and the original cube is still alive.
Here is the registry change to disable the cube:
HKLM\Software\OEM\TFLOSettings change EnableCube from 1 in 0
Now the SCPPC++ cube works well. But moving the finger from up to down, the cube disappears, but it still remains in background.
Is the same for you ?
ocram72 said:
Here is the registry change to disable the cube:
HKLM\Software\OEM\TFLOSettings change EnableCube from 1 in 0
Now the SCPPC++ cube works well. But moving the finger from up to down, the cube disappears, but it still remains in background.
Is the same for you ?
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Great you found the registry settings, I started looking too but hadn't found it. There is one near it for disabling TouchFlo scrolling aswell.
Your other point... yes the cube does stay open in the background so it appears rather than fading up from the bottom when you first bring it up. I wonder if this is by design? I'll post this query in the SCLPC++ forum.
SCLPC++ conflict with TFloCube
I had this same issue. Just add the SCLPC++ exe to the exclusion list in TFlow configurator it will solve the issue. No need to edit the reg

Slide function replacing original MS scroll bar?

Is there a hack to replace native WinCE behavior on scrolling down with an iPhone like one?
Yes. I am aware there are lots of frontend applications like iContact etc. enabling iPhone look and feel. It is not what I really want. All the applications is a patchwork. It is heavy on resources, slow and basically disintegrated. Many applications are in development and lack of vital functions.
I am happy with the application set I currently have. It is stable, familiar and a-finger-operated. The only thing I miss is scrolling down like iPhone provides. One has to get stylus to scroll a scroll bar down/up.
Is there an option to replace the MS OS native library responsible for scrolling by a hacked one, which tracks the sliding finger behavior? (I am now with WM5)
if you use any ROM with TouchFlow, you'll propably forget about the scroll bars in most of the applications...
there is another programs, like FTouchFlo, which replicate the behavior of TouchFlow, with some add ons of course... you might want to check as well...
another thing you can do to get rid of the scroll bar (well most of it) is to change it's size to 1 pixel in width... so if you find your self in a situation where you really need the scoll bar, you just get the styus out and drag it on the edge of your screen....
I hope this will help....
duke911 said:
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I've tested FTouchSL2.5. It works with limited success. For example it doesn't support MT Software TodayAgenda. Also the application side launch works bad. The function seems to be heavy on computation power and competes with today or requires a hard push and doesn't work with gentle gestures.
Is there aby option to post-update ROM with TouchFlow? How reliable the TouchFlow is?
kot_as_kot said:
I've tested FTouchSL2.5. It works with limited success. For example it doesn't support MT Software TodayAgenda. Also the application side launch works bad. The function seems to be heavy on computation power and competes with today or requires a hard push and doesn't work with gentle gestures.
Is there aby option to post-update ROM with TouchFlow? How reliable the TouchFlow is?
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Did you include some of those programmes to the exclusion list? Cos' some application comes with slide function on its own which may not work well with FTouchSL activated for it.
Also, you can configure the delay time for a gesture to work. If you like to use just a 'gentle' touch / slide to generate a quick response, try to set the delay to smaller value, e.g. 200 ms. etc.
I've no problem using FTouchSL and it's a must have for my phone.
Sian said:
include hose programmes to the exclusion list
set the delay to smaller value
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smaller delay value did help to be more responsive. down-up slide launch works better now. all others launches don't. It seems the today interfere with the FTtouchSL. It is pity to say, but I didn't managed to exclude it. I couldn't find it as a program.
you can always use Spb PocketPlus 4, which has "smart scrolling" with a number of other features you might like. There is a fee for it though, but like I always say, if theres a will theres a way
You CAN exclude the desktop, you have to add it as a "window exception". Just manually type in either "Start" or "Desktop", I forgot which one
Azimuth21 said:
exclude the desktop as a "window exception"
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this one was a good move. down-up gesture works like a charm now. (do not forget to enable gestures while except window) I am sure now, the program competed with desktop for resources to process the touchscreen control.
All other gesture movements don't work. It seems TodayAgenda still compete with FTouch
what did you have for the Enable FtouchSL timeout:
how about the Gestures timeout:
i excluded the desktop. Click on Exceptions then add window title. in the window title, typed in desktop
is that right?

[APP] Custom Scroll 1.1 - HTCScroll customizer *UPDATED* [03.04.2009]

