System/ring volume problem - HD2 General

Hey guys,
long time reader but first time poster...I did a search and couldn't really find a solution for my problem. Whenever I put my phone on vibration and change it back to normal my system/ring volume only goes up to 13%. I would than manually change it to 100% but whenever I receive calls, messages, notifications, etc on my phone the system/ringer volume seems to be "stuck" at 13% because it's very low (even tho it says 100% in Sound & Display). My only solution so far is to soft reset my phone and that usually fixes the problem but it gets annoying having to do this every time I change between vibrate to normal profiles. I've tried turning on/off the Single volume option but it didn't work either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

yes I have the same problem and its getting on my nerves it just randomly started too

No one could post the solution for this problem.........
Its really annoying to soft reset the phone only to get the ringer volume up.


backlight, incoming call delay, and alarm bug

Cingular 8125
I have 3 issues...
1. The backlight seems to shut itself off every once in a while. I'll try to wake the phone from sleep mode only to notice there is no light, so I have to move the phone near a light source to see the dimmed screen and work my way to the backlight setting and increase it back to normal.
This happened once while I was driving
Is there a cure for this problem?
Also, I noticed spb pocket plus's backlight slider on my today screen does not work, nor do the shortcut commands it has for backlight up/down/loop etc.
2. When I was testing a new ringtone, I called my phone from another phone. I noticed it does not receive the call on the first ring. It receives it on the 2nd ring. I can hang up during or right after the first ring and not have it come up on my phone. Is this normal?
3. Alarm bug. This %$#@ lead me to hard-reset my phone 3 times already. When my phone is in sleep mode and an alarm triggers, sometimes the phone won't wake, but keeps playing the alarm. I wake the phone manually only to notice there is no alarm notification, but a flashing orange light and constant alarm sound and vibration. A soft-reset seemed to make the problem worse. Finally, I found a program called memMaid which lets me delete notifications and duplicate notifications etc. Is this the best method to cure this problem?
Thanks in advance.
With the backlight, do you have it on charge at the time of it messing up?
i've had this issue but only when the phone was on charge.
if i unplugged the phone, backlight came back and then i simply plugged it back in
other than that, no cure that i've found. what software version are you using?
for the alarm, not seen that, i have noticed that recently i've had the alarm apparently going off (but it hasnt!) and then almost 2 hours later, i have a msg saying "alarm" with the dismiss button and the time of when it was supposed to go off. very odd. luckily i have a nokia 6230i that i use as my alarm clock.
and for the calls... i have the same problem but only when i copy over my SMS back onto the device. after hard reset its fine, but as soon as my msgs go back, i think the phone mem gets slower. (i have 1600 sms now on the phone with about 300 contacts with pictures)
I have the same issue with sms where the phone will light up, 5 seconds after it recieves the sms... so i'm guessing thats the same as the phone side, it lights up on my end, 3-5 secs later it rings (which is eqiv to one ring on their side so it hangs up after 2 more rings).
very strange issues though, i hope softwre updates fix it because it is annoying me now!
also have an issue with my camera where if you dont X out of it, then dont expect it to load again unless you reset the phone. it just shows the "egg timer" and thats it. useless camera software but great pda/phone. again luckily i have a camera always with me anyway.
Only thing i have experience with this is for 1).
I still get that backlight problem.
It started happening when i installed PocketZenPhone beta.
After every soft reset, if i let the phone go into standby or the let the backlight time out, the backlight setting will go all the way to the lowest.
I don't know how to fix this bug, only thing i've done to sort with it is have a Today Screen launcher set up so that i have an icon that leads directly to the backlight setting, so whenever it dims on me, i'm 2 thumb pushes away.
Actually, this is the first time i saw this, when i installed zen on mine too!
It was then i realised that if you unplugged the power supply then replug it in, it fixed it
in the end, i got fed up of zen's stability or the lack off so i removed it, hard reset etc
it still happens but very rarely, and when it does, its just because i've turned it off and on while it was on the power supply
i have the same freaking problem with backlight. not sure what the deal is but very very annoying. is there a fix to this problem??
i have the same freaking problem with backlight. not sure what the deal is but very very annoying. is there a fix to this problem??
Mine had the occasional "backlight set to off" (i.e. pushing the 5-way would NOT turn it back on - had to use Control Panel applet) problem too. I never used Pocket Zen Phone on this phone (have on others in the past) but did use both SPB pocket plus and Phone Alarm.
I think the problem is somehow related to apps that try to control the backlight. As you've noted, SPB's backlight applets don't do anything, I think that PZP and Phone Alarm, as part of their attempts to control the backlight in their profiles mess it up somehow.
What i did was limit my profiles in PA to only two, and make sure both of them were set exactly the same way as far as controlling the backlight:
o Both profiles have backlight set to 50% all the time
o Both profiles set to power off the backlight at 3 minutes on both AC and battery
o Both profiles set to suspend the device at 2 mins on battery (so never getting to the "backlight only power-off" setting above).
o Having the backlight go dark on AC is new for me, but it keeps it consistent with the battery setting, but it's no biggie and if it ain't if I touch any button it comes back on
I also removed SPB pocket plus and found some freebie utilities that do what I wanted from SPB.
So I'm not positive it's related, but doing these three things and i haven't had the light go dark since. Every once in a while after a reboot the light does go dark, but hitting any button or the 5-way brings it back so it's not the same "setting has been set to no backlight at all" problem I was having, and only seems to occur soon after a reboot, and then not again.
i fixed my problem by flashing rom over with 2.17 US version.

