Tontom 3 and my xda mini s?? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have tomtom3 navigagator bluetooth that i used with my ipaq 2210... i tried to install the software on my xda minis but didnt seem to want to play ball....any clues??

Although probably not helpful you should consider upgrading your software. With TomTom3 you'll most likely end up in a lake if you trust upon it (maps are way too old by now).


XDA II vs Sony Ericsson P800

I have an XDA for over a year and am very happy and impressed with it.
I am looking forward to the new XDA II and am almost certainly going to get one. Before I fork out for one I have considered buying a Sony Ericsson P800 which has similar functionality.
I know the XDA II runs on WMPPC 2003 and the P800 runs on the symbian platform, but this doesnt mean a lot to me.
Could anyone suggest in suer terms the differences and dis / advantages of one device over the other.
Thaks for your time if you can help !
For my 2 cents worth.........the XDA is compatable with a plethora of software across the spectrum, games, comms, databases, etc etc, the amount of freeware for the ppc platform is staggering. If you use your machine for the inbuilt functionality then it makes no difference, but I use mine for allsorts, including GPS navigation, it cost a very small amount to add the hardware and the software is freely available or very cheap. Also with the launch of the XDA2 it usually follows that the XDA1 will come down in price. I just bought a new XDA, boxed immaculate for £150, now that is value. You may have noticed, I admire this little machine greatly, I also admire the people that are able to add usability and value to it by sheer determination coupled with amazing technical know how. If the manufacturer of the XDA teamed up with the XDA developers we would see something special.
One of my friends bought a P800 and had loads of probs with it. They replaced the unit a couple of times and then he sent it back and replaced it with an IPAQ and a bluetooth phone combi.
I have both the XDA and the p800. Let me start by saying that the XDA wins without a doubt.
If you are looking for a phone with some PDA functions, then go for the p800. If you use your pda alot, the XDA is for you.
I found the p800 to be too slow as a PDA. Using downloaded apps are problematic, and of course, the amount of software available is limited when compared to pocketpc.
Crusin Thru, SPS and XDA Rocks,
Thanks for takin the time to reply. As you are unanimous in your opinions you have convinced me.
The XDA II it is !
You can preorder them from a number of online suppliers, but my favourite is Great site with excellent info and Customer service.
Once again thanks for you input
Cheers Ric.
PS Perhaps as expected at this site.............Nobody thought the P800 was the best!

