dialpad skin, caller id, mms - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Yes I did use search. A lot. Got quite late.
The only dialpad skin that's actually working for the Magician... is the xpad,
or is there another one around?
The thing is that I actually found some after lots of searching, just that
they only replace a part of the dialpad and the upper left section is always
messed up, or just that part is fine (when installing wm 5 dialpad skins).
What about that Caller ID program? I didn't see it mentioned too often around here. Does anybody use it? Is there a better program (or can you grab the one of the Tytn e.g.?)
How can I get rid of it? (I wouldn't want to Hardreset...)
One last thing - what cab file sets up the connection settings for O2 Germany MMS?
The folder's there, I can go online sufing via IE, but sending/receifing of MMS isn't possible (yeah, it's already been activated) - any advice?


HTC Caller ID Sucks

Is it only me, or does the inbuilt Caller ID app that HTC provides suck rather large rocks?
My ROM is pretty recent (unlocked 1.12 WWE), and the Caller ID says it is version 1.20 (Build 18567), but I have the following problems with it:
- Very slow to load my 200 contacts
- Very difficult to find a contact. Click one of the short-cut letter combinations at the top, and it seems to go to a random contact
- Type in a letter/combination, and it finds that letter/combination in every contact (ie RE gives me fREd), rather than using that as the first two letters in a name
- Overall very slow and sluggish to respond to anything. It would be quicker to call Directory Enquiries and then type the letters in using my toes
- Unless I start it (and its running in the background), I don't get any of the PhotoID on ringing functionality
- Setting the font size of the incoming call has no effect - the name still comes up in microscopically small font.
Any suggestions? Shall I unmap the contacts button and use the default Microsoft contacts manager (without any of the cool pictures/ringtones functionality), or is there an update or an alternative?
Thanks, guys
I've some issues with it as well.
When I try to change the storage path for photoid files, my CallerID keeps crashing.
Is there a registry location where I can change this? I've tried finding it in the registry but I failed at it
I gave up on the HTC version it really is slow, bug ridden and generally crap.
Try Photo contacts instead, its fast, easy to set-up and doesn't alter contacts when you attach pictures as instead of being attached they are simply referenced by the name you store the contact under.
E.g. If your contact is Joe Bloggs then the contact picture is bloggs,joe and it will display full screen too!!!!!
It's slow and buggy memory hug and has ****ty functionality. Don't install this (ie. by preventing from customization) unless you are planning to use ArcSoft MMS 2.5.
I agree its slow but never found a bug with it (until now with the GPRS problem).
Its the best photo contacts software I have seen for the imate and good for when you're in the car with its full screen id and large display of contacts to dial.
Unless you know of another program which is better?
I did just find this, it's pretty cool, I like the fat-finger only use....
madinga said:
I did just find this, it's pretty cool, I like the fat-finger only use....
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So I thought this was pretty interesting. I installed this software today and overall I really like it until the first time I try to sync and I get the old "Unable to connect..." error message. This is the first time I have gotten this message in over a month since doing the downgrade but it is also the first time since then I have installed a prgram that was some sort of contact/caller ID related software.
I uninstalled this program and it seems the error message has gone away..... wierd
nothing better than this : http://www.pocketx.net/products/photocontactspro_ppc/#photocallerid
Tried every program that is related to photo contact and photo dialing. And I came to one conclusion, they all suck.
There is really no program that doesn't slow your ppc down or give an error of somekind...
Uninstall HTC Caller ID
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Uninstall HTC Caller ID
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
to fut*
I don't know to uninstall it but there is a way not to install it, but you have to do a hard reset. See instructions here http://pocketpcdubai.infopop.cc/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/582600994/m/237102159/r/237102159#237102159
Question for Jarek
Why should you use PhotoContacts if you use ArcSoft MMS 2.5?
I also don't like the PhotoContacts prog but don't want to spoil anything else.
Re: Uninstall HTC Caller ID
futsoulja said:
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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1. delete the IA_CID_Startup shortcut file from the \windows\startup directory
2. delete the IA_CID_Startup from the \windows dir.
