No Response After Long phonecall - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

I have had my O2 Neo for about 1 month, and it's my only phone in my home. So, I need to use it to make calls for a long period of time. Starting from last week, I noticed that when I talk to people for over 20mins, the screen of the o2 turned off, and then I can't turn it back on by pressing the power, ok, end call, answer call keys. Basically, it just stop responding, so I had to do a soft reset everytime I have long phone calls.
Does anybody have the same problem? Is there a way to solve the problem?
it;s really annoying since the rebooting takes about 1 min or so.
Thanks in advance for any advice / help.


Slow answering incomming calls

hello! i've searched but didnt find any help with my problem. When my jasjar rings (incomming call) and after i press the answer button (the green one) i need to wait about 1 to 2 seconds before i can hear the person that is calling me...strange...did this ever happen to you? how can i solve this problem? Thanks in Advance
Yes, i have the same problem on my MDA Pro
After pressing the green button, i have to wait 3 secounds with speaking.
I had the same problem and now is solved.
In phone/options/band select WCDMA (not automatic)
i think that didnt solve the problem...sorry...thanks
I have the same probelm on the incoming call. However, i finally realized that it's the problem on the Pocket Plus V3.0.4 installed on the system.
It appear to be normal once i removed the program.
It's the case for me, and i hope it would help you as well
I too have this problem with my I-Mate Jasjar. I need to wait for a few seconds after hitting the answer button before I can hear the calling party. I did a hard reset and installed the latest wwe ROM available on clubimate site. The problem still persists even without any third party software installed. So I do not blame pocketplus for this problem. I think this is a software/hardware issue which should be addressed in a ROM upgrade.
I have the same problem with my JasJar. I have also updated to the lates ROM from clubImate by advice from clubImate support.
Sometimes the phone does not even answer the call at all when pressing the green button. This is becoming an even more expensive phone since I have to call back so many people on account of missed calls
Seriously, It cannot be right that a problem like this exists on a phone in this price range. ClubImate support even said they had never heard of this problem before.
i did a few hard resets and the problem persists without any extra software installed. "Very bad bug". i've already test a K-jam and it works beautifull...i'm sad
Got my XDA Exec today. It's pretty good but is not the same as my XDA2. Even less phone. More PDA...
If I turn my machine off in landscape mode and then close the lid with the screen out (like the XDA2) then when a call arrives it takes ages to answer because the screen has to rotate first to portrait mode.
If I turn off and close in laptop mode (landscape) then it rings immediately and I can answer it immediately using the hinge buttons.
Maybe it is the same for you?
i have noticed it seems to be quicker to goto portrait than to landscape in all respects of use
ok, lets try it...thanks
how i test it: jasjar "on" charging, open in portait mode. same delay.
L to P is roughly twice as long for me.
going to L i get twist and flip and the display is done ready and waiting
going to P i get twist and flip then get a 2s ish of L before it flips to P
this was battery power
*** its the same on mains and battery !
Carnivor said:
L to P is roughly twice as long for me.
going to L i get twist and flip and the display is done ready and waiting
going to P i get twist and flip then get a 2s ish of L before it flips to P
this was battery power
*** its the same on mains and battery !
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When my Exec is on, the rotation is pretty much instant. I have no apps running. It's only when a phone call wakes it up that the rotation is slooooow.
My Qtek 9100 also take app. 5 sec before it rings, and the S100 I had before was the same. My dad has an XDA mini, same problem. It seems like pocket plus will increase the problem, but even without any extra software its not working perfect. Its strange after such long time, they havent been able to solve simple problems like theese.
I also get this, Its very annying. Maybe they incorperated it so you can answer the call asap and the before it acually picks up, you have a few seconds to turn the screen round and see whos calling ect?
I have an Exec and there is certainly a knack to answering a call on it, but i'm getting better!!!
Firstly the voicemail seems to kick in way too early, i only get 4 rings of the 'ring' ringtone max before the VM kicks in, sometimes i think it is less, but i may just be going deaf! does anyone else find this a problem?(not deafness)
As i usually have the exec closed in my pocket, this is how i answer a call.
1, Hear the first ring, if i don't it's too late already!
2, Drop everything, and remove phone(ha!) from case and open into laptop mode only. If i rotate all the way into PDA mode the screen takes too long to change and the call goes to VM before i can see who it is.
3, Answer call after seeing who it is
4, Rotate or close screen and put to my ear and wait 2 seconds to speak.
It's a real pain in the arse and very annoying.
Great forum btw, it's been very helpful, i knew bugger all about PDAs three weeks ago.
Which button(s) do you have success with?
The small green on the side,
the green above the other keys on the keyboard,
the soft key button,
or touching the screen?
ipanter said:
Firstly the voicemail seems to kick in way too early, i only get 4 rings of the 'ring' ringtone max before the VM kicks in, sometimes i think it is less, but i may just be going deaf! does anyone else find this a problem?(not deafness)
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If you're using the Exec on o2, you can adjust the cut-in delay at the o2 end. You do so by keying in/sending the following to o2:
**61*901*11*xx# [send]
(where xx is number of seconds, e.g. 30.)
Note: I think the maximum delay allowed is about 30-secs - at least I've never got it to extend longer than that!
I have found that o2 occasionally reset mine back to about 10-secs, so have it programmed into a contact number.
I've found something interesting.
I tried to swap two sim cards.
The one originally in my phone was a sim card from Orange Denmark (where I live). Orange has since been bought by Telia, and this same sim card is now using Telias network. This is by design. It gives my the roaming symbol all the time since the buy-over.
To say the least, some things have been very ****ty in this process, so I thougt that I might try another sim card.
I had another one from TDC (another danish operator), and bang! My Universal (Jasjar) answers instantly - every time - on all the buttons!
Could some of you who have this problem as well, please confirm this? Please tell what kind of sim card (and country) you are networking through, and try another one.

