Scroll bar control, accessing, WM_HSCROLL - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all (and no worries vijay555.... I'm new to forums and my Axim x51v... hope I'm doing this right... and thank you for your assistance!!!)
Keystrokes as code?
Specifically Excel Mobile keyboard shortcut Alt-PgUp/Dn (scrolls one screen width left/right)
I've created several Keystroke "routines" to minimize stylus use in Excel Mobile. I've mapped to hardware buttons, and they all work great... except Alt-PgUp(and PgDn). In Excel, these key combos will scroll one screen left or right, respectively. Other similarly-coded "routines" work as expected.
I've worked around this for now by recording screentaps in Excel's horizontal scrollbar. Unfortunately, the location of that s/b depends on whether SIP is active. If it is, the vertical co-ordinates of the screentaps become irrelevant and/or potentially destructive to my intended result. I prefer to avoid "position dependent" commands whenever possible for obvious reasons.
I have several other programs at my disposal to effect the Alt-PgUp/Dn shortcut(s).... IF I knew how to define the values(?) of Alt-PgUp/Dn in a script.
(MortScript, PHMkeys, Pen Commander, Spb FullScreenKb, PDA MediaKb)
I've been all over the web, and I think I understand keystroke scan-codes and values... and how they work together. Is there something akin to an ASCII "value" for this key combination? (099/0A1; 073/081; 153/161)?
Any ideas are appreciated. I've no aversion to research or work, but can't figure out what to ask or where to look further.
(I just really need a more direct/reliable functionality to scroll entire screen at a time left/right.)
Thanks in advance if anyone can help.
Dell Axim x51v WM5 (if it matters)
p.s. Thanks to Vijay555 for "permitting" this post here, and for putting me on the track of WM_HSCROLL (which I haven't had a chance to study yet).

Guys, just to say, there's never any reason to ask me for permission to post. As far as I'm concerned, post whatever you want using your own good sense!
Try something like this, as we discussed in the other thread:
//get current foreground window
HWND CurrentForegroundWindow_hwnd;
SendMessage (CurrentForegroundWindow_hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN, 0);


How to make buttons in place of menus

how to add a button like the 'Up' button in explorer? I think that they are called soft-key buttons. so how to add them? and are they supported in WM2003?
I also see Resco explorer implements them.
Ok, maybe I havent clarified things so I post a picture of what I want. hope you will help me
You can't.
The soft keys are a feature of WM5. They are actually regular menus. If you create an app with just two menus it will display like that on WM5 device and in the normal fashion on WM2003.
The only thing you can try is covering the menu bar and simulating the soft keys and the SIP button. Read about SHFullScreen on MSDN.
levenum said:
You can't.
The soft keys are a feature of WM5. They are actually regular menus. If you create an app with just two menus it will display like that on WM5 device and in the normal fashion on WM2003.
The only thing you can try is covering the menu bar and simulating the soft keys and the SIP button. Read about SHFullScreen on MSDN.
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This is not quite true, you can have the same behaviour in WM2003SE, the only difference is that you have to do everything by your own.
In both OS, the so called menubar is in fact a toolbar. So in WM2003SE, if you want to have the same effects as in WM2005, you have to subclass the toolbar and use custom drawing. You also need to handle the SIP window, if you want to place it in the center. Of course, this is not straight forward...
ok. now I know its possible. but can anybody provide some relevant links?? Thanks
mohgdeisat said:
ok. now I know its possible. but can anybody provide some relevant links?? Thanks
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Sorry I don't think you will find a lot on this matter on the net, I already made a dig, but not much found.
1) try, especially the forums and look for toolbar, commandbar and shmenubar
this article will give you some hints:
2) read msdn about toolbar subclassing and NM_CUSTOMDRAW handling
3) read msdn about shmenubar api
3) use Spy++ or related application to hook the menubar in wince and see what you get
4) make some tests and you will have something like that (full image in zip):
I have searched too much but found almost nothing about this issue. Please anybody has any article, link or sample project?? I need it very much.
mohgdeisat: what do you really need to know?
