Looking for a launcher of sorts... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi yall, been surfing these forms for a little while and have gotten lots of helpful adivce.
Anyway, I have a dumb question; is there some sort of launcher or UI for the PPC that is simular to the PSP's UI? I want something that's simple like the PSP's UI, which I could use with one hand when I'm driving or just don't feel like pulling out my stylis. Something that you can just launch and have it run in the foreground most of the time yet when I want to surf or something I can just minimize it.
So is there anything like this out there, or am I just going to have to learn to write in some random PPC lingo.
Edit: I've noticed that those UMPC things (Origami Project) have a launcher thing as well. Just FYI.

WM5NewMenu - with this program you can make menu with subcategories and bind it to one of the softkey's so you can launch it using softkaye and then navigate with pad.
it's free

west87 said:
Hi yall, been surfing these forms for a little while and have gotten lots of helpful adivce.
Anyway, I have a dumb question; is there some sort of launcher or UI for the PPC that is simular to the PSP's UI? I want something that's simple like the PSP's UI, which I could use with one hand when I'm driving or just don't feel like pulling out my stylis. Something that you can just launch and have it run in the foreground most of the time yet when I want to surf or something I can just minimize it.
So is there anything like this out there, or am I just going to have to learn to write in some random PPC lingo.
Edit: I've noticed that those UMPC things (Origami Project) have a launcher thing as well. Just FYI.
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Why not use Spb's Pocket Plus or SBSH's iLauncher and use large icons?

WM5NewMenu isn't exactly what I wanted, (something that basically takes over for the today screen in a PSP like UI) but it should do just fine. Thanks.


iPhone scroll and animation

Quick question. Has anybody developed the IE scroll for the PPC/WM5? Second has anybody developed the open and close of applications animations?
Thanks in advance.
IE scroll --> don't know
Animate window is in Tweaks2K2 .NET , but I don't know ,is it ok for you , just try
looking for a free app, heard of tweaks2.net but would rather not pay.
actually, something that animates smoothly like the iphone and scroll are available. The one I've just heard about is itask over at the Lakeridge website. It works with wisbar I think. And as for the scrolling effect. It depends. If you just want that in your contacts list, there are a couple here like icontact or contacts manager that has the finger scrolling effect. But if you wanted it in all programs like Internet explorer, you might want to check out the touchflo stuff. Its ripped from the HTC touch device, but they have gotten it working on the wizard already, but it still has its bugs. Try it out and make the decision yourself. Hope that helps
the program PIE has a screen drag for internet explorer
Picture Scroller
Is there anything Like the Iphone Picture scroller available?
Thanks for the replys, I saw itask, im not running wisebar (wanting to see what I can do with freebies for a while). I used Icontact for a while, had some issues scrolling and clicking contacts etc.
I cant find that PIE app (searched google and mainly get..well pies..lol)
im searching out the touchflo now, but not seeing Apache, missing something?
ls6tt said:
I cant find that PIE app (searched google and mainly get..well pies..lol)
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Try searching for 'Pocket Internet Explorer', I believe that is what it is called (although I don't use it. I use picsel browser at the minute with my iPhone theme)
You don't need Wisbar Advance to use iTask. It uses Macromedia Flash 7 and Mort Script to work which is entirely free.
PIE is "Pocket Internet Explorer" which is built into most Pocket PCs today. What you need to look for is PIE Plus which uses PIE and adds tabbed browsing, finger scrolling and lots of other goodies. It's not free but worth it. Wisbar is also worth it for that matter as it is inexpensive
Whatg would you guys say is the most like the Safari browser? I have only used Picsel but have heard of opera mini 4 being like safari, and also deepfish.
iTask is pretty awesome unto it self, (im gunna play with it..lol), but im more looking to use the standard application of the phone and just add the animation when opening or closing windows.
PIE Plus seems to be exactly what I want in regards to the internet apps, but dont want to pay for it..Anybody know of another free app?
^^I'd love the transitions from itask, but on wisbar.
delude said:
^^I'd love the transitions from itask, but not in wisbar.
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I edited your post...LOL
Why did you do that. I think I would want the same thing delude wants.
I want those iTask transition animations to work on Wisbar Advanced Desktop
Meaning I wouldn't need iTask anymore.
gabbyg said:
Why did you do that. I think I would want the same thing delude wants.
I want those iTask transition animations to work on Wisbar Advanced Desktop
Meaning I wouldn't need iTask anymore.
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:scratches head: it was a joke, I didnt actually edit his post.
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any good freeware puzzles and brain games

