Text Messages Being Stored - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I hear that the text messages don't get stored on the phone IF the phone is reset using soft reset (or when crashes and restarted using soft reset).
Is there any workaround?
Can text messages be saved to memory card whenever they are recieved (like the option on a Symbian Smartphone to save the texts to Storage Card)?
Is this a HTC TyTN Firmware issue? OR a Global Windows Mobile Problem?

it depends how you reset - if you softreset using your stylus they indeed do not get stored. If you softreset using the off/on button (basically turning the phone off and then back on) they do get stored!

Thanks for the prompt reply
Is this just the way that the Windows Mobile OS Works ??
Or is it just a HTC TyTN issue ?

it was the same with the wizard so I assume it's the way WM works!

Interesting, on a side note.... does this happen in Windows Mobile OS Smartphone aswell ??

Does this refer to read or unread messages ?
On my v1605, I removed the battery this morning to try and loosen the screen to fix the alignment issues, and when I plugged the battery back in and switched the phone on, all my read text messages where still there.

I guess, by chance, your messages were stored to the memory correctly.
If you close the messaging application when your done, like with the task manager or something, does this store the messages correctly Regardless of crashing/soft reset.

I think the problem occurs only with unread messages. Once they are read they remain in the application regardless of resets (with the exception of a hard reset ).
I think even if you open the messages application without reading the message it might be saved im not sure though.

Seems odd, I hope there is more speculation about this, so we all have a good understanding how this works.


Soft Reset Deleting Text Messages

I brought a JasJar this week, and i am having probelms with pocket outlook, when i recived a text message or email or create one and store it, then soft reset. when i start back up they have all gone.
If i sync with my pc the message are put on the jasjar and when i reset they are still there.... just if they were unread when the were put on the device i read them then soft reset it says they are unread.... so i have 20 emails aday that are all unread so after 3 days i have 60 unread mails even thought i have read them.
I also am having probelms with the calander if i softreset after an reminder has gone off (even hours before) it sets of the reminder again it is like the jasjar is not storing anything todo with pocket outlook at all.
Any help or ideas what to do. I have updated the ROM to the lastest one 130.76 i have hard reset many times and still nothing.... can any one help i have only had the think from expansys 4 days.
I get this as well, it's really irritating
Anybody Else?
Does anybody else have the same problem? if there isn't a fix i will be sending mine back as text message is critical to my job and i need old messages.
Does anybody have a fix for it?
read this
why do you soft reset so often?
hanmin is exactly right, WM5 has a delayed write option because if you would write immediately you would kill the flash memory quickly.
A better way is to switch the device off (which will force a buffer flush) and the to soft reset if you really need to do that every fie minutes.

SMS msgs getting wiped after SOFT reset

Only recently got my T-Mobile branded Vario direct from them brand new and I've noticed that after I perform a soft reset all my messages, regardless of whether they have been read or not, get wiped.
I've checked Deleted Items, Drafts, Inbox, Outbox and Sent Items folders and they are all empty! I can absolutely assure you that I did not delete any of the messages myself.
Thinking that I might of had some conflict with another piece of sofware I had installed I decided to perform a hard reset and get everything set back to T-Mobile factory defaults. After all the Extended-Rom branding stuff got installed I decided to leave the phone exactly as it was, no tweaking of any settings, no installing any extra apps, no active-syncing, no nothing - a fresh factory reset!
Then, I sent another text message to the Vario. It arrived and after I read it and confirmed that it was indeed in the Text Message Inbox folder I quit out of the message app and perform a soft reset. Guess what happened after it restarted? Yep, the text message has miraculously disappeared
Anybody else seen this happen?
Anyone care to comment? Please reply even if your text msgs DON'T get wiped as I'd like to find out whether it's normal or not.
not got a T-mobile ROM, i'm using the O2 one (and now the updated version) and have never lost text messages from a soft reset (only a hard reset)
Sry i cant help further
just started happening to me and i been using the 2.17 rom.. i noticed this yesterday it deleted like 5 msgs but i got my other ones there so i was like WTFD?
I've just had this on a Universal (Orange M5000) with the latest Orange ROMs.
Prior to this, I suddenly had days and days of delivery notifications come flooding in, although this may have been an issue with either Orange or another network provider.
hi for me its not the txt messages but all new files that is created on the sd card gets deleted an all deleted files reappears after a soft reset
m really bugged
if ne 1 knows whats the problem pls help me
Loosing SMs messages.
If you have received a SMS message and soft reset before closing POutlook then I have found that you do loose the message.
By closing, I mean really closing it - not just pucsing the X button.
Likewise if you have deleted a message or moved it then the message(s) come back.
It seems to be that POutlook doesn't commit the changes to it's database until you close the app - or switch accounts.
Charlie Grillo
That certainly seems to be the case with me, I was having trouble syncing with activesync, just dying each time I tried so in the end I hit the soft reset, I'm fairly certain that I still had outlook running at that point.
Actually, thinking about it, there were two batches of sms msgs, and I did end task on outlook after the first, so I can maybe understand that the second lot could be lost, but not the first?
Is there any way of validating the system databases?
The problem that I was having, disappearing SMS msgs, seems to have gone away and everything is still intact now even after multiple soft resets.
In case anyone else gets this strange behaviour, I can indeed confirm that POutlook.exe was indeed closed as I had also double checked the running programs list * to ensure no other processes were open that could conflict.
( * Start -> Settings -> System -> Memory ->Running Programs )
bbut also make sure tmail.exe is closed to.. get memmaid ull be suprised at all whats running.. the best thing to do is to use SmartSKey and make that close ur txt message app completelty!
poutlook.exe tmail.exe and sMSNserver.exe/pMSNserver.exe ...if these are open chances are ur sms/mms may be wiped after a soft-reset i make sure to sync my phone to pc and use jeyo outlook companion b4 a soft-reset

Unread SMS not even there!

