Launcher Idea: Launcher from Treo 500v - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

does anyone have the launcher application from the new Treo 500v? or is it possible to extract it from the smartphone (WM6 - standard - non-touchscreen) then make it usable on our WM6 PPCs?
it looks uber cool and the category groups looks intuitive and easy to navigate.. and it's organized and looks neat..
i like the way that the favorite contacts is also integrated in the launcher and the recent programs used and running applications also have their own group..
here's a video of the treo 500v launcher
can anyone make a similar carousel/ribonized app launcher like that of the Treo 500v?
with the ability to customize the categories/groups and its contents? and also icons..

Anyone had a chance to look at this? Maybe strip it out of a Treo 500v and see if its compatible with other devices?

don't bother with the launcher... slow slow and cripples the phone
I have the Treo 500v and am not impressed by the improvements Vodafone/Palm have made through the launcher.
It may look cool, but in operation, it's slow and takes to long to get to what you need.. it also seems to have disabled any way of configuring the button on the side for quick access to apps like outlook..
If I could strip off the launcher and give it to someone I'd be happy.. otherwise it's back to my trusty old Blackberry which means I'm crippled on the calendar front wirelessly, but can at least navigate to the apps I want quickly.

I'd like to test it...
It could work better in our ppc then the smartphone version.....


Today Shortcuts (iLauncher type tools)?

Do we have a CAB file for either iLauncher ( full version or something similar that will allow us to create our own shortcuts on the today screen?
Control your Pocket PC using the all new iLauncher, packing together the most important set of utilities to better manage your Pocket PC!
iLauncher is an all-in-one application that brings the most powerful utilities that are missing from the Pocket PC operating system to your Pocket PC device in one package. These include: A tab-based launcher Today screen plugin with various information widgets such as battery and memory meters, speed dial shortcuts, screen capture utility and more; A task manager context menu that allows you to track and control the current active applications; A true 'X' button functionality that really shuts-down running applications as opposed to simply minimizing them; A safe-mode protection utility that makes sure your device will always initialize correctly and much more!
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yes, wisbar advance desktop
its amazing, and does exactly what you want, also has the option to add meters such as battery or ram and other great stuff, including today plugins, except calendar. Can also be made to look like an iphone [like mine]. It has unlimited possibilities and you can do whatever you want with it. And the best bit, only 10 usd (5gbp) amazing i know! screenshots of mine if you really need them!
oh yeah, its a great plugin. Well worth the money.
Don't warez.
never seen this before, looks almost identical to spb pocket plus today screen
pff pocketage or WAD(or both)
Use Claunch, very similar to iLaunch, only free. Sorry no link, just have to google it.
I have used Claunch for several months om WM5 and it was perfect, but after upgrading to WM6 i'm having some troubles with it. it for sure will not work together with HTC taskmanager 2. it would be very nice if they came up with a stable WM6 version
It is stable for me, now that I use WA3, it sometimes would not appear on my today screen without a refresh before I moved up to WA3, never liked the htc taskmanager much, there are so many taskmanagers, wisbar is the king in my book.

T32 iPhone Clone Software

I'm about to take delivery of a T32 iPhone WinMo clone phone. Has anyone successfully extracted the software?
I have to be honest, they look really good. My wife may actually end up with a better iPhone clone than my Kaiser running iContact/iFonz/S2U etc !!
I did search XDA but couldn't find any clues. I'm particularly after the phone's equivalents of iFonz (shown simply as "Start" in the video) and the standby screen software. They must be out there somewhere?
The youtube video is just PointUI and some version of HTC's cube. I didn't check out the other video, but if that is what you're looking for both of those apps are freely available all over XDA and the web. Nice looking hardware though.
I have a Daxian x999+ (supposedly AKA the T32+)
From what I've read it can't be flashed.
You'll probably want to trash the iphoney launcher and use something like ifonz or winterface. The build in launcher blows chunks. (\Windows\launch.exe) The lock screen is pretty boring too, but I don't remember what it was called. Fish gross me out, i don't want to see them everytime I wake up my phone. lol
I use S2U2 or winterface's bulit in lock screen.
ok, but it only has GPS via Bluetooth.
a big screen an a accelarator, thats cool.
uncool is: no GPS, no 3G !!!!!
I'm using T32.
The phone is beautiful; but a bit larger/thicker than iphone. I'm not sure it can be synced via bluetooth or not because I cannot do it successfully (done this with other winmo w/o problem).
Can connect to ext. bluetooth gps, try with holux m1000.
It would be much better if it has 128mb ram rather than 64.
Pointui runs smoothly with icontact, minimal dialer......
My current setup on my x999+ is FunContact, Winterface, SMS-Chat, EyePhoto (I like the VITO apps!) along with Resco Keyboard and a few other doodads. Really loving the phone so far... so much that I'm considering selling my SideKickLX.
vito apps
you should get the vito keyboard as well it goes nicely with the color of everything. i like i but i have the slide out keyboard so i dont use that app much. Vito rulez
there is another t32 with gps + wifi, but price for 200mhz clone is too steep imho