Start by making a project, and cosmetically program a custom menu bar/button bar to emulate the WM5 menu bar. It's not impossible, it's actually quite easy, but it is tedious.
Once you can do that, come back and show us.
Next step will be to patch it into your target app.
Realistically this is quite a tough task, at least if you want to generically patch soft keys into the whole OS, because softkeys (and menu bars) and prepared on a per app basis - the menu bar on the Today screen in Wm2003 is different to WM5 for example. You would have to parse in the WM2003 menu into your emulated WM5 softkeys, per app, and even then it would still not match WM5, because the WM5 menus have been reordered from wm2003 apps to match the Microsoft design guidelines for softkeys.
But start by emulating the softkeys in a standalone app, before thinking about the next task.
Yes VJ, I really need to make my first step to learn this stuff, and I will do it soon with god's willing.
I have First exams this week so I might start it next week and I will post what I get here to have your feedback.
Thanks all and good luck

HOWTO: programmatically pop up soft keyboard

I want to programmatically make the soft keyboard show up on my device.
I am using eVC++ 4.0. Any Ideas?
mohgdeisat said:
I want to programmatically make the soft keyboard show up on my device.
I am using eVC++ 4.0. Any Ideas?
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SIPINFO si = {0};
si.cbSize = [COLOR=Blue]sizeof[/COLOR](SIPINFO);
SHSipInfo(SPI_GETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
si.fdwFlags = SIPF_ON|SIPF_DOCKED;
SHSipInfo(SPI_SETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); [COLOR=Green]// for a specific window (to use in focus events)[/COLOR]
Thanks Fred, this really works perfectly...
I am happpy now
dotfred said:
SIPINFO si = {0};
si.cbSize = [COLOR=Blue]sizeof[/COLOR](SIPINFO);
SHSipInfo(SPI_GETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
si.fdwFlags = SIPF_ON|SIPF_DOCKED;
SHSipInfo(SPI_SETSIPINFO, 0, &si, 0);
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); [COLOR=Green]// for a specific window (to use in focus events)[/COLOR]
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hopefully this question is astute enough to keep from being flamed, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained....
so, if i took this line of code:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
and modified it something like this:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
or some such, could i then set it to keep the soft keyboard from popping up (either programatically or globally) without selecting it from the input menu?
obviously i know little of programming, but you should be able to catch the logic behind it. as to why, people are all but begging for this functionality for their Wizards....
blazoner said:
hopefully this question is astute enough to keep from being flamed, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained....
so, if i took this line of code:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_UP); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
and modified it something like this:
SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); // for a specific window (to use in focus events)
or some such, could i then set it to keep the soft keyboard from popping up (either programatically or globally) without selecting it from the input menu?
obviously i know little of programming, but you should be able to catch the logic behind it. as to why, people are all but begging for this functionality for their Wizards....
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The SHSipPreference(m_hWnd, SIP_DOWN); is normally used when you catch the WM_SETFOCUS/WM_KILLFOCUS of a specific window. This is the normal behaviour for EDIT controls on pocket pcs that do not have an integrated keyboard. I can imagine it is a burden on the Wizard...
If you want to control the behaviour of the virtual keyboard for all controls of the active window, I should consider to use the first code.
You can also hide the sip button appearing on the soft keys bar, when you use the SHCreateMenuBar api.
You can also show a window with the sip down with the SHInitDialog api.
ps.: if you want to control the SIP of the whole system, you have to subclass the window with the classname MS_SIPBUTTON.
Now I leave myself open for flaming, the way I read this:
On a wizard that has a keyboard that is open and i am using, there seem to be many application that do not relize this and thus pop up the soft keyboard.
Is there a application that will stop this on a global bases ? (as in trick the applications into thinking my soft keyboard is my hardware keyboard or on call just closing the soft keyboard)
If so were can I get it from as I cant program my VCR let alone my 8track.
Well maybe reading is not my strong point but I feel that there might be a need for a .fred kbd (on / Off) tool.