Hi, my JASJAM shows an unread SMS when there is no SMS there.
Not sure how to resolve.
I have the Windows Live WM6 cooked ROM installed, what info will i lose if i hard reset?
Any ideas on how to resolve?
Maybe the Message is in the SIM card, not in the phone...
Download and install SIM Message to browse your SIM card storage:
try this WM software "FixUnreadCount.exe" just made for this problem.
thank you a million. worked a treat . . . you made my morning.
I _think_ I've had this problem before, and I believe I solved it by using PIMbackup to backup my messages and then re-import them, chosing the option to clear down messages before impot.
onthemail said:
try this WM software "FixUnreadCount.exe" just made for this problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you so much for posting that file and to whoever made it. Found it using the Google search of the forums. Messaging was showing 1 unread message in my outbox which was really annoying me, but this tool worked a treat!
Import messages from SIM to my phone
I have an imate Jasjam. My SIM card has a few SMS messages that do not show up on my Jasjam. If I put the SIm in another phone, I can read those messages.
Any idea if there is a software that lets me copy text messages from SIm card to teh phone?
fixunreadcount.exe didn't work for me either so here is what I did:
1) Backup using Sprite. Uncheck messages so they aren't included in the backup.
2) Hard reset the device
3) Restore using Sprite
4) Re-setup your email accounts
How to hard reset (from the wiki):
Hard Reset **NB** This cannot be performed while the device is connected/charging!**
* Press and hold both soft keys
* Using a stylus, press and hold the soft reset button at the bottom of the phone
* Keep all three buttons pressed until the keypad lights turn off and then flash
* Release the soft reset button while still pressing the soft keys
* Let go of the two soft keys once the message "This operation will delete all your personal data, to manufacturer default" appears on screen
* Finally, press the green call button to perform the hard reset, or press other key to cancel
will this work on an htc diamond? I have a pesky message that wont clear...
I have a Sprint HTC Diamond and it's constantly showing me 1 unread email, even when there are none. I tried the FixUnreadCount.exe, did a soft reset and it didn't change a thing. It is an annoyance but I guess I can just ignore it. If you find/know of a fix tho.. love to hear it.
Thanks so very much
This worked great on my 8525. Copied the exe to the storage card, ran it and reset. Message cleared.
onthemail said:
try this WM software "FixUnreadCount.exe" just made for this problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
worked like a charm!!
Thanks dude. Worked like a charm on my Tilt2.
If your sms is in threaded mode, you should read this, if not just ignore it:
"I have met this before, the fact is you have an unread sms in some thread , and this unread sms is relatively old. You need to find this sms in a lot of thread. Or you can switch to normal sms mode, in this way it will be easier to find the unread one."
Thanks to You!
This worked GREAT!
Worked perfectly on my Touch Pro running WM6.5 Energy rom.
It was drivin me nuts!
Worked great!! Thanks so much!!
same problem (fixed!)
hi, I'm new here. I've just bought my first PPC running WM 6.5 and I had the same problem, but this tiny program it's huge solving it! It took 3 seconds! Thank you!!!!
Thank You!
onthemail said:
try this WM software "FixUnreadCount.exe" just made for this problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did a soft reset and worked perfect, thank you!
It was driving me insane too. This program saved me from throwing my phone against the wall as hard as I could.

TXT Messages Don't Really Delete

I have found that the more messages I have in my in/out boxes for text messages, the more frequently I have to do a soft reset because WM froze. So, I periodically clear my boxes. However, I reciently got a replacement phone because of a bluetooth issue. Now, with the new phone, I cant get the messages to really delete. I have tried "Clear Text Messages," manually deleting the txts then deleting again from the deleted box, and using the "Empty Deleted Items." Each time the texts disapear, but when I do a soft reset, they return. WTF??
The phone is a stock Verizon VX6800 with no custom ROMs/Radios/etc. The only aftermarket software I have installed yet is ThemeMaster to switch my themes.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Anyone know what's going on with this?
Only thing I have to suggest is before you reset the device, make sure your text message app is shut off. Typically you'll lose new texts and such when you don't, works the same for everything deleted. Or just use the power button to shut it off. I heard it turns off everything for you when you do that.
JReb22 said:
I have found that the more messages I have in my in/out boxes for text messages, the more frequently I have to do a soft reset because WM froze.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think this is a lot of poo myself. What does it matter if a message is setting in a file with no activity.
But yes, as mentioned, try shutting down your messaging in the running programs after you delete them. Then reset it.

Lost SMS messages after soft reset

Tytn on Orange (UK)
using Oranges latest rom release.
The issue is when i perform a Soft reset the device loses recent SMS messages.
sometimes its just the last recieved message, sometimes its all the messages recieved in the last hour or so.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Maybe you left "message" app. open when you reset the device? If you use some software to reset the phone, the software maybe automaticly close the opened applications before the reset for you. But the pin hole doesn't.So use some software instead of the pin hole,or close the opened app. before you reset the device.Just give the chance of saving data to the applications.
Yes, I remember this isssue a while and back and used to have exactly the same problem. I don't have it anymore since using the WM 6.1 ROM's with the threaded SMS or if I use the Palm threaded SMS app.
Thanks, I'll give those things a try, and i'll see if Orange have got round to releasing WM6 for the hermes, I'd quite like WM6, but also quite like the simplicity of orange's "it just works" releases.
