Help with O2 SMS Plus - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have installed O2 SMS Plus and the patch. I can send sms successfully , however the replies made by the person only show in my inbox, the don't show in O2 sms plus at all! Does someone have a fix for this? Any help would be great as i'm dying for this program to work!

Are you sure?
You do not need a patch I think, only one cab is doing well. (but O2Plus needs a patch)
Which version of "SMS+" is yours? Try this it works well at least for me :wink:

will this work for my MDA US (tmobile)?

Give it a try. Won't lose anything.

That was the same program that I had before, I have removed it, and re-installed it several times, but to no avail....I can send sms from it perfect...but everyone who replies to me, the sms go straight to the normal inbox and don't even show in the os sms plus program. I have read numerous posts of people who have it running fine, I just don't understand why I can't get the damn program to work right!

don't know if this has any bearing, but....
maybe you have spb pocket plus or a similar app running, and did not include o2smsplus.exe in the exceptions list (only tmail.exe)?

I've noticed that O2 SMS Plus V1.2 (01060606) is the latest version of O2 SMS Plus
Anybody got a change to see what's different? Except from the numbers of course

where can one download 1.2?

The only thing that I have running that I could think would cause a problem would be pocketbreeze, do you tink that disabling this would help?

When you use O2 SMS Plus you have to close your standard Inbox.
Did you do this?
I also use PocketBreeze, and O2 SMS Plus works fine..

Were you able to get SMS Plus to be the default application?

mccune said:
When you use O2 SMS Plus you have to close your standard Inbox.
Did you do this?
I also use PocketBreeze, and O2 SMS Plus works fine..
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My messaging program is not running, is there another way to close my inbox? I just don't have it open, maybe I am not doing something do I go about actually closing my inbox?

You should be able to close it when you go to:
Start -> Settings -> System -> Memory-> Active Programs
But when you don't use a program with Task Manager, like MagicButton, vBar, PocketPlus etc. Then I believe it should close the Inbox without the use of any extra program
I've noticed that you use PocketPlus. You can just tap on the top right. You should be able to see the Inbox in the running programms. Just press the X to close it.
Have you tried the version attached in the second post?

Humm, where to download version 1.2 again? :twisted:

I tried the version in the second post...still same problem ....

1.2 isn't available for download..'s part of the O2 Atom Exec ROM

i see. and whats new in 1.2 compared to 1.1?


SMS Icon still there (after the sending confirmation)

Hi guys,
I have a confirmation after a SMS is sent. Telling me "the sms is sent"
and an enveloppe will show at the top of the XDA2 (the same enveloppe you got when you received an Email)
But the enveloppe Icon won't go?? Unless I do a reset???
If I get an SMS and I read the SMS, then the Icon will go away.
But in this case since this is just a confirmation, and there is no SMS to read. I can't get the icon to leave??
can someone help?
thank you
This happens to me as well from time to time...I think it has to do with if you come out of the Inbox applet a little too soon, or sometimes if you don't click on the envelope icon once it appears.
One of those annoying little things but I don't think it does any harm to your messages or anything. A soft reset always clears it for me.
same here with ruu172104wwe on O2 XDAII, does happen 3-4 times a week, soft reset will wash the taskbar..
same here
Exactly as Anton says (same on XDAI). If you send an SMS message and exit the INBOX too quickly, the "sent" envelope gets stuck.
It's a bug! :roll:
never happent to me but i have heard that people with pocket plus who have not removed the option where it really do close applications insted of just minimizing them having this problem
Thank you
thank you
I was thinking I'm the only one.
Have a nice week-end
My problem is even worst! Sometimes, when I send an sms the small box-icon remains there and if I tap on it,..the beneficiary gets another sms once again!!
I have Spb Poket Plus & Spb Full Screen keyboard installed. Maybe it's due to those software!
iv been getting this with my m1000
and wadda ya kno.... iv got pocket plus running with the "close" option bit....
well if you got pocket plus
and do use the REAL close option
cant you just wait untill the sms is sent before
you close outlook
imho then the real close option is a bit of a problem
because ms never ment programs to be closed that way / at all
Hi there,...I contacted Sbp software and explain the problem,... I disabilited the "really close option" and the problem never appears. ... I close applications manually.
That's all folks
i dont really see it as sbp's problem but more as outlooks problem
if their request to send get messed up because of the sender being killed it's not really sbp's problem it's the way outlook is
of cause one may think it odd that sbp make their closing the default option
For Rudegar
Of course you are right! it's not sbp's problem. I immediately supposed it's an outlook problem. I really hope future versions of outlook would consider this fact. But the important for me was to stop SMS problems. Disallowing "close all" option solved it. And for me (and I think other people having this problem) it's more than acceptable.
sms icon
You need to add tmail.exe to the programs the Plus 2.0 marks as exceptions.
you need to open your inbox,then open Options of Plus 2.0 and add in the exceptions the last program opened(in this case the sms program which you opened...tmail.exe)
that should do it
It seems to be working fine!! many thanks jokz23!!
thank you very much
It seemed working fine,...
After my previous post, I added tmail.exe as exception,... The application didn't close. Good, I sent an sms. the icon didn't froze,...but my girlfriend got -3- sms
I think we only have to renounce "really close" function.