Myself I have a BA with a hardware Keyboard that I NEVER use so I am not sure how apps react.
PS no offence intended
MDAIIIUser said:
Now I leave myself open for flaming, the way I read this:
On a wizard that has a keyboard that is open and i am using, there seem to be many application that do not relize this and thus pop up the soft keyboard.
Is there a application that will stop this on a global bases ? (as in trick the applications into thinking my soft keyboard is my hardware keyboard or on call just closing the soft keyboard)
If so were can I get it from as I cant program my VCR let alone my 8track.
Well maybe reading is not my strong point but I feel that there might be a need for a .fred kbd (on / Off) tool.
Myself I have a BA with a hardware Keyboard that I NEVER use so I am not sure how apps react.
PS no offence intended
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I think different solutions are possible for this:
1) I know somebody developed a NULL virtual keyboard (no layout), so whatever happens, the keyboard will never show up on the screen.
2) The SIP is a driver, so if it is unloaded, the soft keybard will never show up on the screen even when clicking on the keyboard button on the softkey bar, BUT I don't know what will happen with the hard keyboard, will the keys still be handled? It should but... (I can't try, I don't have a hard keyboard)
3) As you suggested a background program that would handle the on/off SIP behaviour on demand.
For me, the easiest would be the second option, because you just unload a driver, so no harm is done and no extra hack is made.
Well 2 sounds fine but can "joe blow" do that.
Myself I like to 1.
I see a cab that installs GhostKbd, ....
a null keyboard that can be chossen as the "input methord" over keyboard icon bottom right, options.
This gives the user the chance of having it when he wants nothing or not have it when he wants something (wiered looking at it that way).
This also wont conflict with what ever the Hardkeyboard does (well I think any way).
Can you talk to "somebody" and get it ?
Maybe we could have soem input from those that have the problem.
EDIT and 3 but could be some work
MDAIIIUser said:
Well 2 sounds fine but can "joe blow" do that.
Myself I like to 1.
I see a cab that installs GhostKbd, ....
a null keyboard that can be chossen as the "input methord" over keyboard icon bottom right, options.
This gives the user the chance of having it when he wants nothing or not have it when he wants something (wiered looking at it that way).
This also wont conflict with what ever the Hardkeyboard does (well I think any way).
Can you talk to "somebody" and get it ?
Maybe we could have soem input from those that have the problem.
EDIT and 3 but could be some work
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Here is a free app, that does that!
@ blazoner
So does the above solve your problem and if so should we post it in the wizard wiki ?
i'm not sure. i had a cab file not uninstall completely, and it was interfering with my SIP options. i'll give it another go after a hard reset/rom upgrade. should know by tomorrow.
looks like there's a solution out there after all....
i found this in this thread
#3 07-04-2006, 04:50 PM
mistrix Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 10
Hardware Keyboard only in Landscape
On the Universal the combination of PQZ (to assign different SIPs to landscape and portrait, should work on other devices too) and PHMs "NoDoSIP" (registers a SIP that does nothing) works perfectly. Disable all SIPs not needed at all by setting the Reg Value (search for the SIP by name in the registry) Default under IsSIPInputMethod for that method to 0. You can rename your remaining SIPs there as well.
MDAPro, HBH662
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so far it seems to work on my 8125
i've still gotta go through and delete SIP methods from my phone (just cause i'm a perfectionist....)
if it works all through the weekend, i'll post it to the wiki....
still working great! posted to the Wiki!
Can you add the wiki link just in case somebody uses search and finds this thread.
MDAIIIUser said:
Can you add the wiki link just in case somebody uses search and finds this thread.
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Sure! It's on the main Wiki page for the Wizard.

stylus-free use?

Hi, I am quite happy with my Cingulare 8125, but I sometimes find myself in situations where I would rather not use the stylus, and then I wish there was a way to put the start menu and the OK button on one of the device's buttons. Also, if it is bright outside, dialing a number is a bit awkward. has anybody had the same problem and perhaps found a solution?