call timer problem vario II

hi all i am a bit new here but have followed the forums for 2 years and it really been helpful keepup the good work.
i was having this strange problem when i talk for really long time and dissconnect the call the call timer at the time of dissconnection, it shows say some thing like 1:49 and seconds later it displaces another time saying 48:59 this happens to me quite a lot.
i have noticed it only happens when the backlight goes off on a long duration call and if u have a short duration call before the bcaklight goes off this problem doesnt occur.
wondering if any one has noticed this and if there a way around it or is it something wrong with my handset
thanks all u guys
Take a look at your clock when you put your phone out of stand-by mode.
It lags a bit. After 1 second, the right time will be displayed. Off course the device has to be in stand-by some time.
Kind of the same as your call timer I think, the device needs to wake up a bit.
(Like ppl who just woke up, they can't think clear)

Freezes when back light off! Help!

I've had this problem for awhile now, and can't seem to find out how to fix it.
My mogul works awesome, when it does.
This is what happens...
Pretend it is 1:15 and I turn my back light off by hitting the power button. At 1:30 or anytime after 1:15, I will hit my power button back on to check my phone. The screen turns on, I still see 1:15 for about 1 second, then it goes to the current time, 1:30. If I got a text message/phone call/alarm during this time my phone was "frozen" when the back light was off, I will miss it. As soon as I hit the power button, I will get the missed calls/alarms/texts/etc.
Now, what the heck?! I did a hard reset, thinking I might have messed up my phone some time, but it is doing it again.
The problem is sporadic, but it does it a lot !
It is so frustrating, please help. I explained the best I could!
I actually have the same problem, as well as even if i don't touch the power button, my alarm clock goes off about 60% of the time if it's plugged in. I'd hoped that when I bought this phone I could exploit the alarm function because it lets you set multiples, plus the alarm on my last phone wasn't very loud. I love my phone, but I still wonder, why the hell are there so many things that "kinda" work? It's a frikkin joke.

Phone locks "on call" - phone app crash

I faced this problem too often, so I ask on this forum to know if it only happens to me:
when I end the call, telephone programs stucks. In the top bar, the indication of an on going call is still there. Everything is working except telephone application. I can't open the telephone options. Even if I turn on Airplane mode, the phone logo in the top bar remains.
Any idea?
I had that problem once. Did it occur when you dialed a number not in your phone book? It turned out the prompt for saving a new dialed number was still there but I somehow couldn't access it. Perhaps turn that setting off?
no, it was an outgoing call to someone in my phonebook. (at least in my last problem)
facing the same problem. after ending a call the phone app freeze a couple of minutes and sometimes more than ten minutes
Did you installed the HTC patch to avoid the freeze ?
I didn't.
Could it be usefull there ?
This is really annoying if you have to wait 10mn before doing an another call !
Problem happened again
The problem happened again yesterday.
But worse. I was leaving a message on an answering machine. and I couldn't end the call !
Pressing the right key (end call) had no effect !
Usually in my previous problems, the other user was ending the call.
So I had to switch off the phone in comm manager !
I'm surprised that no one else faced this problem !
I tried to follow one's advice to wait then until phone gets back to normal. (release the phone icon in the top bar).
After one hour, I finaly rebooted the phone to be able to do an outgoing call.
Help !
Phone blocks during or after a call
Hello guys and girls
I had the same problem last week, a couple of times in a row, I was on the phone with a contact, after a couple of minutes I couldn't hear anything anymore and tried to end the call but no joy, a soft reset did the thing the first time, the second I waited a couple of minutes wich worked aswell. It was very annoying I must say especially as it happened 4 times in a row...
Hoping for a solution
It seems a bug. You can press volume up/down buttons on the device itself to open the volume bar screen. After that just press somewhere on the grey area to go back to home screen. The top bar will restore from the phone application.
It's not the top bar. The phone application is completely unavailable.
We see the top bar,but the phone icon is stuck. Like if we were still on call.
I too have a similar problem.
Although I haven't particularly logged the prolems, I think that it only happens on incoming calls, and not outgoing ones.
During a phone call, the incoming sound just goes mute, and afterwards I can't hang up the call.
I reckon I have lost well over half the calls I have received because of this.
Luckily, not many people call me!!
I reckon this is a CRAP phone, and am seriously thinking of getting a REAL phone, and just using the HD as a PDA device. Good old HTC!!!!!!
I edited the title of this topic.
The phone app is really stucked : I called an answering machine, I wasn't able to end the call !
Help !
I am thinking of changing ROM.

System/ring volume problem

Hey guys,
long time reader but first time poster...I did a search and couldn't really find a solution for my problem. Whenever I put my phone on vibration and change it back to normal my system/ring volume only goes up to 13%. I would than manually change it to 100% but whenever I receive calls, messages, notifications, etc on my phone the system/ringer volume seems to be "stuck" at 13% because it's very low (even tho it says 100% in Sound & Display). My only solution so far is to soft reset my phone and that usually fixes the problem but it gets annoying having to do this every time I change between vibrate to normal profiles. I've tried turning on/off the Single volume option but it didn't work either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
yes I have the same problem and its getting on my nerves it just randomly started too
No one could post the solution for this problem.........
Its really annoying to soft reset the phone only to get the ringer volume up.