SMS lock

hi, is there an application that I can use so that a password is needed to access my sms folders?
Try 'smart inbox'. Search on the net for link
But it replaces the default/original SMS Inbox and uses its own Inbox.. i just want to stick with the default MS inbox.
You could try this from its called smsorganizer. It has similar features to smart inbox and uses the default inbox. The downside is it doesnt lock the inbox but it does hide any confidential sms you may get :wink:
On a side note does anyone know of any software like this that works with wm5?
deadmetal said:
You could try this from its called smsorganizer. It has similar features to smart inbox and uses the default inbox. The downside is it doesnt lock the inbox but it does hide any confidential sms you may get :wink:
On a side note does anyone know of any software like this that works with wm5?
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smsOrganizer is now avaiable for WM2005!!
deadmetal said:
You could try this from its called smsorganizer. It has similar features to smart inbox and uses the default inbox. The downside is it doesnt lock the inbox but it does hide any confidential sms you may get :wink:
On a side note does anyone know of any software like this that works with wm5?
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smsOrganizer is now avaiable for WM2005!!
does any1 know how this guy makes his program send u a msg telling to the d/l the latest version when you try using the program?
ie i went to start smsorganizer today, and it doesnt start, but comes up with a pop up asking to check the website for the latest version...
how does anevemkovacs get the program to do that ?
does he have access to control the program even though i haven't been online for months...
can i use 4 xdaII
thank you very much
Any one know any soft like this that works for WM06 ?. thanks a lot!
Secure SMS
KriptoSMS™ is easy to use program for preventing unauthorized persons to read your SMS messages as they travel across network, as well as those already stored on your phone.
KriptoSMS™ is program for securing SMS communication, as well as securing ordinary SMS messages by storing them in special password protected inbox.
Numberz said:
does any1 know how this guy makes his program send u a msg telling to the d/l the latest version when you try using the program?
ie i went to start smsorganizer today, and it doesnt start, but comes up with a pop up asking to check the website for the latest version...
how does anevemkovacs get the program to do that ?
does he have access to control the program even though i haven't been online for months...
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jsut backup(via spb backup) and remove all the msgs of 30, 31 and 1st date and reinstall the application.

Flash messenger v1.5 released!

Hello guys,
Know you've been waiting for this and its been a long time as we were busy on working with our new site.
We are proud to release Flash Messenger v1.5 with contacts support. Feel free to comment here or there in our forums.
CartyStudios, Inc.
Flash Messenger v1.5 for POCKET PC
This is a small software for your POCKET PC, that helps you in sending Class0 sms, where the message on delivery, will directly Flash on the recipient’s screen. The message will not get into inbox and hence cannot be saved. However, some devices can save the message.
Whereas in some devices (Recipient’s device) like O2 Atom, Sony Ericson.., the sender’s number is also withheld.
sounds great, but what does the above mean, can i send to any phone or just pocket pc's ...
Not working with WM5 or something is missing. Installed 3 times but no luck
great thing to add contacts working just fine in wm2003 on my magiciam.. the sms can be sent to any sms capable receiver, inly thing is that sms will look a little bit stranger
yeah this does seem a bit pointless considering you wont always know what type of phone the person on the other end will have and how the sms will be recived.
Guys, did you try installing to the default folder? Program files\flash messenger? Still getting the security error?
I've installed it in program files and moved to storage, works really well
is it support Hermes?
Carty said:
Guys, did you try installing to the default folder? Program files\flash messenger? Still getting the security error?
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yep. QTEK 9100 (Wizard) here. WM5.
SecurityException Access Denied.
it's gone?