Yep, it's called Smartskey and it'll do exactly what you want. Do a search and you'll find all kinds of info about it.
Also look for FakeCursor. Works great!
markgamber said:
Yep, it's called Smartskey and it'll do exactly what you want. Do a search and you'll find all kinds of info about it.
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I second that.
I also use WM5NewMenu and PHM TrayLaunch. Both of these let you arrange the menu/shortcut order to suit your needs and are navigable with the Dpad. With these two and smartskey my wizard is one thumbed use rather than one handed. I have managed easily without a stylus.
Regarding the visibility in bright daylight, try changing your theme/skin to something with more contrast or increasing the backlight settings. Alternatively use MSVoiceCommand or the standard voice dialer for existing contacts, I haven't had much luck with MSVoiceCommand recognising number strings correctly for new phone numbers though.
Thanks to all.
I have downloaded the smartskey and I'll give that a try. It seems to do what I want.
Regarding the dialing: As this is a phone, I'd like to see a dedicated number pad on it, or a remapping of the existing softbuttons to numbers. For example the DPAD (might) have 9 positions (if the corners are recognized differently than left or up), which could be mapped to 1-9. Add 1 other softbutton for 0 and you have a complete dialpad. Perhaps in another release ...
mikebode said:
Regarding the dialing: As this is a phone, I'd like to see a dedicated number pad on it, or a remapping of the existing softbuttons to numbers. For example the DPAD (might) have 9 positions (if the corners are recognized differently than left or up), which could be mapped to 1-9. Add 1 other softbutton for 0 and you have a complete dialpad. Perhaps in another release ...
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Ok, I think this is my first post, for I am a professional lurker and all, but I swear I jumped out of my chair when I read this. This is perfect. Perfect, brilliant idea, would solve the single greatest drawback of this phone IMO. PLEASE tell me that there is a way to make this happen. I know, for example, that smartskey remaps the d-pad buttons to open up contacts, recent call list, etc. So I'm guessing a little tweaking somewhere could make this happen? If not smartskey, a new program perhaps? Here is my promise: someone comes up with this program, and I'll make little numbers stickers to go around the d-pad (yeah, laugh, but I'll do it!)
Cing. 8125
Cing. 2.25 ROM


Maybe this has been discussed before but no one tried to develop the idea.
well instead of S2U, i prefer to have a gesture that i choose to unlock the device... so no one can unlock it other than I... if im dont have these programming skills
anyone is able to do it?! it can be a modified version of A_C's S2U2...
karim099 said:
Maybe this has been discussed before but no one tried to develop the idea.
well instead of S2U, i prefer to have a gesture that i choose to unlock the device... so no one can unlock it other than I... if im dont have these programming skills
anyone is able to do it?! it can be a modified version of A_C's S2U2...
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Hahaha! Shouldn't that been called Gesture2Unlock?
johanromijn said:
Hahaha! Shouldn't that been called Gesture2Unlock?
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whatever G2U ...
I like the idea of this
Cool thinkin...
No passworded needed, just a gesture.
Someone needs to copy the Microsoft Origami thingy where you unlock by tapping a certain sequence on a picture of your choice, with more security gained by moving to a smaller grid size.
ell, honestly, if you delete the images from your S2U2 directory, that should accomplish the same thing. You would just have to remember where to slide from. Or use your DPAD.
lawmangrant, i think you're missing a handy side-effect of having G2U: you can still view the today screen. I imagine that you can view the today screen, but not be able to do anything until you gesture. If anyone uses PointUI, it's kinda like the builtin lock. You see the main screen until you tap, upon which the lock screen comes up. It's pretty nice (personally use s2u2 instead) but G2U has potential uses.
It's a good idea, especially if you don't have the instructions right on the screen, it's a good locker to keep people out of your phone.
It should be Gesture2Unlock (or G2U for short) and it was discussed in the Kaiser forum here:
A_C, the author or S2U2 was contacted, but he didn't think he could do it, as you can see from the thread...
I still like the idea.