I think the Caller ID function of this program is decent, but there is no way to backup/restore your photo/ringtone assignments which really sucks. So after every hard reset you have to do it all over again..... :evil:
After I came to this forum and so tired of the htc caller ID I decided to give a try to photo contact as bruxelles5 suggested, and I have to confess that it did impressed me. It was been working perfectly, photos stored in sd card so after hard reset I don't have to set it up again, full screen image and picture arrangement. Very good *****
PS: I got rid of caller ID with anansky method and got 27 mgs store!
Photo Contacts bug?
Does anyone else have a bug in Photo Contacts Pro like me: I have to pick up the phone useing touchsceen button otherwise (with hardware button) both me and caller(!!!) hear nasty "fragmented" end of ringtone wich rings (ca 1 sec) AFTER pressing the button
It doesn't seem to depend on location of ringtones folder (main memory, storage card)...
BTW, all the ringtones are in wma-format. Should I try another format?
Any thoughts?
PS Sorry for my English
SOLVED: Mort, thank you very much for your MortRing!!!
I have this problem as well with the ring tone blasting into the caller's ears when using the hardware button to answer. Do you mind sharing what you did to solve that?
How can you choose which of the caller ID apps opens when a call comes in?
marsonist said:
I have this problem as well with the ring tone blasting into the caller's ears when using the hardware button to answer. Do you mind sharing what you did to solve that?
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Just try this s/w http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=20711&highlight=mortring
I'm happy with MortRing as I don't need Photo ID on my phone but I like to assign individual ringtones very much
It is unbelievable that HTC ships products with this crap. Even a cheap cellphone has better Caller ID functionality. Not only is the program very slow when editing, you can't backup/restore your ringtone/photo assignments. Caller ID doesn't work 50% of the time, and after a lot of troubleshooting, I have not reached a firm conclusion as to why. The only credible explanation I found was in the XDA-developers forum and it simply seems that unless you have plenty of free resourses the program won't work. And still, I have an upgraded Jam (128 MB).
This is very very sad. I miss the solid performance of my iPaq.

O2 sms plus on jasjar, is it possible?

hi guys,
i have the O2 sms plus working fine on my wizard, but lately i had a problem which prevented me from using my wizard, it has a speaker problem. now i'm using my jasjar and when i wanted to use o2 sms plus on it, it shows a very small font size because of the VGA screen.
i was wondering, is there a version of this app compatible with the vga screen on my jasjar?
i've done some search on the web but no luck in finding any.
thanks in advance for the help guys.
What is sms plus?
Yes it is possible, but as you said the font is small...
I could be way off track here, but is SMS Plus the o2 app that enahnces SMS communications via setting it up similar to a chat type setup. So all your SMSes are logged under the one contact ect. Im sure I read about it in the reviews of the o2 Atom.
In any case, can you send me or post the SMS Plus app
1. I would like to try it
2. I have had success in the past getting around a few customisation things, I might be able to fix this one up for you.
Well I found the app already.
Nice app indeed, but also indeedy about the text.
Resource Hacker can modify the font sizes etc, and can take it out of Hires Awareness mode, however, when resource hacker recompiles the exe file it looses its ability for it to run on the Pocket PC.
So essentially if there is a basic resource hacker for the pocket PC where in business, or perhaps a hex editor might do the trick since it might be less invasive.
Where did you found it?
i don't remember where i got it from, or if it's available in this forum, but anyway here it is.
When I do a reply to a sms I can't see what I'm trying to type. Does anyone else have this problem?
Yes thats the problem we all face. Small fonts and inproportionate dialogues in the application.