choosing decision: XDA2 vs P900

Good Day to you all.
This is my first post here as i joined just now because of an ongoing promo on XDA2 and P900 in SMART Philippines.
I am a avid :shock: SMARTPHONE user, Tanager E100, is and was my previous unit UNTIL im gonna decide to go for either XDA2 or P900.
Now, I wouldn't have registered here if I didn't LIKE the XDA2, however since MOST of you here are already experienced users, I would like to ask ALL of you TO HELP me COMPARE the two units and SHOW the GOOD as well as the BAD sides of each. Pocket PC / Communicators are a new field for me as I am a SMARTPHONE user.
Thats where I need your INPTS. Thank you.
It really depends on whether you want a fantastic pda with a built in phone function (XDAII) or a phone with a built in pad function (P900). The 'built in' part being compromised on both machines.
I personally have have all of Nokia's Communicator series and both types of XDA and having seen and used a friend's P900, I would definately recommend the XDAII.
Thanks, I need more info though.
Thanks, Now for Techies, The SPECS say that:
XDA2 has 400MHZ Intel PSX??? processor whereas SE P900 has 154Mhz ARM10 processor. How does this compare?
This sounds like comparing a MAC and a PENTIUM based PC does it?
And which has the larger market support Windows Mobile 2003 or Symbian Technology?
Hope I get your comments, Thanks.
They're both ARM processors, so no it's not like the difference between 680??/PowerPC MACs and 80x86/Pentium IBM PCs - There is a REAL speed difference here.
I would think that the 'largest' market base is with Symbian as it's used in lots of phones and not just the P800/P900s (they're just the top end). Consider that most of the current Nokia (who are the largest global supplier of mobile phones) use the Symbian OS and that there are FAR more Mobile Phones than PDAs
jwealthall said:
I would think that the 'largest' market base is with Symbian as it's used in lots of phones and not just the P800/P900s (they're just the top end). Consider that most of the current Nokia (who are the largest global supplier of mobile phones) use the Symbian OS and that there are FAR more Mobile Phones than PDAs
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I'd have to disagree with that view, yes there are more Symbian based phones than there are WM2003 based phones but only a few Symbian handsets have any real PDA functionality.
The PocketPC userbase is vast and growing with a huge array of applications, utilities etc, far in excess of that available for P800/P900's.
I agree, when comparing P800/P900 numbers to Pocket PC numbers then there are far more Pocket PCs .... Although I wouldn't like to guess that this were true for Pocket PC Mobiles.
Yes, there would be a far greater range of applications for Pocket PCs although far fewer mobile specific ones.
At the end of the day, I'd personally choose an XDA type device - I just wish that the specification meant that you didn't loose all your software/data when the device ran out of power - In this day and age that is quite simply rediculous!!!
Thanks a lot folks, JWEATHALL and GRIFFOG and XDA-ROCKS
British/English Folks help a lot, dont they? im still waiting for replies from other nationalities.
You've CONVINCED me. Though I needed less convincing anyway, as I was inching towards having an O2 XDA II as offered by our service provider here.
My XDA II will be arriving shortly and I cant wait. :wink: :wink:
Now the FUN part, trying to understand how it works, with my smartphone background, i know it would be easy, but its not going to be a walk in the park.
My favorite amd very useful apps in smartphone are:
1. PHM Registry Editor (for cool tweaking)
2. Smart Explorer
3. SP Task Manager
4. Mitac Phonebackup
5. Pocket TV and MVP
6. Sprite Backup
7. Twyx Imeter
8. Nintendo Emulator
Are these EASILY available for XDA2?
Im looking forward to GREAT PDA functions from my XDA, would greatly appreciate the MS Office apps.
Im planning to buy :shock: Wi-Fi SD expansion card :shock: , which I will use to our Wi-Fi server, is it easy to setup?
Id appreciate the replies. Thanks again
You're in for a treat - most of those apps are available for PocketPC and if you're into emulators there's even freeware emu's for the Playstation and Gameboy Advance
Welcome aboard!!!
I used to have a P800 (wich is very close to the P900)... I was really into Sony Ericsson phones/pdas, I even have a portal dedicated to them...
But I really went ahead switched to the MDA2 and love every bit of it...
Lots of software and emulators!!!!
Let us know what you think once you have it...
you wont have a problem working the XDA if you know how to use a windows pc
the SPV series is hard to set up and configure compared to the XDA as you can touch whats on screen and not having to navigate through menus all the time
I was there. I got XDA2 as soon as it was released in Dubai. Then, P900 came out and I've sold XDA2 and got P900. It's a very cool device, specially 5 way jog - it is something every PDA maker should license from Sony, IMHO. Functionality wise I wasn't very impressed. And the most annoying part was BT. They just hate each other - P900 and HBH-65
Back to XDA2 now and more hat happy with it. Really hope that SE will bring functional BT and better dialer.
Hi, All out there
I am also a NewBie here. Happily came here with a good chance, I have learned a lot from here although not long. I had bought an O2 XDA2 for my wife and I am going to buy another one for myself. I am going to dwelling deeply into it technically. The bad side of this stuff, my personal feeling, is that they only implement one SD slot. If they can implement it with two SD slots, then things would be much more wonderful.
i think there is a BACKPACK accessory than you ca purchase for your XDA 2, it contains 2 SD/MC slots and an additional BATT, plus an RCA jack??, not sure with this.
Thanks FOLKS, i have my XDA already and im tinkering with it right now.
This is GREAT. hehehe.
Ive got a P800 and I want to go for a XDA something, I might wait for the XDA3, I need something with Wifi and the new P910 just doesnt have it and you cant get extra wifi with the sony memorystick duo! which sucks a little.
Yes the 5 way jog dial from sony is totaly cool and just great for doing stuff with one hand, only real good thing about the phone. As for a PDA device, its not that great! I try and use it to the max but the screen is just that little to small to do most things with!

XDA IIs & Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition

Looking at the specification would I be correct in thinking the new XDA II is almost indentical hardware to the original XDA II?
If so it should be possible to upgrade the XDA II to Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition with the XDA IIs new firmware ? ?
Or am I missing something?
Well it's similar but not identical, slide out keyboard, built-in WLAN etc. Having said all that, Tekguru are hinting that there will be an announcement sometime this weekend that will be of interest to current XDAII owners, I have all my fingers crossed that it is the prayed for WM2003SE upgrade
Yep I've been watching the Tekguru site re the announcement...
It seems like we've meet on the dark side ....
LOL! Now how was I too know from that Forum Name! Well let's 'all' keep our fingers crossed, besides I need a ROM update as it must be almost a week since I last hard reset Oh and if you need any more X-Type mounts let me know, chopping mine in for a Disco next month.
Why not a CHEAP XDAII -> IIs upgrade plan :twisted:
i read the specs of the XDAIIs and it says that it incorporates the widcomm BT drivers already. maybe some can extract this so we can have a working version on our XDAII.