8125 Issue - Phone rings and vibrates on soft reset

I don't know if anyone else has had or is having this problem, but i thought i would ask for help.
Sometimes I have to perform a hard reset. When I do, it runs through it's normal start up sequence, all the way through the windows mobile startup screen. As it begins to change from the startup to the today screen, the phone will begin to vibrate and ring on it's own. vibrate for a second or two, and then it's quiet for a second or two, and then ring. the ringer starts off soft, and then seems to work it's way up through to mid range, about 5 different levels of volume. The ringer then stops and the vibrate kicks back in again. It seems to last as long as it takes for my today screen to load. Please understand, The last thing that i want to do is a hard reset, and I'm sure that this would fix the problem, I just don't want to go through the headache of installing all my software. I can hear some people saying, "not a big issue if you have a system backup.." well, I'm thinking that the issue has got to be somewhere in the registry, and I'm thinking that by installing a backup, will only copy the issue back onto my device. I don't soft reset my phone that often, so I can live with the issue if I have to. I just thought I would throw this out there and see if someone might be able to help me out.
Sounds to me that you either pressed the volume button upwards while you phone were starting up or there is something wrong with your volume button in general (either hardware or software). If you have the possibility reflash the device with your shipped ROM version, then see if that persists!

Notification Volume turns itself down...Please help

Within the last few weeks, the notification volume on my Nexus S is turning itself down to half volume. To rule out accidental button pressing, I turn the volume to max, and put it on the table, untouched. Within an hour, the volume is at halfway. Not really sure what is going on, but it's extremely frustrating because I miss a bunch of text messages as a result of this problem. If anybody else is having this problem, and knows of a solution, please let me know.
wrenchmonkey26 said:
Within the last few weeks, the notification volume on my Nexus S is turning itself down to half volume. To rule out accidental button pressing, I turn the volume to max, and put it on the table, untouched. Within an hour, the volume is at halfway. Not really sure what is going on, but it's extremely frustrating because I miss a bunch of text messages as a result of this problem. If anybody else is having this problem, and knows of a solution, please let me know.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the same issue..think it started when I installed the voodoo app. Helping for a fix also
But I think you posted in the wrong thread..

Screen won't turn off during phone calls

I use my phone a ton for calls , imagine that .
Lately when I put a call on speaker, the screen will not turn off. It will not time out and even if I press the power button to shut the screen off manually, it just comes right back on.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so have you been able to correct it?
p.s. this has only been happening in the past week or so and I can't think of anything I did or any updates that would have caused this.
I'm experiencing this same thing. Tried multiple things and even did a hard reset and the issue still persists. Very annoying.
I found a workaround where if I come out of the phone app, then I can lock the screen.
got the same thing. i read something on AC( think it was) regarding the calendar notifications not allowing the screen to go dark too. i wake up, my phone is super hot if i have an all day appt with a notification. did yall find a fix to this? the other forum mentioned possible connection to samsung pay.
Having the same issue. The screen does not turn off when holding the phone to my ear or when I'm using bluetooth headset.

Weird Button Problem

Recently my device started decreasing volume automatically and it seemed like there is something wrong with my buttons. I found out that once i press the volume up key, the decreasing of volume stops for a couple of seconds and then the problem repeats itself. I have also noticed that when this happens my power button stops doing "single clicks". Double click to open camera and holding that button to force restart the phone still works.The screen turns itself ON every few seconds. Even the headset speaker(for calls) stops working and i have to put my phone on loudspeaker for it to work....
Even after all that the weirdest thing is that this problem sometime stops for a couple of hours and then again starts happening..
i thought it was a software issue so i tried resetting and even installing another rom(currently on bootleggers now)..
I am seriously frustrated with this problem and have no idea what may be causing it. Any suggestions are appreciated.
PS: I didnt go to a hardware shop yet cause
< 1 > I dont think its a hardware issue
< 2 > Until i am sure its a hardware issue, i dont want to get my device opened.