Like I said a resource hacker can fix it, so if you know of any WM5 or just PDA resource hackers, let me know and ill get back on it
The small font I didn't find too annoying. It's just not actually being able to reply to any texts because I couldn't tell if I was actually inputting anything. Hopefully the WM5 gods on the board will sort it out. I can't wait for a proper sms chat style app to be working. It's one of the things I miss from my Treo.
fishtastic said:
The small font I didn't find too annoying. It's just not actually being able to reply to any texts because I couldn't tell if I was actually inputting anything. Hopefully the WM5 gods on the board will sort it out. I can't wait for a proper sms chat style app to be working. It's one of the things I miss from my Treo.
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well, this happens because the original app was developed for the wizard which has a 320X240 screen. on the jasjar the screen as you know is bigger with a 640X480 (VGA).
that's why you don't see the text when replying to your sms.
hopfully someone can modify the font size in the app so it will be more compatible with the vga screen, i really like this app and when i got it on my kjam i didn't use the default messaging app at all and this was my default.
please, someone get this to work on the XV6700... the only problem is that it wont recognize the phone as being on!!!! :?: :!:
Anybody get this to work on a 6700?
This now works on the 6700:
Anybody know how to make it the default text messenger? Currently, a new message results in a notification baloon, which, when you click "view" continues to open pocket outlook instead of 02sms plus. You then have to manually run 02sms plus to use it.
so does this app really work like d default SMS chat software on d treo650 & 600 where all incoming & outgoing messages r grouped per name(sender/receiver)?
ive tried it b4 on my htc univ in true/real VGA mode using ozVGA. i had no issues w/ font being too small. its just that d SMS chat grouping didnt work like that in d treos.
did palm/palmOS patent that or is it just hard 2 implement on WM/PPC phones?

Today task list and default green dialer

I've just received a v1605/Hermes 200 from Vodafone and as usual they have managed to remove some of the most useful things from the Hermes.
I have searched high and low for the default green phone dialer skin, the one that allows for video calling, but I cannot find it anywhere. Can someone point me in the right direction so that I can download it?
[EDIT: Found it HTC_TyTN_1.18.255.105_ExtROM contains the default green phone skins for both video and normal phones. I also found the default theme somewhere too (HTC_Default).]
Also, I want to have the task list displayed on the Today screen, but this is not an option on Vodafone (it was there before their customisation CAB's removed it). Does anyone know how I can bring the task list back?
Oh and last but not least, is there a way to get the auto-lock on the Today screen too?
After trying the various reg edit methods that had been shown, I couldn't get any of them to work. The way I eventually got it to work was to hard reset the device and interrupt the Vodafone customisations, then take a copy of the registry and copy the registry to my computer. I then hard-reset the device again and but time alowed the Vodafone customisations, then I added the missing entries back in the registry.
See below if you'd like to see the pre-Vodafone Today/Items:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Owner Info"]^M
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Device Lock"]^M
Problems using a PC-based registry editor to change settings
Please forgive my ignorance here but I'm trying to alter the registry on my Voda compact III (Hermes 200) to show up the task list and key lock etc. When I alter a zero value to a one I am told that "access is denied." I've been using a little free piece of PC software called "Mobile Registry Editor". Is this suitable or should I be going about it in another way?
Also, there seem to be a host of other changes made on this ext-ROM as discussed on other threads so I can't help thinking it might be worth just removing the vodafone one altogether and then simply looking for a patch that allows me to do MMS and video calling without Voda's own Phone app. Any thoughts?
Vodafone MMS settings CAB won't install
I have binned the Vodafone extrom now and am running without it (I've installed the light blue dialer screen). I'm still having problems with MMS and video calling. Does anyone know which one of the three Vodafone CAB files I would need to install to get this working? I tried to install the Vodafone settings file in the hope that this would enable the MMS and video calling. I've now got an MMS inbox but it won't send or receive so I'm wondering if there're just some little bits of information missing. Any ideas?

Too many questions...

...so i put them all in one thread. .
Hello everyone.
Just got a TyTn. Quite a change from my old K800, but im sure i'll adjust.
Ive been reading around here for a few weeks now in antisipation of my TyTn arriving. So know a few things already, like the highly rated 'batti' battery app.
I have a few questions about it though that i cant find definate answers on:
- Is it possible to have custom ringtones for each contact?