I have a program in mind that does exactly what you want...
hm.. not exactly...
you have to tap to 4 or 5 different points on your touchscreen to unlock your phone...
but I don´t know the name at the moment....
I´ll try to find it....
This is a great idea.......
strange !!! walking down the street today i had this exact thought
may be some day!!!!
This was good, but doesnt work anymore...
interesting. Would be very similair to taking a biometric of a persons signature. presumably tho one wouldn't want the signature to be drawn as you gesture2unlock, but instead "draw" onto an invisible notepad.
its no easy process (have researched biometrics) as the important part if the learning/recognition algorythm which will probably involve some neural network coding (ouch but fun).
What you need is something like this!!!
I've emailed Mihail about this (the author), pointing him to this post. I will post his reply as soon as it arrives.
Here's my email:
Dear Mihail,
I came across your website whilst looking for clues as to how we might implement a fellow forum contributor’s idea on (here
His idea was to unlock a pda using a gesture on the touch screen. To my mind that mean signature which lead me to search for some algorithms on the net. Your implementation was particularly interesting as it seems quick to operate, has low memory footprint and could work on a low spec machine (such are many pda’s).
I was wondering if you implemented such a system, or if the algorithm you have developed has been release for others to use, commercially or non-profit.
Your input into the discussion would be highly valuable.
Best wishes
lawmangrant said:
ell, honestly, if you delete the images from your S2U2 directory, that should accomplish the same thing. You would just have to remember where to slide from. Or use your DPAD.
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Azimuth21 said:
lawmangrant, i think you're missing a handy side-effect of having G2U: you can still view the today screen. I imagine that you can view the today screen, but not be able to do anything until you gesture. If anyone uses PointUI, it's kinda like the builtin lock. You see the main screen until you tap, upon which the lock screen comes up. It's pretty nice (personally use s2u2 instead) but G2U has potential uses.
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I see pluses and minuses to this approach as opposed to using s2u2 with the deleted slide graphics.
If you want true privacy when someone picks up your phone, you wouldn't really want them to see your today screen especially if it contains appointment and tasks info, etc. That's where I think using a modified s2u2 would be better.
If you don't have appointment info on your screen or nothing that is "dynamic" or constantly changing except the clock, then you could skin s2u2 to "match" your today screen and place the clock exactly where it is on your today screen. For example if you have HTC home as your today screen, you can skin s2u2 clock to match the position and font as HTC home and then take a screenshot and modify it to a wallpaper, cutting out the clock par. The tricky part is the missed call and sms counter. S2u2 has the potential to disply that info but to replicate that look of htc home would require major changes, probably requiring A_C's help?
Of course if our devices had the horsepower, we could modify s2u2 to just take the screenshot of the today screen and load it as a wallpaper everytime it starts up, maybe a mortscript, but it would probably would be too slow realistically.
Im glad that u liked the idea... A_C said that he doesnt have the skills to do it.. but im sure he can help...
i don't mind if the appointments info appears on the screen, but i prefer no one can access all other applications... typing a password takes time... especially when activated side by side with S2U2...
Why a signature recognition? How about a gesture system like the one found in firefox plugins:
They're based on eight directions - four sideways and four diagonal.
Directions are defined as:
U - up
D - down
L - left
R - right
7 - up/left
9 - up/right
1 - down/left
3 - down/right
So to program a gesture you just need to input the directions of strokes it consists of.
For example URDL would mean drawing a rectangle starting from bottom left, and then going up, right, down, left. You can also describe more complicated gestures that way - R2D1L7U9R would mean drawing a circle starting from its top point and moving right.
In my opinion biometric algorithms don't make much sense, since they would need a styluys to work - try to draw your signature using a finger
Simplified gestures should work with finger as well as stylus, and should still provide more than enough security.
Great minds think alike.
What I wanted was a way to use touch to unlock the device very easily without it being easy to copy. I also wanted data to be safe should the device be reset.
I thought of using the standard S2U and just using a skin which didn't make it clear how to unlock so as to deter casual snoops.