Best iPhone theme or program for Sprint Touch?

I am trying to find the best program or theme to make my Sprint Touch more like the iPhone. I like the large icons and easy finger access like the iPhone has. Right now I use Wisbar Advance 3 for a better taskbar, but I don't like using my stylus all the time.
I see there are a lot of choices to make my Sprint Touch like the iPhone, but which is the best.
You have Wisbar Advance Desktop (itorx iphone theme). You have iFonz (but 1.00 has some problems). I think rltoday program. There is Winterface from Vito technology, looks promising, but it is incomplete. There is SPB mobile shell 2.1, but it is not really like the iphone, plus I just didn't like it.
What do you think? I am missing another theme or program. What do you think will work best on the Touch?
truthfully ifonz is the best iphone clone.
try 0.9.9 i didnt have any problems with that one.
or try throttle launcher. not iphone looking at all but very finger friendly, or at least for me it.
PointUI Home.
check out Itask. It work's great. Comes with several programs and great sub menus easy to access info. Works with flash lite.
When I first got my Touch I spent hours trying to customize iPhone-like programs, most are too slow and the good ones like iTask are hard to customize and last I checked not updated at all.
I preference for a superior interface is the Spb Mobile Shell 2.1 with the littlerain's Windows 7 skin. It's finger friendly and easy to use interface, in some ways a bit better than the iPhone's interface. Just my preference, there are tons of skins even one's that make it look like the new HTC Diamond.
ifonze is nice but it takes some time to set up and is slow to respond. there is an htc customizer that is also nice using std oem rom. Both can work at the same time. I still have hope for ifonze but the usefulness is fading fast with the slow response and tedious set up.

Which according to you is the best Panel to use on SEX1 ?