- How do i close programs? As at the moment they just seem to minimise, and the only way i can find to actually close them is through the memory app in settings.
- How do i install the today screen app called 'Launcher' its not a cab file like the rest of the programs ive installed.
- Is there a today screen plugin i can use to lock the phone when i press it?
- Some of my contacts are listed as 'elliot, fred' rarther than 'fred elliot'. How do i fix that?
- Is it possible to have full screen contact images? Ive got contact images setup for a few of my contacts, but they only ever show up as a tiny icon when opening a txt (havnt tryed incoming calls yet), is there a way to make it so that when i get a txt i get the picture instead of/extra to the standard popup?
- Emoticons. How/can i put them in txt messages? (actually view them, not the pure text equilivent.).
Thanks in advance all.
Any help would be much appricated. .
boomam said:
...so i put them all in one thread. .
Hello everyone.
Just got a TyTn. Quite a change from my old K800, but im sure i'll adjust.
Ive been reading around here for a few weeks now in antisipation of my TyTn arriving. So know a few things already, like the highly rated 'batti' battery app.
I have a few questions about it though that i cant find definate answers on:
- Is it possible to have custom ringtones for each contact? YES
- How do i close programs? As at the moment they just seem to minimise, and the only way i can find to actually close them is through the memory app in settings. 1. Search for X Button Program 2.Get A Custom ROM
- How do i install the today screen app called 'Launcher' its not a cab file like the rest of the programs ive installed. Be More Specific
- Is there a today screen plugin i can use to lock the phone when i press it? Start-Settings-Today Screen-Items Tab, or download 'device lock (before you even ask, use the search function
- Some of my contacts are listed as 'elliot, fred' rarther than 'fred elliot'. How do i fix that? OMFG
- Is it possible to have full screen contact images? Ive got contact images setup for a few of my contacts, but they only ever show up as a tiny icon when opening a txt (havnt tryed incoming calls yet), is there a way to make it so that when i get a txt i get the picture instead of/extra to the standard popup? ok this is getting ridiculous
- Emoticons. How/can i put them in txt messages? (actually view them, not the pure text equilivent.).
Thanks in advance all.
Any help would be much appricated. .
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Ok I tried to help, but geez dude. I think this forum may be a little advanced for you. There are plenty of other websites and forums that can help you with these questions. Before you post any more questions:
1. Read The Windows Mobile Manual
2. Learn how to use the search function
3. Spend a little more time reading
4. Read a little more.
5. Come back and post questions when you ACTUALLY have a phone. THis way you can try to figure things out on the phone before you start asking questions.
Good Luck!
<sighs, then sits on hands to prevent pulling out n00b cannon>
MODS You know what to do, this thread is gonna get HOT
boomam said:
...so i put them all in one thread. .
Hello everyone.
Just got a TyTn. Quite a change from my old K800, but im sure i'll adjust.
Ive been reading around here for a few weeks now in antisipation of my TyTn arriving. So know a few things already, like the highly rated 'batti' battery app.
I have a few questions about it though that i cant find definate answers on:
- Is it possible to have custom ringtones for each contact?
- How do i close programs? As at the moment they just seem to minimise, and the only way i can find to actually close them is through the memory app in settings.
- How do i install the today screen app called 'Launcher' its not a cab file like the rest of the programs ive installed.
- Is there a today screen plugin i can use to lock the phone when i press it?
- Some of my contacts are listed as 'elliot, fred' rarther than 'fred elliot'. How do i fix that?
- Is it possible to have full screen contact images? Ive got contact images setup for a few of my contacts, but they only ever show up as a tiny icon when opening a txt (havnt tryed incoming calls yet), is there a way to make it so that when i get a txt i get the picture instead of/extra to the standard popup?
- Emoticons. How/can i put them in txt messages? (actually view them, not the pure text equilivent.).
Thanks in advance all.
Any help would be much appricated. .