XDA really sucks as a phone

Well my sage continues with this XDA (SX56). This $400 Paper weight has finally pushed me back to using a PALM device. Very disappointing since I love the functionality of my Pocket PC. After Upgrading and downgrading ROM and Radio Stacks the device just never truly gets to be a phone. So I have to go back to carrying my Toshiba PDA and my Palm Tungsten W in order to get anything done.
I am so sorry for even buying the dam thing it has been a serious dampener to my business and I would never recommend another PDA/Phone like this again, to anyone.
So if your are on this website looking for a fix...there isn't one. Accept the fact that the device is just a pretty PDA that can be a phone once and a while.
I am very happy with my xda and xda 2, I have never had a problem with the phone side and I think the xda is the best featured value for money pda/phone on the market. Maybe you should address the problem in the hope of fixing it, messing with radio stacks is not to be taken lightly. If you supply all the details such as original radio stack, current radio stack, original and current rom, the nature of your problem etc. you may find a solution, if you just want to moan then moan to the suppliers. If you have been experimenting with non official upgrades etc then it is not the fault of the supplier or the hardware.
Great device
I used my xda as a pda, to access emails, to surf the net, as a library, as a directory, as a newspaper and even as a phone now and again (have I missed anything out? oh yes its a big kids toy as well.). Now and again I get a hitch ... usually due to my own meddling, but most of the time it all works fine. I finally talked myself into an XDA II a couple of weeks ago and now I can add media messaging, video camera and wifi to the list.
As for the phone, I guess your network and local signal strength will dictate how well it works ... perhaps I have just been lucky.
cruisin-thru said:
I am very happy with my xda and xda 2, I have never had a problem with the phone side and I think the xda is the best featured value for money pda/phone on the market. Maybe you should address the problem in the hope of fixing it, messing with radio stacks is not to be taken lightly. If you supply all the details such as original radio stack, current radio stack, original and current rom, the nature of your problem etc. you may find a solution, if you just want to moan then moan to the suppliers. If you have been experimenting with non official upgrades etc then it is not the fault of the supplier or the hardware.
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Agreed, I am very happy with the phone and pad portions, as well as the ability to hack and test like mad.
Plenty of people seem happy. Me included. Seems that you fixed what wasn't broke. Jolly bad luck, old chap.
I'm trying to work out what was the purpose of your post. Sounds like an admission that you screwed it up.
In my experience, company directors shouldn't ever be allowed near technology...
mmm 7 posts
6 from last two days
all just complaining
How do you treat employees that only complain?
Phew, it's getting a bit warm in here!
I agree with the general consensus, it's a great device, and i think you just have to accept that any device that can be a phone, pda, internet browser, satnav, mp3/video player etc etc all in one handy little box is going to have a few problems every now and again! Stop moaning!
Perhaps I'm biased because I have been a PPC fan for a long time and so really utilize my XDA II's PPC functions a lot. But to me the phone aspect works pretty well too.
I must admit it is a bit disappointing that we need to buy 3rd party applications like RingtoneX and PocketZenPhone to profide functions which are standard in most other phones but apart from that I am happy with the phone functionality too.
Combined with my in car kit and Destinator GPS the XDA II becomes even more functional. The clarity of calls made and received in the car is fine and the GPS is fantastic.
For a mobile hands free I have opted to use the Logitec BT headset. Yeah I look a bit weird with it stuck on my ear but it certainly does the trick.
I'm sorry you are disappointed with your choice Director4u2c, but I am very happy with mine.
Yep, I've had a few problems with my Xda1, but after finding this site and being very patient and persistent I now have 2003 and it works really well as a phone, I'm a youth worker and need a reliable phone - this fits the bill. I've got all my contacts can browse the internet for housing vacancies etc. I suggest you ask rudegar to send you some basic instructions (as he did for myself) and then play a bit. At first I found the instructions very confusing, but by going step by step I upgraded the software and it all works fantastically! Give it a go mate, and hopefully you'll have better luck

Software Compatibility

Hi All, This may be one of those stupid probably is
I've just ordered my xda exec after many happy years service from my iPAQ h5550 and previous to that h3970... That was easy, all the software I had bought worked fine on the having already ordered my xda suddenly occurs to me....will any of my software, particularly tom tom 3 gps, work with the xda....... DOH !!!
Many Thanks
Check out the following link, it is fairly helpful.
Also, there are some real good posts on this forum, simply search.......
Tomtom 3 won't work so you will need to upgrade to version 5, unfortunately Tomtom withdrew their special upgrade offer just before they announced it was compatible with WM5. The upgrade special should be re-introduced in Q2.