Which one is the best according to you for regular use? (not asking for listening to music or using FB)
at the moment i prefer PointUI Home2, i think the Pro version is gonna be great, if more plugins keep coming
Pointui Home2 is the best by far.
Its easy to use,
install direct as a pannel no messing about,
very Fast,
easy to change themes,
applets are awesome just pick what ones you need,
very fast releases on new themes and applets,
exellent support from the site
and best of all its all free.
they are even working on a music applet to play music from the home screen.
other pannels seem slow, un customisable and dont have all the features you need.
i have mannila pannel, navigation pannel and the generic pannels supplied. mannila is good but hard to customise.
i like the fish pannel but its not practical, just good for showing off.
The best is the original SE Panel (1, 2, MxP, etc).
TF3D is less responsive, and once installed, make the X1 very slow (compared to an original X1) in many action.
I also think that PointUI Home2 is the best panel ... I hardly ever use touchflow .. every now and then spb mobile shell however the one I use the most is probably the standard today screen with resco contact manager etc.
Generally I switch between panels a lot though ... its great fun
I don't like PointUI and I find TF3D not well adapted yet
I love the fish panel, and chicks love it too
the fish thingy is good for entertaining my kid... thats about it
i think the whole concept of panels is just stupid:
-slow and poorly implemented and programed takes about 10 seconds to do something that can easily be done 2 seconds with a shortcut
-to me, its seems only good to show off to dumb friends.
-not good for practical use. none of the x1 uesers i know depend on it
-im sure sony delayed the release of the phone at least 3-4 months just to get it working fine.... they never did and even if they did, no one really cares
I love the panels.
I constantly switch between 2 SE Panels, one of them rich of functions and apps,
the other plain and esthetic.
I also love the Media panel.
Definitely great concept for me, since you can have completely different homescreens, with all apps available still through the normal menus.
@ GRIZZ, you're missing the point if you think you're supposed to use the panels to go from program to program. I love the panels because I use them sort of like profiles. For work I use the original SE Panel and PointUI, for weekends and evenings I'll use PointUi or occasionally Manilla and for bedtime I use the fish panel. I'm not constantly changing panels during the day, only as I transition from work to play, etc.
BTW, the PointUI qualifies for me as the "best in show" for the reasons mentioned by the previous poster.
am using Pointui Home2 and waiting for the next update in the next 48hrs which has loads of new features making it even easier and more intuitive to use... was a huge spb fan but found it too plain - Home2 is totally customizeable and with the development community releasing new themes and apps every day its become easier to use than anything else so far...
I'm with the Grizz - panels are pretty silly. The concept isn't bad, but it never feels right to use a button press, then a screen press (or two), then wait 10 more seconds for the panel to creep up.
If the X button could just shuffle through them quickly, they would be great.
I'm not sure I understand why SPB mobile shell can snap between screens instantaneously, but when I switch to an SE panel, I can almost see each individual icon being drawn...
Microsoft Today
yeah! you heard it right. it is the best. if i want more information i use today plugins. it is the most efficient way ofgetting the information i want. all other panels i use them to impress people. especially manila touchflo3d. its more annoying than useful.
i think mobile shell panel is the best. it's easy to use and has very good gui.
Media Panel : )

[Q] Home screen without Sense or Titanium?

I have searched. I am looking for a WM 6.5 Home/Today screen that does not use Sense or Titanium. Or widgets that I can activate through Settings/Today/Items.
Barring those, I am looking for what everyone else is looking for: the fastest Home screen option, without hang-ups. I love Cookie's Home, but I keep having BT problems, and the Quicklinks keep duplicating. I don't like WAD or SPB MS.
Any ideas?
You've been around awhile, so this is probaly known to you, maybe not. Anyway I did'nt see this in your list and it can be as simple as you'd like to configure it yet useful all the same (not perfect by no means, not a pain to work with either), throttlelauncher sometimes referred to as TL.
Thanks, Dennis! I had sort of glanced at Throttle Launcher a while ago, and for some reason dismissed it, but it might actually be what I am looking for. I have loaded it and am playing around with it; I think it'll work!
i disabled tf3d and sense on mine and have only the Easy Launcher enabled for my today screen. No lag, high speed and no fancy stuff. really simple plug in and works great on my 6.5 tp2. also added QuickMenu which i really like as a an addl launcher/task manager and for the other stuff it does (disables activsync when not being used, converts the x to a real app closer, etc..)
I eventually gave up on Throttle Launcher. I found a great ROM that RAWKS for smoothness and speed; Wildchild's Illuminati ROM, found here:
I also added Zuinige Rijder's TouchLockPro, a locking proggie that uses very little resources, and can lock the proximity, light, and G-sensors on my Touch Pro 2. Super-cool program.
Also, Schap's Advanced Task Manager and Tarkim's Keyboard Controller are awesome. Especially the Keyboard Controller; it has revolutionized my phone, with the ability to program any button for multiple purposes, depending on which app you are using.
have you tried wk task. It has a launcher activated by swiping. It also is a great task manager. Most peopledont seem to know about it.
Take a peek at iphonetoday. Very quick and is not a memory hog. I am running Titanium with iphonetoday and getting 124m free. Very snappy
frozenbutt said:
Take a peek at iphonetoday. Very quick and is not a memory hog. I am running Titanium with iphonetoday and getting 124m free. Very snappy
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Thanks for the suggestion; I tried it, and love it, so far! Noticeably faster. I'm running WildChild's Illuminati ROM, with iPhoneToday as a Today plugin.
I don't know how you're getting 124mb free; I've got 82mb currently free, I've gotten a max of 89mb free, and I'm stoked with anything over 80!
Thanks again!!
Edit: I'm getting around 111mb free, since I dumped a useless program!

