Today Shortcuts (iLauncher type tools)? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Do we have a CAB file for either iLauncher ( full version or something similar that will allow us to create our own shortcuts on the today screen?
Control your Pocket PC using the all new iLauncher, packing together the most important set of utilities to better manage your Pocket PC!
iLauncher is an all-in-one application that brings the most powerful utilities that are missing from the Pocket PC operating system to your Pocket PC device in one package. These include: A tab-based launcher Today screen plugin with various information widgets such as battery and memory meters, speed dial shortcuts, screen capture utility and more; A task manager context menu that allows you to track and control the current active applications; A true 'X' button functionality that really shuts-down running applications as opposed to simply minimizing them; A safe-mode protection utility that makes sure your device will always initialize correctly and much more!
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yes, wisbar advance desktop
its amazing, and does exactly what you want, also has the option to add meters such as battery or ram and other great stuff, including today plugins, except calendar. Can also be made to look like an iphone [like mine]. It has unlimited possibilities and you can do whatever you want with it. And the best bit, only 10 usd (5gbp) amazing i know! screenshots of mine if you really need them!

oh yeah, its a great plugin. Well worth the money.
Don't warez.

never seen this before, looks almost identical to spb pocket plus today screen

pff pocketage or WAD(or both)

Use Claunch, very similar to iLaunch, only free. Sorry no link, just have to google it.

I have used Claunch for several months om WM5 and it was perfect, but after upgrading to WM6 i'm having some troubles with it. it for sure will not work together with HTC taskmanager 2. it would be very nice if they came up with a stable WM6 version

It is stable for me, now that I use WA3, it sometimes would not appear on my today screen without a refresh before I moved up to WA3, never liked the htc taskmanager much, there are so many taskmanagers, wisbar is the king in my book.


What Software have you got installed for day2day use?

Hi, after alot of playing and hardresets i have finaly found all the software i like to use on a sort of day to day basis.
I was wondering if anybody would mind posting there installs just to see what is their best programs they like to use?
here is mine:
Camera Templates
Card Export 2
MortScript and scripts
Media player skins
Resco Explorer 5.35
Resco Photoviewer 5.32
Resco Keyboard Pro v4.35
TCMP Player + add-ons
WiFoFum 0.3.3
SPD Pocket Plus 3.1 and deleted crap VGA today skins
Cool Camera Test
Condis Pocket Artist V3
GPS connection in the connections panel
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jab1a said:
I was wondering if anybody would mind posting there installs just to see what is their best programs they like to use?
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Here goes:
cash organizer
total commander
phm regedit
vbirthday deluxe 4
spb weather
sprite backup
adobe reader 2
and about 15 games.
BTW: I got rid of Pocket Plus and saved alot of space by replacing it with smallmenuplus, magicbutton and apreminder+
brilliant, thank you for your time.
thats interesting about pocket plus, what did you n ot like about it, all-in-one app like that, or is it just the size of install that you dont like?
if you got time what games your fraviot on your universal?
mine is Age of Empires
jab1a said:
brilliant, thank you for your time.
thats interesting about pocket plus, what did you n ot like about it, all-in-one app like that, or is it just the size of install that you dont like?
if you got time what games your fraviot on your universal?
mine is Age of Empires
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Yeah the size of pocketplus along with the fact it seemed to slow my universal down.
Re games:
Gamebox Solitaire my favourite, but also have:
Also have Age of Empires
Concentrix (Like Tetris but with circles)
G-Prime (Like Galaxian)
Invasion (Like Space Invaders)
Jewel Hunter (Like Boulderdash)
Personality Pro ( Asks loads of question to reveal your type of personality)
Pocket Sudoku
Shanghai (Mahjongg)
SimCity 2000
SkyForce (ShMUp)
Tower Mogul (Manage an apartment block)
Transport Tycoon Deluxe (Doesnt quite work yet - waiting for the next update)
Warring Nations VGA
Have Licences for (But dont work with WM5 or universal):
Candy Train (Puzzle game of turning sections of railroad)
Cropped Out (Match three or more the same to remove shapes)
G-Pod (Collect a pod and traverse caverns to escape with it)(No button remapping - impossible to play)
Odyssey (ShMUp)
Rayman Ultimate (No Button remapping - Gutted as not playable)
here's mine:
1.Wisbar advance(i like the look)
2.ILauncher (smaller than pocketplus + other featus covered by other programs)
3.pocket breeze ( i can see my appointments and task on the today sceen plus i can add other today utilities)
4.Weather panel (i like the look )
5. gprs monitor
i installed all the above to the extended rom (thanks to buzz)
7.Cash Organizer
8.opera (better than pie, builtin tabbed browinsing and better webpage view. could use a little speed upgrade though, and the ability to scroll using stylus and be able to save images.)
9.pocket rar(cant live without it
10. flexi mail formerly webis mail
11. scicalc (standard calculator replacement)
12. total commander
games (i don't have much)
1.arvale 2 & 1 (rpg)
2.hexacto tennis
3.text twist
well it seems like im the only one putting up with pocket plus, i will have to do a full backup and hard reset and try and install the programs you are all using instead of pocket Plus features.
Opera- i have been interested in using this as i think PIE is very feature-less, but i have been worried about the size of the install, do you know how much resouces it takes up installing and running?
1) Pocket Informant - superb
2) Batti - does what it's supposed to do
OT slightly, is there a general consensus on the best Alarm Clock (pref with maximise to full screen option/screen buttons) for the Exec?
Here is my list.
VJToggleTodayII alpha0.1.5 (to hide top & bottom bar for real estate for today screen).
PWSLauncher (to see power & ram status without wasting any space)
HandySwitcher (closing task)
HandyMenu (easy access of utilities like reset, today..etc)
filedlgchgs (to allow save/open to folders 2 or 3 levels down)
Caldendar + (calendar plug-in)
Tasks+ Today plug-in (plug-in)
Oxios (to free memory)
Birthdays (to remind important dates)
I don't know how much memory opera consumes but i think it depends on the website. the merrier the web site the more it consumes memory (i think ).
ok Slaughter, thats good enough for me, i will try it out when i get a chance.
Im still looking for a game that can realy show off the ability of our Universal?
I used to have Batti on but I found my exec crashed every night while it was on charge (I've got the latest exec ROM on which to be honest, I find pretty unstable)
The main thing I would miss about pocket plus would be the close button menu thing - I've got it set so I can tap and hold on a close button a bring up a menu of what's running.
I know magic button does this but it screws up the display slighly and\or uses non-VGA graphics which I don't like.
Is there a way around this as I also find pocket plus to be a bit bloaty and slow...
Lordsmiff said:
I know magic button does this but it screws up the display slighly and\or uses non-VGA graphics which I don't like.
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Not sure what you mean by screws the display?
I use magic button, but dont show the task bar (the program icons) unless needing to switch apps quickly - and havent had any issues.
I believe what LordSmith meant was Magic Button shows a small blank square on the right upper corner where the "x" or close botton appears when you open an application, if you have for example a gray colored menu bar or task bar. My solution for this is just simply stay away from the gray color and use sky blue or the default windows blue color. Aside from that Magic Button is great and shows all my running apps nicely.
jab1a said:
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what is the cab 4?
No wonder
No wonder most of guys in here think their JJ is slow!!!! :wink:
All i use for day2day use is SPB, and i think it is too much though.
I use PIE, Email, Sync, Excel, WinWord, Tasks, Calendar,
Basically all the available options, and i don't (IMHO) think i need all these extra stuff.
just my 2 cents
CHfish said:
jab1a said:
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what is the cab 4?
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Well CHfish, the last cab file is a cool option that changes the left software button on the bottom left of your screen to what ever menu button you want, ive changed mine to "quick menu" and put things like 'new sms''new mms''new contact' etc, well usful
jab1a said:
CHfish said:
jab1a said:
Changed Home-page web hardware button site
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what is the cab 4?
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Well CHfish, the last cab file is a cool option that changes the left software button on the bottom left of your screen to what ever menu button you want, ive changed mine to "quick menu" and put things like 'new sms''new mms''new contact' etc, well usful
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thank you for the information
it's been a while since ive posted.. and i think i missed the guys (vj, sub, ctk.. etc)...
anyway, my dopod900 has the ff apps:
(as seen in my Remove Program Settings)
Insaniquarium - i just love feeding my guppies!
David Andr Birthdays
Shop2Go - for my shopping list
City Time - to check currencies
Ulti-Planner - great planner App
One Journal Bar - to read news and weather updates
Lextionary - dictionary
Finance - to track my expenses
Audio Recorder
Cantonese / Mandarin Phrase Book
Resco Today
Text Twist
Voice Commander
And yup, my phone is crawling like a snail.. haha.. but I just love to have all these apps. Im not that impatient anyway
pocketbreeze(only today plugin on today screen)
CHM ebook reader
lexigoo dict
card export
resco photo viewer
pocket artist
ringtone editor from VITO
repligo(coz adobe doesnt support VGA)
space detective(extracted from sprite backup)
wisbar advance 2(with VAIO skin)
still my device is very fast. I still have around 24mb free ram after soft reset
all of the above apps have been installed to main memory
Here's my list:
Wisbar Advance (Vista mobile skin)
SPB Diary (Using SPB Weather as add-in)
TCPMP (and the AAC plugin)
Resco Explorer (Today plugin, Registry plugin and the FTP add-in)
Alfa & Ariss SecureW2 Client (when i'm at school and need wifi )
Bluetooth tray icon thingy

Pocket Breeze vs ILauncher

As a complete newbie, could someone please explain the difference between SBSH's Pocket Breeze and iLauncher. Both seem to do similar things to me!
Sorry if I'm being a bit dim on this
Rob F
P.S. Is it possible add my device to the forum profile device list so I can add it to my profile?
iLauncher is simply a utility for launching (starting or loading whichever term you prefer) from your today screen.
PocketBreeze actually enhances many of the functions of your PDA by giving robust today screen functionality, replacing the cheezy default plug-ins.
For example, while iLauncher can open the Messaging Application, PocketBreeze will show the contents of your inbox(es) and allow you access to the messages.
Also PocketBreeze supports loading other Today Screen Plug-in (such as iLauncher) into a tab so you can easily switch from on plug-in to another thus allowing more plug-ins than normal without scrolling.
They work great together.
Thanks for that explanation, Kyphur. It's all clear now!
I'll have a go at the trial versions for both.
Rob F
I am using both of them too, as well as pocket weather and pRSSreader.
My today screen now has none of the orginal crap MS stuff on it and looks great.
The downside is the memory usage (only about 8mb left with just those running) and i cant play AOE with them running.
dangerous_dom said:
I am using both of them too, as well as pocket weather and pRSSreader.
My today screen now has none of the orginal crap MS stuff on it and looks great.
The downside is the memory usage (only about 8mb left with just those running) and i cant play AOE with them running.
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You've got to have more than that eating up your memory.
I'm sitting between 16 & 22 Megs always (even when AS is active)..

How can you add icons to the today screen?

I have been using my vario II since December and intend to get rid of it when i can upgrade as windows mobile is really poor. I mean windows is bad enough on a pc let alone a phone!
Anyhow i just want to do something really simple, I would like to add large icons to my today screen for some programs i use a lot like IE and Salling clicker (so i dont have to keep going ot start). Am I missing something really basic or do i have to go through a load of tweaks to do it.
This is why windows mobile is so poor becuase it shouldnt be this difficult to do something basic.
WM itself cannot do that. You'll need to install some other software. Try cLaunch.. if you are more adverturous try rlToday.
that is why i hate windows mobile, its not user friendly at all. I mean i just want to add some icons to my today screen, the problem with windows mobile it may offer extra features but its at the expense of ease of use.
e.g. phone profiles, silent etc if i want to activate them on a nokia i just press the on-off button
never mind, i knew what i was getting into when i bought a windows mobile device, when my upgrade comes around i will just get a normal phone and use the vario II as a bluetooth remote control.
Well, you may want to try using the SmartKey, which takes the left key, if you were to press and hold it, it will open the 'Start Menu', and using your D-pad, it is easy enough to open programs.
As for phone profiles, you can press and hold your 'Communication manager' button and it will go into silent mode. If rather than having 2 phone, you may want to try other programs like.. er.. the.. SPB Shell, that makes WM phone looks like normal phone.
to be fair i know i know how to use the phone, i mean all i want to do is change the icons on the today screen so i can just tap on them and load them! I mean its all well and good having 100s of functions but if you cant access them easily what is the point?
I really think people are crying out for devices which are easy to use and ready to go our of the box, not one where you have to make endless tweaks! Windows mobile is certainly not that, perhaps the new iphone will make a difference.
Well, for one thing, WM device has this 'Today' screen which is one of the unique thing that, other devices (e.g. Palm, iPhone) doesn't have. From my point of view and my usage pattern, I'd much prefer the Today screen than a launch pad.
SPB pocket plus or Mobile Shell will let you add icons to your today screen
hi thanks
i have downloaded spb pocket plus and it has allowed me to add the icons, can you just tell me what is better the shell or pocket plus and what are the drawbacks of pocket plus ? it reminds me of norton i.e. it has a massive footprint and wants to take over your whole system! I have tried to reduce it as much as i can.
I used the gprs monitor a few months back and it slowed my system and effected battery life.
thanks for your help though
cLaunch is less fancy, and small. . and free.
HTC home pluginn
The HTC home plugins (the one from the touch and the one from Kaiser) are not exactly what you are looking for but also can help you.
Those plugins change your today screen and add a TAB where you can put 9 favorite applications and launch them by a simple click on the screen, also gives you a contact tab that is usefull can search for those pluggins in the WM6 section... for me it has worked fine.
the HTC home plug in is god awful ugly tho.
I thought the HTC Home plug was beautiful. I like the new one even more that has a tab for photo contacts! However, I don't use it on my phone because it seems to make everything take twice as long. Uninstalled it and my phone was zippy again. I use SPB Pocket Plus for icons on today screen and SPB Photo Suite for contacts on the today screen.
chaz_redux said:
to be fair i know i know how to use the phone, i mean all i want to do is change the icons on the today screen so i can just tap on them and load them! I mean its all well and good having 100s of functions but if you cant access them easily what is the point?
I really think people are crying out for devices which are easy to use and ready to go our of the box, not one where you have to make endless tweaks! Windows mobile is certainly not that, perhaps the new iphone will make a difference.
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keep in mind that even with the advanced amount of funtions, they need to be organized somehow.
You also may want to look into PHM Tray Launch. You can have smaller icons placed in the system tray so access your favorite applications. (PM me if u want it, I can't upload it cause of the file extension)

SPB Mobile Shell & SPB Pocket Plus?