Hi All,
I would like to present You a small and simple application called Custom Scroll. It gives You a chance to take the opportunity customizing scrolling behavior of HTCScroll Windows addon (which is used in File Explorer, MS Contacts, Programs, Settings... - everywhere where scrolls are used - and we are using fingers (flick gestures) to scroll...
I've noticed that when I'm trying new ROM many times "scrolling feature" need to be modified by myself, so why don't we just make it quick and simple, with predefined checked and accepted values - even maybe "solutions" ?
that's why I've made that application...
I would like to ask You a favor... when You'll be testing Your own values and You'll notice that some of combinations are quite good, please post them 'here' - in this topic ... after testing I'll build them into program.
Please take a look at the video, where I'm showing how does Custom Scroll works and how to operate with it...
Big THANKS to All from XDA Community, [germany]merlot, dr G from ppcgeeks.com
Some sample settings are built-in program (as seen on Video )
another "preset" (in version 1.1 it's: "Prefered #1"):
VERSION UPDATED to Custom Scroll 1.1 (see #2 post for download) ​
Read this:​dr G from PPCGEEKS.com discovered that:
Pagelow = Low speed scroll page size
Pagehigh = High speed scroll page size
Speedlow = Low speed scroll speed (ms delay)
Speedhigh = High speed scroll speed (ms delay)
Pantype = Enable/disable grab scrolling default 1, 0=disable
The page size is the number of - units - the given interface scrolls when the low or high speed scroll is activated by gesturing - finger flick. For example a pagelow of 20 would scroll 20 contacts each time you flick scroll in the contact list. This is why with the default 50 and 80 settings, flick scrolling causes excessive scrolling in contacts with the device initially.
The low speed scroll is activated by the initial flick gesture. The high speed scroll is activated by an ADDITIONAL flick gesture DURING the scroll initiated by the low speed scroll gesture. So it's kind of like "revving up" the scroll.
The speedlow and speedhigh delays are the delays between the "units" scrolled during either scroll. As such, the speedlow number is higher than the speedhigh number. Thing is, if you set the speedlow number too small, the low speed scroll will finish so quickly, you will not be able to initiate the high speed scroll with an additional gesture.
Custom Scroll
version 1.0
-first release...
version 1.1
-added Save & Reset Menu option
-added Sample Value/Scroll Distance/ Prefered #1 (as a nice modification number #1)
Great app.When it will be released so we can try it?
Edit:i just saw the link.Thank you for your app.If i find a good value,i'll post it here.
Really nice ... great tool. thanks for this
just saw the video and it looks amazing
scrolling through windows can get damn frustrating very easily
will try it right away!
good work mate...this is amazing
Thanks for sharing this looks really good !!!
Thanks a lot for that cichy, I will have a good play with the settings. Can you add any good settings recommendations to your first post please, just so they are easy to find as the thread grows. I guess it should work on many devices too.
uniqueboy said:
Thanks a lot for that cichy, I will have a good play with the settings. Can you add any good settings recommendations to your first post please, just so they are easy to find as the thread grows. I guess it should work on many devices too.
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thanks for advice
I've just reedited first post with sample "preset"... Notice that in program there are "3 presets" for "distance" ... and 4 or 5 for touch/sensitivity...
please if You'll find something interesting (sets / registry tweeks) give a reply in this topic...​
Custom Scroll Updated to 1.1 (see #2 for download)
This work only with Diamond?? What key I must set for change scroll set in the HD?
it should be working with every sort of hardware that has tflo installed -> htc scroll addon ... just try it...
and then post some rply in this topic
Awesome App
Now all we need is kinetic scrolling. I dont know about other people but I cant stand the old-fashioned scrolling in WM. It's impossible to see stuff go by. Kinetic scrolling just feels more natural, period (i guess thats why it is so popular). Any ideas?
Good looks so far though- keep up the good work!
So does this only work with htc touchflo or will it work with the new scrolling built-in to wm6.5? I don't know of any 6.5 roms that are using touchflo.
Liked the app - great way to customze the scrolling. One question/request though. Before my Diamond, I had an MDA Compact running Pointui and really liked the scrolling feature on it. It was a more fluid scroll feature (in my opinion ) as opposed to the flicking action needed with the "iphone" esq scroll. Have linked a utube example for your ref
Can your application customize the scrolling like this or is it possible to adapt it accordingly?
showaco said:
So does this only work with htc touchflo or will it work with the new scrolling built-in to wm6.5? I don't know of any 6.5 roms that are using touchflo.
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It works with every build in HTC Scroll Addon (see if you have installed htcscroll.dll somehere in memory)
... I did not use 6.5 WM, but I think that microsoft has it's own sollution for finger scrolling, flick gestures and other stuff... if You have TFLO 3D and you can "Flick" in File Explorer You CAN adjust settings (but only some of them) with this program ...
vijaydesor said:
Liked the app - great way to customze the scrolling. One question/request though. Before my Diamond, I had an MDA Compact running Pointui and really liked the scrolling feature on it. It was a more fluid scroll feature (in my opinion ) as opposed to the flicking action needed with the "iphone" esq scroll. Have linked a utube example for your ref
Can your application customize the scrolling like this or is it possible to adapt it accordingly?
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Nope... :/ it's not possible to make scrolling like that :/ it has different solution for first press, moving, second press, right side of "card" ... it's just different ... ...
cichy3000 said:
It works with every build in HTC Scroll Addon (see if you have installed htcscroll.dll somehere in memory)
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Hi, I haven't htcscroll.dll in my pda, so I downloaded it and copied in windows folder. Need I do others for use your program? Set some key of reg? Other?
You need all TFLO addons... I have no idea is it possible to add HTC finger scrolling without TouchFlo..., maybe sort of porting ... or sth else... sorry no idea... :/
I've TFLO, I have htc touch hd, but manila v2 not manila v3.
love this app. for some reason (or maybe on all touch pros) anything i would scroll it would go directly to the bottom and i couldnt get to stop...this solved my problem! thanks alot