Threaded SMS client?

Does anyone know of a TXT messaging program that shows the conversation in a THREAD instead of an email?
Usera: Hello
Userb: hey hows it going
usera: i'm fine...
somethign like that.?!
search for the palm messaging ap, or upgrade to wm6.1
Palingro works, but it embedded itself on my PC (you have to install to PC and phone) and wouldn't uninstall, so I got rid of it. I tried a few of the other IM programs for WM, but nothing really works all that great.
I wish Yahoo! would make Yahoo! Messenger for PPC.
SlyDogJeff77 said:
Does anyone know of a TXT messaging program that shows the conversation in a THREAD instead of an email?
Usera: Hello
Userb: hey hows it going
usera: i'm fine...
somethign like that.?!
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search for textman it works
Birdsoft Extreme Text
codyppc or shogunmark threaded sms (don't know the difference, haven't tried either)
Windows Mobile 6.1 has threaded sms built in
Personally I use Palringo, since it has the ability to send texts over the internet. Thank you WiFi
dzelaya18 said:
Palingro works, but it embedded itself on my PC (you have to install to PC and phone) and wouldn't uninstall, so I got rid of it. I tried a few of the other IM programs for WM, but nothing really works all that great.
I wish Yahoo! would make Yahoo! Messenger for PPC.
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They have one.
The only thing I don't like about any of them is they don't replace the txt app that comes in windows..
If you can I think the best option is upgrade to wm6.1..

Help needed on software issues

1) I’m using SPB Pocket Plus, Phone Suite & Diary. Will SPB shell take up more footprint den this combination? (dun wanna have a laggy device).
2) When an email comes in & I tap on the ‘notification’ softkey, I’ll get an error msg – “An error has occurred with shell32.exe”. I’ve sent my TP2 back to HTC for firmware upgrade, but the problem still exists.
3) When a sms comes in, I have to manually go into the sms & go thru it, then it’ll be cleared & not reflect as an “unread sms”. Clicking on the ‘sms notification’ icon on my SPB phone suite, will open up the history of all the sms-es but I still have to go thru it just to clear the unread notice. Is there any short cuts/ registry tweaks to clear the unread notice without having to open up every single unread sms?
4) I cannot copy text inside my sms. I’ve to enable “select text” before I can copy text. Is there any registry tweak I can do to make it permanent? Cos its very troublesome having to enable "select text" each time.
5) I can’t copy text in my msn, any way to go abt it?
6) Does speedbooster work to speed up the switching of the screen & overall speed of applications?
7) I cannot see “tmail.exe” on my task manager, how do I go abt finding it? Read that there's a need to disable tmail.exe before restoring sms using pimbackup to avoid “mass grouping” of my sms-es. Currently it is all grouped by the contact and me, the contact all above and mine all below, its very disrupting.
8) There’s a ‘re-sizing’ tool for Opera which will automtically “re-size the input box to fit the screen. Have tried Opera Form Fixer, but it doesn’t work… Even with the manual method prescribed in the xda link.
Anyone knows of other programs with the same function?
Greatly appreciate everyone's advise to help me with them.
Upz for help needed.
upz. .
Hi Canjoy,
Sorry for not being able to help on any of your questions and responding with a question of my own!
Are you using Pocket Plus with WM6.5 from HTC installed? I ask that question because I'm using a cooked 6.5 ROM on my Blackstone with Pocket Plus. However, all of the File Explorer extensions are broken and I was wondering whether you had that problem on your Rhodium.
SPB won't respond to queries regarding cooked ROMS so it would be helpful to know if the problem exists on a stock HTC ROM.
Thanks for your help.
Cos I'm not on WM6.5, so can't really help you on that too. So sorry.