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Have you even read the threads / wiki / use the search button?
peezy said:
Ok I tried to help, but geez dude. I think this forum may be a little advanced for you. There are plenty of other websites and forums that can help you with these questions. Before you post any more questions:
1. Read The Windows Mobile Manual
2. Learn how to use the search function
3. Spend a little more time reading
4. Read a little more.
5. Come back and post questions when you ACTUALLY have a phone. THis way you can try to figure things out on the phone before you start asking questions.
Good Luck!
<sighs, then sits on hands to prevent pulling out n00b cannon>
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This is the best advice for you with your issues....
peezy said:
MODS You know what to do, this thread is gonna get HOT
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locking thread to prevent a full on n00b assault...

Is there any software which can do this?

Basically I am looking for some software which, on receipt of an SMS will initiate an outbound call to a number in the contact list on the phone.
something along the lines of :-
SMS received from 1-555-5555 containing the word CALLBACK and a password.
Phone then dials 1-555-4444 or any specific contact as defined in its config
it doesn't have to use the contact list but must be triggerable remotely.
Target device is a HTC Hermes. and possibly a StarTrk
The program doesn't need to be stealthy, it's to initiate the call with full permission from the owner but without intervention.
Partly it's for my grandfather, if I give him a Startrk then I want to be able to activate a call remotely if I get notified that he has triggered his medicalert system, so I can try to see if he is ok without him having to answer a call.
I googled, and found nothing, I'm hoping someone here can either write an app that can do what I need, or suggest a product that will enable me to do this.
Auto answer is too generic, I want it to be just for myself and not all callers, and the password is because there may be times I just want to send a generic SMS
Sounds like you are talking about an SMS Callback trigger, though I have never heard of a mobile based one.
I always seem to want the impossible or the unwritten maybe it's time one was written?
Crash Override said:
I always seem to want the impossible or the unwritten maybe it's time one was written?
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just unwritten, it's not impossible
pretty easy actually
i'll try to throw some together this week if/when I have the time
try this
Just place it on the phone and edit the config.ini if needed default settings are:
trigger = CALLBACK
password = pass
I tested this on my TyTn2, and it seems to do what you wanted, the program will activate the speaker when calling (can be changed in the config.ini)
this way if your grandfather cannot reach the phone he still be able to talk..
But test it before use, I'm not sure how sensitive the mic of the phone is.
I do like the idea so I'll probably add some more functionality
- auto pickup on call from fixed number
- status
- call/sms log
Let me know what you think.
PS. this was created for a touch screen device not a smart phone...
also I can not be held responsible for damages, phone bills etc.
but that goes without saying ..right
tested by sending an SMS to myself, the program then called my number, but when i tried with a friends phone it didn't work
let me know if it works for you (if you have 2 phones)
also make sure if the number you send it from is in your phonebook or not (could be the issue)
that is the issue, working on it
Issue solved
now I need to figure out how to replace the attachment
I'll add it in a new post
I also believe SKSchema can do this in watch mode. Actually SKSchema can do lots of cool things in watch mode.
new version attached
build a cab, also added apptodate support
is it just me or does it seem to autodial the number that sent the SMS?
one addition would be the facility to set the option that if number X sent the SMS then callback to number Y
example - if I am in the US I will have the number 1-555-1234 but my grandfather is in the UK - +44-555-5555
I run a voip line with a UK DID number such as +44-555-6666 so when the SMS is received from 1-555-1234 the return call goes to the +44-555-6666 instead of the US Cellphone (cost reasons lol, UK landline free, international call of any length = US national debt)
Here is a SMS Trigger I built, do not know if that satisfy you.
Check rk-SMSSwitch under my signature.
Crash Override said:
is it just me or does it seem to autodial the number that sent the SMS?
one addition would be the facility to set the option that if number X sent the SMS then callback to number Y
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yes you are right, don't know how i could have overlooked that
I'll fix this in the next version
any other requests?
Program updated, you should be able to run apptodate to get the new version
don't you love just that program
Mr_Gee said:
any other requests?