just wondering if there are any good ones out there?
for train journeys and such like i used to love Boxworld for puzzling, but after downloading & installing loads of tosh, i was wondering if anyone had any recommendations?
preferably games and puzzzles involving problem solving and thought (maybe brain training types?), rather than anything involving fast actions with the trinity's rather awkward button layout
It's not free, but SPB Brain Evolution is really good.
You can trial it.

Launcher Idea: Launcher from Treo 500v

does anyone have the launcher application from the new Treo 500v? or is it possible to extract it from the smartphone (WM6 - standard - non-touchscreen) then make it usable on our WM6 PPCs?
it looks uber cool and the category groups looks intuitive and easy to navigate.. and it's organized and looks neat..
i like the way that the favorite contacts is also integrated in the launcher and the recent programs used and running applications also have their own group..
here's a video of the treo 500v launcher
can anyone make a similar carousel/ribonized app launcher like that of the Treo 500v?
with the ability to customize the categories/groups and its contents? and also icons..
Anyone had a chance to look at this? Maybe strip it out of a Treo 500v and see if its compatible with other devices?
don't bother with the launcher... slow slow and cripples the phone
I have the Treo 500v and am not impressed by the improvements Vodafone/Palm have made through the launcher.
It may look cool, but in operation, it's slow and takes to long to get to what you need.. it also seems to have disabled any way of configuring the button on the side for quick access to apps like outlook..
If I could strip off the launcher and give it to someone I'd be happy.. otherwise it's back to my trusty old Blackberry which means I'm crippled on the calendar front wirelessly, but can at least navigate to the apps I want quickly.
I'd like to test it...
It could work better in our ppc then the smartphone version.....

More items in the Start Menu

Hi there,
I know this has been discussed over and over, but I cannot seem to find the answer without installing third-party applications:
I would like to have more items in the Start menu. Normally this wouldn't fit on the screen, but with the brilliant HD screen there can be at least 4 more.
Is there a way to do this without installing other applications. Can some registry-tweak help perhaps? Any help welcome!
Thanks in advance!
No one...?!
No one have the urge to have more startmenu-items too.?
I personally hate menu style of launching application. Tried such utility before on a VGA device, not sure if they still work on a WVGA device.
Small menu is one such program. It's free.
I much prefer to use something like iLauncher, or SPB Mobile Shell. They are more finger friendly, and takes less effort to launch IMO.
I agree...
Yeah i agree, i have tryied a lot af different 3´rd party aplikations over the years but i allway turn back to SPB Mobile shell og SPB Pocket Plus
Thanx for all the kind replies..
But as I said, I do not want to install any third-party software. I Like the Startmenu as it is, I only would like to ad a few buttons.
Any one else have a tweak for how to do this?
Really no one wanting more items in the Startmenu?
Anyone who knows how this can be done?
(see the first post)

WAD or MS?

