WIFI IP Adres-- Automise change - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I´ve got a question.
Is there a program wich can change my ip adress and default gateway??
I am searching for a program on the wizard wich can be compared with the desktop program www.mobilenetswitch.com
This because at home i have my routers DHCP turned off and at work i need DHCP turned on..
Please help

Kickup for this tread...
Please help..

Change UR home router configuration to match adresses used in UR work. Even with DHCP U can have manual IP as soon as it`s a good one.
There is nice today plugin with IP profiles (U can change profiles manually quite easy) - IP Dashboard.

Thanks for your helpful info.
Im gonna try ip dashboard...
The first solution you give is a no-no because w've got a large home network wich several houses near us also use.... Damn....


Equivalent of lmhosts file on XDA2?

Hi. I am using the SanDisk Wifi on my XDA2 and can get connection on my home LAN. Can ping my desktop PC by IP. Since ActiveSynch client on the XDA look for the partner PC by hostname rather than IP address I am having trouble in connecting for ActiveSync. On the PC I would simply create an entry on the lmhosts file to associate the IP address with the hostname. On XDA is there an equivalent to this capability? Thanks for your help.
Have a look for an application called Pocket Hosts here
Way too cool!!! This looks even better than what I was hoping for. One problem though. The website only has the screenshots. I could not see the download link. Any idea? Thanks
There is a big "Download It" logo below the screenshot
It takes you here
Great Thanks!!! Trust me, the download icon does not show up on my PC. It must be an IE anomaly of sorts... Appreciate your help.
Got it and I can synch now. Only if I change the network card setting to "Connects to Work" from "Connects to Internet". Any idea how I can work around this? Its quite tiring to change this setting everytime I need to Synch. Thanks a lot.

Can I view my IP address on Hermes ?

I cannot seem to find where I can view my dhcp ip address from T-Mobile when browsing WAP? I know you can see it when using the UE as a modem on my PC but really need to see the IP when I am browsing wirelessly on GPRS/WCDMA, any ideas?? (I have the excellent fieldtest_157 app installed but this doesnt seem to display it) Thanks, andypriv1
try myipconfig:
andypriv1 said:
I cannot seem to find where I can view my dhcp ip address from T-Mobile when browsing WAP? I know you can see it when using the UE as a modem on my PC but really need to see the IP when I am browsing wirelessly on GPRS/WCDMA, any ideas?? (I have the excellent fieldtest_157 app installed but this doesnt seem to display it) Thanks, andypriv1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Pretty sure this one will give you info you need. Remember ti change from modem to cellular line.
vxIPConfig - v0.9.6
Many thanks for the speedy response guys! Excellent, will try both apps
If you have SOTi Pocket Controller installed it willl show you. Plus this is one of the best programs for controlling you TyTN from your computer.

email IP when it changes

I didnt know how 2 name this thread, I need an app. for pc that wil check (once a hour)my IP adress on desktop and when it changes it sends email thru outlook for example with new IP. Problem is i use remote desktop on my Universal to connect to home computer (to start some downloads...). but my IP addres changes from time to time. I know thats litle bit of topic, but if anyone knows somethink like described above, thanks
There is a web site that already handles this.
Dynamic DNS
no-ip.com, etc.. just do a search for dynamic dns...
now if i could find a dynamic dns client to run on my PPC.. well one that is free anyway

newbie remote desktop user

hello everyone, im a newbie to remote desktop and want to setup my u1000 to conect to my workstaion via wifi and internet as well. i just recently upgraded my u1000s rom ap3.
i could realy use your help pros..
u guys can also direct me to some link to useful info on settngs..
or any other replacement for remote desktop..
im sorry if thess silly questions doesnt needed a thread...
but i desperatly need the settings, as buy u1000 was one of my main praioriities
pls do help me frnds...
thanx in advance..
im no pro but i have it working here!
First off,to use it over the internet you need to make some adjustments on the pc end unless you have a static ip.
got to somewhere like no-ip.com register and d/l the software so you have a way of naming your dynamic ip.
Then you need to ensure that the allow remote connections is enabled on the pc and that your routers ports are forwarded if they need to be(mine did).
Then you should be able to enter the name of your ip (from no-ip.com) and password to logn from the rdp program on your dopod!
It should be similar over wifi on a LAN but instead of the no-ip name you just enter the computer name and password.
Forgive my terrible explanation of the setup but i can never quite explain myself properly.
Their are loads of tutorials on the net for setting up rdp and other tunnelling software like vnc.
have you tried ... ??
Sorry if this doesn't answer your question. However, I wonder if this might help. Check out www.logmein.com. I use it to connect with my desktop and it's free. You can remote adjust the settings to 640x480 and it works well -- even at 800 x 600. It's free!! (you can pay to upgrade to different features, but I never have.)
You might also look at orb.com. I can't get the video streaming to work well at all, but you can (also) connect with files on your computer and download them to your athena. It's also free.
As far as vpn tunneling, I haven't had much luck getting it to work. There's a company called hotspotvpn. Their service is cheap and works great with a regular laptop. They advertise compatibility with windows mobile, but I could never get it to work. I'd love to know if anyone else was able to do vpn tunneling and how.
Hope this helps somehow.
1.) goto www.whatismyipaddress.com that will tell you what your ip address is
2.) if you have a router you need to find out (follow me) you desktop ip not the ip address that the website gave you but the ip address your router gives you.... (you can find this by going to start --> run --> type in cmd hit ok --> then type this in with no quotes "ipconfig /all" hit enter it should be somthing like or
3.) goto start menu right --> click on my computer --> click on properties --> click on the remote tab --> half way down click the box under remote desktop
4.) goto router and tell it to open port 3390 to your local ip found in part 2
5.) open rdp on pda and type in ip from part 1
irus said:
4.) goto router and tell it to open port 3390 to your local ip found in part 2
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I believe the correct port for RDP is 3389
thanx 2 al of u for ur solutions. i will tryout all the options and let u guys know..
i have edge on my phone and edge at my offce too, i guess this kind of network would be not be bad for rdp work...
PDAMerlin said:
I believe the correct port for RDP is 3389
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
your right, i have two computers i got

[Q] Static and Dynamic IP address switcher??

Ok, I use Static IP addresses at work and most other places i use Dynamic IP's. Is there a program that lets me switch between the two with out having to re-load all my Static info?
This was also a pain when i had my Sprint Mogul (Tytn). and i never really found a solution that didn't require a reset, and it took less time to type everything back in
try WifiProfiles!
here is the Link.
this application allows you to save multiple profiles. for every profile you can set several configurations, like dhcp or not, set or reset a proxy, run an application or switch betwenn unattended mode or not...
just make two profiles, one for your work an a dhcp one..
Awsome, downloaded and installed will play around tomorrow, after battery has better charge
Thanks for the link!!!