Program updated, you should be able to run apptodate to get the new version
don't you love just that program
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Will there be a Smartphone version of this app that I could run on my QTek 8500 (StrTrk) ?
timwb said:
Will there be a Smartphone version of this app that I could run on my QTek 8500 (StrTrk) ?
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Sorry, i just noticed this reply
To be honest i wasn't planning on creating one, but i could give it a shot
the biggest problem is i don't have a Smartphone to test it on..
I'm sure you could probably find a few testers in the forums, there's quite a lot of people on here!
I'll obviously be willing to test anything you are able to come up with. I don't know where you are located mr gee but on ebay UK you can buy an old Orange spv c500 (HTC Typhoon)or c600 (HTC Tornado I think) really cheap now. There are also WM6 roms available for these devices on this site somewhere.
timwb said:
I'm sure you could probably find a few testers in the forums, there's quite a lot of people on here!
I'll obviously be willing to test anything you are able to come up with. I don't know where you are located mr gee but on ebay UK you can buy an old Orange spv c500 (HTC Typhoon)or c600 (HTC Tornado I think) really cheap now. There are also WM6 roms available for these devices on this site somewhere.
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I already checked eBay, and there might be some good ones but I don't want to overpay
I'll keep it in mind
Attached is the same program but compiled for a smartphone, I'm not sure if it will work, I remembered I have an emulator for smartphone installed, but I received an error message when running the exe.., I think because the CF.NET wasn't installed..
let me know
I tried it on my QTek 8500. The exe ran but all I got was a window with a blue background and the words "SMS2Call v. 0.03" in black.
No buttons to press or anything, had to use Task Manager to exit it. Which id did without complaint. Thanks for trying, some work may be needed I think
timwb said:
I tried it on my QTek 8500. The exe ran but all I got was a window with a blue background and the words "SMS2Call v. 0.03" in black.
No buttons to press or anything, had to use Task Manager to exit it. Which id did without complaint. Thanks for trying, some work may be needed I think
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Currently that is the program
Could you try to edit the ini file?
in case you have 2 phones, add the number from the 2nd phone in the file
save and run the program
send an sms from the 2nd phone with the passcode mentioned in the ini file
your 1st phone should call this number after the SMS receipt
I know the program doesn't look like much but i might fix this in the future
when i do i'll also look at the exit button.
the reason i didn't was because the application was for an older person,
this person could be playing around with the phone accidentally closing the program ...
I looked in the .ini file and then tried sending a text to the phone containing the words CALLBACK PASS. I tried this with/without a space, up and lower case, with the program in the background or on screen but it didn't do anything. Do I have to put a shortcut in the Startup folder or something? Or am I not formatting the text message properly? The sending phone number is in the contacts list if that makes a difference.
Any ideas?
Could you just not set his phone to auto answer ? - that way you can call him any time.
timwb said:
I looked in the .ini file and then tried sending a text to the phone containing the words CALLBACK PASS. I tried this with/without a space, up and lower case, with the program in the background or on screen but it didn't do anything. Do I have to put a shortcut in the Startup folder or something? Or am I not formatting the text message properly? The sending phone number is in the contacts list if that makes a difference.
Any ideas?
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not really, assuming it works maybe it has to do with the formatting,
Callback should be in capitals and pass in lower letters.
when I tested this with my TYTN2 it worked the way it should.
also did you enter the default number ? e.g. the number that will be called?
PauloJ5 said:
Could you just not set his phone to auto answer ? - that way you can call him any time.
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Gee why didn't I think of that...
Seriously have you read the thread?
the topic starter didn't want it this way for several reasons...
Default number and closed flip
I didn't enter a default number because I want it to respond to any number that sends the text. I deleted the DefaultNumber line from the config and it worked, to a point. The phone I'm running it on is a Qtek 8500/HTC StrTrk, which for those who don't know, is a flip phone. My problem is this, if the phone is closed when the text is received the call is made but cut off immediately because the phone is set to hang up calls on closing. Nowhere can I find a setting to stop this from happening, anybody have any ideas?