Hi peoples,
ever since I've had a WM device (first one was 2 years ago) I've used Mobile Shell. I hate TF3D as it seems to be all form and no function, where as MS has everything I need within a few clicks.
The downside to MS is the sever lack of themes (I can't help it, I like to change the way my phone looks from time to time)
So I'm thinking towards WAD instead. Has anyone else made the shift from MS to WAD? did you find it better or worse?
I like the now screen in MS and wonder if the same things is available in WAD? it's the first thing I see when I switch my phone on, number of messages, emails or missed calls, details of appointments, weather etc. it's the best screen there is. Will I be able to get a WAD theme with the same info?
I moved from MS to WAD as I don't like the lack of configuration in MS. WAD is a different matter. You can make it look like you want to. You could snapshot all the icons from MS and then import them into WAD for whatever look you want!!
Wad vs MS
Have been using Wad now on Winmo devices since it first came out. With all the effort Chris as put into WAD ver 2, I would now consider it to be the best theme software out there, a high level of functionally and with a little (or a lot, depends on what you want) of graphic work can make your device look fantastic and unique.
So yes with WAD you can have all of what you want [messages, emails or missed calls, details of appointments, weather etc] plus more on your WVGA home screen, how about battery, storage, signal meters, a two month calander, two or three time zones, weather for 1/2/3 or more days etc. It is so flexible now with multiple pages, it is up to you.
I think I may be missing something with WAD2... They offer a 14 day trial and I loaded it yesterday very excited to try MALLMAN's Vista theme and was REALLY disappointed by the sluggishness of WAD2... I did not try anything to speed it up like closing TouchFlow and my S2P/S2U2 apps... am I missing something?
abeery said:
I think I may be missing something with WAD2... They offer a 14 day trial and I loaded it yesterday very excited to try MALLMAN's Vista theme and was REALLY disappointed by the sluggishness of WAD2... I did not try anything to speed it up like closing TouchFlow and my S2P/S2U2 apps... am I missing something?
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I've also just got the trial..and yup..it's sluggish.
In MS I just clicked the sms icon and I'm in my inbox...with WAD i takes 5 seconds or more from the moment I wake my device from stand by to when the icon responds.
maybe it's just me but that's not really acceptable. I'm going to try a couple of themes as the basic one is awful and needs a lot of configuration to make it useable.
Yes I know that seems to contradict my first post, but here's the thing
MS works well but is a pain is the neck to customise
WAD can be customised to hell, but looks a pain in the neck to do it!!
I guess I just can't win
I've found the same thing. Touch Flow is not very friendly. MS is really quick but not very flexible. WAD2 looks great but is soooo slow.
Has anyone got any tweaks to speed up WAD2?
jay_bee007 said:
I've found the same thing. Touch Flow is not very friendly. MS is really quick but not very flexible. WAD2 looks great but is soooo slow.
Has anyone got any tweaks to speed up WAD2?
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hi everyone,
i also tested WAD2, can feel that it is really sluggish. initially, i thinking to install this to replace touchFLO 3D, cos TF3D eat up a lot RAM. but, after i tested the WAD2 by turning off the TF3D, seems like WAD2 also slow and eat up a lot of RAM.
i tested SPB Mobile Shell 2.1.4 few weeks back, but feel it is little bit incompatible with HD. when i open some folder in my HD, it took very long time to load. any of you here feel any incompatible? or it is just my own problem?
yup..I'm starting to agree about the sluggishness. I've also experienced faster battery depletion since I installed WAD2.
There other things that have disappointed me about it too. Looks like I might have to stick with MS for now.
twisted-pixel said:
yup..I'm starting to agree about the sluggishness. I've also experienced faster battery depletion since I installed WAD2.
There other things that have disappointed me about it too. Looks like I might have to stick with MS for now.
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hi, do you feel that MS 2.1.4 is little imcompatible with HD? i have MS in my phone, but sometimes when i open the folder, it will take very long time to load.
I too installed last night WAD to test it, as i found some nice vista themes i needed to check. The default theme is way too slugish, why did they even release it in the first place?
I too installed MALLMAN's vista theme and although it is not perfect you can customize it a lot and add or remove your own items. I guess it needs a lot of search, since some windows' functions cannot be found in the lists.
The coolest and detailed theme seems to be Mobile Vista Revisited [QVGA], but as the title suggests is only qvga.
Where can i download WAD2?
Google for Wisbar Advance Desktop
Muchas gracias.

