mda vario in promiscuous mode - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Is it possible to use the mda vario wifi in promiscuous mode?

As far as I can tell this isn't possible.
I tried to run Airscanner Mobile Sniffer on the Wizard, but can't set it in promiscuous mode.
And if you look at their forum at it is said promiscuous mode isn't possible on a wizard.


Setup WIFI programatically

anybody knows how to setup WIFI (802.11, WLAN) programatically?
Thank's for help,
how to activate WIFI programatically
i just made a tool to activate wifi programatically:
WiFiActivator for QTek 9090 (HTC Blue Angel/MDA3/XDA/etc.)
You can turn on/off Wireless via Programm and via Commandline.
This tool only works with tiacxwln Wireless Ethernet Driver.
It was tested with QTEK9090.
More Wifi-settings can be made inside the registry.

check WLAN mode

is there a program . setting where I can check in which mode I am connected to the WLAN?
I don't know of any application but the way I tested was by setting my router to 'g' mode only so if the Wizard was running in 'b' mode then it wouldn't ahve been able to connect.

For Linksys WCF54G owners (PPC2003/WM5)

Hi everybody.
Custom driver for Linksys WCF54G 802.11b/g CF-card
is located at
It supports promiscuous mode, monitor mode and continuous preamble mode (!!!).
It works with standard system wireless interface and various sniffers.

wlan-problem - switch off IEEE 802.X

Hy folks,
I have a problem with my wlan.
my qtek 9100 finds - without problems - my network. But i can connect to it. My normal pc runs over the encryption wpa/psk without a 802.X-encryption. It runs without problems.
As i tried to activate 802.x, my 9100 could connect to the network, but my normal pc could not connect anymore.
but on my qtek, i could not switch off the button IEEE 802.x when i would like to install the network with wpa/psk
can someone help me to install my wlan working with ppc and pc?
thanx in advance

Sniffing Network Traffic

Does anyone know of the Rhodium supports Promiscuous mode or Monitor Mode on its Wi-Fi?
Does anyone know which chipset the Rhodium uses for its Wi-Fi? I assume some drivers would be needed for Promiscuous mode?
I would be using a program called Handy Sniffer, version 2.07, which is a packet sniffer for Windows Mobile which supports Promiscuous mode IF the hardware does.
This would be great for testing environments which involve sniffing traffic. I'm
Does anyone have any ideas?