There must be a way to do this! If no-one comes up with something soon then I'll dust off my programming books and give it a try.
the new Ftouch Flo a.k.a FtouchSL has some new gesturing features ( like corners )..maybe this would be useful

Smartouch and Zoombar

I am trying to find a way to mess with
HKLM/Software/HTC/SmartTouch/ key in registry, which is supposed to control the zoom bar.
I did some research in several threads in this forum, but all I found was some info (mainly on TD1 threads) on how to make the zoom bar (or scroll wheel in TD1) produce scrolling in apps.
However, what I am interesting in, is ZOOMING within any kind of application. Any idea on how to achieve this? The aforementioned key contains values such as ClassName (which is the app's class, something that is not easy to figure out; any tool on finding out an app's class would be appreciated), WheelCount (which probably is sensitivity), and Mode (which I have no idea what it is).
Anyone could help with this?
I could imagine a few nice things to do with the Zoombar. As I'm missing the arrow keys, it would be great to define a few gestures to use up / down / left / right keys with the zoombar.
slide to the right -> right key
slide to the left -> left key
tap on '+' -> up key
tap on '-' -> down key
jcan said:
I am trying to find a way to mess with
HKLM/Software/HTC/SmartTouch/ key in registry, which is supposed to control the zoom bar.
I did some research in several threads in this forum, but all I found was some info (mainly on TD1 threads) on how to make the zoom bar (or scroll wheel in TD1) produce scrolling in apps.
However, what I am interesting in, is ZOOMING within any kind of application. Any idea on how to achieve this? The aforementioned key contains values such as ClassName (which is the app's class, something that is not easy to figure out; any tool on finding out an app's class would be appreciated), WheelCount (which probably is sensitivity), and Mode (which I have no idea what it is).
Anyone could help with this?
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Hi jcan,
Did you manage to find ways to resolve your question? Kindly share with me please!
Try here:
Thanks for the link mattan, but I had already tried the Advanced Config solution... It is true that you can add Smartouch capability in active apps from there, but the problem is that I tried some (e.g. GSFinder+), and it worked as a scroll device.
What I am trying to find is a way to make the zoom bar work universally as its name says, i.e. zoom. It would be very nice to be able to zoom in anywhere in the device, like having a magnifying glass. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything yet but I know that the solution is hidden somewhere in the Smartouch reg key... Let's hope some fellow xda member will enlighten us!
and it worked as a scroll device.
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Actually it's not, it's work like hardware Up/down key. In some case you can redefine action on it (In program settings), for example CorePlayer, or some games.
I think biotouch must be modified for this
jcan said:
Thanks for the link mattan, but I had already tried the Advanced Config solution... It is true that you can add Smartouch capability in active apps from there, but the problem is that I tried some (e.g. GSFinder+), and it worked as a scroll device.
What I am trying to find is a way to make the zoom bar work universally as its name says, i.e. zoom. It would be very nice to be able to zoom in anywhere in the device, like having a magnifying glass. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything yet but I know that the solution is hidden somewhere in the Smartouch reg key... Let's hope some fellow xda member will enlighten us!
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What you would need to do it actually write an application that zooms the screen in hardware (similar to ctrl + mouse wheel zooming in Mac OSX) and control it with the zoom bar in applications that don't work with the zoom bar at present. I haven't actually used GSFinder+ but if doesn't have some sort of zoom level available to it through a menu function or on screen button then there is no way the zoombar will magically give it (or any other non-zooming program) one.
OK, I get it then... So, if an application does not support zooming, then the zoombar can only be used as a scroll device (or up-down key)...
I guess we will have to settle with that type of use then, until a screen zoom application comes up.
jcan said:
OK, I get it then... So, if an application does not support zooming, then the zoombar can only be used as a scroll device (or up-down key)...
I guess we will have to settle with that type of use then, until a screen zoom application comes up.
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this is what u want :
criszz said:
this is what u want :
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What does this cab exactly do, mate?
Read and download here:

