Reception issue with 8125 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Am i the only one having problems with reception? Im always getting dropped calls and my AIM always disconnects. I tried a speedtest and get 70-130kbps on edge but my bud with a sidekick gets ~200. Sort of wierd considering tmobile US only gets gprs i believe? But anyway, if theres a fix then thatd be great.
btw, hows that foil trick in the other forum?

Actually, the Sidekick III (hiptop 3) uses EDGE technology also; this is just an assumption that he has an SK3 since the bandwidth hints EDGE technology.
EDGE speeds will vary depending on your location. In my house on my MDA, where i have full bars, I average about 210Kbps.

Yeah sorry, he has a Sidekick 2 and we were both in the same place when we did the speed test. Cingular sucks

i have really crappy reception with the tmobile mda too vs when i pull the sim card out and plug it into an old unlocked nokia.

My reception has been pretty good. I think it does a lot better then my Motorola Razr ever did.

The 8125 or the MDA doesn't support Edge.
Also, the orginal roms had problems. Update your wixard to a 2.21-2.26 rom and all should be well.

drdingo21, what do you mean 8125/MDA/Wizard doesn't support EDGE?!
ofcourse they do! maybe you dont have EDGE service available in your area but all Wizard variations do indeed support EDGE. I get ~180kb/s in my neighborhood but it can fall to 40kb/s at times during peak hours....not that i care because i mostly use it to check email and stuff like that

drdingo21 said:
The 8125 or the MDA doesn't support Edge.
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The Wizard is a Class 10 Edge device... the fastest Edge device available.
Don't spout off incorrect statistics when you don't know what you're talking about.
The fastest speed test I've seen on my 8125 was in the 180kbps range....
Most of the time it's between 80 and 120 though.
I just ran a speed test and got 81kbps

GldRush98 said:
The Wizard is a Class 10 Edge device... the fastest Edge device available.
Don't spout off incorrect statistics when you don't know what you're talking about.
The fastest speed test I've seen on my 8125 was in the 180kbps range....
Most of the time it's between 80 and 120 though.
I just ran a speed test and got 81kbps
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how are you able to do speed tests? i've just recently upgraded my rom to the newest one and reception is somewhat better. However i'm definitely not able to get those blazing speeds that you are mentioning. Is that thru wifi or thru the phone providers data network? thanks!



Now I think I may get a few people thinking I am wierd but hey!! I would like to know a bit more about HSPDA. I know it is a new speed access for data. But how do i activate my Ameo to use it and does anyone know where i can get a coverage map to see where i can use it??
HSDPA is activated on W'n'W Plus by default - not sure how you tell on the Ameo - some ROMS display H instead of U/3G but the Ameo doesn't appear to.
On my HTC Advantage on Cingular it dispalys 'H' when I am in a HSPDA coverage area.
yes mine displays H at times
I have been wondering the same thing (i.e how to tell when the Ameo is using HSDPA).
In the UK, I have never seen an "H" displayed with my Ameo on web'n'walk
Like I say, on other phones it depends on the ROM - I have never seen an H on my Ameo and have been getting far faster than 3G speeds!
On T-Mobile UK, wherever there is 3G, there is HSDPA. The T-Mobile ROM does not change between displaying 3G and H - no need becauise 3G = H on T-Mobile UK.
I forget the max T-Mobile speed at present - about 600k I think. If I remember correctly, they are aiming to double that in places by the end of the year.
No need to configure an English Ameo for HSDPA.
apd said:
On T-Mobile UK, wherever there is 3G, there is HSDPA. The T-Mobile ROM does not change between displaying 3G and H - no need becauise 3G = H on T-Mobile UK.
I forget the max T-Mobile speed at present - about 600k I think. If I remember correctly, they are aiming to double that in places by the end of the year.
No need to configure an English Ameo for HSDPA.
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i don't think what you say is correct. There are lots of area where you can only get 3G instead of HSDPA with T-mobile. I have DOPOD U1000 but I am using T-mobile Sim Card. It's clear to me that most of the time in London, i will get H display on my phone, but once I moved out to other place, I start seeing 3G signal only. And yes there is a speed difference. And I have also run tests on the HSDPA speed, on average i am getting 1000k (1M), the top speed i ever got is 1200(1.2M).
Could do with your support buddy...
wu5262 said:
i don't think what you say is correct. There are lots of area where you can only get 3G instead of HSDPA with T-mobile. I have DOPOD U1000 but I am using T-mobile Sim Card. It's clear to me that most of the time in London, i will get H display on my phone, but once I moved out to other place, I start seeing 3G signal only. And yes there is a speed difference. And I have also run tests on the HSDPA speed, on average i am getting 1000k (1M), the top speed i ever got is 1200(1.2M).
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Agreed. I too get an average of 1k but mine too tops out at about 1.1-1.2.
Hey wu. Haven't seen you in a while. Hope all's well. I would have thought the Athena project would be of interest with your contacts, your help would no doubt be invaluable to us all.
Anyway no sales pitch. Just hope you join in, as we now have 2 great developers on board and are soon to receive 2 devices. OK enough plugging for now.
See you there hopefully.
mackaby007 said:
Agreed. I too get an average of 1k but mine too tops out at about 1.1-1.2.
Hey wu. Haven't seen you in a while. Hope all's well. I would have thought the Athena project would be of interest with your contacts, your help would no doubt be invaluable to us all.
Anyway no sales pitch. Just hope you join in, as we now have 2 great developers on board and are soon to receive 2 devices. OK enough plugging for now.
See you there hopefully.
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Hi mackaby, I have been a bit busy, yes, the Athena project interest me a lot, but I am having problems with my paypal.......hopefully i will sort it out soon.You have a nice day and see you around.
wu5262 said:
i don't think what you say is correct. There are lots of area where you can only get 3G instead of HSDPA with T-mobile. I have DOPOD U1000 but I am using T-mobile Sim Card. It's clear to me that most of the time in London, i will get H display on my phone, but once I moved out to other place, I start seeing 3G signal only. And yes there is a speed difference. And I have also run tests on the HSDPA speed, on average i am getting 1000k (1M), the top speed i ever got is 1200(1.2M).
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The info comes straight from several sources at T-mobile - all their 3G coverage is also HSDPA. However, I have an Ameo, which only ever shows 3G.
apd said:
The info comes straight from several sources at T-mobile - all their 3G coverage is also HSDPA. However, I have an Ameo, which only ever shows 3G.
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I have heard this before but am not certain it's true, can anyone else confirm or deny?
Confucious said:
I have heard this before but am not certain it's true, can anyone else confirm or deny?
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that is certainly wrong, i have seen 3G and HSDPA separately in different location. The speed difference is huge. BTW, you shouldn't listen to mobile operator, most of the time they don't know what are they talking about. Guess what, some of them don't even know there is a 3.5G (HSDPA). (I mention this to them, and they ask me to google it !)

Sprint Mogul beat my Hermes in Speed Tests!!!

what has sprint done to their radio (used to be sprint treo guy)..
my friend sat side by side with me and 5 out of 5, his new Mogul beat my Hermes in data speed tests.
And... He had 3 results over 1000kbs/sec one being 1200+!!!
'Broadband Evdo' indeed!
It has an EVDO Rev.A modem in it. The old Treo is just regular EVDO.
Right..... but was surprised at THOSE speeds!
I thought rev a is not enabled yet for the mogul.
I get speeds over 1000+ all the time with my 8525.
Rev. A is not out there yet...however the mogul is the first rev a capable sprint device
These speed tests won't really tell you anything useful. Just an FYI.
There are dozens of reasons that any device on any carrier could get a faster download speed than a Hermes at a given moment other than the download speed to the device itself. Unless you've done some traceroutes to the speed test website you have absolutely no idea where the difference occurred.
Also, I'm guessing that only maybe 5% of the users of any brand of PocketPC need anything over about 500Kbps. Most of you probably don't even get that much at home for your computers. I get 8Mbps at home but I know most people are still on DSL-type lines.
There's an area near my town where I get over 1000kb all the time...
ScottC said:
It has an EVDO Rev.A modem in it. The old Treo is just regular EVDO.
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bingo!! sometimes i wish i had one for the net only.

Why is 3G Slow?

Ok I use have a Wing and ive never gotten a data plan because of the price. I finaly broke down and got a G1 cause there was more power under the hood plus anyone could develop on it being open. Well i got a deal on one and the price was decent so I got a data plan bundled with my original plan. Ive never used a data connection before so when I got home I started playing with it. I wasnt all that impresed with the connection speeds, Its almost like its on a crappy dial-up connection. The Youtube app is pretty much useless unless your on wifi it only plays about 2sec's before it buffers for a minute and then plays another 2sec's. Now is this normal? Is this what 3g really is? Am I missing a bigger picture here?. Heres some of the things i have done to try and get some sort of improvement.
Screwed around with APN's.
Tryed it in diffrent areas around the state.
Flashed it with 1.5 which i do believe came with a new radio.
Any input would be greatly appreciated, Im not putting down the phone as a matter of fact i love it, Im just not too fond of this connection technology.
I was dealing with some of the same issues.I installed Adrenaline and my connection seems way better
How is the coverage in you area? I've never had any problems with my 3G on my G1, always between 2 and 3 MBit connection...... Are you sure your carrier supports UMTS/HSDPA? Without those 3G is worth nothing..... Also make sure you are stationary when testing speeds.
Coverage is great ive never lost a 3g connection its just slow as hell and almost is useless to me, My carrier is T-mobile and wether or not it is supported i dont have a clue as to find out if it is.
well my test speed stationary was 38.6 Kbit\s with full bars, Doesnt even come close to your speeds. Any other Ideas?
When you're using your mobile network, does the 3G symbol show in the notification bar? Or does it say E? If it says E and you're getting those speeds then those are about right for the EDGE network. However, if you're connected with the 3G symbol next to the link, then those speeds are too slow. If it says E, make sure you don't have 2G network only checked under settings>wireless>mobile network. If that's not checked, then its likely you just don't have 3G in your area.
nope the notification is always 3G
Meh my edge is 10kb download, I would kill for 3g...
It takes miniutes to load pages and seconds to load google.
RBRat3 said:
Im just not too fond of this connection technology.
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It's not the connection technology - it's either a problem with your phone, or just that your carriers network isn't very good and/or doesn't have the necessary backbone to cope with the amount of traffic generated by its subscribers. Given that T-Mobiles 3G network in the US isn't exactly pervasive, I'd hedge my bets that it is a network issue.
Here in the UK, I live in a very rural area, and I get 2.4mbps on my G1 via T-Mobile UK. Can't really tell the difference between being on WiFi and 3G given the actual processing speed of the device.
Of course, we're very lucky here in the sense that we are a small country (thing of Georgia and Florida combined) with a high population density. This means it is comparatively simple to get blanket 3G coverage (say 95% ish at least in terms of population).
I never really said it was the connection technology, Its just that my first impression with 3g has been unfavorable, Damn I just sold my wing and i didnt even think of trying out the 3G on it to see if anything was better. Ohh and sadly when i do get edge Its great and alot more faster which is odd to say but to face the facts i can watch youtube videos with edge with no problem. Ill probley reflash it with official 1.5 and if i get the same results then is there a way to dumb down the browser to make it almost txt based without any image and uneeded script loading to atleast make browsing the web alittle more likeable.
RBRat3 said:
I never really said it was the connection technology, Its just that my first impression with 3g has been unfavorable, Damn I just sold my wing and i didnt even think of trying out the 3G on it to see if anything was better. Ohh and sadly when i do get edge Its great and alot more faster which is odd to say but to face the facts i can watch youtube videos with edge with no problem.
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Theoretically, EDGE maxes out at 192kbps and "standard" UMTS 3G at 384kbps. With HSDPA, the theoretical maximum is 7.2mbps, but most carriers don't support speeds such as this yet (T-Mobile UK supposedly at 4.5mbps).
So, if you are getting better performance over EDGE than you are over 3G, and assuming that T-Mobile uses the same backhaul network for both 3G and EDGE traffic, it seems more likely to me that you may have a problem device. I'd suggest a trip to a T-Mobile retail location may help, since they should be able to compare your experience with other devices.
Well ill check out some nearby stores and see if they have working display models to try it out and cross refrence them to see if they compare the same. To get alittle off topic here so far i have had one problem with the device I played Retro defense from the market (Game BTW) and i played it for 2 hours straight. After 2 hours of gameplay that phone was hotter than hell which was kinda scarey and It just shut off blinking red on the notification LED so i figured the phone can actually overheat. I can reproduce this over and over only with that game. So if that hasnt happend to anyone then its a possibility that your assumption might be right that my device might have a defect. But its kind of a big crossover between overheating and connection difficulty.

Crazy thought, i know, but how's EDGE speed on the HD2?

can one of the lucky ones nice enough to disable 3G and see how the EDGE speed is?
If i disable 3G H, I will have G.
Don't have E here in Netherlands.
thank you for that
The HD2 is a class 12 EDGE capable of 560kbps...twice as fast as the EDGE speed on diamond/tp/hd/d2/tp2. I was just wondering if someone can test it to see if it gets even around the 400-500kbps range.
lude219 said:
thank you for that
The HD2 is a class 12 EDGE capable of 560kbps...twice as fast as the EDGE speed on diamond/tp/hd/d2/tp2. I was just wondering if someone can test it to see if it gets even around the 400-500kbps range.
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Mine will be arriving tomorrow, i am in the states so I will only have EDGE. I have never benchmarked mobile connectivity so if you will:
1. post a link to the app that does it
2. Post the site i can use
I will post these results tomorrow
mallman said:
Mine will be arriving tomorrow, i am in the states so I will only have EDGE. I have never benchmarked mobile connectivity so if you will:
1. post a link to the app that does it
2. Post the site i can use
I will post these results tomorrow
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congrats mallman!! Use this dslreport link to test your EDGE speed. It's better to run it a few times to get the avg speed
lude219 said:
congrats mallman!! Use this dslreport link to test your EDGE speed. It's better to run it a few times to get the avg speed
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will do, UPS shows it "out for delivery" hopefully that doesn't mean 8 hours haha.
Sweet web site, just for comparison (if anyone cares), here are the numbers I got using a Tilt2 on AT&T in the Seattle area. I did this test using AT&T's stock ROM and Opera 9.5
3G Turned ON : 528kbps / 654kbps / 698kbps --> so average is 626kbps
unfortunately I didn't find a way to turn off 3G so I can't tell what my EDGE speeds would be, if anyone knows a way let me know.
LCyberFox said:
unfortunately I didn't find a way to turn off 3G so I can't tell what my EDGE speeds would be, if anyone knows a way let me know.
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Go into Comm Manager...
LCyberFox said:
unfortunately I didn't find a way to turn off 3G
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I can tell you how to do it on a TP2: maybe the same will work on an HD2? Go onto the Settings screen in TouchFLO/Sense. Hit "Communications", then "Phone" (not the switch, the bit to the left); scroll down to the bottom and hit "Band"; then, in the top section ("Network Type") choose "GSM" rather than "Auto" and hit the "Done" soft button.
LCyberFox said:
Sweet web site, just for comparison (if anyone cares), here are the numbers I got using a Tilt2 on AT&T in the Seattle area. I did this test using AT&T's stock ROM and Opera 9.5
3G Turned ON : 528kbps / 654kbps / 698kbps --> so average is 626kbps
unfortunately I didn't find a way to turn off 3G so I can't tell what my EDGE speeds would be, if anyone knows a way let me know.
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Hi cyberfox, the Tilt2 (or TP2) has a class 10 EDGE capable of up to 236kbps. The HD2 has a class 12 EDGE of up to 560kbps. No need to do your EDGE test because the older qualcomm MSM7xxxx on your tilt2 and my diamond has a max of 236kbps...though real world it's around 100+kbps (i have very good EDGE reception and have done many tests and they range from 90-140kbps).
For that reason, I'm curious as how fast the HD2 EDGE really is, and if it can average above 400kbps...that would be night and day! Hopefully mallman or someone here in the States can verify
I'm insulted! To think I wouldn't know how to do it if the option was actually there in Comm Manager or in the Phone settings!
I guess the stock ATT Rom (I plan on selling this guy soon so I don't want to put a cooked rom in) removes that option. I remember my old Tilt loaded with EnergyROM had a "3G on/off" right in the HTC's communication screen, this one doesn't have it there or in the phone settings (there is no "Band", and you can't even pick the network you want, it just has a "Find Network" button which puts me in ATT's network automatically, no settings).
But anyhow, as lude219 noted the real thing we all (well, at least I) want to know is the EDGE on the HD2 and how it compares with 3G, as he said if the HD2 edge can really reach 500 and averages at 400 then well 400-500 vs 600 isn't that bad at all
I get 230Kbps with the HD2 on at&t and have full bar...i think at&t might not be supporting EDGE class 12
clubtech said:
I get 230Kbps with the HD2 on at&t and have full bar...i think at&t might not be supporting EDGE class 12
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i agree because i got 230 once and upper 190's to 220's other times. Sorry for the delay, had to find time to get to a place wher ei actually had good ervice lol. I really hope they release this on verizon so i can sell it and get one on verizon lol. I am so jealous of my wife's imagio connection stability.
Here is a screen shot I got while inside a building over 1mi (as the crow flies) from the tower and 3 bars displayed on ATT edge. I will have to try it with better signal soon..
thank you clubtech, mallman and mike for the sad confirmation I guess AT&T capped their EDGE...oh well...i guess i'll wait even longer
Tmo US
Can someone post a test for US T-Mobile on Edge connection please

Is t-mobile 2g faster than at&t's?

So I ordered my N1 yesterday, and currently have at&t. wasn't too worried about the whole 3g thing, because I figured one of the smart guys here at xda would figure out a way to make it work. After looking in to it further, I realize the hardware just won't allow that. I would just switch to T-mobile, but they have no 3g coverage anywhere near me yet. this brings me to my question. is it worth switching to tmobiles coverage for faster 2g possibly, or in the hopes that they'll soon expand their network. I don't mind getting out of my contract with at&t, tmobiles rates seem to be a lot better. I'm just wondering if anybody has heard anything on T-mobiles future plans.
I think most anecdotal evidence by most users is that EDGE on TMO is much faster than ATT. Why? Even though the "transport" 2G technology is the same, ATT still suffers from not enough bandwidth at its towers for all the heavy 3G areas due to heavy usage. -- In other words, backhaul contention.
Also, the fact that in places where there is no TMO 3G... EDGE works quite well for the very same reason... Even with towers that only have several T1/DS1's in place instead of T3/DS3's or fiber
In NYC, where I have 3G coverage as well, EDGE tops out at 10-15KB/s
hurrycaine3000 said:
So I ordered my N1 yesterday, and currently have at&t. wasn't too worried about the whole 3g thing, because I figured one of the smart guys here at xda would figure out a way to make it work. After looking in to it further, I realize the hardware just won't allow that. I would just switch to T-mobile, but they have no 3g coverage anywhere near me yet. this brings me to my question. is it worth switching to tmobiles coverage for faster 2g possibly, or in the hopes that they'll soon expand their network. I don't mind getting out of my contract with at&t, tmobiles rates seem to be a lot better. I'm just wondering if anybody has heard anything on T-mobiles future plans.
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I personally have ran on EDGE for awhile on tmobile and have never had a problem with wifi while I am at home/school... however the 3g is nice, though my house seems to have 3g signals
its simple business really, though 1 man cannot make a difference... as the company grows, the service grows... verizon has the best service because it has the most customers... i think the reason tmobile has struggled in the US (as opposed to being the number 1 world wide carrier) is because of the lack of appeal from phones... with more phones rolling out and tmobile always having its doors open to unlocked phones i see the company gaining some momentum and it starts with these new android phones making it big as well as now having the fastest network in the nation...
ive had bad experiences with both verizon (contract issues) and att (terrible customer service), tmobile has yet to steer me wrong (other than not giving me an upgrade for the N1 haha)
with that said, try em out, idk if companies still let you trial their service for a week or so but you could ask?
i honestly cant tel a diff between edge and 3 g lol they both are friggin fast as hell
VoLoDaR1 said:
i honestly cant tel a diff between edge and 3 g lol they both are friggin fast as hell
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It all depends on what you're doing Tweeting and reading tweets... probably not so much
are you crazy? 3G is AT LEAST 10+ times as fast as EDGE.
I know on my touch pro using att 3g over edge. they have 3g where I work, but not at my house. so I always just use wifi at my house, but don't bother at work because the 3g is fast enough. I can definetly tell the difference. granted there is wifi almost everywhere these days, but with my touch pro I have to turn it off and on when I'm using it so my battery half makes through a day. It will be nice if the N1's is more of a automatic thing, if that makes sense. I guess if I knew that t Mobile would actually be implementing 3g in my area at all soon, it would be an easier decision, but I haven't found anything to make me think they'll be adding towers in York, PA any time soon.
Im in Dallas TX and just activated my phone. I was worried because people in some forums where saying phone kept switching to 2g. I just activated my phone and its been on 3 out of 4 bars on 3g last 30-40 minutes...I know this is kind of off topic, but thought it was important do to the nature of all the talk about speed on tmobile.
Ok im scared now, i just looked at the USA map on tmobile and looks to hardly be any 3g coverage! What! Tell me it aint so!
that's what I'm saying, I want 3g on this phone, but it's just not in my area on tmobile. we've established it's pretty much going to be impossible to get att's to work on this phone. It doesn't look like tmobile has 3g anywhere, atleast not hardly. what to do, what to do.
dallastx said:
Im in Dallas TX and just activated my phone. I was worried because people in some forums where saying phone kept switching to 2g. I just activated my phone and its been on 3 out of 4 bars on 3g last 30-40 minutes...I know this is kind of off topic, but thought it was important do to the nature of all the talk about speed on tmobile.
Ok im scared now, i just looked at the USA map on tmobile and looks to hardly be any 3g coverage! What! Tell me it aint so!
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thats called #4 carrier coverage
as for that map, its ancient... the thing has never worked properly and the maps take forever to load yet i wish i could get a decent detailed coverage map for tmobile somewhere...
hurrycaine3000 said:
I know on my touch pro using att 3g over edge. they have 3g where I work, but not at my house. so I always just use wifi at my house, but don't bother at work because the 3g is fast enough. I can definetly tell the difference. granted there is wifi almost everywhere these days, but with my touch pro I have to turn it off and on when I'm using it so my battery half makes through a day. It will be nice if the N1's is more of a automatic thing, if that makes sense. I guess if I knew that t Mobile would actually be implementing 3g in my area at all soon, it would be an easier decision, but I haven't found anything to make me think they'll be adding towers in York, PA any time soon.
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OMG i live in york to lol. ive asked tmobile many times if we'll ever have 3g and they told me december 09 but that never happened. who knows if we'll ever get it. but edge for me on tmobile works good unless u use media functions like youtube and streaming video but its good for web browsing and email
Make sure T-Mobile has EDGE all around your area because I've found that there are many places that don't even have EDGE on T-Mobile and are GRPS only. That being said, I do find that usually T-Mobile EDGE is faster.... The difference is so small that I wouldn't change networks over it though..
I get around 25KB/s or so, which works fine for streaming music and such. This is quite a bit faster than the AT&T users seem to get here.
Yeah you should be happy with what you've got. EDGE isn't amazing but at least with the 900mhz range you've got coverage. I'm not sure about T-mobile US thought but it has to be better than UK. I live in the UK just outside of town with 3 basestations surrounding my house just out of range with 2100 3g and 1800 2g. I can get signal occasionally with my Iphone 3gs, until I touch it...
The coverage is okish but I get Black-spots everywhere; literally, I can walk round the corner away from a basestation and lose signal. I can only use my phone if I'm underneath a basestation and even then the crappy 4.2Mbit/s (It may even be less than that) limited basestations are overloaded. Each user is then further capped at roughly 1.8Mbit/s
That's 3G and above, which I rarely get as I mentioned. When you get 2G you get EDGE. When I get 2G I don't get EDGE, I don't even get 2.5G, I get slower-than-dial-up GPRS which is unusable. None of T-mo UK's basestations are EDGE enabled; with common black-spots and poor 3G reception, this makes for an appalling network. I can't wait to switch to Three UK. Blanket UK 3g coverage with amazing deals: £15/mo rolling contract with 300 mins, unlimited texts, Unlimited (7.2Mbit/s) data. The only problem is they have shockingly bad phones (no problem for me, or so I thought...)
melterx12 said:
are you crazy? 3G is AT LEAST 10+ times as fast as EDGE.
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That pretty well sums up the problem with TMUS users.
They have no f***ing clue.
