Which DHCP services needs a pocket pc ? - Networking

I've installed a dhcp server on my windows xp pc via dchp turbo.
because i want internet access on my magician via wlan, so i shared the internet connection of my desktop pc via wlan with this dhcp application.
On my notebook, i get all the IP's from this dhcp server and the internet connection works.
But on my Magician (Spectec SDW-820), i dont get the Ips via this DHCP.
Which services does a pocket pc need to get the ips from the server ?
I just registered on my desktop this services: DNS Server, Gateway Server.


Networking Gurus Please Help Me.

Hello Everyone. i have a pc that is hooked up on a LAN that gets net access via VPN on a local host. My PPC (XDA2i) on 2003 se is connected to my pc via Bluetooth on a PAN. so what i need is for the PPC to be able to access the LAN so it can connect to the host computer via VPN for net access... i tried 2 different apoproaches.
#1 I bridged the 2 connections (PAN and LAN) under the same Subgroup as the host. eg : 192.168.0.xx , Host = . problem is the pc is unable to ping the PPC and vice versa. so if they are unable to ping what more establish a VPN connection. strangely, the pc is able to access the LAN, but the ppc isn't.
#2 I tried using XP's ICS. I enabled all the forwarding settings and assigned the PAN a different subgroup IP (192.168.1.xx). VOILA !!! the ppc is able to ping the host ( I'm assuming the pc is forwarding ping packets to the ppc. but the pc acting as a NAT doesnt help solve my problem. weirdly, the ppc is unable to establish a VPN connection.
the type of VPN is unsecure uncrypted PPTP.
thanks everyone in advance

laptop as bridge to LAN for PPC?

Hello Everyone. i have a pc that is hooked up on a LAN that gets net access via VPN on a local host. My PPC (XDA2i) on 2003 se is connected to my pc via Bluetooth on a PAN. so what i need is for the PPC to be able to access the LAN so it can connect to the host computer via VPN for net access... i tried 2 different apoproaches.
#1 I bridged the 2 connections (PAN and LAN) under the same Subgroup as the host. eg : 192.168.0.xx , Host = . problem is the pc is unable to ping the PPC and vice versa. so if they are unable to ping what more establish a VPN connection. strangely, the pc is able to access the LAN, but the ppc isn't.
#2 I tried using XP's ICS. I enabled all the forwarding settings and assigned the PAN a different subgroup IP (192.168.1.xx). VOILA !!! the ppc is able to ping the host ( I'm assuming the pc is forwarding ping packets to the ppc. but the pc acting as a NAT doesnt help solve my problem. weirdly, the ppc is unable to establish a VPN connection.
the type of VPN is unsecure uncrypted PPTP.
thanks everyone in advance

Cisco VPN + WM6 Internet Sharing?

Anyone get these two to play nice together?
Cisco PIX 501e at the office
WM6 3g phone (HTC TyTn II)
vista/xp laptop (working properly on either would be great right now )
VPN setup on the pix is, i believe, fine. I could be wrong tho, i set it up by trial and error + reading the manual having never even touched a cisco device before
It works tho and has worked flawlessly for months now with Cisco VPN Client on XP or Vista machines.
Old phone was WM5 and used the clunky and annoying modem emulator to enable a laptop to use it to connect to intarwebs in the middle of nowhere, this was great and after faffing about getting it setup worked fine (required you to be logged in as administrator on vista tho :\ and not just a user account with admin privileges, actually administrator. Annoying.)
New phone is WM6 and uses internet sharing to connect with a laptop, this is a much better solution with no faffing about in vista and XP
Problem: Cisco VPN client connects to the pix through Internet Sharing on the phone just fine, however no traffic gets through.
Cannot ping, web browse, dns, rdc or anything to the network at work. Tried with Cisco VPN client v4.6.00.0049 and v5.0.01.0600 on XP and v5.0.00.0340 on Vista, none work.
This sucks
Now, i know its not a problem with the laptop or the vpn software on the laptop as these work fine when connected over ethernet or wifi.
Its not a problem with the phone's 3g connection, i installed a trial of bluefire vpn client onto it and that connects to the vpn and works just fine when the phone is in standalone mode.
However for the life of me i cannot get the two bloody things to work together.
Plz halp
Often times, the inability to ping a local host (computers or other connected devices e.g router, hardware firewall, printer, PPC, etc) or hosts, is due to the firewall not allowing traffic through the router. It can also be that the hosts are incorrectly configured to be on different subnets, even though they are local, as in your own case.
Proceed as follows to troubleshoot:
a). Ping the router
Note that the idea is to see if we can establish communication with the router or hardware firewall such as the Pix.
At command prompt (c:\>) type:
(each router manufacturer uses a different default internal IP address for its router) - the one above is for a Netgear or D-Link router - for a Cisco router, you would need to know the Cisco IOS command - see your router manual for this.
b). ipconfig /all
Note: there is a space before the forwardslash.
When it returns the parameters, check to see that the IP addresses are all on the same subnet.
This is crucially important for you to take good note. If you are not able to ping a local host or gateway, it's most likely due to this.
c). Ping the Pix Firewall (using its IP address)
d). Ping a remote IP address, e.g. your ISP's gateway or DNS server
e). Is there traffic? If it returns successfully, then ping the other hosts, including the VPN client.
Pix Firewall
Check to see that the Access Control List is configured correctly by ensuring that the IP addresses of the connected hosts have been entered, with the relevant access rights.
Log on to the router. Whilst there:
Ensure that the hosts (computers, etc) are all on the SAME subnet. If they are on different subnets, you must correct the IP addresses to reflect that they are on the same subnet.
Note: If you do really want them to be on different subnets, then you need to use a default gateway.
Hope this helps.

Internet Connection Sharing Problem

Hi, i need help about connecting my Pocket PC and using ICS
So this is what i want to achieve:
1. I have internet connection on my laptop via LAN
2. when i connect my HP IPAQ 114 with usb cable and sync using Active Sync i have internet on my PPC
3. I have another laptop that i want to "give" internet to via my wireless card on PPC connected wireless-ly to Laptop2
4. This is the scenario i like to create:
Can someone help me with this?
I do the same thing as my curent internet is from a usb modem
so i turn on internet sharing on my pc
and set my phone's ip to be on the same subnet in my case 192.168.0.X
set my gateway to the ip on the pc in my case
set my dns to the same dns the pc use
if you don't know your dns
you can get it from a console and typing
iconfig /all
on your pc
tnx but i tried that and then i don't have internet on pc1 because of the mac of it is my password to the internet provider
can i somehow fis that?
ok i set my Local connection1(internet) to ics to the local connection 4 (activesync created and it made its address
this seems to be normal but now my active sync can not connect to my device
and my laptop1 ip must be

HTC Snap VPN from Laptop over ICS

Hi All,
I have a tough one to solve for a colleague..
He is wanting to use his HTC Snap (WM6.1) Data connection to allow his laptop to connect to office VPN(VPN client is on laptop).
ICS works great via USB for internet access only. The VPN subnet is the same 192.168.0.x subnet as the default IP assigned via ICS.
I changed the ICS DHCP assigned IP range to 192.168.10.x (via reg hacks) and internet works ok from Laptop still.
VPN connects successfully from laptop (Netgear Prosafe VPN client) and stays connected only I cannot access, ping or anything on the 192.168.0.x subnet through the VPN..
Internet continues to be accessible from laptop whilst VPN is 'connected'.
Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance.