I just got a Sprint Mogul, and I was wondering what the difference was between these two. Should I be using one or the other, or are they made to be used together? I'm fairly new to this, so I'm not quite sure which one I should buy, or if I should be buying both.
I have just the mobile shell, and it severely rocks. Well worth every penny. I tip my hat to the SPB folks.
mobile shell is just that, a shell, adds a nice finger-friendly interface (i found it to be a bit of a ram hog, which sucks with only 64mb)
pocket plus is more of a utility program, it adds functionality to file explorer, PIE, gives you additional button mappings, option to make the close button actually close apps, and safe mode (very useful if you like tinkering with stuff)
they can be used together, or separately (like most SPB apps they integrate seemlessly with eachother) its just a matter of deciding what you want to be able to do
If you go on the site, or somewhere, I forget, it shows the different features of the two to show you why you should buy both, in a checklist format. The only similarity in the two, is they both have a tabbed today plugin. If you had to decide between the two, go with Pocket Plus, it adds the perfect pieces to WM.
Found the page:
I have pocket plus and have tried mobile shell. Personally, I didn't care for shell. I believe you can still download and try them both. Do that then decide if you want to buy any of them.
I used shell and phone suite and i have pocket plus but i don't think i like it as much. the one thing that I love is pocket plus and shell is when you lock it you can unlock using the bottom soft key which makes more sense i think. You can download 15 day demos and test it out but I took them all off because they do seem to leak memory.
The only programs I had was shell phone suite and live search and i'd get down to 3500kb in like 8 hours so I had to wipe it and have stock 3.1.2 with nothing added and it's a lot faster.
For those of you who have used BOTH, would you please comment on the value of using MS and P+ together, and specifically HOW you use them together?
I own P+ and have used it extensively on my HX4700. So I realize it has many utilities, like the browser extension and whatnot. The key reason I liked it was because when I used it on my PDA in a car mount, I could make the icons bigger (like TomTom and Contacts) so when I'm driving, I wouldn't crash.
But I'm having a hard time understanding why you'd want both. If you don't need the additional functionality in PIE (because I use NetFront), if you don't need the button mappings, and since there's a very finger-friendly task manager in MS already, I just have a hard time seeing the sense of installing MS and P+ together.
It seems to me that MS is the far better tool for a phone, which will be used mostly by fingers, where P+ seems to be more geared to a stylus and "power users". Therefore I'm inclined to think this is the way to go for me, despite the fact I already own a license of P+.
For those of you who are using both, would you please talk about why, and what value you find in Pocket Plus vs. Mobile Shell? Maybe I'm missing something.
I have used both, and find that a better combination is actually Mobile Shell and Phone Suite (another SPB program). That is the perfect combination for easy touch access to most frequently needed items all displayed very tidily on the today screen. Backlight, photo-speed dial, alarms, weather, missed calls, voicemail, texts, emails, comms manager, and ringer profiles are all neatly shown in just the top third of the screen. I should try to get a screenshot of mine...
Pocket Plus I found very useful for my Dell Axim, which was just a pocket pc, not a phone. Of course, I did a whole lot more with the Axim, and it was much faster and had a lot more RAM than a Titan. Pocket Plus has good features, but I think it has too much unnecessary stuff for a pocket pc phone, especially one short on RAM like the titan.
Hope that helps
Heinous said:
I have used both, and find that a better combination is actually Mobile Shell and Phone Suite (another SPB program).
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Thanks for the feedback. I did install the trial version, but found that again, it simply duplicated the utility of what Mobile Shell already gives us. I found that all it did was to pull some features away from Mobile Shell and put it on the Today screen. I think what would make more sense for me is to do away with the 'Today' screen altogether, in favor of using Mobile Shell alone. Is there any way to do that?
Heinous said:
Pocket Plus I found very useful for my Dell Axim, which was just a pocket pc, not a phone. Of course, I did a whole lot more with the Axim, and it was much faster and had a lot more RAM than a Titan. Pocket Plus has good features, but I think it has too much unnecessary stuff for a pocket pc phone, especially one short on RAM like the titan.
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Interesting. Like you, I've owned an HX4700 and found PocketPlus indispensible. But, by and large, I used it primarily to make my most frequently used programs easily accessible. One screen was named 'Car' and the icons were BIG so that when it was in my car cradle, I could navigate. But I don't find that the TyTN has less memory than my HX4700, though, so far as I can remember, and I find it to actually run faster in real use.
I think I'm coming down to trying to figure out what to do with the default 'Today' screen. It seems to have no value when used with Mobile Shell.
I'd appreciate hearing ideas on what aftermarket plug-ins I can put there that actually have value, or how to get Mobile Shell to take the place of the default Today screen.
I use both P+ and MS. The Today plugins are disabled for both, and I limit the today screen to Messages, Tasks, and Calender entries.
For P+ I use the Pie extensions, file browser, X Button, and File Manager improvements. MS handles the actual phone usage.
They do overlap a bit but I find that having both is a great utility

which one u prefer: TF3D v/s SPB Shell

doing a poll to see which is more popular among X1 users.
i like spb shell because its simpler and faster.
I like TF3D cause it make the PDA Phone not like PDA phone anymore = ="
And TF3D is pretty good look, also TF3D access is not slow
And I agree with you SPB Shell is access is faster than TF3D "mean the click times to access which you want"
Why choose between them when you can have both?!
I have Manilla 3D as a panel and SPB MS (retail version) mapped to my right hardware button
call me old-fashioned, but i am using the WM Today Screen with a couple of plug-ins (PocketInformant, Pocket Weather, ...)
SPB Shell would be pefect, but as long as it has problems showing whole day appointments, it's not usable for me.
honestly speaking i prefer the SE Panel 1...but it doesnt mask the Windows mobile as much as the other two..hence i didnt mention it.
but for quick access ..its best
tflo3d rulez. spb software is p.i.t.a. to skin (even more than manila...), poorly documented, poorly integrated even with other spb software, huge, memory hunger and drains battery very quickly. Only pro is that support landscape
I'm actually using SE panels and love them.
That's exactly what I need: a lot on the screen, all the apps shortcuts.
I appreciate all the other solutions but they're less functional just for me.
And not really my taste. Especially Spb.
So I just use panel with 25 apps on it plus all the connectivity and calendar+clock. I also have some most used apps on popup menu.
The second panel is only clock+calendar&entries and CommManager shortcut. Perfect...
P.S. As I see there's no functional difference between two SE panels....

